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  3. TFWL 34

The Fake Wants to Leave

Jeremy, who confirmed that she was not breathing, prayed for Charlize.

‘Save Charlize.’

As soon as Jeremy’s prayer was over, Charlize’s body trembled.

The dead Charlize came back alive.

Charlize frowned as she vomited a block of blood from her throat.

She could see Jeremy with tears in front of her.

“……Does Brother Jeremy think I’m a living doll? A doll that can be saved at any time when she dies.”

“It’s not like that. We are all just trying to get that devil off you.”

“Isn’t it because you’re afraid I won’t be able to bring Tia?”

Charlize acted normally, unlike someone who had just died and came back alive. She glared at Jeremy, wiping the blood from her mouth with a handkerchief.

“I really don’t mean that. I just want to save you.”

“Why do you want to save me? My brother, focus on finding Tia.”

Charlize replied coldly, turning her head away as if she was uncomfortable with Jeremy’s obsession with her.

Jeremy responded familiarly because he had received a lot of cold treatment from Charlize.

“You are my sister, too. You are a sister left by Mother.”

“Brother Jeremy. Stop pretending to care for me. Because it’s disgusting.”

Charlize has become friends with other male characters, but she wasn’t going to pretend to be friends with two male characters, Jeremy and Eugene, who are her family.

It was inevitable that Charlize’s body instinctively responded to Jeremy and Eugene by saying no.

Lua, who quietly saw Charlize coming back alive, crept up to her and rubbed his face in her arms.

“Charlize, you’re really back.”

“Lua, I’m sorry to scare you.”

“No, it’s all because of me. If I hadn’t signed a contract with Charlize, this wouldn’t have happened.”

Jeremy shouted at Lua.

“Yes! Charlize died because of your evil power. I saved her life.”

Lua shot Jeremy back with a ferocious look, perhaps annoyed by Jeremy, who was nagging nonstop.

“Charlize is with me because she wants to. Unlike someone who she doesn’t even want to see.”

“As Lua said, I rely heavily on Lua. So, Brother Jeremy, can you get out of here now? Oh, you there, you can stay in my room. I heard you came to kill Lua.”

“Yes, Ian. Stay by Charlize’s side and kill that demon cub. That would be faster.”

Jeremy, whose eyes were completely turned red in anger, said with gritted teeth. Ian nodded in affirmation and said yes.

Ian fixed the sword again and pointed it next to Charlize this time.

“If I just have the Holy Sword next to her like this, the demon living inside your sister will collapse. Young Master.”

“What, really? Then stay here and keep an eye on Charlize for now. Ian.”

“Yes, I will.”

“Never fall for Charlize’s words. She’s evil.”

“Of course. I’ll do my best to save Young Master’s sister. I will exterminate these two devils with my own hands.”

“Ha! You at least said something good for once. First, I need to see my brother and discuss this matter. I can’t believe Charlize is becoming a demon. It can’t happen.”

“It’s a very unusual case. Please tell Duke Rebecca it in detail. I will ‘watch’ your sister as the Young Master ordered.”

“Yes, let me know if anything happens. I’ll listen to anything.”


Thus Jeremy left Charlize’s room staggering like a drunken man. Ian closed the door after he left.


As the door closed, Charlize sighed repeatedly.

“I didn’t know you would act so well. Ian.”

“This level of acting is basic to mix among humans. Charlize.”

“By the way, Ian, did you really kill Charlize?”

“Yes, I did. Father.”

“How can you kill her for real?”

“But Charlize ordered it. She wished to die. So, Charlize, did you go where you wanted to go today?”

“Not at all. It was a dog’s death today, too.”

The two demons who were curious about Charlize, who was calm about death, looked at her as if they were observing her.

Lua looked at Charlize because he wondered why she was calm about death. And Ian looked at her because it was his first time he saw a human being who was not afraid even though she was dead a moment ago.

“Oh, Ian, I’ll give you some blood.”

“Thank you, Charlize.”

Charlize gave her right wrist to Ian. Ian’s two fangs dug into her soft skin.

Charlize accepted Ian without frowning as if she couldn’t feel the pain.


The sound of Ian draining Charlize’s blood rang obscenely in the room.

Lua didn’t like the look, so he also sank his fangs in the back of her neck even though Charlize’s order was not given.

Charlize, who felt funny that both of them were desperate for her blood, accepted the two without a groan.

One on the wrist.

The other on the back of the neck.

She could feel losing her strength little by little, but it was bearable.

It wasn’t that she would just fall down like that.

So Charlize’s bloody morning passed.

Now the lunch event is about to begin.


Jeremy quickly headed to Eugene’s office.

At the urgent knock, Eugene ordered him to enter.

Jeremy came into the office and uttered shocking words with a gasp.

“Brother, something big happened. Charlize has become a half-demon. She’s being eaten by the devil.”

“……what do you mean, Jeremy?”

“Early in the morning, I took Ian, the hunter, to Charlize’s room. Ian said that Charlize is being eaten by the devil. She’s becoming a demon.”

“What nonsense is that?”

“It’s an extremely rare case. The only way to save Charlize is to kill her to be human again-“

“So you killed her?”

“Wh, who?”


Eugene asked interrogatively, staring at Jeremy with anxiety.

Jeremy nodded his head up and down.

Eugene sighed heavily and patted Jeremy on the head.

“Jeremy, our goal is the devil. What’s the big deal about killing the devil? Don’t be afraid. It’s all right.”

“Charlize is not a demon yet. Brother. She’s only half demon.”

“For us, she’s like a true demon. Because she held hands with the devil.”

“Do you hate Charlize that much?”

At Jeremy’s shaky question, Eugene didn’t blink an eye and spouted a dark truth.

“Yes, I don’t want to keep her alive.”

“Why? Mother left her…”

“She’s just a keepsake.”


“Jeremy, don’t be possessed by Charlize either. Because that girl is more than the devil. She’s trying to destroy the whole house. Is it not enough to kick her out? I want her to die a hundred times.”

“But did Tia really leave the house because Charlize kicked her out?”

“Jeremy, you didn’t fall for Charlize’s words, did you?”

“That’s not true. I’m just curious. Why did Tia leave the house?”

“This is all Charlize’s doing.”

“…Is that so? The truth can be different from what we know.”

Eugene couldn’t understand his only brother Jeremy.

Obviously, if someone looks from his perspective, it would be like looking at the brother who always knew how to throw hard words at Charlize but is covering up for her now.

Something is off.

The thought that Charlize seemed to have done something to him filled Eugene’s head.

‘Yes, Charlize. From the moment she appeared, everything in my family was ruined.’

Eugene didn’t make it obvious, but his resentment against Charlize grew.

Unlike Jeremy.

“So where did the hunter go?”

“I’ve told him to keep an eye on Charlize and the devil. He might kill the devil sooner.”

“Well done Jeremy, we have no choice but to watch this shitty situation. There’s not much we can do, right?”

“……when you say we have to kill Charlize, do we really kill her?”

“Yes. Tell him to kill her if necessary. We can save Charlize with Mother’s will anyway.”

“All right.”

Jeremy also answered well while looking at Eugene.

Like a fool.


With the evil energy and blood depleting from her, Charlize felt dizzy and waited for lunch to come.

She was excited about what event would wait for her at lunch.

What kind of guys would be wasting their breath in front of her eyes?

That kind of excitement.

“Lua, have you found the whereabouts of Tia?”

Lua shook his head gently because there was no communication from the other demons.

“There is no communication that the demons have found a human being named Tia. I don’t think they’ve found her yet.”

“Where on earth is she hiding?”

“Can I join the conversation, Charlize?”

Ian, who was quietly listening to the conversation about Tia, sat on Charlize’s left and asked. Charlize turned her head to him at the question.

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