The Fake Wants to Leave

John, who sent Charlize, Tia, and Lena back to Duke Rebecca’s mansion with the help of teleportation array, looked a little tired.


“I’m already tired. Can I send Your Majesty later?”


“Tia’s back to her home, so I have to go back, too. John.”


“You Great Devil, use your own magic to go back.”


“Well, it doesn’t matter. I’ll be gone in no time without your boring magic anyway.”


Lua was already feeling annoyed at Charlize’s absence.


He wasn’t a patient person to begin with.


He was just pretending to be gentle in front of Charlize, he is usually cold and cruel.


He was such a person that even other demons would call him evil.


The demons called Lua a madman.


Because he liked to have fights with his own people.


Other demons would be freaked out to see him calmly killing his own kind.


Lua crossed his arms with a very cold face.


He doesn’t like these two filthy men.


“But I have a question. Why are you so interested in Charlize when it’s apparent you hate her?”


“Because Charlize is too evil, that’s all.”


“As His Majesty said, Charlize is not very good-natured…”


“Then why are you two interested in such an evil person like Charlize?”


Lua had observed roughly that Harrison and John showed noticeable interest in Charlize.


Harrison made a brazen face and began to explain.


“First of all, Charlize is Tia’s older sister. Isn’t it natural that I would be interested in her?”


Lua asked back, “Is it just that kind of interest?”


Harrison nodded, and John also agreed that he was only interested in her so that they could find Tia. But that feeling had already died down by now.


There was a reason why Lua suddenly asked them why they showed interest in Charlize.


Before going back to the Duke of Rebecca, Charlize gave Lua a really important task.


Lua. Please ask if His Majesty and John are interested in me or are they just curious.




As I’ve mentioned earlier, to follow the plot of the game, the male characters must be obsessed with Tia, the female protagonist, and love her unconditionally. If my character somehow gets into that scenario and the ending of the scenario goes wrong, I can’t be a God anymore.


After hearing that, Lua had no choice. He had to behave as he used to before he started pretending to be a sweet and kind gentleman to Charlize.


Because it was Charlize’s request.


And he also hoped that Charlize would be a God.


He didn’t like acting like a gentle sheep in front of anyone except Charlize.


Therefore, Lua thought to treat the rest of the world as he used to except Charlize and Tia.


Now I can put this sweet act away.


Lua’s eyes shone fiercely.




Eugene sent Charlize away and ordered some maids to bring Tia and Jeremy to the office.


“What’s wrong with you guys? Tia, do you want to cover for Charlize after being bullied by her for so long? You too, Jeremy.”


Tia hardened her face a little at Eugene’s nagging, but she didn’t say anything against him.


Because Tia wanted to keep her secret love for Charlize still a secret from her brothers.


That’s why she stayed quiet.


“Why don’t you kick Charlize out if you don’t like her, Brother Eugene?”


“You want me to kick out the adopted child that Mother cherished now? Do you think it makes sense, Jeremy?”


“I thought Charlize might want it, too.”


“I don’t, I don’t think it would be good to kick Sister away.”


Tia needed the status of a family to see Charlize around more often.


Of course, she knew it wouldn’t be appreciated because they are a family.


Still, she wanted to see Charlize as long as she could live.


Eugene, unaware of Tia’s mind, simply agreed with her.


“I agree with Tia. Kicking her out of the family would be going too far. I’m thinking about sending her somewhere she could take care of herself. What do you all think?”


Tia and Jeremy both replied in negative.


A headache formed in Eugene’s mind. Now he wasn’t worried about Tia but Charlize.


‘I think I should be worried about Tia, but Charlize is a bigger concern. Damn it.’


Eugene, the Duke of Rebecca, wanted to kick out Charlize Rebecca, a member of the Rebecca household out of the family. But he could not let Charlize go anywhere at will, as the other members refused.


His own siblings are against him.


Just thinking about it was horrible.


Charlize alone was enough to stress him to death.


Eugene kicked Tia and Jeremy out of the office with the excuse that he would figure something out.


Left alone, Eugene let out a long sigh and plopped into a chair.


“You are doomed, Charlize. You’re about to destroy my family.”


Eugene’s eyes spread vertically.


His eyes were full of venom.




Charlize and Lena were thinking hard about what to do in the future.


Then a knock was heard.


Someone knocked in Charlize’s room.


Charlize opened the door thinking that it would be the female protagonist, Tia.


However, it wasn’t Tia who knocked on the door but Jeremy.


Charlize was surprised seeing Jeremy’s face after opening the door.


“Why did you come to my room, Brother Jeremy?”


“I have something to say.”


“I have nothing to hear from you. Please go back now.”


“I heard that you aren’t Charlize.”


Charlize blinked blankly at Jeremy’s out-of-the-blue remarks.


I’m sure I’ve said that to Lua in this room before.




How did he hear that?


Charlize hid her bewilderment and responded usually.


“I used to think that Brother Jeremy was crazy, is that true?”


“I know you did not do Charlize. You just possessed her body. I heard you saying that to that demon cub.”


“Stop talking nonsense and go back.”


“The real Charlize is dead. You’re a fake.”


Charlize’s eyes fluttered at the word ‘fake’.


Standing proudly in front of Jeremy, she smiled wryly.


“What does Brother Jeremy’s have to do with me being real or fake?”


Charlize’s golden eyes were apparently alive.


Then Jeremy started talking like a man who lost something.


“Because I regret it.”


“If you regret what you said and did to me, just shut up and behave. That’s what I want.”


Charlize wanted to move according to the game plot.


There was no need for such a variable.


“I’ve been waiting for you to come. I wanted to ask you for forgiveness for my wrongdoings, but I didn’t know what to do.”


“If you want to ask me for forgiveness, can you listen to what I say? Then I will forgive Brother Jeremy’s atrocities.”


Jeremy Rebecca was also an important figure to break Grace’s scenario.


He’s also a male lead.


He’s an important figure.


“Okay. I’ll leave you alone from now on. That’s my choice.”


“All right, then, from now on, do not pay attention to me, but pay attention to Tia. You have to love Tia, okay?”


Charlize gave Jeremy a direct order, judging that it was better to explain directly than to explain roughly.


Tia, love the female character in this game.


Jeremy and Eugene are brothers, but the truth is, Tia isn’t their biological sister.


Tia was a child adopted by the former Duchess.


But she hid the fact so well that no one in Duke Rebecca’s mansion knew that.


Because she didn’t want two adopted children in the house.


In addition, Tia got along with the brothers like a biological sister with male characters and lived in Duke Rebecca’s mansion as the female protagonist.


But Tia was adopted by the predecessor Duchess when she was very young, so she had no recollection of her childhood.


She probably thinks she’s a real member of the Duke of Rebecca.


“Jeremy, my brother. Tia is also an adoptee like me. You can love her because you two aren’t related by blood. Please love Tia, okay?”


“……Are you telling the truth, Charlize?”


“I always speak the truth. Look, I also caught Tia who ran away.”


“I’m sorry for not believing you. We gave that sincerity away.”


“Now you know you’re wrong, so that’s enough. Please love and care for Tia as I say. Ignore me no matter what I do. That’s what Brother Jeremy has to do if you wish for my forgiveness.”


“…Okay. I’ll love Tia. One way or another.”


“Okay. I’ll see that love, show me what you can do, okay?”


Charlize closed the door with a big smile.


When Jeremy was out of sight, Charlize lowered her lips.


As if she didn’t smile at all.


She turned around and approached Lena who was hiding in the corner.


“Lena, is it okay if I do this?”


“Yes. I don’t think it’s a bad idea to take down your enemies one by one.”


Lena had already expected the situation with Jeremy.


Like Jeremy, Eugene and Tia may also come.


Therefore, she thought of what to say that would fit every situation.


Charlize had a better memory than she thought.


She memorised everything just by seeing it once.


That’s why she picked up everything Lena said very quickly.


In order to still be the only villainess.


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