The Extra Guardian Missed the Right Time to Leave


The next day, with a solemn expression, Eugenia began to wear a black dress.


“Wow, this is tough!”


Noble dresses were usually meant to be worn with the help of maids, so doing it alone was a bit of a struggle. Eugenia also had a bit of trouble, but she managed it with the help of Selmia’s small hands.


“Phew, finally done.”


Sweat was already beading on her forehead.


“I never thought I’d wear something like this in my life. Thanks for helping, Sherry.”


But Selmia, standing beside her, kept grumbling.


“The dress is too black! Although you still look pretty! Really, really pretty! But… I think blue suits you better!”


She looked so cute with her lips pouting like a little duckling. Eugenia faintly smiled before putting on her hat, then kneeled to match Selmia’s height.


Gently holding her shoulders and meeting her eyes, she asked in a soft voice, “Sherry, what did I say you should call me now?”


“Mom! Mother!”


“You remembered correctly. Good girl.”


Eugenia patted her head and said,


“As soon as we leave, you have to call me that, okay? Can you do it?”


“Of course!”


Eugenia hugged Selmia tightly before standing up again. She briefly made eye contact with Joshua but didn’t hug him like she did with Selmia.


“Joshua’s smart enough. I don’t need to worry about him.”


The only thing that mattered was that she did her part well.


She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart.


“Eugenia, it’s almost time to go.”


“Yes, just a moment.”


She took a final look at herself and checked on the kids. The old, worn-out clothes she’d worn were now replaced with the new ones that Enrique had bought from the trading market.


It felt both reassuring and a little sad, as if the closeness they’d briefly shared was slipping away.


“Yes, those clothes that they wore have never really suited them.”


Eugenia steeled herself and put on her hat. The black veil draped over her face, dimming her once-clear view slightly, but not so much that she couldn’t walk.


She took a deep breath as she looked into the mirror and pinned a brooch on her left chest. She felt a strange heaviness in her chest.


“…Protect them.”


That thought must’ve slipped out subconsciously. She brushed it off, replying inwardly, “Of course.”


Exhaling slowly to steady her nerves, she spoke.


“Shall we go?”




She took the children’s hands and led them out of the room. The bags they’d packed earlier had already been taken downstairs by Albert that morning. Afterward, Albert left the inn to fetch the carriage and their companions.


When Eugenia and the children came down to the first floor, the innkeeper, with his arm wrapped in bandages, was waiting with a somewhat disappointed expression.


“It’s a bit sad to see you leaving in such a hurry.”


“Thanks to your hospitality, we had a comfortable stay.”


“Nah, I couldn’t do much with my hand like this.”


The innkeeper laughed awkwardly and pointed outside.


“Your husband is already out there.”




“Take care on your journey.”


Looks like they told the innkeeper they were a married couple too. Eugenia gave a forced smile and nodded. She offered a polite bow to the innkeeper and stepped outside.


Enrique was waiting, dressed more formally than usual. His clothes weren’t overly decorated, but he carried himself so well that everything he wore seemed to suit him perfectly.


Eugenia approached him with the children.


“Did you sleep well?”




Enrique responded with a short hum, not bringing up anything from the night before, which was a relief. Around his neck the pendant was present, the other half of the fair jewel pair.


Eugenia bit her lip and cleared her throat awkwardly.


“This is so weird…”


She glanced at Enrique, then quickly looked straight ahead.


“Good thing this hat has a veil.”


Otherwise, her messy expression would’ve been on full display.


It seemed they had perfect timing because soon after, Albert arrived at the inn with a carriage and two saddled horses.


“I hurried as much as I could. Did I keep you waiting long?”




Enrique replied curtly and walked over to the horses, gently stroking one to check its condition. Perhaps knowing Eugenia might be nervous, he turned back to her and spoke.


“Albert and I will be riding the horses.”




Joshua, standing next to Eugenia, couldn’t help but let out a small gasp. When she glanced down, she saw him staring at the horses and Enrique with envy in his eyes.


“He can’t take his eyes off them.”


Eugenia pressed her lips together to suppress a laugh.


“You’ll be able to learn as much as you want once we reach the Aisa Empire. Just be patient.”


Meanwhile, she overheard Albert whispering to Enrique.


“The gate opened once just before dawn.”




But their conversation was cut short by the man who brought the carriage stepping down.


He looked to be in his mid-to-late 30s, with a dark expression and a pale complexion. Eugenia pressed her lips together tightly.


There was no doubt that this was the man who had forged their identity papers.


‘His face just… isn’t it.’


Under any other circumstances, she wouldn’t have wanted to get involved with him at all.


“Let’s go introduce ourselves.”




Albert led the man over to where Eugenia and Enrique were standing.


“This is the person who will drive the carriage to the gate.”


The man glanced at Eugenia but quickly averted his eyes as soon as they met hers, awkwardly clearing his throat.


‘What’s with him?’


Eugenia frowned. Did he think she was some kind of germ? His reaction annoyed her to no end. But she swallowed her irritation and spoke calmly.


“I heard you’ll be driving the carriage. We’re in your hands.”




The man still avoided making eye contact and didn’t even introduce himself. Eugenia didn’t push for more. He was just someone they’d spend a few hours with—nothing more.


Fortunately, the awkward silence didn’t last long. Enrique quickly spoke up, ending the uncomfortable moment.


“Albert and I will be riding alongside the carriage. If you need anything, just open the window.”


“Yes, I understand.”


Though it seemed like Enrique was talking to her, but he was actually addressing the forger. It was a warning, a reminder not to try anything foolish.


“Well, let’s get moving. The sun’s going to set soon.”




Enrique extended his arm to her. It seemed he intended to escort her. Eugenia lightly placed her hand on his arm. But as soon as she did, she felt his arm tense up, almost like it had turned to stone.


‘He feels like a rock.’


Thinking such silly thoughts, Eugenia headed toward the carriage.


“Watch your step.”


Carefully, she climbed up and took her seat, followed quickly by Selmia and Joshua. Enrique closed the door and turned back to the driver.


“We’ve kept our end of the bargain. Now, it’s time for you to keep yours.”


Sitting close to the carriage wall, Eugenia eavesdropped on their conversation. Enrique was undoubtedly referring to the forged marriage certificate.


“Here it is.”


She heard the rustling of papers. Unable to contain her curiosity, Eugenia peeked out through the curtain.


She caught a glimpse of Enrique facing the carriage with the paper in his hand.




It seemed the document was genuine, as Enrique quietly tucked it into his coat. At the same time, Eugenia quickly let go of the curtain she had been holding up.


Enrique and Albert must have mounted their horses by then because she heard the sounds of reins being shaken and their voices soothing the animals.


With that, the carriage began to roll forward, slowly but steadily.


* * *


The carriage, which had been moving at a steady pace, started to slow down.


“We must be there.”


Eugenia nodded grimly. The curtains were still drawn, but she could hear a lot of noise from the outside. Even without looking, it was obvious there were many people around.


She had worried they might get stuck at the gate, but her concerns were unfounded. The carriage she and the twins were in moved slowly but surely forward.


Then it stopped, and she heard a gruff voice bark in frustration.


“Nobody’s allowed to leave right now! Turn back!”


But despite that, their carriage didn’t retreat.


Soon, Enrique’s voice cut through the air.


“We’re nobles from the Aisa Empire. We need to return home, so open the gate.”


The moment the guard heard “Aisa Empire,” he seemed to hesitate.


The voice carried a hint of hesitation. The reputation of how dearly the Aesa Empire cherished its citizens was well-known across the continent. And now, to learn that they were dealing with nobility!


The guard realized it wouldn’t be wise to treat this group carelessly and quickly shed the irritation from his tone. “Please wait a moment.”


It seemed the situation was beyond his authority, as he promptly called for his superior, likely the captain of the guards. 


“This is proof of my nobility from the Aesa Empire. Verify it and open the gate,” Enrique demanded.


The captain carefully examined Enrique’s insignia. “Baron Enrique Tricene, is it?”


“That’s correct.”


“What brings you to the Duchy of Harlant?”


“I’m here to escort my wife and children, who were visiting their family.”




The captain proceeded to verify the identities of Enrique, Albert, and the coachman. The inspection was quick, suggesting no issues were found.


“Then, I presume the baroness and your children are inside the carriage?”


“Yes, that’s right.”


“Then, if you don’t mind, I’ll need to inspect the inside of the carriage briefly.”



Translator Note:

This chapter was translated by Gon. Next post will be released on August, 25.

If you like my work please support Gon on Coffee.

Or in Patreon, if you want to read more chapters.


  1. midori says:

    thanks! ooohh finally, they are leaving! so exciting! also, it seems that the chapter was posted double? at least it seems so on mobile.

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