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  3. TFWL 9

The Fake Wants to Leave

Charlize felt a little relieved at the answer. Rather than desperately hanging on to being loved by them, she suddenly couldn’t help but wonder if there would be people who would shed a tear when Charlize died.

It was a purely intentional question.

“No. Why would I cry for your death?”

The returned answer didn’t break her expectations.

“By the way, Charlize. I think you should hurry up and go to bed. You will have to get up early and be busy grooming yourself for the tea party tomorrow.”

“Brother Eugene, can I ask you one more question?”

Eugene just came to tell her that the guests they invited would attend the tea party tomorrow, but Charlize kept wasting his time.

It’s annoying, but he just had to answer the questions roughly.

“Say it.”

“You don’t have any intention of letting me go, do you?”

“I don’t.”

“That’s all right then. Good night, Brother Eugene. I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s tea party.”

Eugene walked out of her room, lightly ignoring Charlize’s greetings at night.

She was treated inferior than others.

Charlize stared at his back for a moment and closed the door.

Ordinary, Eugene wouldn’t even be this generous and answer Charlize’s questions. On the contrary, he would always be annoyed and irritated at her.

The relationship between them seemed to have eased a little over the past month. From the way he accepted her questions and answered them.

“I’m sick of them. But that doesn’t mean that my livelihood in the real world is good.”

Whether it’s here or running away to reality.

Misfortune was chasing her everywhere.

Charlize lay on the bed. Lying upright, she breathed heavily and exhaled. How would the male protagonists and her brothers react if she does something crazy at tomorrow’s tea party?

She was really curious.

Charlize smiled faintly as she thought of the french knife she had hidden under her pillow – a french knife she had secretly brought from the kitchen.

‘Will they save me?’

Kim Daneun was assimilated with Charlize’s body. She was going crazy with a great deal of depression. She was thinking of screwing the guys who wanted her to leave, but didn’t let her leave.

‘If I do something crazy like this, they’ll definitely let me go. Oh, yes. I’m sure.’

Charlize decided to keep her eyes open for now.

The night was very long and lonely.


Charlize rose early in the morning and began to groom herself at the hands of the maids who came in. She wore a white evening dress that matched her black hair. The hair was pulled upward a little and tied with a ribbon with a light red string.

Originally, she would have yelled at the maids for making her look so colorful, but the soul contained in Charlize’s body was fake. Since it wasn’t real, she didn’t say anything.

And the maids, who were afraid of Charlize, dressed her as beautifully as they could because she was relaxed and behaved.

“It’s done. Lady Charlize.”

Charlize glanced at herself in the mirror of the dressing table and saw the same pair of eyes reflecting back at herself. She waved her hand at the maids through the mirror.

It means she wants them to go out.

The maids understood the meaning of the action and quickly left Charlize’s room.

It would be hard if she got caught.

Left alone, Charlize dragged her dress and headed to the bed. She put her hand behind a cute pillow with lace.

A sharp object was caught in her hand. Charlize slightly raised her right foot on the bed and raised her skirt. Then she tied the previously obtained french knife to the straps of her right thigh.

Knock, knock, knock.

“Charlize, everyone has arrived except you. Come out.”

Jeremy came to pick up Charlize at Eugene’s order. At his urging voice, she quickly put her feet down on the bed and patted her dress to free the wrinkles.

‘This should be enough.’

Charlize was ready to die.


The atmosphere was dark and dull because it was a tea party with only men.

“When will Charlize come?”

Harrison narrowed his brows with his legs crossed in the most arrogant position. Eugene replied that Jeremy went to pick him up, so she would be here soon.

“By the way, I don’t know what Charlize called us for.”

John was reluctant, but he accepted Charlize’s invitation to the tea party for the first time – in fact, out of curiosity. He was also curious about what the hell she was going to do this time.

After Charlize’s attempted suicide, she was rumored to have calmed down a little. That damn girl couldn’t have been so nice. John made a mockery of her inside.

Meanwhile, Eugene, sitting on the left side of the center of the table, looked around with cold eyes.

Men of Tia.

The men that Tia saved.

Crazy guys with a screw missing somewhere in the head.

Eugene tried to correct them so much.

To be honest, he didn’t have a good relationship with them.

He didn’t want to see them obsessed over Tia, but he didn’t want to throw them away either. No, it’s because he couldn’t. It was because the people saved by his lovely youngest sister were precious people who became quite famous on the continent.

Eugene was unable to treat them carelessly for his sister. Even now, the honor of the family was declining because of Charlize.

“It’s the first time having a tea party with only men, right? It’s gross.”

Louis hated the sweet desserts in front of his eyes.

“The same goes for me, Louis.”

Harrison found it funny that Charlize alone united them.

‘What’s she gonna do by inviting us?’

Harrison was busier than everyone else because he was the monarch of the country, but after being humiliated by Charlize last time, he decided he couldn’t just let her pass by, so he attended this tea party.

However, he never imagined that she would invite all the other people who love Tia.

“So Duke Rebecca. What does Charlize want to do at the tea party and invite us?”

Jude, who was quietly tilting the cup, asked Eugene.

“I don’t know what Charlize has been thinking.”

Eugene didn’t have much interest in Charlize.

“She’s your sister, but you sound so uninterested.”

John kicked his tongue at Eugene, who responded as if the mockery was familiar.

“She’s not my real sister, so why do I have to pay attention to her? You should know this, John the Great Wizard.”

“Aren’t you too indifferent to our Charlize?”

Harrison wept at Eugene’s brazen attitude.

“‘Our Charlize’? Harrison, you’re out of your mind, too.”

John didn’t intend to stay here long. At a tea party without Tia, staying in a place where the men who love her would only cause fighting.

Of course, no one was chosen by Tia.

There was a war of nerves between them.

Meanwhile, the sound of shoes was heard, and Charlize, the main character of the tea party, walked with Jeremy.

Charlize smiled coolly when she saw familiar men in the center of the flowery garden.

‘They’re really here.’

She had stopped trying to die because of Eugene. Today, Tia’s men came together, and most of all, Eugene and Jeremy would not look at Charlize because of the men of Tia, so she dared to predict.

“Oh, you’re all here. Thank you all for coming to my tea party.”

Charlize was courteous with a smooth mouth.

“You’re the first one to make me wait, Charlize.”

When Harrison saw Charlize, the place between his eyebrows narrowed as he touched his forehead with his index finger and said coldly. Not only Harrison but also John looked at her with a wry smile.

“Well, waiting like this is refreshing. Don’t you all think so?”

Louis giggled around and said, wondering if this situation was funny, and Jude, who was sitting next to him, declined to speak. Seeing that there was no answer, it seemed that they had implicitly agreed with Louis’ opinion.

A fresh wind swept through Charlize’s body. Her rich, black hair fluttered like dancing in the air, and her half-moon gold eyes were covered with darkness.

No one noticed the appearance of Charlize properly before.

This was because she was the source of resentment and hatred for everyone.

“Charlize, sit in the middle. You’re the main character today.”

Eugene looked at Charlize and ordered him to sit in the center, who nodded and sat in the center.

Jeremy sat across from Eugene.

That’s how a gruesome tea party began.


No one wanted to start a conversation unless Charlize brought it up. Of course, because they weren’t close to each other.

At least, Charlize was the only person they could talk to.

Harrison asked a question to Charlize, who looked briefly into the air with a doll-like face.

“Charlize, I heard you tried to kill yourself. Why did you want to die?”

Harrison’s question drew their attention to her, who were staring blankly ahead.

Charlize was disheartened to receive all the attention of the men.

“I wasn’t trying to kill myself, I was going to sleep because I had severe insomnia. Your Majesty, I’m afraid you’re mistaken.”

“There’s no way I’m mistaken, Charlize. Were you trying to kill yourself because you were afraid that Tia would come back?”

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  1. NightOwl says:

    Thank you for the translation!

    “Unfortunate was chasing her everywhere” for this line it would make more sense to say “Misfortune was chasing her everywhere”

    All These MLs are all so annoying so far, just let our girl leave the house if you hate her so much. Curious to exactly what the Duchess’ Will says

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