The Extra Guardian Missed the Right Time to Leave


A moment later, she spoke again.


“Hmm, that’s true, but…”


Enrique immediately shook his head.


“That’s enough. We can’t add more people in this situation. Anyway, thanks to our setup, no one will find it strange that we have no companions.”


“That makes sense.”


Albert seemed to have no strong intention to push back, as he nodded in agreement without adding more.


Without anyone leading, the three of them stood up simultaneously.


As Eugenia began to clear the dishes in front of her, Enrique and Albert also started to pick up plates.


“Um, are you going to help?”


At Eugenia’s question, Enrique looked down at her with a bewildered expression before asking.


“Why would I not help?”




“It’s strange for you to be working so naturally.”


Enrique gathered the empty plates in both hands and headed to the kitchen.


Eugenia, feeling confused, hurriedly followed him.


“Enrique! Let me have those! I… I can do it!”


But he was firm.


“That’s enough; you go back and tidy up the table.”


Enrique rolled up his sleeves and dropped the dishes into the washbasin.


At that moment, Eugenia noticed the black gloves he was wearing.


‘Come to think of it, he always wears them.’


From the first time they met until now, Enrique had never once taken off those black half-gloves.


It was as if he didn’t want to show his bare skin.


“Isn’t it uncomfortable to wear those gloves? It would be easier if I did it with my bare hands.”


But Enrique was resolute.


“It’s fine, just go.”


It was clear he meant he wouldn’t take them off in front of her.


“Then if you need help, just let me know anytime. I’ll be in the hall.”


Enrique nodded silently without answering.


His stubbornness was quite evident, so in the end, it was Eugenia who turned away.


As she did, she heard the sound of him removing his gloves behind her.


Trying to be discreet, she tiptoed back to the hall.


Then she asked Albert, who was arranging the chairs while clearing the table.


“Why is it that Enrique is so good at cooking and washing dishes?”


It was surprising to see someone of noble or at least knightly status so skilled at tasks typically done by lower servants.


“He’s used to doing everything by himself. That means he has trouble trusting others… Uh, well, he just has an exceptional sense of independence.”


“Hmm, I see?”


Albert seemed flustered and eager to change the subject, so Eugenia shifted the topic.


“By the way, you said we need to meet the merchant tomorrow, right? But can the merchant really meet us so quickly?”


“Normally, they wouldn’t even bother. But given the special circumstances now, they probably wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity to make money.”


The longer the merchant stayed in one place, the more their expenses piled up, leading to losses.


In the current situation, it was uncertain when they could leave through the city gates.


Therefore, to minimize their losses, they had to sell their goods whenever someone expressed interest.


That was a good thing for them as well.


Originally, it was hard to find luxury items in such a remote village, but now they had the chance to choose freely.


‘As Enrique said, I’ll be able to present myself convincingly.’


In fact, that alone would be half the battle.


Many people were often captivated by simple things more than expected.


Eugenia nodded as if she understood, and Albert continued.


“Thanks to the city being locked down, there are many merchants stuck here. If there were fewer, our every action would have attracted attention.”


“When will the lockdown be lifted?”


At that moment, a much lower voice slipped between them.


“Whenever the runaway prince is caught.”


Enrique, who had finished washing the dishes, approached Eugenia’s side.


“Will he… be caught?”


“He won’t. He’s not stupid.”


Enrique shrugged as if he didn’t care and turned his body toward Eugenia.


Thinking he had more to say, she faced him as well.


Then, as if waiting for this moment, a low voice flowed sweetly.


“Then, Eugenia.”


“Yes, Enrique.”


Eugenia swallowed nervously and looked up at him with a serious expression.


“From tomorrow, only call me by my name in front of others.”


“… Excuse me?”


“What good is it for a couple who has had two children to seem distant?”


Eugenia couldn’t even begin to imagine how foolish her expression must look right now.


She thought it probably looked much worse than she imagined.


She couldn’t take her eyes off the corners of Enrique’s mouth, which had pulled up into a smile.


“Now, rest.”


With a casual wave of his hand, Enrique went up to his room first.


As Eugenia stared at his disappearing figure, her face flushed a few beats later.


Oh no.


A soft groan escaped her lips.


For the first time, she felt like everything was going dark in front of her.


It felt like a big deal to pretend to be a loving couple with that handsome man rather than just imitating a noblewoman.




The next day, Eugenia went out with Enrique and Albert.


She walked side by side with Enrique, while Albert followed two steps behind them.


When they arrived at the temporary base of the merchants, they received a warm welcome.


“Welcome! We’ve been waiting for you.”


The merchant leader personally greeted Enrique and Eugenia.


He gestured to his staff, commanding them.


“What are you doing? Hurry and take their coats!”


At the leader’s order, the staff approached Enrique and Eugenia, but Enrique immediately shook his head.


“I don’t plan to stay long.”


Enrique casually refused their courtesy, allowing Eugenia to keep her robe on and hide the commoner’s clothes she had underneath from the merchant staff.


“Well, if that’s the case…”


“I want to see the items we discussed right away.”


“Of course, they are prepared. Please follow me.”


Following the merchant leader’s guidance, Eugenia and Enrique moved forward.


The space he provided was not antique but clean.


As soon as they sat down, the merchant leader signaled outside.


Then, as if waiting, the staff entered with four black dresses and hats.


“We have prepared them as you requested.”


The merchant leader trailed off, gathering his courage to ask.


“But how do you plan to find mourning clothes?”


He cautiously inquired, glancing around.


Eugenia lowered her gaze.


‘Now it’s my turn.’


After taking a deep breath in secret, Eugenia calmly opened her mouth to imitate the tone of the Marchioness of Kereighton.


“It hasn’t been long since my father passed away. I want to mourn him until this sorrow in my heart fades.”


Her voice trembled slightly, perhaps from nervousness.


However, the merchant leader, thinking she was overwhelmed by grief, lowered his gaze sympathetically.


“Oh dear, I’m truly sorry. I didn’t know you were going through such circumstances…”


“…It’s fine.”


Did she manage to get through that?


Just as Eugenia sighed in relief, something unexpected happened.




Enrique, who was sitting beside her, suddenly reached out.


His gloved hand enveloped Eugenia’s hand, grasping it gently.


She flinched.


Trying to hide her surprise, she lowered her gaze and bowed her head.


To the merchant leader, she must have looked like a daughter unable to escape the sorrow of losing her father.


‘W-what, suddenly?’


Swallowing hard, Eugenia curled her fingers under his hand, starting from the tips.


It wasn’t that she disliked it, but it was so sudden that it made her fidget.


However, the more she squirmed under Enrique’s hand, the tighter his grip became.


‘I can’t pull my hand away. It would look strange.’


Realizing she couldn’t escape, Eugenia eventually seemed to give up and relaxed her hand.


In response, Enrique’s large, firm hand completely enveloped hers.




Upon hearing the promised name, Eugenia reacted immediately.






However, it seemed that wasn’t the answer Enrique was looking for.


He gazed intently at Eugenia, making her face feel hot.


In that moment, the reminder of his request from the previous night flashed through her mind.


‘Could it be that he’s acting like this just because I didn’t call his name?’


Internally shocked, Eugenia took a breath and cautiously spoke.


“What’s wrong? …Enrique.”


She whispered his name with a sigh.


It seemed that was the correct answer.


As if satisfied, he slightly curved his lips into a smile.


He played the role of a caring husband quite well.


“Harry, for the sake of the children, you need to pull yourself together now. Your father would want that too.”


“…Yes, you’re right. I’m sorry for worrying you.”


With the continuous surprises, Eugenia’s voice became slightly choked.


Although it was locked away, the merchant leader thought it was because she couldn’t hold back her tears from the sorrow.


He sincerely apologized, looking regretful.


“I’m sorry for asking unnecessary questions that made you uncomfortable. I truly apologize.”


“No, it’s fine. As my husband said, it’s time for me to overcome this.”


Enrique lightly tapped her hand as if to encourage her.



Translator Note:

Next 15 chapters will be translated by RJR.

This chapter was translated by Gon. Next post will be released on August, 15.

If you like my work please support Gon on Coffee.

Or in Patreon, if you want to read more chapters.


  1. midori says:

    thanks! i am reaaally interested to see what happens next haha! now they have to act! i don’t really ship them currently, but i like having the kids around, so i look forward to those moments!

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