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  3. TFWL 13

The Fake Wants to Leave

The people around Charlize hardened their faces at the long-waited swearing that left her mouth. However, they were not hit hard because it was something that they heard a lot from Charlize.


“I apologise for letting you see such an unsightly scene again.”

Eugene bowed his head and apologised to Harrison and Johann for what Charlize had done. Their position was of course higher than Eugene. Charlize, who was next to Eugene, had already been healed with the magic of the exclusive priest of Rebecca, Reyon. He’s just lamenting that she has tried to die again today.

“No. You don’t have to apologize. It’s been a while since I heard Charlize cursing, so I feel a little refreshed. Oh, I think Charlize has a talent for clutching and squeezing people’s hearts. It was really heartbreaking. I was worried that she would really die this time.”

Harrison said sarcastically to Charlize. Then she answered, glancing up at him and smiling like usual.

“If you want to hear curse words from my mouth anytime, please visit me. I will respect your taste.”

Harrison kicked his tongue at the sight of Charlize saying something horrible with a face as if she could not lose. There is no aristocrate in the empire that could treat him this harshly. Moreover, the king of other countries kneels in front of him.

But she was filled with hostility.

Every single action of Charlize.

“By the way, aren’t all the bouquets ruined because of you Charlize?”

John looked down at Charlize with arrogant eyes and asked in a stern tone. In return, she just shrugged thoughtlessly.

The bad-tempered Charlize.

John sometimes imagined Charlize crying and groveling at his feet. That’s how much she makes other people hate her.

“Thank you for the bouquet. But isn’t it boring to try to seduce me? The only thing you’ll gain if you seduce me is bad words. Will you still keep coming every morning?”

Charlize smiled and said in a roundabout way for the two not to come. But the two were no match for her.

“Isn’t it obvious?”

The two answered at the same time.

With a tone that matched each other.


Charlize, who has already attempted suicide three times, was in trouble. What’s wrong with her trying to keep dying? It didn’t make any sense at all. Rather, she thought it was them, not Charlize, who were being tormented.

“Charlize. I don’t think of you as a family. You’re just Mother’s doll.”

“I know, Brother. I don’t really think of my Brother as a family either.”

A cheeky little girl.

Not only did the orphan, whose birthorigin was unknown, destroyed the reputation of the prestigious family, but she also acted rudely, starting with her hands if she did not like something.

Eugene was forced to put Charlize in an underground prison. It was hard to handle her when she ran around like this.

Eugene spoke to Charlize, who was staring blankly in the air in front of him.

“Charlize, do you remember I warned you that if you try to kill yourself one more time, you’ll be put in prison?”


Charlize answered without hesitation. Eugene had a strange sense of wonder at the answer. Normally, she would have screamed and threw everything in the room. But she was strangely quiet.

“Do you know what’s in the prison?”

“I don’t know.”

Charlize, who was not well known to the Duke of Rebecca, knew nothing about the Rebecca Duchy. In the game setting, it was only said that the Duke of Rebecca sponsors talented people from prestigious families.

Charlize heard the low and calm voice of boring Eugene, but her head was still facing out the window.

“There’s a guy in the dungeon who’ll share your troubles.”

“…There is someone else in the dungeon?”

“Yes, one of the strongest demons sealed by the first Duke of Rebecca is sealed down there. The devil was trying to destroy the world and was caught by the first Duke of Rebecca. It still lives underground. The power of the seal is never released. Because the first Duke of Rebecca had power beyond man. So I’m going to throw you to the scary devil.”

This was Eugene’s final move.

If there is a scary devil next to Charlize, wouldn’t she be scared and reflect on herself?

Unfortunately, Eugene never dreamed that the method would not work on Charlize.

He just wanted Charlize, who just wanted to die, to be locked up in an underground prison and struggled to live with the devil.

“Would I be starved to death in the prison?”

“No, I would have someone send you a fancy dinner.”

“All right, I will listen to you for the first time.”

Eugene grabbed Charlize’s wrist, who was lying on the bed and dragged her out of the room.

The dungeon was dark, soggy and damp.

Following Eugene’s lead, Charlize followed behind him. Then he stopped walking. And she also stopped moving her feet.

“Reflect, Charlize.”

“Should I go in there?”

Charlize asked, staring at the prison with a dull face.

“Yeah. I’ll lock you up and get you out when you’re a little bit calmer. Remember Charlize, you can’t escape from here. The pendant that my Father handed over reacts if someone tries to break through the dungeon. So live with that devil like a rat. Of course that devil has no power now. So don’t think about trying to die again, Charlize.”

Eugene released Charlize’s wrist. And put her in a specially constructed underground prison which would open and close solely with the power of the owner.

Surprisingly, Charlize entered the dull, dark prison without changing her expression.


“The maid will bring the meal every time. I don’t want to put you in a prison either, but you keep doing dangerous things, Charlize.”

Eugene was blaming Charlize for everything, including the disappearance of Tia and the breakdown of the harmonious family. If she hadn’t done anything evil, Tia wouldn’t have disappeared and he would have treated her as a family.

Too bad for her.

Eugene tried to forget Charlize’s gloomy appearance as he came out of the basement.

He has to forget. He has to forget about her so that he doesn’t feel guilty for throwing her there.

Eugene always treated Charlize coldly. So did Jeremy, of course. When Tia touched Charlize’s stuff, they did not say anything. But when Charlize touched Tia’s stuff, Eugene and Jeremy treated her as a thief.

He drew the line perfectly as if she weren’t a family.

As she lived like that, Charlize started to act crazy to see if they would care about her. And when the former Duchess passed away, Charlize’s condition became a little more serious.

If she didn’t like something, her hand would fly away regardless of the other person’s status.

Of course, Harrison, the famous tyrant of Evansky, also gave Charlize a slap back on the cheek. But his treatment towards Tia quickly became quiet after the incident.

In other words, Tia handled all the misdeeds that Charlize had done.

Eugene thought that this was why Tia ran away because she was tired of cleaning up after Charlize. It was, of course, a conjecture, but it was the most likely.

He had tried everything to find Tia, but he didn’t know why it was so hard to find a pretty girl with noticeable blue eyes.

Then Charlize’s emotionless expression flickered in his mind.

That damn thing.

Eugene bit his lower lip.

“She looks like a beggar.”

Eugene quickly went back to the office.


As soon as Eugene left, Charlize looked around the fairly narrow prison and found a man sitting in a corner.

“I heard from Brother Eugene that you’re the strongest devil.”


“My name is Charlize. What about you?”


A low and seductive voice came into Charlize’s ears.

He was taller than Charlize, of course, but he was quite thin. Shaggy – waist-length – sky blue hair was tangled with red blood and staining dirt. The face could not be seen in detail because he had his head buried in his knees.

Charlize slumped next to him.

“Lua. I’m the eldest daughter of the Rebecca family. I’m also the unwanted adoptee of the Rebecca family. No one in the world is on my side. It’s hard to live alone.”

Charlize continued to lament without being afraid of the devil.

“I’ve already committed suicide about three times. I would be dead. But the members of Rebecca will save my life. I want to screw up this beggar life of mine. That’s all, but I’m imprisoned with you like this.”

Charlize leaned her face against the devil’s crouching shoulders to see if this devil they talked about was bad or not.

It was an act that could not be considered a first meeting.

The devil Lua shuddered as Charlize tried to enter his personal bubble.

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  1. Mirashade says:

    Aha. So here we have the ML. Here we finally have the one character that will not be a heartless prick to our Charlize.

  2. Khôi Tạ says:

    The other ML so fucking trash, i hope they will regret for the rest of their life

  3. Karma says:

    I was afraid that someone of thag group of trash was going to be the ML, but i smell a character that i’ll potentialy like, i hope he’s better than those jerks

    1. Andria says:

      If he is the ML I’ll be so freaking happy!

  4. Johnson says:

    I want slap thy dead duchess for her insolent

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