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  3. TFWL 66

The Fake Wants to Leave

Charlize stared at Tia until she got up.

‘I can’t go back to the real world using the original female protagonist.’

It was obvious that Tia would save her again with her great divine power like last time.

How can I use the original female protagonist well?

The original male characters wouldn’t help Charlize escape.

Their behaviour so far told her this.

‘I should use the original female protagonist who is obsessed with me as a hidden card.’

Charlize gave up going back to the real world for now, but never gave up living with freedom here.

Because she didn’t want to live as a villainess.

She did not want to intervene in the stir-frying of the original characters.

She knew that no matter which route she took, the villainess would have a bad ending. Villains aren’t made to walk on a flowery path.


When the morning bird cried obnoxiously, Tia finally opened her eyes.

Charlize watched Tia getting up.

Therefore, Tia met Charlize’s golden eyes as soon as she woke up.

“Oh, Sister? When did you wake up?”

“A little while ago.”

Charlize watched Tia’s reaction, lying brazenly.

Her red cheeks and shaky blue eyes.

Tia acted as if she had been told by her lover that he loves her.

However, Charlize was not very interested in Tia’s reaction.

“Finally, we two are able to spend time alone. It feels good.”

“Do you like spending time with me so much, Tia?”

“There’s no reason not to like it. I love it.”

“Did you like it when I bothered you?”

“Yes, it was okay. I liked everything about you, so it was okay if you bothered me.”

“Is it really because of me you ran away? Did you run away because I bothered you?”

“I wanted to save Sister. I wanted to stop you from dying whenever you saw my face.”

“I still want to die…….”

Charlize glanced at Tia’s countenance, blurring the end.

Tia was surprised and covered her face with her hands.

“What are you doing, Tia?”

“When you see my face, you always get depressed and angry. I thought it would be okay if I didn’t show my face.”

“What are you saying stupid?”

“……think of it as my effort to protect Sister.”

“Now the feeling of wanting to die when I see your face has long disappeared. So you don’t have to hide your face from me.”



“I think you’ve changed a lot while I was gone. You’re like a different person.”

Tia tried not to make eye contact with Charlize, while she took off her hands which covered her face.

Because she didn’t know what she would say if she saw Charlize’s bewildered golden eyes.

“Really? Did I change a lot?”

“Yeah. You don’t get angry, and you take care of people around me. It’s like someone else has possessed your body.”

Charlize made no excuses to Tia’s remarks.

Just a slight nod, just a sign of positivity, but Tia hadn’t noticed that.

The real Charlize is dead and it is the fake Charlize sitting in front of you, she couldn’t say that.

“Tia. Help me escape.”

Charlize bluntly opened her mouth and requested Tia.

She said it last night, but she said it again in case Tia changed her mind.

“Where does Sister you want to go? Can I come with you?”

Tia asked Charlize with an innocent look.

‘If you want to go to hell, I’ll follow you to hell, too.’

Tia would chase after Charlize no matter where she went.

Because she realized that she could not live without Charlize.

“All I need is you and Lua by my side.”

“… Lua, that Great Devil? Why? I’m the only one who Sister needs.”

“Lua is a loyal demon who lights up my dark vision. I don’t love him, but I cherish him very much.”

“Do you really not love him?”

Tia felt that there was hope for herself at Charlize’s words and smiled unconsciously.

‘Sister’s heart still hasn’t decided. I still have a chance.’

Tia shouted ‘fighting!’ to herself and decided to do anything to be next to Charlize.

If Charlize wanted her to crawl, she could crawl. And if she wanted to cut her hand, she could cut her hand.

As long as Charlize doesn’t abandon her.

“Lua and I are not in such a profound relationship. We are just business partners. That’s about it.”

“Just business partners?”

“That’s true, if you think about it.”

“Then me too.”


“I want to be your partner, too.”

Charlize was rather dumbfounded with Tia’s active attitude.

But she was glad Tia listened to her, so she would listen to her too.

Charlize replied with a grin.

“All right. You can be my partner and help me, too. So that I can escape this damn world.”

“Well, what should I do to help you escape?”

Tia wanted to ask a while ago.

What is this ‘escape’ as Charlize called it.

And the real meaning behind it.

“I want freedom. Freedom that no one interferes with. Such freedom is what I call escape.”

“Do you mean that you want to be excommunicated from the family?”

“You can say so, too.”

“But will Brother Eugene and Jeremy agree to let you out of the family?”

“They won’t. That’s why I need your help. Tia. Tell your brothers I’m completely insane.”

“You want me to act for you?”

“Yes. I’ll pretend to be crazy and bother you, too.”

“Do you have to go that far?”

“Well, if I don’t have a relationship with them, I think they would be happy.”

Tia wanted to help Charlize escape.

Help her leave the family.

As Charlize said, if she left, they would become strangers, not a family.

In other words, it means that she couldn’t be next to Charlize as a family member.

Then the obstructionists of the family, and her brothers, would not interfere with her relationship with Charlize.

Crazy at the thought, Tia clasped Charlize’s hands and shouted proudly.

“Sister, trust me! I’ll make sure you can escape.”

“Really? Can I trust you?”

“Yes. Trust me. If it’s acting, I’m confident.”

I’ve acted a lot to hide my feelings for Sister.

“Then I’ll trust you. Tia. Be sure to help me out.”

“Yes, yes. I’ll help you sister. Just trust me and follow me.”

Charlize looked at Tia with a smile. But Charlize’s eyes were not smiling.

It was rather cold.

Tia only glanced at Charlize’s smile, but she did not see the coldness in her eyes.

It might be better if she didn’t see.

Charlize had a habit of revealing twisted feelings openly.

It was obvious that Tia would be greatly hurt if she looked into Charlize’s eyes now.

‘Tia shouldn’t be hurt. Please, my eyes, smile normally.’

Charlize succeeded in changing the expression in her eyes to affectionate after a heated effort.

‘I should act, too. Acting like a nice sister.’

It’s annoying, but if it could help her escape.

She would do anything.

Charlize also cheered for herself in her heart, with a different heart from Tia.


Charlize changed into the light clothes that Tia handed her, and went downstairs to the living room with Tia.

Lua, Ian, and Harrison were present in the living room.

Tia asked Harrison not seeing John in sight.

“Your Majesty, what happened to John?”

“He’s sleeping well. I wanted to wake him up, but he didn’t wake up.”

“Was he fine after we left him at night?”

“Yes, he was fine.”

Tia breathed a sigh of relief at Harrison’s reply.

No matter how much he stood by Charlize’s death, she had affection for John.

The affection towards a childhood friend.

And such affection doesn’t fall off easily.

In fact, she hoped that John would rather die.

Harrison’s cry and Charlize’s help erased the idea from her head.

Is that a relief?

Tia smiled wryly.

I didn’t know I could be this vicious.

Tia felt that Charlize was not the real villainess, but that she was.

‘Sister saved people who didn’t like her, but.’

But she didn’t do that.

Tia knew John’s attitude towards Charlize was because he loved her.

That didn’t mean John did something right.

It was true that Charlize was mean to Tia.

However, she also knew that one of the reasons for Charlize being mean to her was she herself.

Tia wanted to apologize when she first saw Charlize, and that she was really sorry for the trouble she had caused.

But the words didn’t come out easily.

She felt like she was showing her heart inside.

It was the moment when she realized that it took quite a lot of courage to make a real apology.

Tia was selfishly guilty of making Charlize, who thought only of herself and did nothing wrong, a vicious villainess.

In order to atone for this sin, she decided to grant Charlize what she wanted and then make a sincere apology.

Yeah, let’s apologise after helping Sister escape.

Tia glanced at Charlize and strengthened her resolve.

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  1. king guest says:

    Poor charlie

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