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  3. TFWL 63

The Fake Wants to Leave

Half an hour ago.

Charlize, who was in the next room of Tia, fell asleep for a moment, but then had to cover her ears because of John’s scream coming from the next room.

“So noisy.”

In the end, she couldn’t sleep properly and stayed awake with her eyes wide open.


Charlize rose to her feet at John’s scream which sounded louder than before.

She couldn’t listen to it anymore.

What the hell are they doing?

Charlize, feeling exhausted, could not relax even after coming here.

‘My life is worse than a beggar.’

Charlize tried to keep her ears closed, but eventually raised both hands and feet at the sound of John’s scream.

“Lua, stay here with Ian. I’ll see what the hell they’re doing.”

“But Charlize, you said you were tired. I’ll go. You should rest here.”

“No. Lua. I won’t be able to sleep if that inexhaustible noise doesn’t stop.”

As she said that, Charlize briefly recalled the memories of her previous life.

Kim Daneun, who couldn’t sleep because of the noise upstairs, ended up fighting with the neighbours upstairs.

She couldn’t help but be angry at their noise because she couldn’t sleep well at night.

Their fight was a matter between the two parties.

And she wasn’t someone involved, so she didn’t want to suffer.

Charlize opened the door roughly, breathing heavily with anger.

And she stood right in front of the next room.

‘I wasn’t able to rest properly till the moment I came here. God damn it.’

She was already annoyed that she came back into the game from the real world.

Noise pollution.

Damn it.

Charlize, feeling furious, eventually opened the door where Tia was with a loud bang.


Tia looked at her with a stunned look.

Charlize narrowed her brows and gave Tia a look.

“Please, Tia. Treat John’s curse as soon as possible. I can’t sleep because of all the noise.”

Charlize looked at John in the bed, whose skin had turned dark red, and shook her head gently.

What were you doing, Tia, while the curse spread like that?

He’s screaming like he’s gonna die of pain.


“Tia. John is in pain. He’s screaming so hard. Can’t you make him feel comfortable?”

“…Sister Charlize.”

For some reason, the way she looked at Charlize has changed a little.

In the past, her gaze at them was cold, but now the coldness has eased a little.

Especially to Harrison.

‘I can’t believe Charlize is worried about John. I never expected there would be such a day.’

Harrison stared at Charlize.

Because he had grown attached to her.

Which was very funny to him.

Harrison, like Charlize, pleaded to Tia to heal John.

But Tia continued to stall.

It was frustrating.

What happened to your precious friendship?

He couldn’t even refute it because it was Tia’s choice.

But then Charlize appeared, like a saviour.

Charlize’s body began to shine as if there was a halo behind her.

Of course, it was only Harrison’s illusion.

“Tia. Please save John. Charlize also said that, right?”

Harrison didn’t miss this chance.

He tried to convince Tia by expressing his sorrow more.

However, his expression was completely ignored.

That’s because Tia was only looking at Charlize.

She treated him as a completely invisible man.

Harrison was obviously disappointed with Tia’s behaviour, but what could he do?

Tia likes Charlize more, not them.

“Tia. Treat John quickly and let me relax. I think I’m going to die of stress at this rate.”

“I shouldn’t…….”

“So please treat John. Will you treat him or will I do it?”

“I don’t like that.”

“Then treat him as quickly and accurately as possible in front of me. Please, I’m requesting you.”

“… Sister doesn’t hate John for being indifferent to your death?”

“I don’t have the energy to hate him.”

“However, he watched you die. I hate John for sitting on the sidelines when Sister was dying.”

“Tia. Why are you making a fuss when I say it’s okay? And it’s probably because I’ve had quite an accident while you’re away, and I’m used to dying.”

“Sister. What happened after I left…?”

“I’ll give you a rough summary. After you left, the house was in a mess. I suffered a lot because the people who care about you claimed I kicked you out. And I wanted to die. I don’t want to live in this world. I think I’ve already told you a thousands time a few months ago.”

“Then may I ask you one question?”

“If you promise me that you will cure John after asking me that question, then you may.”

“Okay. I’ll cure John. Okay? But Sister has to answer my question properly.”

“What is it?”

“Why do you keep wanting to die? I don’t understand it no matter how many times I think about it.”

Tia was fidgeting, as if she knew she asked a question she shouldn’t have asked.

Charlize replied in a dry voice.

“I don’t want to live.”

“Is it because of Mother?”

“It’s not like that. There are times when you don’t want to live. I’m going through it now.”

Kim Daneun was a person from another world who became Charlize unexpectedly.

They may not know, that the ‘real’ Charlize is dead.

She couldn’t say that. How could she.

No, it was rather they wouldn’t believe it.

Charlize replied bluntly and gestured at John with her chin.

“I answered, so treat him quickly.”

Tia approached John as if she could not help it and try to heal him again.


John howled like a dog whenever Tia’s hand touched his skin.

Charlize clasped her ears with her hands, perhaps because John’s noise seemed very unpleasant to hear.

‘I don’t want to hear it. It’s unpleasant.’

Charlize wanted Tia to heal John as soon as possible.

That way, she could rest.

However, John’s dark red skin did not subside.

No matter how much Tia infuse divine power into his body, John’s curse was not lifted.

Tia took off her hand, which she had placed on John’s neck, feeling surprised.

“It used to be all better if I did this. What’s wrong now?”

Charlize quickly understood that Tia had hit a bottleneck.

So she approached Tia and put her hand on John’s red skin.

John, who was screaming in agony, suddenly went quiet.

The skin was returning to its original state wherever Charlize’s touch fell.

Tia looked at Charlize with a surprised face because she akso didn’t know what was going on.

“Sister, from when do you have such an ability?”

“I don’t know. I just touched him like you.”

“Just touching him doesn’t lift the curse. There must be a reason.”

“This curse seems to have a lot of evil energy. To the point that it feels unpleasant to me.”

“No way. Are you saying that the curse that John is experiencing now is due to the evil energy?”

“It seems to me that it is.”

“It may have been ineffective with divine power. The evil energy and the divine power are not compatible.”

“I understand it now. Maybe someone with a lot of evil energy can solve this curse. It’s because evil energy can be used in many ways.”

“Sister, do you have that much evil energy?”

“Yes. Lua told me. No devil, no human being is as evil as I am. It’s weird, right?”

Charlize treated John’s curse while chattering with Tia.

John’s dark red skin gradually returned to its original color, and his rough breath regained stability.

Charlize was sucking the curse inside her body as much as possible.

A sense of alienation was felt.

And familiarity.

Various emotions such as those poured in Charlize’s mind.

Was it because there was a lot of evil energy?

It didn’t matter to Charlize if she absorbed this curse into her body.

Rather, she felt like she was being filled, and it felt comfortable.

Charlize sighed deeply, sucking up to the last bit of curse with her raised palm.

“I’m done treating.”


Tia quickly examined John’s condition.

“…Did you really consumed all that evil energy? Sister?”

“Yes. It was easy.”

“That’s not the problem right now. What if the curse affects you? Why did you do such a dangerous thing?”

Tia couldn’t understand Charlize’s mind at all.

She felt sorry for Charlize who had to save the person who stood by her death.

What should I do with this Sister who even cares for people who hate her?

Tia was in agony.

Then she suddenly thought of something.

“They didn’t threatened you with something while I wasn’t there, right?”

It was a sudden delusion.

Charlize hated the people she saved.

But seeing her helping them, there must be something going on between them and her sister.

Otherwise, her sister wouldn’t have been willing to reach out her hand like this.

Tia stood by Charlize, sending a venomous look to Harrison and John before saying.

“Sister. If someone threatened you, tell me who it is. I’ll kill him.”

“Tia. What nonsense are you spouting? Take a rest if you have time to say that. You’re tired.”

“No, I am fine because I can recover my fatigue with divine power.”

“You still have divine power left in you?”

“Yes. Since I awakened as a Saintess, my divinie power has not diminished.”

“Then can you also relive the other people’s fatigue?”

“Well, I’ve never done it before.”

Charlize really wanted to sleep comfortably today.

Eventually, she grabbed Tia’s hand and requested.

“Please put me to sleep. Tia.”


Tia thought she heard wrong.

T/N: If you like my work, consider supporting me:https://bmc.link/angrybird


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