The Fake Wants to Leave

Charlize stared at the magnificent mansion of the Duke of Rebecca, which she had not seen in quite a while.


‘The house feels strange.’


Tia was surprised when she saw the mansion.


It was because she also felt so strange seeing the house even though she had lived in this mansion for a long time.


Was it this house grand and big from the beginning?


It was only this time that Tia realised that her house was quite spacious and colourful.


“Brothers will be waiting, Tia.”


“Oh, yes.”


Charlize entered the mansion holding Tia’s hand in an urgent tone.


Then she whispered quietly to Lena, who suddenly became calm after entering the estate of Duke of Rebecca.


“Lena, if my brothers see you, they would be surprised. So hide somewhere.”


“Yes, Miss Charlize.”


Lena, who was more tactful than Charlize thought, nodded.


From now on, the plot created by Grace truly begins, so Lena also lost her laugh.


Only by breaking Grace’s scenario could Charlize become a God and protect the balance of good and evil of this world.


Finally, the God Lena has been waiting for a thousand years will be born.


Hoping that day would come soon, Lena stalked Charlize from behind.


“You have to apologise to brothers. All right, Tia?”


“Apology……. What should I say?”


Tia was feeling a bit guilty to show herself in front of her elder brothers for the first time in a long time.


She ran away from home for months without telling them, but then was dragged home by her sister.


What should I tell them?


In Tia’s head, a fierce storm of discussion began about how to apologise to Eugene and Jeremy.


While going up to the third floor where the Duke’s office was, Tia was seen quite nervous, so Charlize advised a few words.


“Tia, just say you missed them. Oh, then say I’m the reason why you ran away from home. Tell them that you ran away because I bullied you so much.”


“How can I speak ill of my sister?”


“Then how did you intend to apologise?”


Tia was at a loss for words when Charlize brazenly asked.


She was worried because she didn’t know what to say.


Still, she didn’t want to speak ill of her sister.


“Tia, brothers already know that I bullied you and that’s why you ran away. Others know that too. So if you’re worried about my reputation and feelings, don’t mind. I’m alright. I don’t get hurt by that.”




“It was all because of me anyway.”


Tia was so depressed that she fell for Ellie’s trick and left Charlize and ran away.


But, after coming back home, she became depressed thinking how to apologise.


Her stomach felt stuffy.


“I’m really fine, so tell brothers like I said. Please.”


Charlize softened her voice in a friendly tone to get Tia to somehow move according to the plot Grace created.


To exit this damn game, Tia had to move according to the plot of the game.


Only then could she leave this damn game that Grace created.


Charlize was determined to play the role of the villainess properly this time.


She was already considered a villainess to the male protagonists.


The only problem there was the female protagonist, Tia.


No one knew or could imagine that she liked Charlize so much. So if there is a variable in the game, that would be the female protagonist, Tia.


‘Tia can break the plot if she follows my instructions well. And I can become a god and enjoy my freedom.’


A smile bloomed on Charlize’s face.


If she could break this dog-like game, she could have a real exit. If the story goes as it was originally, she could go back to reality.


Therefore, Charlize began to coax Tia, her ticket to ‘exit’.


“Tia. You ran away because of my bullying. Do you understand?”


Charlize once again emphasised the reason for Tia running away.


Tia began to wring her hands together in perplexity.


She doesn’t want to insult her beloved sister.


However, the sister she loved is trying hard to badmouth about herself.


“…I’ll do as you say. But grant me a wish instead.”


So Tia decided to get a wish coupon from Charlize instead of using her brain to gain Charlize’s favour.


“It’s just a wish, I’ll grant it. What is it?”


“Tell me you love me every morning.”


At the end of Tia’s words, Charlize hardened her face.


“That’s a little too much. What if brothers misunderstand?”


Yeah, it’s a big deal if the male protagonists misunderstand.


It was clear that the original work would not even begin if that were to happen.


Charlize shook her head gently and said “I can’t grant this wish.”


Then another wish burst out of Tia’s mouth.


“Then tell me you love me every night.”


“Tia, that’s a little–”


“Or when we’re alone, quietly confess that you love me. Can’t you do this, too?”


Tia begged with an innocent face and sparkling beautiful blue eyes.


If Charlize didn’t agree, there’s no way Tia would do as she said.


Charlize sighed at Tia’s shrewdness.


Was the original female protagonist like this from the beginning?


She thought she was just a common tactless female protagonist.


‘I was wrong.’


Charlize didn’t know she was so stubborn and smart.


In the end, Charlize nodded with her teeth clenched.


“Okay. Only when we’re alone.”


“Yes. That’s all I want. Then I’ll do as you said.”


Thus, Charles was able to move Tia according to the original story through a deal with Tia.


Before they knew it, they could see the office.


Charlize twisted her usual face.


That’s how she would look like a villainess to the male protagonists.


Knock, knock, knock.


“Brother Eugene, I’m Tia. I’m back.”


Tia knocked on the door of the office on her own without Charlize’s request.


And she announced her presence.




The door of the office opened in a hurry.


Soon Eugene and Jeremy appeared from behind the door with incredulous eyes, looking for Charlize, not Tia.


Did she also come back with Tia?


How did she find Tia whom they couldn’t find?


Charlize saw the unwelcoming eyes of the two brothers, and erased the tangled feelings inside.


‘From now on, I’m Charlize. The only villainess in the game. Charlize.’


Everything has started.


Charlize deliberately pushed Tia on the back.


“Look, brothers. I told you I’d come back with Tia, right?”


Eugene’s nerves were scratched by Charlize with her signature dry voice.


“I don’t want to know how you found her. Instead, I need to know why she ran away.”


As expected, she knew he’d ask that first.


Charlize was pleased with the well-flowing original.


Come on, Tia.


It’s your turn now.


Charlize looked at Tia, and urged her to enter the act.


A dark shadow had fallen on Tia’s face like a shade.


Charlize already liked Tia’s performance.


Come on.


Show me your acting.


“I ran away because I was tired of her bullying.”


Tia uttered the line just as she promised Charlize.


Eugene’s eyes became colder as he heard Tia’s reason for running away and said in a slightly trembling tone.


“Charlize, you are so–”


As soon as Eugene was about to scold Charlize at Tia’s answer, Jeremy jumped out of the office and grabbed Charlize’s shoulders and cut off Eugene’s words.


“Charlize! I missed you.”




Charlize looked up at him, wondering why this darn male protagonist suddenly said such useless lines.


Jeremy greeted Charles with a big smile.


Unlike himself.


“Charlize, welcome home.”


Charlize couldn’t understand what was happening.


She was so surprised that she began to yell at Jeremy.


“Brother Jeremy! Have you finally gone crazy? It’s disgusting to see that my brother who didn’t like me welcomed me like this.”


“You can curse all you want. You don’t have to forgive me. Just don’t push me away, okay? I’ll do better than that devil.”


Why did he suddenly change from an overbearing male protagonist to a regretting male protagonist?


Charlize stretched her hand to Tia.


Eugene and Jeremy, who disliked her touching Tia would definitely react.


In a very bad way.


So, she grabbed Tia by the hair with an arrogant expression.




Tia screamed in surprise.


“My brothers, I’m going to treat Tia like this from now on. What would you do now? Are you going to slap me in the face?”


Charlize grabbed Tia by the hair as hard as she could and pulled her back.


Tia’s body moved back on its own.


“Ugh, it hurts. Sister.”


Tia shed tears.


Eugene gritted his teeth at Charlize’s atrocities and grabbed Charlize’s wrist, which was gripping Tia’s hair.


“If you dare to lay your hand on her, I’ll cut off your arm, Charlize.”


Yeah, the atmosphere is bloody again.


This is how it should be like the original.


There should be no protagonists who are obsessed with the villainess.


Charlize felt pain rising in her wrist that Eugene gripped but she tried hard to maintain a vicious expression.


She shouldn’t shed tears here.


She needs to be more tough.


That way, the female protagonist, Tia, will stand out.


“Break it if you can. Or will you put me in another underground prison like last time, Brother Eugene?”


At Charlize’s provocation, Eugene fell for it too easily.


“Do you want to die, Charlize?”





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  1. Fanfic says:

    Is it dropped?

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