The Fake Wants to Leave


“Even if you get back at me, Tia is the object of your revenge, right?”




Charlize disliked Lena, who smiled with the same face as Tia with crescent eyes.


“Nevertheless, are you a Dark Sorcerer, too?”


“Yes. I was born into a family where Dark Sorcerers practice black magic. I was more capable than anyone.”


“Then why did you die?”


Charlize asked while crossing her arms.


“I was targeted by the demons and died. My sister Ellie was a weak Dark Sorcerer. She was able to live because she was not targeted by the demons. Sister was lucky.”


“I think you’ll be targeted by the Great Devil now, too.”


“I may have already been targeted. They might have seen my coffin already.”


“But it’s very strange. Ellie thought that sacrificing people will save you. However, you come back to life after Ellie died. I can’t help but doubt your words.”


Charlize wanted the answer to this question.


How Lena, who died before her sister Ellie, a Dark Sorcerer that died and came back to life.


“I’ll tell you my secret, but promise me one thing instead.”


“What is it?”


“You have to promise first.”


“I don’t want to.”


“I can’t tell you if you don’t want to promise.”


“It’s obvious anyway. You want me to not order the Great Devil to kill you, don’t you?”


“No, this isn’t what I want. It’s something else.”


“Your behaviour a while ago was quite suspicious.”


“I couldn’t help it, I had to be alone with you. It was too early for the Saintess to join our conversation.”


Lena answered slyly.


Even under the cold gaze of Charlize.


“So what’s your purpose?”


“I need you, Miss Charlize.”


“Why are you saying this all of a sudden?”


“I said it because you wanted me to tell you the purpose.”


“Wasn’t it Tia whom you wanted?”


“That’s not true. The one I need is you, Miss Charlize.”




“Do you know that you are the reincarnation of Grace?”


“……who is Grace?”


It was a name she had never heard or seen in the game.


Charlize shook her head from side to side, thinking that the game was once again entering another messy plot.


“You really don’t know? The monster, Grace?”


Lena asked again with a look of regret, but Charlize only answered that she still didn’t know.


“Who the hell is that?”


“She is called the Head of Dark Sorcerers.”


“Head of Dark Sorcerers…What the hell are you talking about?”


“After Sister Ellie died, a tiny bit of her shadow was attached to your clothes. My sisters were looking for Grace’s reincarnation. By baiting the Saintess.”


“Lua didn’t notice that it stuck to me?”


“Maybe he didn’t notice, because that shadow piece was very small. Besides, I found out that your blood can purify evil energy. It’s the same as Grace’s power.”


Lena smiled brightly as if she had given the answer Charlize wanted.


However, Charlize was displeased.


“You are the reincarnation of Grace that the Dark Sorcerers were longing for. You have great power. You should at least be proud.”


“……If I was really Grace’s reincarnation, why did Ellie kill me?”


“It was a misjudgment to kill you. Sister Ellie’s shadow has the ability to discern the truth, so she knew instantly you’re the Grace we’ve been looking for. The Saintess must have awakened as an accident. Because she thought you died.”


“I think you know quite a lot about me.”


“I did my research. Your name is Charlize Rebecca, right?”


“What kind of research did you do on me? I’m curious.”


“The extent to which you were spotted by the former Duchess of Rebecca at the nursery and adopted as the eldest daughter of the Duke Rebecca. You also bullied your sister out of your inferiority, right? I also know that you don’t get along with your brothers. Isn’t this much enough?”


“You’ve done a lot of research.”


“Getting information about Charlize Rebecca was easy. Various rumors spread throughout the empire about you.”


“So what do you want me to do?”


“I want to take you to hell and release the Dark Sorcerers.”


“How can a living person go to hell? It doesn’t make sense.”


“There is a magic trick called ‘Train to Hell’ learned by all Dark Sorcerers. It’s a very scary trick to get the dead out of hell. But we need someone very important to perform this trick.”




“Someone who can purify evil energy.”


“Don’t tell me Grace–”


“Yes, she helped us. She, who was considered a monster, liked us a lot. But she one day confronted a demon and cut off her relationship with us. She ended up dying as a side effect of that. Isn’t that sad?”


Charlize shuddered.


Lena’s blue eyes, filled with madness, were caging her.


‘I’ve never seen anyone crazier than me.’


Charlize wanted to clap for Lena’s boldness.


She had the Great Devil as her own demon so other Dark Sorcerers should be hostile to her.


Like Ellie and Lena, they both should be scared of her.


But she was surprised that they, especially Lena, gave her a more friendly look, rather than fear.


“Then the plan to get Tia to run away was to attract me, wasn’t it?”


“Oh, yes. You’ve got it. My sister, Ellie, persuaded your sister to run away. At that time, I knew you would suffer if your sister ran away, and I had already expected you to come all the way to this island to find her.”


Charlize’s face turned white by Lena’s unexpected answer.


Then, isn’t the plot of the original completely destroyed?


An introduction to the game suddenly came to mind, “The original female protagonist who runs away somewhere tired of Charlize’s evil deeds and people around her who are obsessed with her.”


‘Charlize is just a one-dimensional villain. Nothing more or less.’


After possessing Charlize, did the original go wrong?


To the point where she couldn’t go back?


That’s not possible.


What about the time when she went back to reality for a while.


‘And everything in the game that I experienced.’


That’s strange.


That’s really strange.


Charlize asked Lena another question in the midst of confusion.


“Then your purpose from the beginning was Charlize?”


“Yes. It was Charlize. In fact, it’s not true that my Sister was sacrificing people. These are rumors that I spread by giving money to people. Remember the sick couple you met on this island?”


Charlize’s lips parted at Lena’s unexpected question.


As if asking how did you know?


Lena smiled at Charlize’s response and simply answered the question.


“That’s right, it’s a rumor that my sister made up. It’s a rumor to lure Charlize here.”


“Then the couple pretended that they were hurt?”


Lena waved her hands in the air and denied.


“No. They were a really sick couple. The man’s wife was probably on the verge of death. I remember that the man also had lame legs. ”


“How much do you know about me?”


“I don’t know the details. Ellie was pretending to care about your sister, so she couldn’t observe you properly.”


Charlize felt a little strange at Lena’s question.


Is there any villain who usually tells you everything she knows?


Charlize voiced out her last curiosity.


“Who the hell are you?”




Lena hesitated for a moment at Charlize’s last question.


She wondered if she could say this.


“Will you believe me if I say that I was the one who made you come into this game?”


Charlize felt goosebumps all over her body at Lena’s reply.


She got an answer that she shouldn’t have heard or expected.


Charlize’s blank golden eyes opened wide with surprise.


“That, what do you mean?”


“Would you understand faster if I said I was the manager of this game?”


“The manager of this game?”


“Yes. I’m Lena, the manager of this game.”


“Why did the manager of this game bring me into this villainess’ body?”


“That’s quite a long story.”


“…can I go back?”


“I’ve set the system like that so that you can’t go back when you die. Well, your road to reality is blocked now, so you can’t go back.”


“So you’re basically saying that I have to live in this game until I die?”


“Yes. But this game will be much more comfortable and better than your reality. You’re a noble princess, you have a lot of money, you can live however you want.”


“……you know, how many times have I died trying to get out of here?”


“I’ve been watching everything. It’s not once or twice that I’ve been surprised to see those bold actions. But it certainly is the first time that someone came from the real world and acted the role of Charlize so perfectly.”


“Do you mean that I’m not the first person to possess Charlize?”


“You’re quick to understand. Yes, you are the hundredth Charlize.”




“I never imagined that the hundredth Charlize would be able to open the hidden quest.”







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  1. Exkilter says:

    uh I don’t know if I like this development. I kind of wanted them to go deeper into the whole trying to die to escape the game.

  2. mooniecatlady says:

    what the- alright.. i guess i’ve just gasped to loud at this sudden facts that suddenly told

  3. mooniecatlady says:


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