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  3. TFWL 30

The Fake Wants to Leave

“Charlize will die…?”

“I won’t die now, but I think I’ll try to die again when my depression rises. It’s okay, I don’t die. My brothers will save me. Definitely.”

Charlize replied with a face as if it was natural.

Lua had a question mark in his head as if he hadn’t understood Charlize’s words yet.

Charlize put her hands on Lua’s cheeks and mumbled, touching their foreheads together.

“Even if I die in front of your eyes, Lua, please stay calm.”

“……what are you talking about?”

“Lua and I are partners. An emotionless partner.”

“Charlize, I…”

“Lua, don’t lose your head if I die, okay?”

Charlize repeated her words, cutting off Lua’s words.

She didn’t want Lua to go crazy.

Of course, he will not be as crazy as a human being because he’s the devil.

Charlize did not lose her smile and offered the side of her neck to Lua for him to have more evil energy.

Lua bit her neck again because the scent of Charlize’s evil energy was emitting a sweet scent, stimulating his sense of smell.

“I’m not sick. So help yourself. Lua.”

You’re lying.

Lua thought as he passed the evil energy of Charlize onto him from her neck.

Charlize, who fell unconscious easily the last time, couldn’t be not sick.

He needed to build up his strength a little more.

He used all his strength to find Charlize’s sister, and so his strength disappeared quickly.

This power will be quickly charged if he consumes a lot of evil energy from humans.

It was not difficult to regain the original power if he had Charlize’s evil energy, who seemed to have a mine of evil energy.

The night of Charlize and Lua was cozy and cool in darkness that was good to lose each other’s reason.


It has been about two weeks.

Eugene and Jeremy haven’t seen Charlize in the meantime.

No, it was more accurate to say they weren’t deliberately looking for her.

Before dawn, a member from the guild ‘Dawn’ came to the door of Duke Rebecca.

Jeremy, who erased his voice in Eugene’s office and entered without a word, brought someone behind him.

“Brother, a man called the Legendary Demon Hunter came to receive our request.”

Eugene was a little surprised to hear that he was a Legendary Demon Hunter, but he tried to react calmly.

‘I heard the Legendary Demon Hunter was dead. There’s no way he’s alive. Are they impersonating me?’

Eugene focused his eyes on the man who followed Jeremy in with doubts.

“Why did you accept our request?”

A man wearing a black hood answered, tilting his hood back.

“I have the chance to kill the devil I wanted to deal with.”

Brilliant silver-white hair fluttered at the end of the waist, and dark sky blue eyes containing the lake at dawn sparkled.

He was too beautiful of a man to be a human being.

Eugene frowned at the man’s somewhat familiar appearance.

Wait a minute, that hunter. It looks like the devil that Charlize has.

“Do you know about the devil we want you to deal with?”

The Legendary Demon Hunter answered Eugene’s question as a matter of fact.

“I know it well. The Devil the Duke is talking about is a celebrity among Demon Hunters.”

“……Do you know that my family sealed the great devil a long time ago?”

“Of course, I’m aware.”

“Is it a famous story among hunters too? You seem to know the secrets of our family.”

“Because rumors spread around faster than wind.”

“The Devil was kept in the underground prison of Duke of Rebecca. It still became so famous?”

Eugene kept a keen eye on the Legendary Hunter and kept asking questions.

The Legendary Hunter nodded calmly, receiving Eugene’s questioning eyes.

“Yes. It’s a famous story that any Demon Hunter would know. Even a novice hunter knows the story of the great devil of Duke Rebecca.”

“Who did you hear about us from?”

“I heard it from my teacher.”

“What did the teacher say about the devil?”

“He said he is a very nasty fellow.”

Jeremy, who is a little slow-witted, felt that this situation was like interrogating a criminal and stopped his older brother Eugene.

“Brother, he said he can get rid of the devil that stuck to Charlize.”

Jeremy couldn’t wait to get Charlize back.

He wanted to save Charlize, who was possessed by the devil.

Maybe that’s why Jeremy was in a hurry.

In all circumstances.

He was now serving the Emperor of Evansky, but he did not have to show his face at the palace because he had taken the vacation he had collected so far.

He was spending the vacation paying more attention to Charlize.

“As you said, I can get rid of the devil. Duke Rebecca.”

“What’s your name?”

“My name is Ian.”

“Ian. Is that your real name? There are often many hunters who act under pseudonyms.”

“The Duke is right, it’s a nickname.”


There’s a crazy guy who uses his nickname as a hunter?

Eugene burst into laughter at his absurdity.

Jeremy didn’t quite understand the heavy situation.

He brought a hunter to kill the damn devil, a legendary hunter. But his brother’s reaction was strange.

He was treating the hunter as if he’s not a hunter.

“Brother, what’s wrong with you? Really. What if he doesn’t accept our request? Isn’t it hard to find a Demon Hunter?”

Ian giggled at Jeremy’s cute response and did something bold. He put his hand on Jeremy’s shoulder.

“I won’t run away.”

Ian squinted his eyes in the air, his sky blue eyes filled with resentment. And then he went on as if reminiscing about his past.

“I’m going to kill him before I die. This time, I will.”

“This time?”

Eugene was very doubtful by Ian’s suspicious behavior and words, but the Demon Hunters aren’t easily found again.

In addition, he is a hunter named the Legendary Demon Hunter, so he decided to trust him for now.

“Do you have the Demon Hunter’s certificate?”

“Here you are.”

Ian reached into his pocket and handed Eugene a piece of finely folded paper.

Eugene took a close look at the Demon Hunter’s certificate, bearing the strange skull shape of the Demon Hunters Association.

‘His name is Ian. The same name is written on the deed. Stamped by the Demon Hunters Association. I don’t think there’s a separate certificate of the legendary hunter. It’s a real Demon Hunter’s deed. Then why do I feel shiver running down my spine?’

Eugene handed over the Demon Hunter’s deed back to Ian and brought it up with a big, empty cough.

“Then, Ian, are you really the one who got the title of the Legendary Demon Hunter?”

Ian responded with a bright smile.

Like an innocent child.

“Yes. It’s been a while since I’ve been given that title, Duke.”

“……I believe it because you have the Demon Hunter’s certificate.”

“You’ll have to trust me to catch that damn devil.”

Ian came out confidently, and Jeremy thought with a shallow smile in response.

With the terrifying thought that the devil cub parasitic next to Charlize would soon fall into the abyss.

Jeremy was someone who was on tight nerves since Charlize’s death, or since she was adopted by this family.

The real sister disappeared, the fake sister went crazy.

To be honest, Jeremy’s dark inside was directed at Charlize.

He knew it himself.

That he was as ugly as the devil.

On the outside, he worries about his real sister, Tia, but on the inside, he has Charlize in mind.

Jeremy unsealed his mind about Charlize.

He was determined to cling to Charlize, who kept dying and trying to leave somewhere.

“Then Ian, I want you to stay in our mansion from now on.”

Eugene decided to accept Ian for now, and told Jeremy to give Ian a guest room.

That’s how the beautiful sunshine came to the Duke of Rebecca.


Charlize got up early in the morning and looked out the window.

It was a strange habit from the moment she entered Charlize’s body.

She kept looking out the window, as if she was waiting for someone. So she woke up early in the morning.

Perhaps she wanted the dead Duchess back alive.

Not she, but the ‘Charlize’.

Charlize was looking out the empty window between the red velvet curtains.

Lua, standing next to Charlize, was just staring at her as if he was familiar with the situation.

“Lua, is there anyone you want to see?”

Lua was embarrassed by Charlize’s sudden question.

This is because Charlize, who asked this question, seemed lonely for some reason.

Lua rolled his eyes as if thinking for a moment and found the answer.

“Well, I want to see someone, but I don’t want to.”

“Whose that?”

“I had a child.”

At Lua’s shocking remarks, Charlize’s head slowly moved sideways and looked at him.

T/N: Jeremy is done for~

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  1. helloworld15 says:

    I love how twisted this (and everyone in it) is becoming.

  2. Urloyalfan says:

    He had a child ?!?!!?????????????!!!! With whomst????

  3. Potat says:


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