The Extra Guardian Missed the Right Time to Leave


At that moment, Eugenia was in Enrique’s room.


She was preparing answers for the anticipated questions she would face when passing through the castle gate, and checking the other things she had memorized.


The two of them immediately stopped what they were doing to greet Albert.


“You finished earlier than expected.”


Breathless from running, Albert approached the table where the two were seated.


“I had a feeling, so I came a bit early to check, and it turned out you were ready faster than I thought.”


Despite waiting eagerly for the items, Albert’s expression was somewhat grim.


As he placed Eugenia’s identity badge on the table, Enrique picked it up first.


“Is this the price?”


However, his brows soon furrowed.


Enrique looked up at Albert, confusion evident in his eyes.


“You were supposed to request two items. Why did you only bring one?”


Albert flinched.


As his lips trembled, Enrique shot him a sharp look.


“Well, I was just about to report on that matter.”




“There’s been a bit of a problem.”


Albert scratched the back of his head, looking quite troubled, then bowed his head deeply in front of Enrique.


“The maker suddenly changed his mind.”


“What do you mean?”


“Given the current state of affairs, he wants to leave the Duchy of Holland. He’s asking to leave with us.”


Enrique leaned back with his arms crossed.


He said nothing, and the silence that followed felt heavy.


“I told him that it was beyond my authority to make a decision and bought some time.”


Enrique didn’t relax his narrowed eyes.


In one hand, he held Eugenia’s identity badge, and with the other, he slowly tapped the table, lost in thought.


Feeling embarrassed that he hadn’t completed the task perfectly, Albert spoke up anxiously.


“If you give me the order, I’ll handle it myself.”


Eugenia flinched at his words.


‘If he says he’ll handle it myself… does that mean he won’t use peaceful methods?’


Like stealing or taking it by force.


She held her breath, glancing between the two men, pressing her lips tightly together.




“Yes, Lord Enrique.”


“The day of departure is approaching. Let’s try to avoid any trouble.”




It seemed Enrique shared Eugenia’s concerns, as he immediately rejected Albert’s suggestion.


He fell back into thought again.


But there was no sharp alternative.


If they killed him, it would escalate the situation, and if they stole or took him away, he might hold a grudge and report them.


In other words, they had no options.


An identity badge alone wouldn’t allow Eugenia and the children to escape.


They needed a marriage certificate for their fake family to have a narrative and avoid suspicion.


After clicking his tongue briefly, Enrique finally spoke.


His voice was clearly displeased, but he didn’t seem to hide it.


“Fine. Let’s do it that way. But I’ll set some conditions.”




“Once we pass through the castle gate, we’ll part ways immediately. And the date of departure must align with our schedule. If you can’t accept these two conditions, feel free to return without further arrangements.”


“I will certainly convey that.”


Albert nodded.


Enrique let out a long sigh.


He seemed quite displeased with how things were unfolding, brushing his bangs aside carelessly.


“Anyway, since the identity badge has been obtained, we should leave without wasting any more time.”


Everyone nodded quietly in agreement.


“When should we expect to leave?” Eugenia asked in a voice smaller than usual.


After a moment of choosing his words, Enrique spoke heavily.


“Tomorrow. The time will be 5:30 PM as the sun begins to set.”


Eugenia and Albert nodded simultaneously.


Back in her room, Eugenia informed the children that they would be leaving the next day and hurriedly packed her bag.


“We’re leaving this place tomorrow.”




“Yes. Everything is ready.”




Joshua exclaimed happily.


Selmia simply replied, “Got it.” In truth, she seemed somewhat indifferent.


The girl appeared to think that as long as she was with Eugenia and her blood relatives, it didn’t matter where they were.


However, Joshua continued to buzz around Eugenia, excitedly preparing for their departure.


He asked many questions, unlike his usual self.


“So, once we pass through the castle gate, we’ll part ways with those gentlemen right away?”


Eugenia shook her head.


“Not quite. The people working at the castle tower are monitoring both inside and outside. If we separate immediately, they might get suspicious and come after us.”




“So we’ll part ways after entering the Empire of Aisa.”


While Eugenia was folding the dress to put in her bag, she didn’t see Joshua’s displeased expression.


With a pout on his lips, Joshua grumbled and asked again.


“How long will it take to get there?”


“About a day by carriage? I’m not sure, but that’s what Lord Enrique said.”


Just because they passed through the castle gate didn’t mean they would immediately step into the territory of a new country.


Between the gates lay a neutral zone.


A land that belonged to no country, known as “neutral territory.”


Historically, it had been used as a negotiation site during wars, and there was an unspoken social contract that no battles would be fought there.


“Anyway, make sure to go to bed early tonight.”


“But you said we’re leaving in the evening. What’s the point of going to bed early?”


“Still, if you sleep early, you’ll grow taller.”




Eugenia prepared the children’s meals, washed them up, and tucked them into bed early.


But even with her eyes tightly closed, she couldn’t shake the restless feeling in her heart, making it hard to sleep.


After some time, Eugenia pulled the blanket down from her head.


‘I can’t let this go on.’


With her eyes half-open, she started to sit up and look around.


Joshua and Selmia had already fallen asleep, their soft breathing was the only sound in the room.


Only then did Eugenia quietly sit up.


She picked up the identity badge from the bedside table.


The moonlight was bright enough that she had no trouble reading the name inscribed on it.


Lady Hali Treisen.


This was the fake identity she had to assume.


Raising her other hand, she gently traced the name Hali with her fingers as she took a deep breath.


‘I hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow without any issues.’


After putting the identity badge down, she lightly touched the brooch belonging to the Marquis and Marchioness of Kerayton with her fingertips.


‘I will definitely ensure the safety of the children.’


Taking a deep breath, she reaffirmed her determination.


‘Alright, let’s do this.’


At that moment, she heard a faint creaking sound as the door opened slightly.


Eugenia’s gaze naturally turned toward the door.


However, there was still no sign of the door to her room being opened.


Eugenia instinctively lifted her head.


‘He must not be able to sleep again.’


This was a sound she heard every day since moving to the inn.


Other than that, there wasn’t much noise, but due to the misaligned hinges, the sound of Enrique’s door opening could be heard.


Of course, it was such a faint sound that during the day, she would have missed it amidst the background noise.


But in the stillness of the night, if she listened closely, she could faintly hear it.


Perhaps if she hadn’t been aware of it, she wouldn’t have noticed, but once she did, it felt like she could hear it even better.


Every night, Enrique didn’t sleep.


‘He really can’t sleep. Or is he sleeping at all?’


Then suddenly, she became curious.


‘What on earth is he doing at this hour?’


After today, she might never have the chance to know.


She was aware that this was quite impulsive.




‘Since it’s the last night anyway.’


Wasn’t it okay to satisfy this level of curiosity?


In the end, curiosity won.


Eugenia swung her legs out of bed.


She hesitated for a moment, considering whether to leave her room.


By the window.


For reasons she couldn’t quite explain, her grip on the doorknob loosened.


Was it someone’s whisper?


No, that didn’t feel right.


Then was it just her impulse?


Whatever the reason was.


‘I should just go to the window.’


Eugenia turned around in front of the door.


Quietly making her way to the window, she opened it.


The sky was completely clear, allowing the soft moonlight to pour into the room.


‘It’s a full moon.’


After admiring the moon for a moment, Eugenia lowered her gaze.


Then she spotted a man standing in the middle of the inn’s backyard.


It was Enrique.


He was lightly wielding a sword, training his body.


Eugenia leaned her elbows on the windowsill, quietly observing Enrique.


‘He’s good. He’s not just good with guns.’


He slashed, cut, and thrust through the air.


Every movement Enrique made flowed smoothly like water.


Eugenia felt as if she were watching a beautiful dance.


Suddenly, Enrique halted his movements.


Then, without warning, he turned to face Eugenia’s direction.




Eugenia’s heart dropped, and she hurriedly tried to hide, but it was already too late.


Enrique had spotted her.


However, there was no hint of displeasure on his face.


His eyes simply burned with a quiet longing.


And that fire seemed to transfer to Eugenia, igniting something within her as well.


Their gazes locked strongly in the air.


How long did they stare at each other like that?


Enrique was the first to look away and head back toward the inn.


Only then did Eugenia feel as if a weight had been lifted, exhaling a long breath as she could finally move her body.




She muttered, bracing herself with both arms on the windowsill.


“The more I know, the more he seems like a dangerous man.”


In many ways.



Translator Note:

This chapter was translated by Gon. Next post will be released on August, 22.

If you like my work please support Gon on Coffee.

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  1. Fara says:

    Thank you for update.i realy like the female lead.

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