The Foreign Object was Me

TFOM | Episode 70

Episode 70

I was utterly shocked by the Duke’s bold purchase of 100 bottles.

A hundred bottles meant 100 talents, the maximum amount any noble could exchange at once.

Sure, I had hoped to use the “Duke’s favor” to make a sale, but…

‘I thought he might buy 20 or 30 bottles at most.’

Never did I imagine he’d spend his entire budget on my product. After all, what would anyone do with 100 bottles of a simple fatigue recovery tonic?

“Amazing! Thank you so much, Duke!”

Before I could fully process what had just happened, Dr. Gordon snapped out of his daze first, laughing delightedly as he poured the talents from the large pouch into the cash box and began filling it with the requested bottles.

Finally, I regained my senses and stammered out,

“Y-You really didn’t have to buy so many…”

“Hmm, it does seem a bit too few. Sorry I couldn’t buy more than 100 bottles.”

“…Excuse me?”

“It’s unfortunate that the exchange limit is 100 gold. It’s such a small amount…”

Did I hear that right?

The Duke genuinely seemed disappointed that he couldn’t buy more of the miracle tonic.

“But… you might want to buy something else…”

I cautiously suggested.

After all, there were other kids around with their own talents, blessed by the goddess, and he might regret spending everything on my tonic.

“Nothing else seems necessary.”

The Duke didn’t even bother looking around, answering decisively.

I turned to Edwin, hoping for some support.

“What would we buy here?”

He answered coolly before I even asked, his tone matching his father’s. The resemblance between the two was almost eerie.

It was at that moment that someone else approached.

“Ah, Duke Kallios. I didn’t expect to see you here.”

It was the elderly lady who had cut the line earlier to receive healing from Diana.

“It’s been a while,” the Duke replied, nodding politely as she approached, leaning on her cane.


Marquis Barelotte, who had been thoroughly humbled by the Duke and Edwin, rushed over to support her, eager to please.



This time, the lady coldly slapped away his hand.

“I can walk just fine on my own, so stop treating me like I’m helpless.”

“O-Oh, I’m sorry…”

The Marquis apologized awkwardly, his face flushed with embarrassment. Then, with a hopeful look, he asked,

“So, how was the healing you received from Diana?”

“Well, it wasn’t much different from before.”

“What? Was there something you weren’t satisfied with…?”

The Marquis’s nervousness was palpable at her lukewarm response.

But even she couldn’t quite explain it—why her condition hadn’t improved much despite receiving Diana’s healing, even after cutting the line.

“More importantly, I didn’t expect you to come, Duke Kallios.”

She chose to ignore the Marquis and turned back to the Duke.

“I heard your younger son was unwell.”

“Yes, but thanks to this young one here, he’s much better now.”

The Duke smoothly introduced me.

“This child…”

“She’s the one I’ve been sponsoring. She’s also a saintess candidate.”

“Ah, yes… I had heard there was another candidate besides Diana…”

It seemed she hadn’t even remembered my existence.

But I wasn’t offended. Instead, I greeted her cheerfully.

“Hello! My name is Belze!”


She glanced at me briefly before turning back to the Duke.

“So, you’re not selling your healing power today?”

“No. It seems she wanted to sell some medicine instead. Would you like to try some?”


The Duke pulled out one of the bottles he’d just bought and handed it to her.

“It’s a miracle tonic, apparently.”

“Hmm, what a charming idea. A miracle tonic sold by a saintess candidate…”

The elderly lady muttered with a tone that made it hard to tell if she was being sarcastic or sincere, as she accepted the bottle the Duke handed her.

“You’re offering this without any cost? I won’t refuse, then.”

That one line revealed her close relationship with the Duke. She tried to open the bottle, but her hands seemed to lack the strength, causing the cap to slip.

Without hesitation, Edwin stepped forward.

“Allow me to open it for you.”

“Oh, Edwin, is that you? You’ve grown so much, and you’re quite the gentleman now, looking after a lady.”

Unlike with the Marquis, she didn’t refuse Edwin’s help this time.


She swiftly downed the potion Edwin had opened for her.

“Hmm… the taste isn’t bad.”

I silently hoped that the effects of the potion would kick in quickly. Judging by her interaction with the Duke, she seemed to be quite influential.

‘Why don’t I remember her from my previous life?’

As I pondered this, the elderly lady’s gaze fell on the small batch of bottles beside the green potion.

“But what are these, child? The color is different.”

Finally, someone had noticed my masterpiece!

‘And of all people, it’s Diana’s big supporter…!’

“Hmm? That’s right. I haven’t seen these before. There are only 10 bottles, Belze?”

The Duke’s interest was piqued as well. Indeed, the liquid in those bottles had a pale pink hue due to the Fairy Herb extract, and there were only 10 bottles available.

The reason I hadn’t started selling them yet was that most of the early arrivals were men.

“Yes! I’ve been saving them to sell exclusively to very, very special ladies!”

“Special ladies…?”

A glint of interest flashed in the elderly lady’s eyes. Despite her age, the desire to be beautiful never fades.

“What is it used for?”

“I even have a sample! Would you like to try it?”

“Hmm… why not.”

She agreed readily, and I quickly pulled out a prepared sample.

Unlike the fatigue recovery tonic, this product came with a sample because its effects took about an hour to become noticeable.

“Could you please tilt your head slightly and close your eyes?”

Despite the cumbersome request, she complied gracefully, leaning forward.

The Duke, Edwin, and the surrounding nobles watched with great interest as I prepared to apply the new product. Even Marquis Barelotte, who had been glancing our way with irritation, was now fixated on the scene.

Under everyone’s watchful eyes, I sprayed the sample onto the elderly lady’s hair.

*Spritz! Spritz!*

The pale pink liquid misted over her neatly styled hair.

“You can open your eyes now!”

She opened her eyes and inhaled deeply.

“Mmm… it smells wonderful. What is it?”

“Hehe! This is a Fairy Herb Hair Mist!”

That’s right.

This was my proud invention, a substitute for the incense that I had desperately sought.

‘Something related to fragrance, made in small quantities, that doesn’t touch the face directly but can have an indirect effect.’

The answer was none other than hair mist!

“Hair… mist?”

The term seemed unfamiliar to her, and she repeated it curiously.

“Fairy Herb?”

But it was the Duke and Edwin who focused more on the mention of Fairy Herb.

“Fairy Herb? I’ve heard of that somewhere.”

“Oh! Isn’t that the legendary herb said to have come from the scales that fairies accidentally shed from their wings?”

Someone among the gathered crowd shouted, causing a stir.

‘I had no idea there was such a legend.’

I wasn’t aware, but it seemed that ‘Fairy Herb’ was indeed a legendary and highly sought-after ingredient.

“That’s correct! Fairy Herb is a rare herb with exceptional effects on whitening, blemish removal, and wrinkle reduction. Ancient records even suggest that using its fragrance can give you skin as smooth as a fairy’s.”

Dr. Gordon, in his element, eagerly added to the explanation.

“D-Does this really contain such an extraordinary ingredient?”

The elderly lady, who had seemed somewhat indifferent before, now looked at me with eager eyes.

“Yes, of course!”

I nodded confidently.

“I even tested it at home with the maids, and the effects started to show after about an hour…!”

“How much is it? I’ll take one right now.”

She didn’t even wait for me to finish my explanation.

“Please come this way!”

I grinned, leading her to the special area behind the booth.

After all, VIPs should be treated with exceptional care!

I handed her a neatly folded piece of paper, whispering conspiratorially.

“This is very exclusive, so only you should know about it…”

“Hmm. Don’t worry, I swear on my name that I’ll keep it secret!”

She began reading the promotional flyer with the price list for the new product.


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