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  2. TFWL 11
  3. TFWL 11

The Fake Wants to Leave

“If I die, please cry. Please, at least shed tears of joy when I die.”

The sentence Charlize said just before her death reverted in everyone’s mind. At the same time, John also knelt on one knee like Harrison and tapped Charlize’s pale cheek.

“I’m sorry, but I’m not happy or sad seeing you die, Charlize.”

John said kindly, wiping the blood from Charlize’s mouth with the back of his hand.

“Jude, do you have anything to say to Charlize, who is about to die?”

“I don’t.”

Jude also answered unkindly, at which Jeremy’s face turned pale.

No matter how much he hated her, he never wanted her to die.

“Hey, Brother Eugene. Charlize is really going to die.”

“I know. Be quiet. Jeremy.”

How can you be so calm?

But even though they didn’t have affection for her, he (Jeremy) kept worrying about her.

Jeremy already knew Eugene’s mind. That’s why he’s been stuck with her for a month. Jeremy glanced at Eugene and gave him a questioning look asking what he wants to do now.

“Louis, please.”

Eugene was also forced to ask Louis to save Charlize.

“Please, Louis. Charlize is still a member of the Duke of Rebecca. Save her.”

Despite the appeal, Charlize suddenly opened her eyes again, spouting a dark red blood clot from her mouth.

Cough, cough!

She looked in pain because no one had taken the knife out of her chest yet.

‘Damn it, why am I still alive? I couldn’t even step into the real world.’

She frowned as she looked at Charlize’s body. She had not been able to go to the real world and had just come back to life.

The dizzying sunlight that she saw just now was captured in her view.

Why did she survive this time?

Her fake brothers said they called a priest last time. That’s why she survived. But she stabbed herself in the heart properly this time, but why did she become alive?

“Hey, that’s amazing. I’ve never seen a person who dies and then comes back to life on their own even though Louis didn’t use his healing power.”

Harrison marveled, roughly pulling out the knife stuck in Charlize’s chest.

“Be a little gentle. Cough!

Charlize fainted for the last time, showing an angry expression to Harrison.

Charlize was clearly dead.

And she thought she was going back to the real world, but when she opened her eyes, she was in the game again.

Damn it, it’s almost impossible to get out of the game.



Charlize was once again treated by Rayon, the priest of the Duke of Rebecca. Because Louis said he had no intention of treating Charlize.

The second suicide attempt by Charlize this time didn’t become a rumour.

Somehow, Tia’s men shut up.

Charlize stabbed herself with a knife in the hope that she could go back to reality. It was a dangerous challenge.

However, rather than reaching the real world, she became ‘Charlize’ in the game again.

‘I felt like going crazy.’

“Charlize, you can never die.”

Charlize, who was in Eugene’s office again together with Jeremy, ignored Eugene’s words.

She knew it would be the same nagging again anyway, so she ignored him.

Eugene added, regardless of her will.

“Mother entrusted you to us and left. I found a way to save you after your fiasco at the tea party. I happened to see it in Mother’s diary.”

“…Mother’s diary?”

Charlize was particularly sensitive to the word ‘Mother’. She seemed to be becoming the real Charlize as days went by. Seeing the Duchess coming to her mind and getting depressed every time she (Duchess) was mentioned.

Eugene continued the conversation while stamping his seal on the documents.

“We can save you again and again.”

“What are you talking about, Brother Eugene?”

“If we have a strong desire to save you, you will come to life. Maybe it’s because Mother’s magical power was stored in the will.”

“What do you mean Mother’s magical power?”

For the first time in her life, Charlize heard the secret of the ex-Duchess. Eugene solved her curiosity and explained.

“Oh, yes. Charlize, you may not know. Mother was a runaway saint who traded with the devil.”


This is some kind of dog setting…. The Duchess was a saint. It was the first time she heard it.

And if there was such a setting, Charlize in the original game would not die.

No, Charlize of now is different from ‘Charlize’ in the game.

‘So if those stupid brothers want to save me, I’ll be saved even after I die a thousand times.’

Jeremy grumbled, poking Charlize’s cheeks.

“You, don’t think about dying now. At least live for Mother.”

‘Even if you say so, if Tia comes back, I’ll be killed by the male characters in three years.’

No one believed that Charlize was going to die three years later.

Who would believe that?

She was not a seer.

Charlize had a sullen look on her face as she was thinking about how to die this time.

Charlize, who doesn’t want to survive here, will continue to try to die.

That’s also in front of people who don’t like her.


After the tea party, Tia’s men gathered secretly. They had a hideout. Of course, they didn’t have a good relationship with each other, but they were just gathering for Tia.

A place where they can speak freely regardless of age or power.

They called the meeting place ‘Theus’.

Theus was a cellar in a dilapidated city where no one came, and they sometimes got together to drink alcohol or talk about Tia.

“Charlize is completely insane. Properly.”

Harrison, who inhaled a bottle of vodka, broke the silence and suddenly brought it up.

“It was refreshing to see her trying to kill herself in front of us.”

John agreed with Harrison.

“By the way, did you find Tia’s whereabouts?”

Jude only wanted to talk about Tia, perhaps because he had no intention of being involved in Charlize’s story.

No one answered Jude’s question.

They became a little nervous because they couldn’t even see Tia’s back even after searching all over the continent.

They wondered if she might have died.

They didn’t understand why they couldn’t find her.

They were all famous men with power and honour. Does it make sense that they couldn’t find a runaway princess of an empire?

Harrison grinned suddenly and offered them a suggestion.

“Wouldn’t something come out if I dug up some information from Charlize? If she has something taken from her sister whom she bullied so badly, it could be a lead.”

Everyone seemed agitated by Harrison’s suggestion.

“Will Charlize show the things she took from Tia?”

John shook his head and answered as if he knew she wouldn’t.

Louis and Jude nodded as they all agreed with John.

Harrison shrugged and enticed them.

“Charlize, who I saw at the tea party, felt milder than before. Am I the only one who felt that way?”

“Harrison, you are particularly interested in Charlize rather than Tia.”

Jude made a surprise remark. Harrison told the story of Charlize whether he wanted to hear or not.

“Jude. Think about it. Charlize might have a clue to catch Tia who escaped. We can’t give up so easily.”

“Harrison seems to have an unpleasant relationship with Charlize.”

John let out an absurd laugh.

“I’m going to torture that hateful girl for information.”

“So we are going to continue to approach Charlize, you mean?”

Louis tilted his head and asked Harrison.

“Yes,” Harrison replied.

Harrison, who finished a bottle of vodka, put the empty bottle on the table and got up first.

“Everyone, we would bother Charlize together. Then we can figure something out about Tia. Oh, acting is a must. Be kind to Charlize. Even if we have to make her shed tears of blood. Isn’t that the best punishment of the villain who bullied our lovely Tia?”

Harrison’s dark, somber voice resounded through the hideout.

The other men who heard him left the hideout one by one, thinking Harrison was really a worthy tyrant.


Charlize has been under a lot of stress lately.

It was because of Tia’s men, because the male protagonists who would kill her were crawling around her. They came every day for a month, giving Charlize presents, and disappearing with cheesy comments.

So Charlize’s mental stress was incredibly terrifyingly high.

They bothered Charlize in many ways, such as buying a bouquet of flowers and giving her rare jewelry.

“Brother Eugene. Throw away all these presents. Wait. Will they come again?”

She was actually thinking about how to die, but her mood was subdued because there were many obstructionists.

“Are you really going to throw away all this expensive stuff?”

Jeremy, holding an arm of the jewels, asked as if throwing them would be a waste.

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  1. Mirashade says:

    Man, this novel is really just filled with people hating her and no kind of even a hint of sympathy. It’s just been chapter after chapter of this.
    It’s interesting and frustrating at the same time.

  2. Sony says:

    Odio a los protagonistas 🥺

  3. skylark says:

    idk why but it’s kind of interesting lol

  4. Alpha says:

    this is a new kind of mental torture isnt it

  5. potat says:

    why do i feel like their acting will become real soon enough 🤣

  6. Ada says:

    Omg they are all crazy ..
    Yeah she bullied that Tea girl but she didn’t tried to kill her .Why they hate her so much ?
    They are maniacs .The only way to die in this ia to make them hate her even more .Bully that Tea girl more .

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