The Fake Wants to Leave


Lena responded brazenly, not discouraged by Charlize’s arrogance.


“My sister tried hard to save me.”


“It’s useless since she died. You’ll gain something only if you try. If you want to avenge your sister, you should come to me when no one is around.”


“Why? Can’t we cause a scene here? Could it be that you’re afraid of getting involved with people and hurting them?”


“Tia doesn’t want to cause a ruckus here. You’ve lived a long time anyway, you should die now. What’s the point of trying to live? I don’t understand.”


“You’re exactly the same I heard from Sister Ellie. You want to die. Sister told me that you want to disappear from this world.”


“So? What does it matter to your Sister whether I live or die?”


“It matters nothing. But I can’t forgive you because you killed my sister Ellie.”


“So not only you won’t forgive me, you even want kill me like your sister?”


“No. I won’t kill you.”


“Sure. Then are you going to torture me?”


Charlize’s golden eyes were cold.


Lena replied with a smile.


“I’m going to kill that Saintess and save my sister.”


“What kind of animosity do you have with Tia? Rather than trying to hurt her to hurt me, you should directly kill me.”


“Sister Ellie said that you’ll come to life even if you’re killed. So I won’t kill you.”


“Hey, Ellie’s sister. You must be mistaken about something.”


Charlize laughed at Lena and threw a slap at her cheek.




Lena’s head turned quickly to the left.


“I’m the craziest person your sisters have ever met. I’m not afraid of you killing me or torturing me. So stop causing a scene and disappear from this sacred temple.”


Or come and kill me at night.


Charlize spoke quietly so that only Lena could hear the latter words.




Lena grabbed her swollen cheek and laughed.


‘As Sister Ellie said, this person named Charlize is really crazy.’


Besides, she could feel a lot of evil energy.


She couldn’t believe a mere human being could have this much evil energy in her body.


Even if she tried, she wouldn’t be able to kill such a person.


Charlize’s evil energy is enough to kill her with a fling.



Lena became sure of the fact that Charlize had signed a contract with the Great Devil.


The Great Devil could consume all the evil energy from Charlize.


Lena roughly grasped Charlize’s identity and the current situation.


It was thanks to the information given by her dead sister Ellie.


‘Sister, I’ll save you this time.’


Lena’s clear blue eyes sparkled.


Lena quickly grasped Charlize’s ankle as she was about to walk away from her.


Charlize, who was caught by Lena, turned around with an annoyed expression on her face and lowered her eyelashes before asking.


“What now?”


“Go to hell with me. Let’s go to hell together and roll like a dog.”


At Lena’s remarks, Charlize showed a grim impression.


As if she was talking nonsense.


“I don’t die, can’t you understand this simple fact? Is your brain made of rock?”



“Yes, because I have nothing to lose. And I also want to seek revenge on my sister. It’s been a long time since I wanted to witness hell again.”




Charlize turned her head and looked straight ahead.


It was none other than Tia, who was full of worries, was caught in her sight.


Now the patients were in a state of commotion and anxiety because of Lena, but Tia’s quick response allowed her to calm the atmosphere again.




Tia continued to receive and treat the patients, but her eyes remained fixed on Charlize.


Charlize breathed a sigh seeing Tia’s blue eyes full of anxiety.


And she smiled faintly, telling her not to worry.


Harrison and John were patrolling around the temple.


Earlier in the morning, there was a fight between Charlize, Harrison, and John.




“I’ll take care of Tia. Get out of my way. Charlize.”


“Why aren’t you resting at home, John? You won’t be able to help her anyway.”


“It’s not that we don’t know that we’re more helpful to Tia than you are.”


“Let’s tell Tia to choose. Who will she choose, you think?”


“Of course it’s us, Charlize. She’ll choose us because we’re her childhood friends, not you.”


“If you’re that confident, let’s ask for Tia’s opinion. Who will she think is better to be around? Well, I hope you two expect the result already because the one who Tia wants is me.”


Harrison eventually told Tia to choose due to Charlize’s provocation.




“Tia! Choose between two options.”




“First option, me and John will be by your side. Second option, Charlize will stay by your side. If you choose the second option, we’ll go patrol around the temple.”


“Okay, Your Majesty.”


“Hurry up and pick, Tia.”


“Tia! You’re going to choose me and His Majesty, right?”


“Excuse me…”




Feeling very embarrassed, Tia looked around.


In the midst of a long silence Harrison and John continued to stir up Tia.


The final winner is.


“Sister Charlize, I want you to be next to me.”




As everyone expected, it was Charlize.


Therefore, Harrison and John had to go to patrol the temple due to another defeat by Charlize.


Charlize wanted to move Lena to a place where she was alone, but was worried about Tia that she would be left alone.


It was clear that if anyone tried to harm Tia, who was left alone, something quite troublesome would happen.


In the first place, the people of the island of the sick wanted someone with high divine power like Tia.


Everyone was looking at Tia with indifferent eyes, but inside.


They were obsessed with the greed that they could cure their pain with Tia.


Charlize stared at the long lines of the patients.


Since coming to the island of these sick people, the evil energy has become denser.


It was faint at first, but now it was very clear.


Everyone had more black evil energy than ordinary people.


And all that evil energy was directed toward Tia.


Of course, this movement of evil energy could only be seen by Charlize.


Charlize roared loudly into the air as if she couldn’t help it anymore.


“Your Majesty, John! Please take care of Tia!”


Two people patrolling the temple must have heard it, considering how loud she was.


Charlize unilaterally notified Lena when she saw Harrison and John rushing from afar.


“We’ll have a nice talk. Lena.”


Lena smiled like a bashful child, delighted by the sudden action of Charlize showing interest in her.


“Where should we go and have a cozy talk alone?”


“A moderate distance from the temple.”


Lena let go of the hand that grabbed Charlize’s ankle.


Then she patted her clothes and stood up from the ground.


“Let’s go.”


Charlize held Lena’s wrist strongly, with the goal of keeping her away from Tia for now.


Lena was captured by Charlize.


Charlize decided to act so forcefully because she thought she might be in trouble if Lena did something unexpected.


Or, she thought that she would start acting like crazy.


So she quickly dragged Lena away.




Tia looked at Charlize’s back and realized her helplessness and clenched her teeth.


In the current situation, she could not follow her leaving the sick patients.


Because Tia was a Saintess, and she made a promise on the first day she came to the island, she wanted to treat all the patients.


She had the habit of keeping a promise without fail.


It was the same now.


Although her affection for Charlize was greater, she could not break the promise she made with countless patients.


Maybe it was because of the guilt.


Tia had no choice but to give her attention back to patients and decide to finish the treatment faster so that she could follow Charlize.


I promised to stay beside Sister.


The promise with the patients and the promise to Charlize.


In order to keep these two promises, Tia had no choice but to focus on treatment, raising her divine power to the fullest.






Harrison and John, who immediately ran to Tia at Charlize’s cry, looked left and right at the situation to see what had happened and gave Tia a worried look.


“Your Majesty, John. Please help me.”






Harrison and John looked at Tia with a puzzled expression.


What do you mean help?


The two looked surprised at what Tia said but roughly grasped the situation in her next words.


“Sister Charlize is in danger right now. But I can’t go with her. I have more than half of the patients left in line right now. So help me with my treatment.”


“What can we do for you?”


Harrison waited for Tia’s orders.


So did John.


“I’ll share my divine power, so please treat the patients.”


Harrison and John unexpectedly obtained the divine power that Tia handed over and even worked to treat the patients.


Tia didn’t expect them to help her.


Although it was ridiculous, the two somehow felt proud to think that they could be of help to Tia.








Charlize, who dragged Lena to a quiet place, began to question Lena about her business.








T/N: Hello my dear readers! How’s everyone? Sorry for taking such a long vacation. But the good news is I’ve decided to continue tling. I probably won’t be able to update as frequently as before but I’ll try to update at least twice a week. Advance chapters are still available on my Buymeacoffe page. Click the link to read advance chapters.




Happy reading ♥️♥️






  1. AZ says:

    welcome back!

  2. Sadbeech says:

    Yay I’m so glad you’re still sticking with this story 😭 thank you so much!!!

  3. Mimi says:

    I love this story so much, thank you four your back

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