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  3. TFWL 25

The Fake Wants to Leave

The housekeeper naturally spread this order to other servants. So they did their job, treating them as invisible even if they saw them inside the mansion.

The servants of the Duke of Rebecca were extremely taciturn.

In some cases, no matter who conducts severe torture or interrogation, they would rather choose sweet death than open their mouth.

It was because of their strong loyalty to Duke Rebecca.

This loyalty was attributed to the influence of the first Duke of Rebecca.

Eugene looked at the painting on the wall of the second-floor staircase with the face of the first Duke Rebecca.

Eugene, who had always been worried about the portrait on the wall without a frame, just looked at the first Duke for a while and turned his head.

For some reason, he didn’t like the appearance that looked quite similar to him.

Oddly enough, he didn’t hate anyone so much.

Except for the men of Tia and Charlize.

However, when he looked at the portrait of the first Duke, he felt dirty because he felt like he was looking at himself.

It was obviously the first Duke who died a long time ago, but Eugene felt he was looking at the dead him.

Jeremy could find Eugene frowning as he stepped up the stairs on the second floor.

‘Brother always looks like that whenever he steps on the stairs on the second floor. Doesn’t he like the first Duke? I would feel strange seeing him looking at the portrait of the first Duke who had a face similar to that of him.’

Knock, knock, knock.

Eugene knocked on the drawing room and let the guests inside know he would like to enter.

Then Harrison’s order from the drawing room was issued.

“Come in.”

Eugene quickly opened the drawing room door, and faced Harrison, who was sitting stiff on the sofa, and John, who was looking outside the window in the drawing room.

Eugene and Jeremy politely greeted them.

“I greet the great men of the empire.”

He had to be polite with such an awe-inspiring voice when he greeted them who won the title of the world’s strongest.

Even if they aren’t royalty.

John was the only Sage on the continent.

He was a great man in charge as the Master of the Magic Tower of the continent.

He was not to be ignored as an aristocrat.

Eugene was also polite to John.

Then John reacted sourly.

“I told you not to have that kind of courtesy. I feel pressured for some reason.”

Eugene shook his head at John’s words.

“No. I was taught that I should be polite to great people.”

“Eugene, you’re too straightforward and that’s a problem. It’s no fun.”

“Is that so?”

“Look at your brother Jeremy. Courtesy is only reserved for His Majesty. He completely ignored me.”

As soon as John’s words were over, Eugene stared at Jeremy, who was next to him.

For Eugene, who was trying to do everything perfectly, this disgrace was unbearable.

“Jeremy, why aren’t you being polite to John?”

“Your Majesty is the only one I am loyal to.”

John burst into laughter at Jeremy’s indifferent answer.

“Yes, yes. This is the fun part.”

“John, you can scold my brother if…”

“Why? Why would I? Courtesy to a loyal person is originally the etiquette of an aristocrat. Jeremy is not looking at me as his boss. Then he doesn’t have to have that kind of courtesy. Charlize has never been polite to us. It would be a little creepy if Charlize bowed her head to be polite to us.”

John briefly imagined Charlize bowing to him calmly and acting like his loyal dog.

‘Ugh, it’s awful.’

The idea of not wanting to be respected by Charlize filled John’s head.

Then his eyes went to Harrison, who was deep in thought.

John began to tell Eugene and Jeremy the story of the fiasco earlier.

“Oh, that’s right. Charlize was taking the devil for a walk. Even the kiss was amazing. Beside that, he kept our shadows tied so that we wouldn’t be near Charlize. My hands and feet would shake just thinking about how scary it was.”

Jeremy reacted sensitively to the word ‘kiss’.

“Charlize kissed that damn devil?”

John answered yes with his arms crossed.

The venom in Jeremy’s eyes grew stronger and stronger. Jeremy’s evil energy became so strong to the point that the demons who were passing by rushed to see Jeremy, the delicious food that was placed.

John smirked at Jeremy, who was a little stupid in particular, was going crazy with jealousy of a man.

“Jeremy, since when have you been so sensitive about Charlize? Charlize is our enemy.”

“I don’t know. Why am I reacting like this? I don’t know anything about the feelings in my heart.”

“The same goes for His Majesty. He went to the garden to ask Charlize for an engagement, but he got kicked out instead. Isn’t it right, Your Majesty?”

“Shut up, John.”

It was Eugene’s first time hearing about the “engagement” between Charlize and His Majesty.

“Your Majesty, you intend to engage with Charlize?”

Harrison confessed everything as if he couldn’t help it.

“In fact, I planned to get engaged to Charlize to tie her up with me, who might know Tia’s location. Of course, that opinion was made by John over there.”

“Wasn’t Your Majesty in love with Tia?”

“I love her. Originally, I was going to ask Tia for an engagement on her birthday. But everything was canceled because Tia disappeared.”

“Is engagement something so easy for you?”

Eugene’s purple eyes were filled with disgust.

If he loves Tia, he shouldn’t be engaged to anyone else.

And yet he wanted to use his engagement to find Tia?

Don’t be ridiculous.

Eugene couldn’t speak his mind properly.

His opponents were great men, and he was only the head of a prestigious family.

Perhaps there was a difference in power, and if he made a disturbance, the morale of the family of Rebecca would fall further.

Well, there’s nothing more to lose because of Charlize.

Eugene was a man who did everything to protect Duke Rebecca.

He should not have made the great men angry.

However, he thought it would be okay to argue a little bit.

It was a bold move.

For Eugene, it was.

“Does Your Majesty have a crush on Charlize?”

“Do you or John have any grudge against me? Why do you keep mentioning Charlize?”

“Your Majesty has Tia in mind. But planned to get engaged with the person you hate the most. The royal family’s engagement should not be carried out so lightly.”

“Duke Rebecca, you are still blunt and not respectful to the law.”

Harrison was already in a very low mood when he saw Charlize and the devil she was raising sharing a deep kiss.

But now Eugene has been making a little mental attack on Harrison.

Harrison began to dislike Eugene’s behavior even more.

“Remember, I am the law of this country. So Duke of Rebecca, stop crossing the line.”

“Your Majesty has been strange lately. You seem sensitive about Charlize.”

“Duke of Rebecca. Listen, I don’t have any feelings for Charlize at all, okay? It’s just that I heard a conversation she had with the devil and rushed to get engaged with her.”

“……what conversation did Charlize and the great devil had?”

“The great devil said he would order demons all over the continent to find Tia. So I thought I should make Charlize, the contractor of the great devil, more on our side so that I could find Tia.”

Eugene’s eyes opened wide at Harrison’s remarks.

There are demons among human?

No, he heard that by sealing the great devil, most of the demons have disappeared and were never seen.

‘What the hell is going on?’

Eugene put his right hand on his forehead with a confused expression.

Harrison stared at Eugene, who suddenly showed an expression of wonder at his words.

“Duke Rebecca, is something wrong?”

“That, we’ve just commissioned a guild named ‘Dawn’ to recruit Demon Hunters.”

“The Demon Hunter? There’s no way there’s something like that exists. They are only seen in legends. Duke Rebecca, have you gone crazy, too?”

“I’m not crazy. Demon Hunters really do exist. The only ones who have the power of light to kill the devil. Of course, very few humans are born with that power of light.”

“It’s astonishing to hear about Demon Hunter from the mouth of Duke Rebecca, which I’ve only heard in history.”

Jeremy, who was listening to the conversation around him without saying anything, finally opened his mouth.

“Your Majesty, we need Demon Hunters to kill the demon cub who is staying like a parasite next to Charlize.”

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  1. Karma says:

    I really thing that something is messing up with their heads, the way they act is so suspicious and unnatural, i just have a weird feeling when i see the original MLs interact between each other

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