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  3. TFWL 16

The Fake Wants to Leave

Lua became more hungry as Charlize’s evil energy grew stronger. The stronger the evil energy, the more likely it was to be the target of the devil.

And there were many cases where the ones who were contracted with the demons were eaten to death or cursed by the devil and died after living in agony for the rest of their lives. But this human being didn’t feel any emotion.

Like a doll.

“Lua, shall we wash up first? I want to help you wash.”

Lua opened his eyes wide at the sudden suggestion and shook his head gently.

“It’s okay, Charlize. I want to wash up alone.”

“But I want to help you wash neatly…Can’t I?”

Charlize clung to Lua with her eyes shining brightly. Lua had a hunch that he could not break her stubbornness, so he had no choice but to go into the bathroom with her.

Fortunately, none of the maids saw Charlize and Lua entering.

Charlize opened the door of a wide bathroom on the second floor, and took Lua in there. She filled the bathtub with warm water, checked the temperature, and told him to get in the bathtub quickly. While he bathed, she stood with her back turned.

“I’m not going to see you naked, so hurry up and go in. If you wash it clean, the terrible smell will disappear.”

“……Please don’t look. Charlize.”

Lua thought his skinny body was ugly. It was because he couldn’t consume any negative energy and was imprisoned in an underground prison for 800 years and even tortured. So his body wasn’t built.

His sky blue hair floated on the warm water. The transparent water began to get dirty little by little. He only dipped himself once.

Charlize turned when she heard the splash of water.

The stained sky blue hair was showing off its light after being cleaned by the water. The gray eyes trembled when Charlize looked at him.

“You are beautiful even after you cleaned yourself a bit. If you wash it all, you’ll be very beautiful, Lua.”

“……The stronger the devil, the more beautiful it is. It needs that kind of appearance to attract humans.”

Charlize reached out to Lua, who was kneeling in the bathtub. She used her thumb to wipe off the still stained cheeks.

The steaming steam warmed them up.

“Let’s have fun destroying the world together. Lua.”

Charlize smiled enchantingly as she bent her eyes into a half moon. Lua’s heart fluttered at the smile. He had never seen a human trying to seduce him. He had lived for thousands of years, but he had never seen such an appetizing human being in his life.

“Charlize, may I have some of your energy?”

“Of course, you can. I’m still alive even if I die. You can have all you want. Lua.”

Lua carefully grabbed Charlize’s hand on his cheek and kissed the back of her hand. And then, a weak groan was heard.

Lua had never eaten such delicious negative energy before. He felt like he was getting addicted.

He wanted to suck them all like this.

The devil’s desire was impatient. Once he lost his reason, he was an evil creature who ate energy like crazy. At Lua’s unstoppable kiss, Charlize lowered her eyelids for a moment and looked down at him.

“Lua, you’re on my side now, aren’t you?”

At Charlize’s question, Lua removed his lips from her wrist and let her hand go.

“Yes, we have a contract, so we are one now. And the demons don’t die easily, so maybe I can be Charlize’s shield. However, it is assumed that I need to have regular meals on a daily basis.”

“It doesn’t matter when you want to have or how much of my energy you want to consume. I’m sure they’ll save me even if I die anyway.”

Charlize put her hands on Lua’s shoulders and whispered.

“When you’re done washing up, let’s go to sleep. We can’t make a fuss until the next morning anyway.”

“I guess I’m the only one on Charlize’s side.”

“Yes, I only have Lua.”

With a bitter smile, Charlize began to wipe Lua’s wide back with water.

She roughly washed Lua and tried to bring a long towel, but the locked bathroom door was suddenly smashed.


The bathroom door rattled with a tremendous roar.

And it was Eugene and Jeremy who came into the bathroom.

Charlize sighed seeing they were at it again.

Jeremy’s eyes turned upside down when he saw Charlize washing up an unknown guy. For some reason, a terrible annoyance soared to the top of his head at the sight of the man.


“Oh, my brothers. Did you come to the bathroom to wash up?”

“Charlize, do you know what you’re doing?”

The hot-tempered Jeremy grunted and said angrily. Charlize only shrugged her shoulders and gave a look of uncertainty.

“It’s just that I washed my devil, what’s the problem? Oh, you’re afraid Lua will destroy the world again?”

“That’s not it. Charlize, signing a contract with the devil is like saying you want to die. Do you even know that?”

This time, Eugene hid his fear of the devil inside and nagged at Charlize’s. Contrary to their worries, she nodded as if she knew already.

“I know. But I need this devil to disappear. I’m the only one who’s sick of you, let alone you who think I want to screw you up with suicide. So, I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get the strongest guy and run away.”

“Charlize, you really don’t fear the devil. The mother you loved was also killed by the devil. It wasn’t suicide. People think she committed suicide, but she was eaten by the devil. Are you going to do the same?”

Eugene talked with a nervous look on his face. Charlize retorted, whether she was hurt by their words or not.

“Brother Eugene. I’ll take care of Lua on my own, so don’t worry about it. Since when have you been interested in me? Now that Tia’s gone, you care for me?”

Charlize kicked her tongue as if she were tired of it.

Everything will be back to normal if they find Tia anyway. Even if Tia killed Charlize three years later, it was okay because there was no way to survive.

More than that, Charlize needed healing now.

To a great extent.

So, after finding her runaway sister quickly, she decided to leave the place of the fake sister.

Charlize wanted freedom rather than this luxurious life. She couldn’t come to her senses station in a place where all the people around her were crazy pups.

Now at the peak of her exhaustion, Charlize chose to flee, not leave.

This is because there seemed to be no chance of returning to the real world.

Rather, she was just going to live as she wanted.

Charlize had to find Tia anyhow.

Then, she would leave everything back and leave.

With Lua, it’ll be pretty good.

“Lua, let’s stay together forever.”

Charlize hugged Lua, who was sitting in the bathtub with his top off from behind and seduced him in a sweet voice.

Eugene and Jeremy’s eyes glowed with a terrible obsession towards her.

“Be careful now, my brothers.”

Charlize kissed Lua’s cheek and warned.

“Oh, and I’ll help you find Tia, too.”

Eugene frowned at Charlize’s sudden remarks.

“Why would you? You were a bad sister who hated and bullied Tia.”

Jeremy answered before Eugene could say anything. Charlize answered immediately without thinking.

“I’ll bring Tia back, and then I’ll leave.”

“Charlize, it’s not a matter for you to decide.”

Eugene sighed repeatedly and tried to stop Charlize.

However, Charlize did not listen to Eugene’s human language.

“Anyway, the three of you, a harmonious brother and sister, can live happily without me. I’m going to leave because I’m a foreign material. How many times do I have to tell you to understand?”

“Do you think I will let you run away from the Rebecca family?”

Eugene felt a strange deep thirst for Charlize.

“Leave me alone. I’m tired.”

Charlize waved her hand in the air as if she was sick of them now.

“Get out of here. Lua is embarrassed. And what’s wrong with leaving the people who don’t like me? Oh, because of your mother’s will? If I break that will, you don’t need to feel guilty.”

“Charlize, you are so!”

Charlize’s eyes changed sharply.

“I’m not Mother’s doll.”


“I’m not a pretty doll of the dead Duchess anymore.”

Eugene and Jeremy were speechless at the low voice of Charlize.

The doll was about to become a human being.

The doll was getting emotional and changing little by little.

Their world began to crack.

Charlize, who was their doll, was about to leave them.


Harrison and John’s expressions were dark among those who gathered at ‘Theus’ after a long time.

Louis asked Harrison and John with serious faces. as if he knew something terrible had happened

Harrison replied in a tone of annoyance.

“That girl.”

That girl? Oh, you mean Charlize?

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  1. sera says:

    uh… this is quite all over the place for my preference :((

    1. PastelPudding says:

      I think it’s perfect for mine >:)

  2. Chopstick says:

    A perfectly normal reaction to your sister escaping prison with the strongest demon : checking the bathroom just in case

  3. Karma says:

    It was so funny when she said she was washing her demon, as if was talking about a puppy, i jus find her interactions so funny, my sense of humor is broken

  4. Usurpadora says:

    Estou achando que ela vai acabar seduzindo o diabo KKKJJKKKKK ADOREI

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