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The Fake Wants to Leave

T/N: Welcome to Ariana as our newest member!

Lua was kicked out by Charlize.

Because she must sleep alone with Tia.

Lua was the Great Devil who would even die for Charlize.

He was a demon whose life was dedicated solely to Charlize, and complied with whatever she said or asked for.

Perhaps if another human treated Lua the same way, he would have killed her.

He was the king of the demons, and had tremendous power.

What’s the point of having such high status and power?

He was anxious now, because he couldn’t even live without a woman named Charlize.

Lua chewed his nails well and openly said, “I’m worried.”

Ian, who was observing Lua next to him, was surprised to see Lua being nervous about a human being for the first time.

Lua and Ian, driven out by Charlize, naturally descended the stairs and settled on the living room sofa.

“Haa. Losing to Charlize’s sister. I’ve got no face left now.”

“Is Father really into Charlize?”

“…I don’t know.”

“Don’t be shy. It’s natural. Demons have instincts, too.”

“My feelings for Charlize are very mysterious. I think it’s good, but I don’t think it’s good. But I sometimes feel like going crazy because I feel anxious without Charlize. Is this love?”

Ian answered, taking Lua’s love counseling seriously.

“Maybe it’s love. Father.”

“Love. There is no history that a demon fell in love with a human. It can’t be love.”

“However, Father doesn’t think much when Charlize commands him to do something.”

“This is my respect towards my contractor.”

“Since when did Father start respecting his human contractors?”

“I’m doing it now. And will continue from now on.”

“Would you feel the same without Charlize?”

“I think I’ll go crazy.”

“That’s what twisted love is.”

“Ian, have you ever loved a human being? You seem knowledgeable about this feeling of love.”

“Yes, I have loved someone. After a hundred years Father was sealed, I met a human woman.”

Lua wondered about Ian’s love history for no reason because he had never imagined that Ian would love a human.

“You were also one of the demons who disliked humans. How did you fall in love with a woman? I’m curious.”

Ian smirked and laughed at Lua’s slyness.

“After my father was sealed, I lost my place to go and wandered around. Then a hundred years passed by…. One day in the spring when the sun was warm. I met a woman.”

“Where did you meet?”

“In a deserted cave.”


“She was being ostracized by other humans as a monster. It was my first time being curious about humans, so I approached her.”

“So what did you do then?”

“At first, I watched from the side. I wondered what she would do.”


“From the beginning, she wasn’t wary of me. On the contrary, she welcomed me with a clear smile, and so I thought, ‘How come there be such a strange human being?’.


“Then, about a month later, I asked her name. But she said she didn’t have a name. So I named her myself.”

“You gave a name to a human being?”

“It was unexpected that humans would have this much curiosity.”

“What did you name her?”

“Grace. I gave her a name that means ‘blessing’.”

“Blessings? It’s strange that a demon could think about blessing.”

“She was a blessing to me. For the first time, she changed my bad perception of humans.”

“So how long have you lived with her? Was it long?”

Lua constantly asked Ian questions.

Because he himself fell in love with a human, so he was curious about the ending.

Usually demons don’t make love to humans.

They only sign contracts to eat their evil energy. They never give them their heart.

Humans may beg to be loved by a demon, but on the contrary, they have never seen a demon begging to be loved by a human.

So he became more curious.

About Ian’s love story.

Ian answered Lua’s questions truthfully, but paused at the last question.

It was because his mouth couldn’t move as he willed instinctively.

Lua tilted his head and waited for Ian’s answer.

Ian calmed his mad beating heart and opened his hardened lips.

“She died ten years after she met me. By hanging herself….”

Lua felt a strange alienation to Ian’s answer.


Isn’t that what Charlize does consistently?

His eyes shook slightly, and he felt uneasy for a moment.

“Grace died without leaving a suicide note because she couldn’t write.”

“Then she didn’t say anything before she died?”

“She said ‘Thank you for living with me. See you in the next life. I can’t live with you in this life’.”

“Where’s her body?”

“I buried it near the cave.”

“How did you feel about letting her go?”

Lua was asking because he was afraid that this would happen.

He had a hunch that Charlize would really die.

Because Charlize was also someone who was desperate to die.

“I felt like dying for the first time. She was a blessing to me. A jewel that I met by chance while walking around the human world after my father was sealed. Grace was my everything.”

“I see. You have an unexpected love story.”

“But something funny happened.”

“The story doesn’t end there?”

“This is something Father should know.”

“What is it?”

“Grace and Charlize look the same. I was surprised when I first saw Charlize. I thought Grace was born again.”

“I’ve heard that humans often can reincarnate. Could something similar have happened to Charlize? Is that why she wants to kill herself?”

“I don’t know that. But for some reason, when I drink Charlize’s blood, I often get a glimpse of my old memories with Grace.”

“Grace, Charlize. Do you think there’s a connection between the two?”

“Yes, I think there is. Drinking Charlize’s blood shouldn’t diminish my demonic power for no reason. Besides, I have told Grace this.”

“What did you say to her?”

“I want to be human and be with you until the end’. Something like this.”

“So what was Grace’s reaction?”

“She tried her best to make me human, but I couldn’t be human.

“So your hypothesis is that Grace is the reincarnation of Charlize and has the power to make demons human?”

“Well, I don’t know because reincarnation is something where we can’t intervene. To be honest, just their appearances match, so I really don’t know.”


Lua put his hand on his chin and thought for a moment.

What if Ian’s words are correct?

What if Charlize really is Grace’s reincarnation?

If that’s the case.

Things were very likely to get really messed up.

Ian was the problem.

If Grace’s reincarnation is Charlize.

Ian’s eyes will evidently turn to Charlize.

Lua didn’t want that to happen.

Even now, when Charlize’s sister took his place and kicked him out, he wanted to burst in anger.

Furthermore, he didn’t want to lose Charlize to his son, Ian.


He wanted to have Charlize, alone.

Lua’s possessiveness grew day by day.


As the dark sky dissipated little by little, the people of the island awakened with the increasing white light.

Charlize also woke up early in the morning.

When she opened her eyes, she could see Tia sleeping soundly.

The platinum-blonde hair now turned to silvery white, and under the many white eyelashes, a small nose and dainty lips were seen.

Even her transparent skin looked beautiful.

Is this what happens when you awaken as a Saintess?

Charlize was mystified by Tia.

She put her hand on Tia’s head without realising it.

And stroked slowly as if touching a soft cloth.


Tia smiled with a pleasant expression, as if she was talking in her sleep.

Charlize kept fiddling with Tia’s glossy hair because it felt good to touch.

“Tia. I will disappear using you. Please help me.”

Charlize, who was already exhausted, mentally, began to mutter to herself and show her obsession to Tia little by little.

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  1. king guest says:

    Thats a big cycle of obession

  2. sadbeech says:

    I think the obsession they’re referring to in the last line is her obsession with dying and escaping back to reality. She sees Tia as a tool to escape the game and bc she’s so tired she’s letting her true intentions slip out.

    1. Exkilter says:

      Yeah but who can blame her at this point.

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