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  3. TFWL 24

The Fake Wants to Leave

“How come you want to restore our relationship?”

“Because you promised to find our hope, Tia.”

“Then if you find that Tia, you are going to throw Charlize away?”

“Throwing her away? I never had Charlize in the first place.”

Lua glared at Harrison with a scary look on his face.

Doesn’t that mean that he’s going to play with Charles until he finds someone named Tia?

Lua’s head cooled for a moment when the thought occurred.

‘Is that Emperor so desperate to die? He dares play tricks on my contractor in front of me.’

Lua wanted to take the lives of those two humans right now, but he decided to endure it even because of Charlize.

Charlize’s order to kill them has not yet been issued.

He had no intention of killing humans unless it was the order of his contractor.

However, the Emperor continued to cross the line that should not be crossed.

For the first time, Lua realized that he was such a patient devil.

If it was in the past, he’d have just blown their heads.

He wondered how his mind became so weak.

Lua left this patronage with one last word because he wanted to end this shitty conversation. Without receiving the bouquet of flowers that Harrison gave, of course.

“Then be nice to Charlize from now on. Online then I’ll find Charlize’s sister sooner.”

Harrison smiled wryly at Lua’s back, who left leisurely leaving the words.

John, who was watching this exciting scene, asked Harrison.

“Your Majesty, are you really going to do what the devil says?”

“I should. I’ll do anything to find Tia. Let the others know. From now on, we must have a good relationship with Charlize. That way, we can find Tia. Deliver it through your mana.”

“Of course, I will do as Your Majesty commands. But didn’t you get a little weird?”

Harrison narrowed his brows at John’s words.

“What’s wrong with it?”

“I felt like we were bowing to Charlize, who had been so contemptuous to us.”

“Bowing down, we just did something for Tia. John.”

“But when Tia ran away and we got together not long after, Your Majesty didn’t intend to get help from Charlize. Don’t you remember?”

As John said, Harrison once said at a meeting of men of Tia shortly after Tia disappeared, that he would never trust Charlize, and that he would rather search the whole continent in detail than get her help.

However, unlike then, now he was trying to establish a friendly relationship with Charlize.

With Charlize, whom he hated so much.

John guessed that Harrison had changed 180 degrees in the meantime because he hated Charlize.

Harrison, who hated Charlize the most among the men of Tia, was seen winding around Charlize.

Harrison didn’t seem to know.

Because Harrison’s mind was still directed at Tia, but he didn’t know when it would change.

“Your Majesty, don’t think about Charlize. She’s annoying.”

“She’s been annoying for a long time. If I find Tia, I will cut off the relationship.”


“Yes, John, what are you going to do? Do you agree with me?”

John rolled his eyes as if he were thinking for a moment.

“I don’t know. There’s no one as crazy as Charlize. To be honest, this wise man is curious.”

“You are curious about Charlize, you mean?”

“A little bit.”

“John, are you out of your mind?”

“That’s not true. It seems like my head is working well.”

“You always liked fun things. Stupidly.”

“Sometimes it’s not bad to be stupid. It’s good to be able to empty my head.”


Harrison kicked his tongue and threw the bouquet of flowers that Lua had ignored on the floor.

The small embers that Lua ignited touched Harrison’s unpleasant heart.

John blinked his eyelids slowly, looking down at the colorful flowers scattered on the floor.

He could see that Harrison’s mind repeatedly went to Charlize and then to Tia.

So his mouth was tilting up in this dangerous situation.

Will Harrison be happy to find Tia, or will he regret the disappearance of Charlize?

He got curious for no reason.

So he gave Harrison a suggestion.

“Your Majesty, let’s wait at the Duke of Rebecca until Charlize wakes up.”

“Why do we have to be such a bother?”

“The devil told you to be nice to Charlize. Let’s treat Charlize nicely, who has become precious to us, like that devil.”

“Do I have to do that?”

“Of course. In order to have a lady’s favor, you have to be friendly. From now on, you must abandon your true self. That’s how we can find Tia.”

Harrison fell for John’s strange persuasion.

“All right. I’ll wait until Charlize wakes up. Of course, John, you are coming with me, too.”

John slowly moved his head up and down as if he had already expected the answer.

In the meantime, he delivered the information to Eugene in advance through his mana.

《Your Majesty and I will be waiting in the drawing room, so come find us on your own.》


Eugene and Jeremy hurriedly returned to the mansion and asked the housekeeper if Charlize had escaped from the mansion.

“Housekeeper, was Charlize still doing well today?”

“Charlize didn’t cause any trouble, did she?”

The housekeeper looked very embarrassed by the sudden barrage of questions.

“Actually, I secretly watched because Lady Charlize was going out for a walk, and she was really only taking a walk.”

“She took a walk alone?”

When Jeremy asked, the housekeeper seemed to recall the scene for a moment, and then nodded.

“Yes, the Lady was alone.”

Eugene looked ridiculous and asked the housekeeper the question Jeremy asked again.

“…Really, Charlize was alone?”

“Yes, the Lady was definitely taking a walk alone. Then she quietly returned to the mansion. That’s all I saw, Duke.”

“Good job. You can return to your work now.”

As soon as Duke Rebecca and Jeremy’s order fell, the housekeeper bowed to his masters and slowly disappeared to do his job.

Jeremy tapped Eugene’s arm as if he was bothered by what the housekeeper said.

“Bro, it’s weird. Charlize walking alone without the devil? Didn’t you say they were always together?”

“I think he is probably hiding, it’s one of the devil’s abilities. The devil has many abilities. It’s often abilities that don’t appear in humans.”

“Why do they try to hide themselves so much?”

“That I don’t know. By the way, we need to get to the drawing room quickly. Important people are there.”


“On my way back to the mansion earlier, I had a message from John in my head.”

“John? Why?”

“I don’t know what happened, but he said he would wait in the drawing room. We should hurry up and get ready to receive guests.”

“Why are they here?”

“You don’t go to the palace very often either.”

“That’s because I’m taking a few days off.”

“The same goes for them. They are great people who work the day they want.”

“Anyway, I feel like they are coming in and out of our house too much. I don’t like it. It’s uncomfortable, why do they keep coming?”

“I allowed it.”

“You didn’t like it when others came to our mansion without contacting us.”

“They’re all desperate to find Tia. They are our collaborators. And I also asked them to keep an eye on Charlize.”

“You even asked them to keep an eye on Charlize? Those who despise Charlize must have done brother a great favour.”

“They readily agreed. At that time, I thought it wouldn’t happen like you said, but they seemed to take care of Charlize as if they had changed their minds.”

“……Are they possessed by the devil, too?”

“I don’t think so. They are geniuses in their own field, and they have a strong mind. It’s not easy for them to be possessed by demons.”

Eugene did not like Tia’s men, but was forced to accept them.

It was because he and Jeremy couldn’t find Tia.

In addition, since they said they would take care of Charlize, the bad feelings he had for those before were becoming dull.

Maybe because he saw them often.

‘No, but if they can find Tia, I’ll be their ally.’

Eugene remembered them and headed to the drawing room with Jeremy.

Perhaps it was because of Eugene’s silence that the housekeeper did not report that they came.

They had told the housekeeper to behave like a person who didn’t see anything even if they suddenly came into the mansion.

T/N: To my dear readers, I love you all!! You guys are the most amazing readers in the world anyone could ever have. Your support and love have filled me to the brim. So even though you told me to update slowly, I’m thinking of updating two chapters per day starting from today till next Friday.

Enjoy your reading!❤️❤️


  1. Morrow says:

    Thank you for your hard work!

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