The Fake Wants to Leave


By the time when Tia, Harrison, and John received their last patient, it was almost sunset.


A white light came out on Tia’s hands and cured the patient’s plague.


“It’s all over. It’ll be all right now.”


“Thank you.”


Patients who got cured of the plague or disease with Tia’s divine power never got sick or contracted the plague again.


This is because when cured by Tia’s divine power, it removes all the bad energy in the patient’s body.


That’s why patients who heard rumors that Tia, a prospective Saintess, was on the island of the sick, they entered the scary island in droves.


Rumours of Tia had already spread throughout the continent.


Even before Tia awakened as a Saintess, there were two rumours circulating about her in the continent. First is that she would become the next Saintess, and second is the people she treated would never get sick.


That’s why there were many patients coming to the island of the sick to find Tia.


Tia, who received the last patient, exhaled a tired sigh breathlessly.




Harrison and John felt Tia’s divine power getting removed from their bodies and quickly approached her to see if she was okay.


“Tia, are you okay?”


“Tia, are you tired?”


Harrison and John’s face got filled with gloom seeing Tia’s hardship.


It was completely different from when they dealt with Charlize.


If those two were to treat Charlize like Tia, they would be scolded back by Charlize’s wild tongue.


She would surely ask if they were crazy.


That’s how bad the relationship between Charlize and the male protagonists was.


Only Harrison had a bit of favourable impression of Charlize among the male protagonists.


It was because she was the one who found Tia, his hope who ran away and also who saved his childhood friend John.


Perhaps that’s why Harrison’s impression of Charlize has improved.


But he still doesn’t like Charlize.


‘Ugh, Charlize. If you want Tia to stay beside you, you should take care of her too. Tsk.’


He began to swear at Charlize inside.


“Your Majesty, I must find my sister Charlize.”


Still, Tia’s words are laws.


Harrison, who cursed at Charlize a while ago, decided to find her at Tia’s request.


He was a man as colourful as a rainbow.


Tia, who didn’t know what was going inside Harrison, just got up from her seat to find Charlize, who had disappeared in front of her eyes.


But John stood in her way.


“Tia, it may be dangerous to go find Charlize now. The sun is setting.”


“John, get out of my way. I must find my sister.”


“Charlize is dangerous to you.”


“Why is my sister dangerous? She saved you. What the hell is dangerous to her? My sister is a soft person. She’s not dangerous.”


Tia frowned unlike usual and showed John her angry appearance.


It was because John also revealed his true feelings for Charlize.


As John kept trying to denigrate Charlize, the person who saved his life, Tia only became more irritated.


“I’ll go find Sister Charlize by myself, without your help. Go back to the house. I’m going to find my sister.”


John couldn’t understand why Tia was angry with him.


Tia, whom he remembered, was a very caring and nice person.


She was such a nice and kind person that she even took care of him who was cursed.


When she, a person who never became angry or annoyed showed her anger, John naturally thought that she had changed because of Charlize.


Because she spent time with Charlize, Tia’s behaviour changed.


“John, get out of my way quickly. I have to find my sister.”


“Tia, let’s go back to the house with us-”


“Tia, are you looking for Charlize?”


Before John could finish speaking, he heard another strange voice right next to him and turned his head.


In John’s sight, Lua’s disorganized face appeared.


“Yes. I’m looking for my sister. But why did you come here, Lua?”


“The Dark Sorcerer ran away.”


“What? The Dark Sorcerer, do you mean Ellie?”


Tia’s eyes opened wide. The blue eyes were greatly shaken for Charlize’s well-being.


“The body of Ellie’s sister, not Ellie, has disappeared. I think this happened because I didn’t handle it properly.”


Lua, with a rare look of great impatience, bit his lower lip.


He seemed angry at his ignorance.


At Lua’s words, Tia once again thought that she should find Charlize quickly.


‘Then the patient who took Sister away earlier was Ellie’s sister?’


There was a good chance.


Ellie must have wanted to get revenge on Charlize for killing her.


Did Sister Charlize already knew who she was?


Tia, who had not grasped the situation properly earlier, only became anxious.


“Sister, I need to find her soon!”


Tia eventually lost her reason, and tried to run out of the temple, but Lua quickly grabbed her by the shoulder.


“Calm down, Tia. Charlize is fine.”


Lua seemed to lose strength in Tia’s enormous divine power, but he tried to act calmly.


If he lost his mind like this, he wouldn’t be able to find Charlize.


He had to hang on.


Lua relaxed the strength on the hand while holding Tia’s shoulder.


“I heard Charlize’s voice. I know the location roughly.”


Earlier, Lua wanted to go and find Charlize on his own. But he remembered his promise to cooperate with Tia and went to the temple.


Charlize was fine anyway.


If something happened to her, the contract would have broken already. But the black wings carved on the back of Lua’s neck hadn’t disappeared.


That meant that Charlize was safe.


And wouldn’t it be easier if the Dark Sorcerers took the Tia they wanted? He also thought that. Therefore, he abandoned Ian and came to the temple.


Instead, Ian was informed of Charlize’s location in advance and went there first.


“Really? Lua, let’s go.”


“What are you going to do with these two?”


Lua asked Tia, gesturing to Harrison and John.


Tia turned around for a moment and looked at Harrison and Johan alternately, before sighing deeply.


Then she answered in a cold voice.


“I’ll just leave them here. Those two are the ones who kicked my sister away. I don’t even want to deal with them anymore.”


“Is that so?”


Lua looked at Harrison and John with a twisted smile on his lips.


“Let’s go, Lua.”


Lua looked at the right arm that was grabbed by Tia, and pretended to be dragged away by her weak strength.


At the same time, he did not forget to send a smile filled with mockery toward Harrison and John.


Those damn things dared touch Charlize.


I’ll take my revenge slowly.


Lua, with a determined face, took Tia and ran quickly to the place where Charlize was.








When Charlize saw the sun setting, she urged Lena to make some excuses.


“Lena. Maybe Lua and Tia will come looking for me. If they find you with me, they might attack you.”


“Well. I don’t think any excuse will work.”


“Still, use your brain. I don’t want you to die.”


“Then, let’s tell the truth-”




“Then proudly proclaim yourself to be God’s successor and play Grace’s scenario-”


“Rejected again.”


“Well, then, well. What would be good?”


Lena ran her mind and thought of something to explain, but she didn’t seem to have anything in mind.


Then Ahin, who was looking at the two with pitiful eyes, found a solution.


“You can just say you’re a Dark Sorcerer and say you’ve become her loyal servant. Then it will cover your identity to some extent.”


“Oh, that’s a good way.”


Lena looked at Ahin and tried to stroke his head with pride, but he swatted her hand away.


“Don’t touch me. I’ve told you over and over again that I don’t like being patted.”


“But what can I do? Ahin is so cute.”


Ahin treated Lena as an invisible person and spoke to Charlize as if he were ordering her.


“I’ll be in Lena’s shadow, so sort things out on your own. I don’t want to see the Great Devil, Lua’s face.”


“All right.”


When Charlize agreed, Ahin nodded in satisfaction and quickly hid in Lena’s shadow.


“Really, Ahin. He’s so cool.”


“He has a cool head, unlike someone, Lena.”


“Are you really going to do that, Miss Charlize?”


“Why are you calling me that way?”


“I’ll have to practice. The performance of a faithful servant.”


“What? When did you become my servant?”


“I’m your loyal servant from now on, Miss Charlize.”


“…I don’t want you.”


Charlize answered, avoiding her gaze. It wasn’t sure if she hated Lena’s burdensome eyes.


Lena looked disappointed and sullen.




And that was when Tia’s voice rang in her ears. Charlize looked at Lena and signalled her to start her acting quickly.


Lena nodded with a sullen mood.


Charlize nodded in satisfaction at Lena’s unhappy appearance.





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