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  3. TFWL 52

The Fake Wants to Leave

Charlize looked expressionless as she looked at the darkness surrounding her.

As if it didn’t even pose a threat to her.

She just wanted to find the original female protagonist, but how did she get trapped here?

She felt a little depressed, thinking that she would never have a peaceful life.

Kim Daneun felt the helplessness and depression getting worse day by day after possessing Charlize’s body.

No matter how much she tried or how good she planned, the end was always dark.

Charlize sighed repeatedly and raised her head at Harrison and John.

“Your Majesty, John. Do you still hate me?”

She just asked out of curiosity.

The original story was twisted because of her appearance.

So she was a little curious if their feelings for the villainess had changed.

Harrison answered Charlize’s question before John.

“I don’t. I don’t anymore.”

“What do you mean by that? Are you saying you don’t like me or hate me?”

“I mean I don’t dislike you anymore.”

“I see. You don’t dislike me like before because you hate Ellie more than me now, don’t you?”

“Yeah. I hate her even more. If it wasn’t for this darkness binding me, I would have already killed her in the most painful way.”

“Ellie, I feel sorry for you. You provoked the wrong person.”

“Didn’t you also bully Tia?”

“I did. But I never wanted to harm her physically or try to take her life.”

John, who was listening silently to Charlize and Harrison’s conversation, finally opened his mouth.

“I think Charlize isn’t that bad. In some way.”

“John also has the same thought as His Majesty’s?”

“It’s different. Your Majesty said that he didn’t dislike or hate you, but I said that you are an okay person. In your own way.”

“I’m more offended by your sarcastic answer.”

Charlize smirked and rolled her lifeless golden eyes.

“Is there no way out of here? John?”

Charlize thought that John would have a way because he’s the Great Wizard, similar to a Saint. He was a person who was reknowed for his wisdom.

John answered with an expression as if he had been waiting for her to ask the question.

“We need the Great Devil, whom you had contracted with to get out of the shadows.”

“You are talking about Lua?”

“Yes. I need the power of that demon. Demon with tremendous black power is the best to deal with the Dark Sorcerer.”

“I don’t want to involve Lua in this anymore. Lua is a demon that I cherish very much.”

“Then will you die here in vain by the hands of a Dark Sorcerer?”

In John’s semi-threatening tone, Charlize put a cheerful smile on her lips.

“I’d rather die. I don’t intend to live in this world for long anyway.”

Harrison was stunned by Charlize’s crazy answer.

“Are you crazy, Charlize!”

A shout was hard soon.

But Charlize did not blink an eye at Harrison’s shouting.

Because she was used to it.

People’s resentment.

Their opinion they had about her.

Charlize completely ignored Harrison and shouted into the air.

“Ellie! You should rather kill me! I’ll be the sacrifice to replace Tia. What do you say, isn’t that a good deal?”

She had no intention of living as a villain with only thorny paths.

Since this happened, she wanted to apologise for being bad to Tia in the past, and to return to reality.

So she chose to die.

Charlize was satisfied at the outcome.

When Charlize’s body is completely dead, she can return to the real world.

To a little better reality than the situation she as ‘Charlize’ is in.

She was tired of playing the role of ‘Charlize’.

She wants some rest.

Since they found the original female lead, isn’t it all over?

Such irresponsible thoughts filled Charlize’s already blank head.

Charlize whined at Ellie, who did not answer.

“I want to die instead of Tia! I’ll be the sacrifice to save your dead sister! So let the others go and just take me.”

Harrison and John were unable to stop Charlize from speaking. No, they wanted to stop her, but they didn’t open their mouths when she said she would die instead of Tia.

“I want to die! I’ll save your damn sister!”

Ellie eventually answered Charlize’s demands as if she was annoyed by Charlize’s continuous shouting.

“What are you talking about, Lady Charlize?”

“I want to die instead of Tia. Can’t you hear me well?

“Lady Charlize, you don’t meet my terms or conditions. You came forward to die for your sister, but it’s a shame because you couldn’t fulfill them.”

“What are the terms? I can meet your conditions or whatever.”

“The condition for sacrificing is to be a good person who has never been blamed by people. The person who has been blamed a lot by people is rather poisonous to my sister.”

“I have a good reputation now. Your Majesty and John just said that they don’t hate me anymore. And I’d be much better off as a sacrifice than Tia.”

“It also includes the life you’ve lived so far. Lady Charlize. Don’t be so overconfident. Your life is full of misery.”

“It’s none of my business whether you think my life is a misery or not. I just want to die.”

“If you want to die, just bite your tongue and die.”

“If I could die with that, I would have died long ago.”

Charlize thought it was an opportunity for her to die now that there was no member of the Duke of Rebecca to save her.

It was such a waste to just blow away this great opportunity.

“I am quite a threat to you. I also have the Great Devil as my companion who can match your black magic.”

Charlize provoked Elle with a crooked smile.

And she always does a good job of provoking people.

Like now.

“…what did you say now, Lady Charlize?”

“Are your ears clogged? Then I’ll tell you again. I have the Great Devil who can beat you.”

Charlize was using the method that John taught her on the journey.

John was dumbfounded by Charlize’s actions.

He told her how to get out of here.

But it was frustrating to see Charlize using herself to die like this.

‘Why does she keep trying to die? Is it so good to die?’

John couldn’t understand Charlize’s behaviour.

It was the same with Harrison.

He almost wanted to stop Charlize from saying anything.

But he felt resentful at himself for not being able to move in the dark.

Whether they wanted to stop her or not, Charlize continued to provoke Ellie.

“Lady Charlize. Why are you provoking me? Do you think that kind of lie will work on me?”

There was anger in Ellie’s voice, that sounded calm most of the time.

Charlize answered firmly, unabashed by Ellie’s spirit.

“Who says it’s a lie? I never said what I said was false.”

“Lady Charlize. You’re so brazen. You’re good at telling scary lies like this.”

“Did someone say that my words were false? Your Majesty? Or John? No one said I was lying.”

“Everyone knows they don’t like Lady Charlize. Of course they don’t want to refute you.”

“Ellie. I am warning you. I have the Great Devil that can kill you. Maybe if I call the devil’s name, he’ll come through this darkness. Should I call him?”

“……Did Lady Charlize really sign a contract with the Great devil? If you have a contract with the devil, I will spare Lady Tia’s life.”

Of course it’s a lie.

Harrison and Johan, who fell for Ellie’s trick, hoped that Charlize would die, to save Tia.

Charlize pleaded to Ellie, shedding her cold atmosphere at once.

“I want to die. Ellie. Please kill me.”

Ellie began to look more and more frightened of Charlize.

Charlize looked like a person who gave herself up to madness.

Ellie’s anxiety was felt in the shadows.

The darkness that bound Harrison, John, and Charlize blurred for a while and then darkened.

“Lady Charlize. Can you show me the evidence that you have contracted the Great Devil?”

“Evidence? What evidence?”

“Oh, don’t you have the Devil’s Token? Do you even know what it is? Lady Charlize. I told you. Lies won’t work.”

But Charlize really didn’t know about the Devil’s Token. Lua didn’t even tell her that.

After all, she didn’t know about contracts properly and proceeded with the contract with Lua.

‘Is it my fault?’

But I just wanted to die.

Charlize began to ponder.

There must be a sign somewhere in her body that proves she was contracted with the Great Devil.

‘Lua used to drink my blood from my neck a lot.’

Oh, maybe she has a token on the back of her neck?

So she set a trap for Ellie just in case.

“There’s a mark on the back of my neck.”

“Are you telling me to believe that?”

“Believe it or not, it’s none of my business. At least check the nape of my neck once.”

Ellie slightly moved the darkness that bound Charlize.

And she checked the nape of Charlize.


Charlize’s black hair went up with the movement of Ellie’s darkness.

And Ellie identified Charlize’s white neck in darkness.

“Oh, Really?”

Ellie was surprised to see Charlize’s neck and her heart began to beat wildly.

“Now, do you believe me?”

“……No way!”

The darkness of Ellie, which was holding Charlize’s black hair, moved quickly.

Charlize’s pitch-black hair fluttered.

Ellie suspected that her eyes were wrong, but when she checked the second time, it was still the same.

The Great Devil’s black wings, a token of his contract with Charlize, remained on the back of her white neck.

Ellie thought the situation was quite wrong.

T/N: Advance chapters are available now! Click the link below to read extra and/or advance chapters! Readers with membership can read them for free!

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