The Foreign Object was Me

TFOM | Episode 41

Episode 41

I let out a breath, as if releasing pent-up air, and asked,

“Why, why…?”


“Why are you doing all this for me…?”


“For me… Just bringing me from the temple is enough!”

I didn’t care if I wasn’t accepted as a member of the Duke’s household.

As long as I could stay by their side, I was content.

‘But why… I can never become a Saintess anyway.’

Because in this novel, the Saintess was Diana.

That was an unchanging law, even in my past life.

So why did he keep giving me false hope and ambition?

‘I promised myself to live without greed and to be kind in this life.’

I bit my lip and said,

“Even if you don’t give me such things, I’m fine. You don’t have to support me. Everything’s okay!”


“I’ll still diligently heal Josh… and do everything I’m told. I’ll try my best not to cause any trouble!”

“Well… maybe you’re fine with it. But like Edwin said, I’m not.”

The Duke responded with a playful smile.

That smile made him look much younger, like a handsome young man rather than his actual age.

Because of that, I found myself staring at him in a daze for a moment.

“If you insist on a reason, it’s because I will continue to support you, and I see potential in you, so our interests align.”


“And giving you such a special guardian now is because I’ve finally understood you.”

Understood me?

His words left me feeling strange.

I looked up at the Duke in a daze, and he erased his smile.

But the warmth in his golden eyes remained.

“Belze, you’re cautious and reserved like Edwin. Sensitive and fearful. Yet, sometimes bold…”


“And I’m not very sensitive. I can’t be called a good guardian, even by flattering words.”

He gave a wry smile, seemingly mocking himself.

“Edwin is destined to soon acquire the status and power to handle incidents like today. But you, Belze…”


“You’ll remain in an ambiguous position until you’re recognized as a Saintess. This means you’ll face many difficult situations ahead.”

I was inwardly surprised at how sharply the Duke understood my situation.

But that wasn’t all.

He had grasped my personality and declared himself as my guardian.

It was all surprising.

Thus, I had to admit it.

‘The Duke sincerely intends to accept me as part of his household.’

He didn’t take me in on a whim.

Nor did he see me as a substitute for Diana.

‘If I had known this earlier, maybe such a tragic event wouldn’t have happened.’

The realization, too late, gnawed at my heart.

While I stood frozen, unable to speak, the Duke continued calmly.

“Even if I declare myself as your guardian, I know I can’t prevent everything that happens when I’m not around, like today.”


“There will be countless incidents you won’t be able to confide in me about in the future.”

“I-I’m sorry.”

I barely managed to squeeze out the words.

I couldn’t promise that such things wouldn’t happen.

Because I was a hated villain.

Even if it was unfair, that was the setting of this novel.

No matter how good I tried to be, there was no guarantee that people like Emma wouldn’t appear, disapproving of me.

‘So, there’s no need for you to treat someone like me so well.’

I looked at the Duke with a gloomy face, but he shook his head firmly.

“I’m not blaming you. If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine. I’ll respect your decision.”


“But, Belze.”

The Duke naturally continued as if accepting my words.

“Never forget that behind you, there is always me, and there is Kallios.”


“This doll is proof of that. Simply put, think of it as my substitute.”

I couldn’t hold back any longer.

At those words, my face crumpled, and my vision blurred with tears.


On the verge of crying, I pouted, and the Duke lifted Teddy-Teddy bear’s arm to gently tap my left cheek.

Avoiding the gauze that Gordon had applied to the scratch from yesterday, he softly poked my cheek with the teddy bear’s plush hand before suddenly hiding his face behind the doll.

Teddy-Teddy bear, in the Duke’s voice, said,

“So please, let no evil enemies easily hurt you, Belze.”

“E-Evil enemies…?”


Teddy-Teddy bear nodded.

“Anyone who hurts you is an enemy. Be it me, or Edwin.”

“You are… you’re not my enemy, Duke!”

I shook my head frantically, almost in a fit.

“Neither is Eddie! Nor Josh, Tara, or Grandpa Gordon…!”

I included Gordon at the last moment, thinking he could be a future business partner.

After listing those precious people, tears of sorrow I had been holding back started to fall.

No matter what, the people of the Duke’s household could never be my enemies.

I could still vividly remember Edwin’s face, who had come to save me and died in my place.

“They’re not evil enemies! So… so please, don’t say that.”


“I’m scared…”

Crying miserably, the Duke sighed softly.

“Oh dear.”

He lowered Teddy-Teddy bear, who had been hiding his face.

Then, to comfort me, he swayed his arms as he walked.

“Alright. We are not enemies. So don’t cry.”


“If not enemies, then what should we be, Belze?”

Seeing that my crying didn’t subside easily, the Duke quickly changed the subject.

It was a tactic often used to handle crying children.


Embarrassingly, I fell for it and pondered while still sobbing.

“How about… servants?”

“Hmm. I have no intention of making a crybaby young lady my servant.”

His words made my face heat up.

I rubbed my face with my sleeve and hurriedly shouted.

“Then… friends!”

“Isn’t the age difference between you and Gordon too big for that? Well, 65 is also 5, so maybe it’s not a bad idea.”

“I don’t want to be friends with Grandpa.”

“Neither do I.”

The Duke agreed promptly.

Before long, we reached the passageway, having crossed the entire secret space.

If I had walked on my own, it would have taken a long time.

The Duke’s long stride made the journey swift.

Because of that, the stairs leading up the passageway didn’t seem so daunting anymore.

Just as he stepped onto the stairs, the Duke pondered aloud.

“Then what remains…”

A pet? A servant? Or perhaps a sword and shield, as the Duke had mentioned?

As I thought about all the things I had received from the Duke’s household and what I could do in return.

“…is family.”

The low voice made my mind go blank, wiping away all the thoughts that had come to me.


I stiffly looked up at the Duke like a robot.

“W-What did you say…?”

The Duke didn’t smile. He didn’t say it was a joke.

Instead, he spoke to me with a very serious face.

“Now that you are also part of our family, you need to consider the family members who would be upset if you got hurt.”

I didn’t want to misinterpret it, but…

His words sounded as if he would be upset if I got hurt.

“So, from now on, try to avoid getting hurt as much as possible.”


The tears I had barely held back started to flow again.

“Duke… Huh, I… I…”

I wanted to say that he didn’t need to do so much, that I could give everything I had in return.

“Oh dear. No more crying.”

But the Duke sternly admonished me.

However, despite his harsh tone, he gently wiped my tear-streaked eyes.

It was incredibly soft and warm.

So much so that I felt like I could bury my face in his hand and cry forever.

“A member of Kallios should never show their tears easily, even in front of family.”



Unable to speak, I just nodded, clutching Teddy-Teddy bear tightly.

The Duke didn’t push me further.

He simply waited for my sobbing to subside, silently wiping away my tears.

In this way, I found a new family.

* * *

After having a good cry in the Duke’s office, the sun had already set by the time I stepped out.

The mansion was quiet, likely because it was dinnertime.

‘Even so, I shouldn’t have cried like a child in front of the Duke.’

Once alone, embarrassment flooded in.

My chest felt strangely warm, so I hugged the fluffy teddy bear I was holding even tighter.

Teddy-Teddy bear had become warm from my body heat during the crying session.

Seeing it reminded me of how the Duke had held me tightly.

‘…I’m part of the family now.’

Despite having cried so much, a laugh escaped me without warning.

“Heehee! I need to go eat dinner quickly!”

With Teddy-Teddy bear in my arms, I walked excitedly.

I soon reached the first-floor lobby.

Just as I was about to ascend the central staircase.


Suddenly, I saw a familiar back disappearing down the hallway used by the servants behind the central staircase.

There was only one person in the mansion with a back that was as dark and round as the night sky, just like the Duke’s.




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