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The Fake Wants to Leave

“I left my sister and ran away to save her. Not to hurt her.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I love my sister. A lot. And to hide this feeling, I had chosen to run away for my sister who wanted to die whenever she saw me.”

Lua reacted quite faintly, not surprised by Tia’s surprising remarks.

“So why are you telling me that now?”

“Let’s make a deal that we will do everything for Sister Charlize.”

“Why do I have to go that far? I’m the only one who Charlize needs by her side.”

Tia was annoyed by Lua, who kept provoking her, but she tried to smile.

“My sister said I should always be next to her. I’m sorry, but you’re not the only one she wants.”

Lua nodded at Tia’s words calmly as if the words she said were nothing to him.

What can he do when his contractor wants it?

He has to accept things like this.

“Okay. From now on, we’ll be friends.”

A deal formed between the Great Devil and the prospective Saintess.

What a strange partnership.

Lua told Tia that she would not come again until Charlize called him, and then disappeared in an instant.

Tia lay on the bed again after Lua disappeared to catch on some sleep.

Thump. Thump.

But she couldn’t sleep because of the intense tension.

Eventually, Tia stayed up all night.

Like a fool.


At dawn, when the black darkness gradually dissipated, and the bright sunlight poured from the sky, Charlize opened her eyes.

Maybe she was too tired.

She fell asleep very quickly the night before and slept very deeply.

She couldn’t remember when was the last time she slept so soundly.

Charlize rose from the bed, feeling refreshed.

“Where did Tia go?”

But strangely enough, the only person in this guest room was Charlize.

Tia, who she saw was sleeping next to her, disappeared.

Did she run away again?

Isn’t she tired of it?

Charlize felt a rising headache the next second she felt refreshed.

Is it going to happen all the time? Is she going to run away even if she catches her again and again?

That’s not good for her though.

Charlize got out of bed with a rather serious look and wandered around.

Did she really run away?

But didn’t she promise not to run away?

When the thought came to mind, Charlize felt like she had been hit in the back of her head.

‘Oh, I feel dizzy.’

A terrifying idea of locking the original female protagonist of this damned harem game up rose in Charlize’s mind this time.

But she quickly shook the idea away.

Because Tia opened the door just at that time and came in.

Charlize let out a sigh of relief and began to question Tia, “Where have you been?”

“I didn’t feel good, so I went to wash up.”

“Next time when you go somewhere, report everytime to me before going. Do you know how worried I was that you disappeared?”

I almost went crazy.

Charlize eyes narrowed vertically.

The situation seemed very uncomfortable but Charlize couldn’t pinpoint why.

But Tia wasn’t a least bit offended, rather, she was excited by Charlize’s crazy obsession with her and immediately gave a positive answer.

“Yes. Okay. From now on, I’ll report everything to Sister.”

“I thought you wouldn’t listen to me, but it’s amazing that you are complying to my wishes better than I thought.”

“Sister said she had a hard time because of me. So I’ve thought of repaying you by obeying your words like this.”

The caring and kind female protagonist.

Charlize glanced at Tia’s timid appearance and saw her platinum-blonde hair dripping wet, so she asked for a towel.

“Give me a towel.”


“I’ll dry your hair. How long will it take to dry that way?”

“Oh, Sister is going to dry my hair?”

“Why? You don’t like it? Never mind, if you don’t like it then…”

“No, please Sister, dry my hair.”

Charlize took the white towel from Tia, who seemed excited for no reason, and began to dry her wet hair with it.

A pleasant scent wafted to the tip of Charlize’s nose.

Charlize inadvertently reacted to the scent.

“You smell good.”

“…Huh? Really?”

“Yes. It’s the kind of scent I like.”

Charlize buried her nose on Tia’s hair and sniffed.

Should she say that it’s a scent that makes her feel at ease?

Nevertheless, it wasn’t hard to dry Tia’s hair because she liked the scent.

“It’s all dried now. You can take the towel to dry it.”

“Thank you, Sister.”

“Leave everything about you to me from now on. I’ll help. Oh, of course, remember that if you run away again, I might lock you up somewhere if I catch you. It’s not an empty threat, I’m serious.”

“Yes. I see. I’ll leave everything to Sister.”

Tia smiled brightly and acted like a child.

Charlize was a little relieved when she saw Tia listening to her well.

It was much better than being constantly worried, frowning, or anxious.

“Tia. From now on, don’t be as depressed as I am, and live just like you used to before with a pretty smile on your face.”

“But if I do that, my conscience will kill me for what I’ve done to Sister.”

“As long as you sincerely reflect on yourself, this is enough. And I want to see you happy for my sake.”

“Okay. From now on, I’ll always smile just like I used to. I don’t care about others, I only need Sister to stay beside me.”

“Really? So do you feel like going back now?”

“…Sister. I’m sorry, but I want to treat all the patients on this sick island as much as possible.”

“I’ll allow it if you promise me one thing.”

“What is it?”

“You’ll use John’s teleportation magic to come here from the mansion of Duke Rebecca to these sick people’s islands. If you can’t do that, you can forget the thought of healing these patients.”

“But what if John gets the plague.”

“You can heal him.”

And John said that he doesn’t get sick because of his vast magic.

Apart from having the curse.

So Charlize ordered Tia in a cold voice, “Think carefully and decide.”

Tia felt a bit bitter for obeying her sister just a moment ago.

“…I’ll do as you say.”

“Good, but you can’t use this chance to run away. Do you understand?”

“Yes. I’ll never run away now. Just trust me once, Sister.”

When Charlize saw Tia obeying her so well, she began to feel frustrated for no reason.

At least freedom was waving at herself right under her nose.

There’s not much time left now.

‘If it’s for my freedom.’

Charlize smiled very faintly.

Knock, knock.

Someone knocked on the door of the guest room.

Tia opened the door.

The man they treated yesterday was standing outside.

“Oh, ladies. You two woke up? I prepared breakfast for you. It may not taste good, but I would appreciate it if you could accompany us.”

“Sister, let’s have breakfast.”

“Yes, let’s go.”

Tia, with a broad smile, grabbed Charlize’s hand and went to have breakfast as the man guided them.

In the kitchen, the wife of the man who was about to die yesterday was setting the table.

“Thank you very much for saving my life. It’s a small meal, but this is the only thing we can offer you as our gratitude.”

It was an ordinary breakfast.

Not a fancy breakfast like Duke Rebecca’s.

There was salad with various vegetables and bread on one side that looked a little hard.

Tia glanced at Charlize.

She was worried that because her sister’s taste buds are so demanding, she may not like it. She could remember that she (Charlize) has changed the best of the chefs several times when she was at Duke Rebecca’s residence.

“Let’s eat. It’s going to get cold.”

Contrary to her expectation that Charlize would definitely make a fuss, Tia couldn’t keep her mouth shut when she saw Charlize sitting down modestly in the dining-room chair.

Sister will eat this kind of food?


She hated hard food.

“Tia. What are you doing? Come sit next to me.”

Before Tia sat down, Charlize picked up the tableware and began to eat the bread and the salad.

Tia looked at Charlize’s unfamiliar appearance. Her attention wasn’t at food, but at her sister.

Charlize felt the gaze, but calmly ignored it.

And complimented the man’s wife.

“It’s delicious.”

The wife folded her body in half, saying thank you.

Tia was familiar with these foods on this island, but her sister was not.

However, it was amazing to see her sister eating these commoners’ food happily and even complimenting. Tia was so shocked that she didn’t even know what she was eating.

“Tia. Why aren’t you eating anything?”

“Oh. Sorry. I was surprised to see you eating well.”

“Why? Is it your first time seeing me eat food? I don’t think so.”

“Sister is picky……. No, I’m just happy to eat with my sister after a long time.”

“Then let’s eat quickly and leave. You said you wanted to find the maid named Ellie.”

“Yes. I have to find Ellie before I leave.”

Tia was trying to concentrate on the meal without talking at all, but the man’s wife muttered something.

“El, El… Ellie? By any chance, ladies. Are you talking about that woman named Ellie?”

Tia quickly swallowed the bread she had been chewing and replied.

“Yes. She’s my exclusive maid.”

Originally, she didn’t want to expose her identity, but she had no choice but to confess everything because the maid’s name was already uttered by Charlize.

Then the man’s wife narrowed her brows and thought about something for a while.

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