The Fake Wants to Leave


This was the first time Eugene had confronted them.


Charlize and her loyal servant, Lena.


For now, Eugene decided to retreat.


He had a feeling that if he stayed there any longer, he’d be dragged around by that servant named Lena.


“That’s all for our conversation. As for the request of the temple to take Tia and your engagement with the Emperor, Charlize, I’ll discuss it with Tia. Tia might want to get married too.”


“Yes, of course. Brother Eugene. Get some rest.”


Charlize finally felt a little relief when that troublesome bastard left the room.


I really don’t have the habit of getting along with the people in this house. 


Lifting her head to her forehead, Charlize let out a tired sigh.


Haa, I’ve completely forgotten about the temple. Thanks to you, I was somehow able to handle the situation, Lena.”


“I was just doing what I had to do as Lady Charlize’s only aide.”


“But you know, this world values the ranks. It’s considered very rude for a mere servant to interrupt or join the conversation of the master, Lena.”


“I know that too. But I need to assist you in following Grace’s plot. Tia is the female protagonist of this game, and an important character who is necessary for the ending. I can’t let the people from the temple take her away in vain.”


“You’re right. It’s better to use His Majesty’s power than let her be taken away to the temple.”


“So, do you agree on continuing the engagement? I think that would be better. If you become the consort of the Emperor of a very large empire, wouldn’t it be easier for Tia to conquer that Emperor?”


“That will be called an affair, Lena.”


“So what? Lady Charlize doesn’t care what the Emperor does anyway.”


“That’s true.”


“How about you get close to the male protagonists while you’re at it?”


“How can I get close to those guys? I can’t do that.”


“If you keep interacting with them, maybe you can get close to them one day? Just as you did in the beginning, you kept interacting with them and started hating them.”


“…Lena, you want me to get screwed, don’t you?”


“No. I’m giving sincere advice.”


Haa, isn’t there no other way? Does it have to be that way?”


“Since you’re talking about another way, how about you ask Tia to openly flirt with the male protagonists? That seems like the easiest way.”


“But I don’t think Tia will actually accept my request.”


“I’m sure she will. Tia loves Lady Charlize so much.”


“I never want to get close to the male protagonists. No, I don’t want to get close to them. I don’t.”


“Then we can only follow the second plan.”


Charlize let out a deep, long sigh.


She couldn’t help but wonder, why there were always big obstacles in her way to a happy life.




Tia had been thinking about Charlize since the morning.


I miss my sister.


Why does she keep pushing me away?


‘I want to get along well with my sister.’


However, the one who appeared in front of Tia, who was drowning in sadness, was none other than Eugene, who had said he would go and talk to Charlize.


“Tia. I couldn’t negotiate with Charlize.”


“My sister is stubborn. Insisting won’t do anything, give up Brother Eugene.”


“Do you want to go to the temple?”


“No. I want to live freely.”


“Then what about marrying His Majesty?”




“Then, I guess I have no choice but to continue Charlize’s engagement with His Majesty.”


“Wait a minute, Sister got engaged? With whom? Why didn’t you tell me?”


“Charlize got engaged to His Majesty. On the day you disappeared.”


“Was it done per Sister’s willingness?”


“I don’t think so.”


“Then annul it right now, Brother.”




“Well, because I said so.”


“Because you said so? Why do you not want her getting engaged?”


“Sister is mine.”


“…Why have you started behaving like Jeremy?”


“I’m not. I want my sister with me. I want her so bad that I’m going crazy. Brother Eugene, can you please stop bothering Sister Charlize?”


“Tia. Charlize was the one who abused you-”


“I forgive my sister. I’m okay with whatever she did to me. Why are you holding grudges then?”


“Because I can’t forgive her.”


“The person involved said she forgives then why are you making a fuss?”


“You weren’t like this before. Calm down, Tia.”


“I have always been like this. I have always been a selfish person who only cares about herself. I’m a terrible person too! I’m not a Saintess who can embrace everything done to me. I’m a living human being. I also have feelings. I’m not an inanimate doll.”


“Tia. Calm down.”


“Brother Eugene, then choose. Are you going to fight me or stop bothering Sister Charlize?”




“Choose. Quickly.”


“Haa, I understand. I’ll stop bothering Charlize. Okay?”


The only person Eugene thought of as his true sister was Tia.


Jeremy had gone crazy for the time being. If Tia went crazy too.


It would definitely be too much for him to handle.


Therefore, he thought it would be better to just listen to Tia’s request.


Yes, Tia is more important.


Eugene carefully hugged Tia and buried his face in her shoulder.


“You’re all I have left now, Tia. So I’ll listen to you.”


Tia quickly stopped being angry at Eugene’s actions, who quickly backed down.


‘Sister, you’ll forgive me if I do this much, right?’


Tia’s clear blue eyes were covered in thick darkness.




It was about a week before Tia’s birthday party.


Charlize received a letter of annulment from Eugene, and ended up breaking off her engagement with Harrison.


Harrison, on the other hand, put pressure on the temple without letting them act. So Tia was saved from going to the temple even after being a Saintess.


With the messy things being unravelled without difficulty, Charlize was in a pleasant mood as she enjoyed her leisure time with Lena.




Knock, knock.


Someone suddenly knocked on Charlize’s door.


Without bothering to think who it could be, Charlize opened the door.


Even if those troublesome male protagonists barged in, Charlize thought it was fine.


“Sister. I came because I have something to tell you. May I come in?”


“Yes. It looks like it’s something important. Come in.”


The door to Charlize’s room had been knocked at least fifty times.


Tia entered Charlize’s room through the open door.


After getting inside, she quietly closed the door and stood proudly in front of Charlize before stating her business simply.


“Sister, let’s go shopping together.”


“Ugh, I don’t want to. It’s dangerous outside. I don’t want to go out.”


“How long are you going to be cooped up in your room? Let’s go on a date.”


Tia almost clung to Charlize’s arm as she pleaded.


However, Charlize wasn’t easy to placate.




“Let’s go.”


“I said no.”


“Sister, let’s go. I broke off your engagement with His Majesty for your sake. And I also didn’t go to the temple.”


“So you didn’t do that because you wanted to?”


“I did it for you. You said I was the most important person to you. I remember everything you said. So let’s go out just once.”


“What does remembering have to do with going out?”


“If you keep ignoring me like this, I won’t listen to you anymore.”


“Are you threatening me?”


“Yeah. I’m threatening you.”


“Then, since you’re forcing me to leave my comfortable room, I have a condition.”


Tia’s eyes sparkled at Charlize’s words.


She seemed ready to agree to anything Charlize said.


“What is it? I’ll do anything.”


“Will you really do anything I say?”




“Then just marry any man around you.”


The ending would have to be cliché, with the female protagonist and the male protagonist getting married, right?


If Tia were to marry just one of the many male protagonists, Grace’s plot would be over.


The game would reach its end.


Because the female protagonist chose one of the male protagonists.


It was that simple.


Of course, marriage wasn’t a simple thing in this world.


However, this was also a world where divorce and remarriage were possible.


It was something she found out later.


Charlize looked at Tia with a proud expression.


However, Tia looked at Charlize in astonishment and was at a loss for words for a moment.




‘Me getting married?’


And just picking any man around me?


Sister, you are so cruel.


“No. I don’t want to get married.”


“Then how about just getting engaged? You can break off the engagement later.”


Even if I make a hundred concessions, getting engaged should break Grace’s scenario, right?


Although Charlize still thought this was somewhat wrong, it couldn’t be helped.


Usually, the ending in reverse harem games and reverse harem novels is marriage.


There are also endings where the male and female protagonists have children.


If she knew what kind of ending Grace wanted, she could have followed it properly. But since she didn’t know, she was a bit hesitant.


“Lena, do you know the kind of ending Grace wanted? Is it enough for the female and male leads to be together?”


Lena, who had been lying next to Charlize, slowly opened her mouth at Charlize’s call.


“I apologize, but I don’t know that either. I am unaware what kind of ending Grace wanted.”


“Really…? So everything I’ve done so far has been for naught?”


“That’s not it. I heard by chance that the story definitely centers around Tia. It’s just I don’t know the ending. Since it’s a cheesy romance story, shouldn’t it have a happy ending?”


Thinking about that, both of them realized that they didn’t know what kind of ending Grace wanted.


‘I must be crazy. I can’t even think of such trivial things before thinking that Tia and the male leads should be together.’


I’m definitely going crazy.


I wondered what I should do about this.


Racking her brain, Lena tried to remember the things she knew about Grace’s scenario.


Then, a memory that happened to come to mind moved through Lena’s head like playing a movie.





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