The Female Lead’s Daughter after the Bad Ending

Ch 01


It was the heyday of magic.


Every country was on the lookout for talented wizards, and the strength of their wizards determined the power of the nation.


It was only natural for “Matop,” once a magical research institution, to rise to prominence in modern times.


However, a new breeze seemed to be blowing through Matop.


A visitor arrived, signaling the beginning of change, and opened the doors of Matop.


The wizard guarding the reception desk on the first floor initially didn’t think much of it.


Most likely, they thought it was just another wizard affiliated with Matop.






What appeared was a figure that didn’t quite fit the grandeur of Matop’s doors.


Untamed, unkempt black hair.


A shabby, worn-out coat.


Most strikingly, it was the small stature of the figure that caught the eye.


A girl who could barely be eighteen, with a tiny frame.


The receptionist couldn’t believe what they were seeing and blinked in disbelief.


‘A little kid like that managed to open the door and come in on her own?’ (Receptionist thought)


The Gate of Enlightenment, located on the first floor of the Demon Tower, was impenetrable to all but the most powerful magical beings.


For that tiny girl to have opened the door by herself meant she possessed tremendous magical power, contrary to her appearance.


‘Is that even possible?’


While the receptionist struggled to make sense of it all, the girl approached.


“Hello. My name is Remilien.”


Upon hearing her introduction, the receptionist stuttered in response.


“Uh… Hello. Are your parents here at Matop, by any chance?”


“No. I don’t know anyone at Matop.”


“Then what brings you here…?”


“I’ve come to see the Matop owner.”


The receptionist’s mind was once again thrown into confusion.


“Did you make an appointment?”


“No. But I can wait as long as needed. I just want to have a conversation, even if it’s brief.”


“Matop’s Owner was not someone you could easily meet just because you wanted to.”


Right now, this girl seemed no different from a commoner appearing out of nowhere in the palace, asking to see the king.


‘Where is her family? I should politely ask her to leave.’


While thinking such thoughts, the receptionist couldn’t tear their eyes away from Remilien.


Despite her pleading expression and ordinary face, her emerald green eyes seemed sharp and intelligent.


Her calm and mature attitude didn’t match her young age.


The power to easily open a door that even most adult wizards couldn’t open was a significant factor that couldn’t be ignored.


However, as a professional, the receptionist’s judgment was swift.


‘Matop’s Owner will be coming down to the first floor shortly. If I don’t send this child away before then, I’ll be in trouble.’


After organizing her thoughts, she responded in a business-like manner.


“In that case, please follow the formal procedure to request an audience with Matop’s Owner. The schedule is booked for about a year, so it might be difficult, but you can meet after that.”


Of course, even the process of requesting an audience with Matop’s Owner was generally difficult.


It’s time for the uninvited guest to leave, was the only message conveyed.


Remilien didn’t step back and pleaded, “It will only be a moment. I will wait.”


“Little miss, it seems you haven’t understood the situation yet. As a receptionist and guardian of Matop, I have the authority to forcefully remove you.”




“I don’t know what’s going on, but please return home while I’m still being polite.”


The receptionist gave a stern warning in an attempt to scare her.




When Remilien tried to say something desperately,


There was a commotion from inside the lobby.


“Oh no…!”


The receptionist cursed inwardly.


It seemed Matop’s Owner had arrived on the first floor a bit earlier than expected.


Things were about to get complicated. The receptionist thought she should first send the girl away forcefully.




However, Remilien’s small body swiftly darted across the lobby.


She was even drawing magic circles as she ran.


“Is this a terrorist attack?”


They had become too complacent just because she was a child.


The receptionist quickly pressed the emergency call switch and activated her own magic.


It was a capture spell, snaring the target like a net.


Swiftly, Remilien was wrapped in sticky ropes, skillfully conjured by the receptionist.


As she completed the magic circle just in time, the small girl couldn’t resist the force and stumbled.


The receptionist, who had started to run to restrain Remilien, momentarily froze with her mouth agape.


The black hair of the girl lying on the ground gradually changed color, as if being devoured.


The ordinary, featureless face revealed adorable features.


The magic circle she had just completed wasn’t an attack technique but a spell to revert her disguised appearance back to its original form!


Remilien’s hair, now fully revealed, was a lively shade of greenish blonde.


Emerald blonde.


This mysterious color of hair was not found anywhere on the current continent.


If it did exist…


“What’s all this commotion?”


A sharp, icy voice echoed through the space like a blade of ice.


The owner of the voice was a black-haired young man who had appeared in the lobby.


He was dressed in a mage-like cloak, but his overwhelming presence and solid physique were reminiscent of a warrior.


His glossy black hair, sculpted facial features, and striking appearance captivated everyone’s attention, except for the unsettling aura overshadowing his beauty, caused by his violet eyes.


He was none other than the ruler of Matop, the person Remilien wanted to meet.


The current Lord of Matop, ‘Cage Rell’.


“Apologies, Lord Matop! There was a disturbance caused by an unauthorized intruder!”


The receptionist quickly kneeled and reported, prompting Cage to cast a sharp glance at the girl.


Despite the intimidating gaze, Remilien, even in her fallen state, raised her head stiffly and shouted loudly.


“Lord Matop! My name is Remilien! I’ve come to see you!”


“I am, as you can see, a half-blooded elf! I’m sure it’s worth having a conversation!”


The receptionist inwardly cursed.


From the moment she saw the emerald blonde, she had a hunch.


That she would claim to be a descendant of the ancient race of elves, long believed to have perished.


“It’s ridiculous. It’s probably a scam anyway. Our strict Lord Matop wouldn’t easily believe such nonsense…”


Suddenly, a whistle sounded from behind Cage.


“Wiyoo! Wow, what a brave girl. Right, Lord Matop?”


Cage furrowed his brow at the pink-haired young man.


“Quiet down, Vidian.”


“So, how do you want to deal with this?”


Cage’s sonorous voice silenced the surroundings.


In the tense atmosphere, Lord Matop declared calmly,


“Take her with us. After the meeting, I’ll interrogate her myself.”


“Yes, sir!”


Leaving only that command, Cage immediately walked out of Matop without hesitation. His aides followed suit, busy trailing behind him.


The only one left in the group was the young man called Vidian.


“Well, let’s see. First, we need to untie these ropes.”


He gestured, and the receptionist nodded as she dispelled the magic.


Remilien staggered for a moment but quickly regained her strength and stood up.


Thud, thud.


Vidian approached the girl.


“Well then, shall we go together?”


Remilien looked up at the young man offering his hand to her.


Even though she knew the interrogation by Lord Matop awaited her.




The girl replied firmly, grasping his hand tightly.


Thump, thump.


It was the first step of the girl that would shake Matop in the future.


However, contrary to such a future, Remilien’s wish was rather simple.


‘…I must rescue my mother.’


To ensure that her beloved mother could embrace a bright future.


And to bring down the enemy who had made both her and her mother unhappy.


Thus began the story of Remilien, the girl from the future.



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