The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The beginning is a liar (13)

He Tiantian feels that the stimulation she received today is a bit big!

I originally thought that I was lucky and could live a lifetime again. Even if it is not the real world, at least it is still in a parallel time and space.

As a result, she actually lives in a novel. She is not yet a heroine or a supporting character, but a small villain….. not even a big villain….

A certain assistant hidden in the depths of He Tiantian’s knowledge of the sea couldn’t help but twitch his mouth: Dear, listening to your tone, it seems that you’re very disappointed that you have not become a big villain!

He Tiantian followed her parents back home with a daze, entered her room, and closed the door on the excuse of doing homework.

“Husband, although Tiantian was so open at school, she still cares about others calling her a liar!”

Tian Zhenzhen really misunderstood, looked at the closed door, took her husband’s hand and said in a low voice.

“…she is still a child!” Who likes to be called a liar?

Especially teenage girls, when they are most sensitive, vulnerable, and have high self-esteem.

He Hongtu sighed quietly.

In fact, he is more mature and older than his daughter, that is, he is a big man, sometimes even he feels very uncomfortable when he is blocked on the road by the children of his clients, pointing his nose to curse “as a liar” or “harmful to people”.

“Husband, we have saved some money over the years, or else—” Let’s change business.

Even if you set up a fruit stand or open a small grocery store.

He Hongtu is not in a hurry to express his opinion, he has already begun to calculate the feasibility of changing his career!

He Tiantian didn’t know that she had lost her senses for a while, so that her parents could make up so much of their brains and she also made the decision to “change career”.

At this moment, she is in a wonderful space.

To be precise, it is not her body, but her soul. Like a dream, she suddenly entered a world of nothingness.

“He Tiantian, welcome to Dianniang Library! I am Dianniang’s assistant.”

A mechanical sound similar to the voice of a robot reverberates in space.

Having her first experience, He Tiantian was not scared this time, but directly asked: “What the fuck is going on? How can I cross this into a novel?”

“‘By the way, you just said that the villain’s fate has been rewritten and the plot of this book is completely unlocked.’ The villain should be referring to me. And what is my original destiny?”

Dianniang’s assistant:…Uh…( π _ π )

“This is a bit troublesome to talk about, but there must be a reason why you can enter the world of fiction.” Dianniang’s assistant began to sell cute.

He Tiantian did not eat this set, “It’s okay, I’m not afraid of trouble, you can explain it to me slowly, I’m not in a hurry!”

Dianniang’s assistant twitched his forehead.

However, it can be seen that the “writer” herself is not a fool.

Thinking about it for a moment, Dianniang’s assistant still explained the situation again.

“You mean, in the original plot, because her parents were all scammers selling health products, she had misconceptions from the third grade. When she was in school, she lied to her classmates, in high school lied to the boys and followed her parents to sell health products after failing the college entrance examination…”

The reason why the villain is called the villain is because they acted improperly and hurt others.

The original owner, He Tiantian, only recognizes the money in her eyes. In order to sell health products, she deceives the poor old people who are terminally ill and deceives the life-saving money they have finally collected.

The old man was defrauded of all his money and he was still scolded by his children.

Life was lost and the children blamed themselves and felt sad. In the end, they all counted on the deceitful He Tiantian.

The shop was smashed and her parents were beaten. He Tiantian was the most unlucky. During the conflict, someone knocked on the back of the head with a stick and she died on the spot!

He Tiantian:…..( – _ – )

Such a destined ending, why is it so bad and ridiculous?

She carefully read the original plot presented to her by Dianniang’s assistant from beginning to end, always feeling that the lines in this novel are childish and casual.

It’s like being written a story casually, regardless of the background of the story, the characters are very scribbled.

There is no specific character description and the basic people are facialized.

Not to mention He Tiantian, a little villain, the heroine Zhou Zixuan of this novel is also pale and hollow.

It is not the kind of person who is full of flesh and blood, fresh and three-dimensional but just a prop with the label “I am the heroine” on the head!

The most important thing is that this book is also an eunuch.

After writing He Tiantian to death, there is nothing below.

He Tiantian seriously suspects that the author of this novel has an antagonism with “He Tiantian”.

The purpose of writing this book is to put He Tiantian to death in the novel.

It’s just that she may have just started to write, with insufficient experience and limited pen ability. She didn’t write how hateful He Tiantian was. She kept saying: He Tiantian is a liar and He Tiantian should die!

He Tiantian:!?!?!

“The author of this novel, is it Zhou Zixuan?”

He Tiantian has such a guess and there is a reason.

Throughout the whole novel, only the names “He Tiantian” and “Zhou Zixuan” overlap with the names of people in reality.

He Tiantian doesn’t think this is a coincidence.

It’s just that she didn’t understand why Zhou Zixuan hated her so much, she didn’t hesitate to write a book specifically, calling her a liar and writing her to death.

This, what a grudge.

Obviously in reality, He Tiantian and Zhou Zixuan do not have much contact at all.

If they insist on saying that there is a contradiction between the two, He Tiantian is also envious and jealous of Zhou Zixuan—

Zhou Zixuan is like someone else’s child.

Good looking, harmonious family, good study, and also write articles, go to magazines and newspapers every now and then to post a short essay, which can be published occasionally.

In the first middle school of their county, Zhou Zixuan has the title of a little beauty writer and has participated in the program recording of the county TV station.

And He Tiantian—

Abandoned by her parents since she was a child, she lives with an aunt who is not well-known and her academic performance is low and she has no stylistic expertise. The classmates Isolate her, the teacher doesn’t like her, just hiding in the corner of the class is a dispensable little transparency.

He Tiantian couldn’t figure out where she had offended Zhou Zixuan and let this famous little beauty writer write a novel to target herself!

Forget it, I don’t want to think about it.

Since it is the world in the book, then she should still have a chance to return to reality.

Everything is waiting for her return and there is no time to investigate carefully!

“The author of this novel is under the pseudonym ‘Beauty Xuanji’, formerly known as Zhou Zixuan!” Dianniang’s assistant answered truthfully.

I guessed it right!!!

He Tiantian nodded secretly and she suddenly asked: “What reward do I have!”

Dianniang’s assistant widened his eyes: “Huh? Reward? You just guessed the author’s name from the novel. It doesn’t matter what matters, why should you be rewarded?”

“No, I mean, you just said that I ‘unlocked the plot’. Didn’t this accomplish a very important task?”

He Tiantian rolled her eyes, she seemed a little bit stupid to have an assistant.

Dianniang Assistant: “You have changed the villain’s destiny and unlocked the plot, which is good for you. You can rewrite a new life without being controlled by a fateful tragedy!”

It is helping He Tiantian, good cut!

He Tiantian, how can she still have a face to be rewarded in turn.

“I did get benefits but it should be valuable to you or to the Dianniang library you represent!”

He Tiantian was raised by a pair of shrewd parents and her brain response was very fast.

Parents compare each other, He Tiantian is definitely better than blue.

Dianniang’s assistant did not speak. Obviously, He Tiantian got it right.

Also, this book is an eunuch. Although it forms a book world, it is not complete. Dianniang Library cannot obtain energy.

That’s why there are “writers” that allow these people to travel to the world in the book, unlock the plot, perfect the story and form a complete world in the book.

Only in this way can we continuously provide energy to the Dianniang Library.

As a “writer”, every time you unlock a plot, even if you complete a task, you deserve a reward!

It’s just that few people can find this in the first time and directly ask for rewards.

He Tiantian is definitely the first one!

            (End of this chapter)


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