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  3. TFWL 28

The Fake Wants to Leave

In addition to having already said that, he also said he would be a loyal dog of Charlize. Being a member of the Evansky Royal family, unlike other royal families, he had to take responsibility for what he uttered.

If he doesn’t take responsibility for his words, he’ll be punished.

It was kind of a curse put on the royal family.

‘I’m glad Charlize doesn’t know this yet.’

Harrison let out a sigh of relief inside.

He could never have imagined how much Charlize would blackmail himself if she knew this curse.

“Shall we go on a trip?”

Charlize looked into the air and asked Lua and Harrison.

Lua replied, as if he didn’t care, and said he would do anything Charlize wants. But Harrison didn’t answer.

When Harrison’s answer did not return, Charlize’s face stiffened and she slapped him on the cheek.

“Your Majesty, let’s go on a trip. Together. Are you tired of playing with me?”

“That’s not true. Traveling is too reckless. Charlize.

Harrison closed his eyes tightly, feeling his cheeks burning.

Harrison was very regretful because he seemed to have realised he had said unnecessary things to restore his relationship with Charlize.

Charlize tried to slap Harrison in the face again but paused.

It’s no use beating him.

This is because Harrison was the most stubborn and arrogant of the original male characters.

She knew Harrison wouldn’t do her a favor no matter how much she threatened him.

It was information that she learned naturally as she continued to live in Charlize’s body.

It wasn’t good information, but it was better than not knowing.

Knock, knock, knock.

Charlize narrowed her eyebrows at the sound of someone knocking on her door again.

She couldn’t understand why people kept coming into her room and interrupting her rest today.

She is not the original female protagonist, but the villain. However, the main characters were too interested in herself.

Charlize was uncomfortable with the attention.

“Come in.”


As the door opened, she could see John, The Sage of the continent, entering with a playful smile.

‘Was there any event where all the male protagonists come into the villain’s room one by one? No, there wouldn’t have been such a thing. From the perspective of the female protagonist Tia, the memory of reality is useless.’

Charlize sighed deeply and looked up at John and asked.

“So it’s John this time. Why are you coming into my room one after another? What are you guys up to?”

“I came here to restore my relationship with you, but Your Majesty beat me into it.”

“Ha, would it be a good thing to restore your relationship with me?”

“I heard you ordered that devil to find Tia who is missing today. In the garden.”

“…… it was just me and Lua who were walking in the garden. What are you talking about?”

“We were there, too. While you and that devil were sharing a deep kiss.”

Charlize asked, tilting her head with a brazen countenance, as if she were not ashamed.

“So what John?”

“I’m asking you to let me join in your play.”

“Why should I?”

“Because it looks fun. And I have a hunch that I’ll be the first to see Tia first. With you.”

“As John said, I ordered Lua to find Tia. But there’s no room for John. The day I bring Tia will be the only day you can see her. Don’t bother me and get out of here, John.”

“I haven’t done anything to Charlize, but why am I so hated so much?”

“Because you love Tia. There’s no particular reason. I don’t like Tia. So I don’t like those who love Tia.”

“But it’s strange. You want to find someone you don’t like by signing a contract with the devil?”

“I have to find her, only then I can breathe.”

“Charlize, you know you’ve changed a lot, right? You didn’t talk back to me as before, now you’re behaving well. As if you have another soul in your body. You didn’t try to die either. You endured hard to live somehow.”

Charlize had a headache due to sudden stress.

‘I don’t know much about the villain. What happened with Charlize and the original male characters is also a sub-quest that sometimes pops up.’

Charlize put her right hand on her forehead and breathed out lightly.

“Please leave now. I’m on the verge of collapsing.”

“Do you want me to call you a healer? Maybe Louis? I can call him by my summoning magic.”

At that moment, something clicked into Charlize’s head at John’s sarcasm.

‘Yeah, I’d rather bring all the main characters of the original game in here and become the boss. After tempting them with the information that I ordered Lua to find Tia, I’ll make them my dogs like Harrison.’

Why didn’t she think of that?

Why did she keep being fooled by the plot and the original male characters until now?

There was such a shortcut.

“John. Please summon Louis and Jude. I have something to say to them.”

John smiled with his eyes and asked if she had anything else to say. But Charlize only said to summon them quickly, but did not utter the answer he wanted.

“If it’s not something that interests them, they’ll bother you, Charlize.”

“John is the only one who is interested in me. Please summon the two.”

John cast a spell of summoning on the floor of Charlize’s room, and soon Louis and Jude were summoned.

Louis had cutlery in his hands, maybe he was eating. And, Jude was standing with a sword erect as if he had been practicing swordsmanship.

“Charlize, as you’ve said, I summoned Louis and Jude. Go ahead and tell them what you have to say.”

Louis and Jude, who were suddenly summoned to Charlize’s room, were visibly embarrassed. Then they looked around and found Harrison kneeling down.

They can help but think what everything is going on about.

However, Charlize’s bold remarks soon gave them a rough idea of what this situation was like.

“Welcome to my room. Everyone. I have something to tell you. It’s about finding Tia, because I know how to find her.”

Louis thought that Charlize must be talking nonsense and immediately asked her.

“What are you talking about, Charlize?”

“People might think I’m a villain who always does bad things, Louis.”

“You’re a villain, aren’t you? You have been bothering Tia to death.”

“It’s all my own expectations of affection for doing such a thing, Louis.”

“How many years have Tia cried complaining that she was having a hard time because of you? You want me to be patient when she ran away like this?”

Louis’ distinctive discontented voice resonated heavily in Charlize’s room.

Charlize shrugged her shoulders and responded lightly.

“Let’s find Tia who left the house together. My Lua did something great.”

“What has that devil done?”

Louis asked sourly, and Charlize looked at him proudly.

“He gave orders to demons all over the continent to find Tia.”

“What did you say?”

The first one to respond was none other than Jude, who was quiet most of the time.

Jude’s black pupils opened wide.

“I’m going to go catch Tia who disappeared, do you want to go with me? I heard that the top demons don’t listen to Lua very well. He ordered them to bring Tia alive, but she’s unlikely to return with her body intact.”

Charlize’s terrifying remarks made quite a stir.

Everyone – except for Lua and Harrison – looked at Charlize with bewildered faces and was speechless.

Doesn’t that mean Tia could die?

“What an interesting remark, Charlize. Do you think that threat will work on us?”

John tried to escape the situation with a smile.

But it wasn’t something Charlize wanted.

“I’m not threatening, I’m only telling the truth. I guess everyone’s trust in me is bottoming out. I’m not the type to mess with Tia.”

“Do you have any evidence that Tia wouldn’t die, Charlize?”

Jude asked Charlize in a rather serious tone unlike usual. She nodded and gestured to Lua.

“Since Lua gave orders, wouldn’t Lua know better? Lua, go ahead and tell them. What the truth is.”

Lua easily opened his lips lightly at Charlize’s orders.

“Charlize’s words have no lie. I know you don’t believe me, the devil. But I’m not a bad devil to play tricks with Charlize.”

“How do we believe the devil and the villain’s words?”

John argued with a face full of doubts and shook his head.

Charlize shrugged her shoulders whether they believed her or not. She slowly looked at the surprised and uncomfortable male characters. Then, laughter burst out at the fact that they were looking at her stupidly.

“Haha, everyone has funny faces. So, is that how you want to restore your relationship with me?”

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