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  3. TFWL 14

The Fake Wants to Leave

“It smells awful here.”

“… aren’t you afraid of me?”

Charlize replied with a smirk.

“I’ve already experienced all the scary things in the world, so I’m not that scared. I just feel like I made a friend in prison. If you feel pressured, I’ll stay away.”

“It’s okay. But you can be misled by me, so be careful about that.”

The devil was surprisingly nice and polite. Charlize sighed, thinking that the male protagonists and her brothers’ personality is like trash.

Rather, the devil who would destroy the world seemed more like an angel.

Charlize cursed the main characters in the dog-like game.

Lua glanced curiously at Charlize, who clung to him and muttered something with a sullen expression.

Usually, if it was some other human being, they would refuse to be around Lua because he is a demon. Lua has seen many people threatening the Rebecca family while being imprisoned in this underground prison.

This place, called the “Devil’s Detention Room,” was a place where people who were caught out by Duke Rebecca and made mistakes were thrown into.

But after living 800 years in this prison, it was the first time he saw a member of the unprecedented Duke of Rebecca locked up in the prison with him.

She was a beautiful woman with black hair and empty golden eyes. The demons often cannot overcome their instincts.

They don’t consume people directly, but they can take away the life force of humans through physical contact. However, the power of him was sealed, so he couldn’t exert his power.

Now that instinct is about to break, he is going crazy to consume the life force of this woman he met for the first time.

She’s not even in a contract with him.

As Lua kept fidgeting, Charlize removed her face leaning on his shoulder. Then she put her hands on his cheeks and made him turn around.

“Why are you so jittery?”

Shining gray eyes peeking through the sky blue hair covering his eyes shook greatly. He was agitated.

To this delicious prey.

He had never had such a big desire in 800 years. Lua answered cautiously, lowering his eyelids gently.

“I want to… eat you.”

Charlize maintained her expressionless face without giving a look of surprise at Lua’s sudden reply.

“How do you want to eat me? I don’t know much about demons.”

“……I want to consume your life energy.”

“What happens to our relationship if Lua consumes my energy?”


You’ll be a devil’s contractor.

Lua tried to hold back the words and shook his head.

“No, please forget what I just said.”

If he made a fuss, the Head of the damn Rebecca family may come and torture him. Lua didn’t want to get into trouble because he was already exhausted.

But, he felt a shiver in his spine when he saw Charlize’s smiling expression.

“Devil, devil. Shall we destroy the world together? You look like you need my energy and I want to get out of this damn house. To be honest, I have no regrets about this world. So I made a lot of trouble.”

“……you’re out of your mind.”

Charlize opened her eyes wide as if surprised by the fact how he knew.

“Would you like to go crazy with me? Devil? Sounds like fun.”

Even though he already told her his name, the way she said “Devil, devil” seemed to stimulate him. Lua breathed out an excited breath and opened his slightly chapped lips.

“How are you going to handle it if we go crazy together?”

Charlize replied in a tone of no lingering regret to Lua’s worried tone.

“It will be okay. People think I’m crazy anyway. So they wouldn’t be surprised to find that I signed a contract with the Devil.”

The words felt scarier.

Lua was surprised that there was a more devilish human being than himself.

“Do I have to take off my clothes for you to consume my energy?”


Charlize tried to untie the buttons in the middle of the hem of a simple thin dress. But Lua hurriedly blocked her hand.

“Why? Aren’t I supposed to give you my life force through body contact?”

“You just have to hold my hand.”

“That’s lame.”

“That’s enough for now. Charl, Charlize?”

Charlize nodded and buttoned up the buttons again. Then Lua breathed out deeply.

“Lua, if I save you, will you be my strength? It seems too foolish to keep dying.”

“I’m sorry, Charlize. My power is sealed now. You need evil energy to release me. Then the seal will be removed.”

“Evil energy? What’s that?”

“It’s a kind of negative energy that I can feel from those who are hated by the other person or who usually do evil things.”

All of the people Lua listed were familiar to Charlize.

“That’s exactly me.”

“……Are you strongly hated by people? Do you hurt them?”


It must be that I hurt them. Because it seems I keep hitting people.

Lua sat face to face with Charlize. Now she felt like she could see his face a little.

“I’ll smell your evil energy.”

Lua rubbed his lips against Charlize’s wrist. The demons seduce people and consume people’s negative energy regularly. This is how a demon grows up, they get the power of darkness to dominate the world. Lua was also the same.

“What is this strong evil energy?”

Charlize glanced down at the feeling of dampness in her wrist. His lips were cold. Are demons supposed to have cold lips? She quickly shook his lips off her wrist.

“I’ve never felt this kind of energy before. Charlize, you are the only one who has such a strong evil energy.”

Charlize wondered if she should take this as a compliment.

Well, I hope it works out.

“Then let’s sign a contract. I’ll release your sealed strength. So let’s run and play around as much as you want.”

Charlize planned in her mind how to destroy this damn game world. She wanted to continue to commit suicide to give trauma to those around her who hated her, but it was her who was struggling in the end.

Trauma, she sarcastically said to herself.

Above all, Eugene, the eldest brother of hers, threw Charlize in prison.

What can Charlize not do in this situation?

Lua was actually itching to do it. After 800 years of rotting in this dungeon, he knew this woman’s evil energy was enough to unseal him. In addition, if he signed a contract with her, he could gain enough strength to go back to the past when he was ruling in the world 800 years ago.

Lua acted for a moment as if she was pondering, and then nodded to Charlize’s words.

Charlize’s mouths went up smoothly.

‘I’m going to run away. Now please don’t hold me. Everyone hates me. So leave me alone. I’m putting off going back to the real world for a while. First of all, I have to disappear quickly. I’m just a foreign object stuck between the main characters in this game. I needed something to escape from this hellhole. Luckily, I got the best devil, and I’m going to use him to get out of this damn game.’

Charlize was still thinking of leaving the world. Lua, who knew nothing about her planning, smiled faintly at the thought of going out into the world without even knowing that he was being used by her.


Eugene, who was working on the document, couldn’t concentrate on the writing of the document because he was anxious that Charlize might be playing another game in prison.

That Charlize. That damn Charlize.

Eugene had a headache.

I mean, why does he even keep thinking about her and worrying about him? He should be busy looking for Tia right now.

Eugene headed to the kitchen because he couldn’t even get his hands on work.

He was thinking of bringing a meal directly to Charlize.

Although only half of the day had passed, he wanted to check whether she was reflecting on herself or not.

“Duke, I have prepared Lady Charlize’s meal splendidly, just as you have ordered.”

Reef, the chef in charge of Rebecca’s kitchen, confidently said and showed Charlize’s meal. Eugene praised the pretty luxurious meal, saying, “Well done.”

The maid naturally tried to carry the tray of food. However, Eugene took away the tray that the maid held.

“Du, Duke?”

“I’ll go myself. You guys go back to work.”

“All right.”

The maid bowed her head and quickly returned to her place.

Tray of glossy steak, burrata cheese salad and chocolate ice cream for dessert.

It couldn’t really be the meal of a person who reflected on herself in the dungeon.

Well, she asked him to serve her a lavish meal, so he has to fulfill his promise.

Eugene picked up the tray and went down to the dungeon.

Eugene hated the dungeon.

It was soggy, humid, and he felt bad for no reason.

Eugene strode to the underground prison with long legs. Before long, a large underground prison was seen.

‘Why is it so quiet?’

If Charlize was normal, she would have screamed and cried to get out of the prison.

Eugene’s eyes were torn vertically.

What happened?

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  1. Karma says:

    That’s the most dumbass character i’ve seen, if you know that a person is crazy enough to try to kill herself 3 times, how in the world you think that leaving her alone with a dangerous demon would be a good idea??

  2. Usurpadora says:

    Ele é burro, como não pensou que ela faria um contrato com o diabo? Qualquer doido iria querer essa opção, eu faria.

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