The Fake Wants to Leave

After their talk with Lena.


Charlize, Lena, and Lua came out of the room and went down to the living room.


But a strange tension hovered around in the living room.


Charlize could see Harrison and John sitting quietly on both sides of Tia, who was sitting calmly on the sofa between them.


It was quiet.


Probably because Tia was quiet.


Charlize did not bother to look at the original male protagonists. Because the only people she needed were Lua and Lena.


No, she didn’t even think about looking at them.


They were the main characters of Grace’s scenario, and they were just NPCs of the game whom she’s going to use to follow the story made by Grace.


Thinking like that, the main characters didn’t feel special.


Tia quickly straightened her stiff face as she saw Charlize approaching her.




A smile bloomed in her face as if a field of flowers in full bloom. However, as soon as her eyes landed on Lena beside Charlize, her expression turned sour immediately.


Her feelings were clearly shown on her face.


“So are we going back home today?”


But Charlize did not notice the change in Tia’s expression.


No, she didn’t bother to look.


She was determined to follow Grace’s scenario properly from then on.


If she began to show affection to Tia, it was highly likely that she would abandon the male characters and come to her.


Charlize had already learned deeply about Tia’s mind.


She knew that Tia’s behaviour wouldn’t help her following the plot Grace created.


It was clear that she would not be able to exclude Charlize and fall in love with the male protagonists.


To make Tia listen, she had to move away from her slowly but surely.


Of course, if Tia runs away again, it wouldn’t be a problem.


Because Lena will find her.


Charlize was not alone anymore.


Lena and Lua would be guarding and assisting her.


Of course, Lua collaborated with Tia, but he was still on Charlize’s side.


Therefore Charlize had to choose.


And she chose Lena over Tia.


It was just this.


How would Tia help her anyway?






Lua still couldn’t believe the Dark Sorcerer Lena.


Dark Sorcerers were the worst kind of people who lie as if having a meal.


Therefore, Lua wondered how Lena convinced Charlize.


God’s successor?


An aide to God?


Does Charlize really believe this story?


Why does she believe it?


Lua was frustrated.


He wanted to strangle the Dark Sorcerer, Lena, to death but Lua had no desire to lose Charlize.


He doesn’t want to be abandoned by Charlize.


The wish weakened Lua’s firm mind.


How did the great devil Lua, who was said to be cold-hearted, end up wanting a human being desperately and becoming so weak?


Other demons would surely laugh or be surprised at the sight of Lua.


He himself was quite surprised inside that he, the Great Devil, Ian’s father, Lua, fell in love with Charlize.


Even though he didn’t show.


Charlize looked around, feeling that the atmosphere was gradually sinking for the worse.


Why don’t they say anything?


‘Do they not want to talk to me?’


She didn’t do anything that she thought was evil this time.


That’s strange.


The tactless Charlize only tilted her head.


She started to get a little frustrated because she didn’t get an answer when she asked Tia.


So she grabbed Tia’s hand again and asked softly.


Maybe it’s because she asked a little sharply.


“Tia, are we going back home today?”


This question contained one meaning.


The implication is to go home as soon as possible.


Tia, who had already noticed, smiled awkwardly and nodded her head.


“Yes. We have to go back home. Brothers will be waiting for us.”


‘No, they’re waiting for you, not me. You are the most precious female protagonist of this world.’


Charlize’s heart thumped as she thought about the story created by Grace which was about to begin.


She was nervous.


It was the first time she felt nervous after possessing Charlize.


Her heart beat so fast that she felt her head was ringing.




Tia felt the sweat rising in Charlize’s scrawny hands which were holding her hand.


She was nervous.


Her nervousness was unfamiliar to her.


That’s because she knew that Charlize didn’t have a habit of getting nervous.


Furthermore, it was rumoured that she was the only aristocrat who dared to slap Harrison, the Emperor of the empire.


Like the rumour, she truly was someone who is capable of hitting the Emperor’s cheek without hesitation.


But why is she so nervous now?


From Tia’s point of view, Charlize’s reaction was incomprehensible.


‘Is Sister nervous about going back home?’


Probably because she thought the brothers would act up their minds.


They may bother her again.


…However, that’s nothing to be nervous of.


Tia concentrated on Charlize’s sweaty hands with glistening blue eyes full of questions.


‘If that’s not the case, then….. don’t tell me. Is it because she’s feeling what I feel…?’


Tia was foolish enough to take Charlize’s nervousness another way.


On the road of never return.


‘I confessed to Sister that I like her. Now Sister is aware of my feelings. That’s why she’s so nervous.’


None of Tia’s ideas were right.


She was the one who was excited while drinking kimchi soup* alone.


[T/N: Kimichi soup (김칫국을), a Korean slang which means: one should wait until something they’re looking forward to actually happens’. In simpler terms, counting your chickens before they are hatched.]


Tia made an understanding face as if she understood Charlize’s mind and suddenly felt better.




“Sister, let’s go home quickly. Let’s go and make pleasant memories.”


“Yes. I’d love to.”


As long as it’s about you making good memories with the male protagonists…


Charlize and Tia were talking with completely different thoughts.


Charlize breathed a sigh of relief inwardly as she gazed at Tia, who was not as obsessed with her as she thought.


Yeah, let’s keep going with this momentum.


‘Tia should not obsess over me and love me, but love the male protagonists who cherish her. That way I can be a God. Tia, please do as I tell you.’


Charlize prayed and prayed in her heart before returning to the Duke of Rebecca.


May Tia understand me.


“Are you going to bring Lena, too?”


“Yes. She’s my loyal servant. I won’t throw away the talent that I once accepted.”


That was a very sweet answer.


Tia hated the fact that Charlize said that and kept trying to protect Lena, but she suppressed the feeling.


When she gets home, Lena won’t be able to get in between her sister and herself anyway.


So inwardly she snorted, saying, ‘Enjoy it for the time being.’


Lena, who had no such thoughts of disturbing her, only smiled brightly at Tia.


Tia looked at Lena and turned her head with a snort.


Her tolerance wasn’t good enough to keep looking at the person’s face with the same face as herself.


“Sister, John has already laid the teleportation array on the floor of this living room.”


“But isn’t there a limit on the number of people? John’s magic…….”


John, who was silent till now only opened his mouth when his name was mentioned


“Don’t worry about my mana. There’s Tia.”


“What’s it got to do with Tia, John?”


“I can use Tia’s divine power as mana. Isn’t it amazing?”


“How does Tia’s divine power turn into mana?”


“Divine power often turns into magic. Because mana itself is laced with holy power. It’s natural…”


John scolded Charlize inwardly for lacking knowledge.


Charlize listened to his rambling because that was new information to her.


However, John’s nagging went through one ear to the other.


Charlize quickly pushed Tia’s back, taking her hands back which were holding Tia’s hand.


“I can’t wait to go home and see my brothers. You think so too right, Tia?”


Charlize laid a trap.


A question to confirm Tia’s feelings for her brothers.


However, Tia whispered quietly.


“Although I miss them a little, not as much as you.”


Not as much as you, but miss them.


“Right? So do I.”


Charlize said along, unilaterally cutting off Tia’s words.


She was afraid of hearing another confession from Tia if she continued.


John, who made the teleportation array to teleport gestured toward Tia and Charlize.


“Come here. I’ll bring you two to your house first.”


“Really? Tia, let’s go home. Brothers must be waiting.”


Of course, they’re waiting for you.


Tia was forced to enter the teleportation array at Charlize’s insistence.


Charlize followed suit, and Lena also stepped inside naturally taking Charlize’s side.


John stared at Lena for a while because she looked too much like Tia then moved his gaze away.


Whenever he saw that face with Tia, he felt uneasy.


He would rather stare at Charlize’s evil face.


John’s eyes then turned to Charlize.


It was such a pretty face that he couldn’t stare straight ahead.


John was often surprised by Charlize’s beauty.


He has never seen such a beautiful person.


There were times when he felt like he was going to be possessed just looking at her face.


But he quickly removed this distrust by thinking of his savior, Tia.


Just like now.


“Well, then, I’ll move you to the Duke of Rebecca’s mansion.”


As soon as John finished speaking, the teleportation array shone white, and soon swallowed the bodies of Charlize, Tia, and Lena.


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  1. Julie T. says:

    Where’s the rest? How do I follow along with new chapters? I can’t find. Button or link. Thanks for the translation!!!

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