The Fake Wants to Leave


The manager of the game, Lena.


And Grace, the originator of the game.


‘I am Grace’s reincarnation.’


The reason why she was brought into this world was to be Charlize’s stand-in.


And the most appropriate person for being the stand-in is.




Charlize summarized her long conversation with Lena.


‘Does that mean I’m also a Dark Sorcerer?’


Grace is the heir of God who made the world. If Charlize is Grace’s reincarnation.


It means she can have the world.


Charlize’s golden eyes glanced at Lena.


“But why do I really have to believe that?”


Lena was a Dark Sorcerer who didn’t have a good relationship with the Great Devil. She could lie to her to deceive her.


However, her story was too detailed to be a lie.


“What you said isn’t a lie, is it?”


“Of course not. I’m not a human being to lie about these things, Charlize. Right, Ahin?”


“Well, Lena isn’t a bad girl.”


Ahin nodded roughly as if he agreed with Lena.


“Then if what you say is true, do I have to go to Hell and save the dead Dark Sorcerers?”


“Yes. I’d appreciate it if you could spare your precious time for me.”


“But I don’t want to live.”


“However, you’re the only one who can coordinate the world.”


“Then everything Ellie said is a lie?”


“Yes. It’s a lie. In fact, we sisters have a different connection where one dies and the other comes back to life. Kind of like, two souls in one body.”


“One body? So you could be Ellie too?”


“Not really, but Sister Ellie and I can share the same memories.”


“That’s why you knew my information well.”


“Well, you can say that. Are your curiosity satisfied now?”


“A bit.”


“Then I hope you don’t mind me taking some of your blood to go to Hell.”


“…wait a minute.”


“Of course. If you want to prepare your mind, do it. I’ll wait.”


“If I go to Hell, can I come back right away?”


“No. It will take a month.”


“Then what should I say to Lua? If I go to Hell, it’s obvious that he’ll try to stop me.”


“Why don’t you just leave without saying anything?”


“What if he goes crazy looking for me?”


“As long as you don’t die, the contract won’t be broken. So he’ll be fine because he can know that you’re alive under contract.”


“What should I say to Tia?”


“How about leaving a note for her just like she did? It will be okay, right?”


Lena suggested with a matter of fact attitude.


“……You also know that Tia ran away leaving only a note?”


“Of course, I told you. I’m the manager of the game. It’s natural to look ahead to the development of the story in the game. But there’s only one problem…….”


“There is?”


“We need to continue the story of the game that Grace created.”


“You never said that.”


Charlize frowned harshly, as if asking, ‘What kind of nonsense is that?’


Lena looked apologetic as if she could not help it.


“You know. I’m the manager of the game. So you have to play the game to make the world go running. In other words, it doesn’t matter if you become a God. Because you are not the main female character of this game.”


“Then what should I do?”


“You should play the role of a magpie bridge*, connecting the female and male main characters.”



[T/N: Magpie bridge (오작교) means a person who helps from the sidelines.]


“You’re the manager, so you can do it.”


“Grace loved the stories of princesses and princes. That’s why she made this game. The holy female protagonist and the men who cling to her.”


“She has a weird hobby.”


“So, inevitably, you have to follow Grace’s rules even if you don’t become a God.”


“Why are you telling me such an important thing now?”


“I forgot.”


“Then I won’t go to Hell.”


“I will respect your opinion. Let’s not go to Hell for now.”


Lena accepted all of Charlize’s wishes.


Such Lena bothered Ahin, who was already frustrated.


“Lena. Are you a fool? Don’t you want to revive your species? That was your ambition.”


“But Charlize doesn’t want to help us now. What can I do? I’m a servant of God’s successor. The command of God’s successor comes before my ambition.”


Charlize was surprised at Lena’s attitude of following her words better than she thought.


She rebelled against me earlier.


“So, my role now is to do the scenario that Grace created perfectly?”


“If you want, you can do that. Or you can go to Hell and save the Dark Sorcerers who died. It’s up to you.”


“Which task do you think would be more convenient for me?”


“Well, I recommend you go to Hell because if you save the Dark Sorcerers, your work pressure will reduce. However, completing the game plot that Grace created perfectly first and going to Hell later works too.”


“What’s the benefit I’ll get if I act according to the scenario Grace created?”


“You will have the authority to move the main characters at will.”




I think it’s a good benefit.


‘I don’t have to run away because I can clean up the main characters who keeps appearing in front of my eyes at will and bother me.’


Now that Charlize thought about it, finishing Grace’s scenario perfectly was more attractive than going to Hell.


“I’d rather complete the game plot.”


“I’ll follow your choice.”


“By the way, why do you have the same appearance as Tia?”


“Oh, it must be because my face is according to Grace’s taste.”


“Then is Tia a character modelled after you?”


“If you think about it that way, then yes.”


“Okay, I’m done with my questioning. What should I do now?”


“What are you talking about?”


“Think of excuses for Tia and Lua. What should I say for them to understand my situation and accept you?”




Charlize, Lena and Lena’s minister, Ahin, the three of them began to think excuses.


While Charlize was spending a leisurely time with Lena, Lua’s side was a mess.








Lua came out of house with Ian and ordered Ian to look for Charlize.


“I can’t see Charlize. Father.”


“Even though you used the Devil’s Eye?”


“Because my demonic power is gradually diminishing, the range of the Devil’s Eye has decreased a lot. I can only see about 100 meters away.”


“Why don’t you rather give me the Devil’s Eye back again?”


“After I completely become a human, I’ll give it to you. I don’t want to give it to Father now.”


“Haa. Okay them, it’s something you stole from me in the first place.”


“Let’s find Charlize’s sister now.”


“I can feel the sacredness of Tia up to here. In that temple.”


“I know. I wonder if we will be able to withstand that much divinity.”


“How can you not withstand that much divinity?”


“Father, I’ve never seen such a great divine power in my life. She has awakened as a Saintess, remember that.”


Lua had nothing to say because Ian had said the right thing.


Tia’s divine power was so powerful that it was said to be the strongest ever.


The evil energy and the divine power were in a contradictory relationship.


The stronger the divine power, the more demons avoide it.


Because the divine power is strong enough to kill a demon.


There was a risk that their existence itself would disappear if they got close to divine power.


So the demons didn’t like sacred places.


They could be around her before she awakened as a Saintess, but after she awakened perfectly as a Saintess, it was a bit hard to be around her.


For Lua and Ian.


Perhaps because of the power of opposite of each other, Lua and Ian had a hard time being around Tia.


Lua, who had to protect Charlize, nevertheless kept his calm.


It was quite hard.


He thought he could handle this.


Tia’s divine power, which was now strongly felt on the side of the temple, was not something they could withstand.


They had to risk their lives to enter the temple.


Lua, the Great Devil, was terrified by the powerful divine power he had never felt before, but he had to go look for Charlize.


“Let’s go, Ian.”


“Are you sure you want to go to the temple?”


“If it’s for Charlize, I’ll go. You also need Charlize to be a human.”


“If I go there, there’s a chance I’ll die before I become a human.”


Ian refused to go to the temple with a strong denial.


Lua didn’t want to drag Ian with him. He thought to go alone from the beginning.


-I miss Lua.


At that moment, Charlize’s voice passed through Lua’s ears.


Thanks to this, he was able to know Charlize’s position approximately.


If he could follow the voice of Charlize, he would know where she is.


“I think I’ve found roughly the location of Charlize.”


“You must have heard the voice of your contractor.”


“Yes. I heard Charlize’s voice.”


“Then let’s go quickly.”


Lua nodded, and moved quickly to where Charlize’s voice was heard.


He looked visibly anxious today.


Anxiety about what happened to Charlize.






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