The Extra Guardian Missed the Right Time to Leave


Albert furrowed his brow.


“What do you mean? A problem?”


His voice had deepened slightly, like the deepening of night. But the innkeeper seemed completely oblivious.


The innkeeper lifted her arm, which had been hanging down, up to chest level, laughing a bit sheepishly.


“I must be getting old. I made a mistake today that I’ve never done before.”


Her arm was tightly wrapped in a rough bandage.


“I got burned while cleaning the stove. My eyes have been getting a bit irritated lately, you see.” She clicked her tongue.


Albert frowned deeply and began examining the innkeeper’s injury more closely.


“Are you alright? That looks like it will take a while to heal. You should have seen a doctor first.”


The innkeeper waved her hand dismissively.


“Oh, it’s nothing. These things happen sometimes when you’re doing this kind of work. I cooled it with cold water right away. The blisters might be a bit troublesome, but it’s my own fault, so I’ll just have to bear with it.”


But the area soaked through the bandage was quite extensive.


When Albert didn’t avert his worried gaze, the innkeeper let out a loud, hearty laugh.


“It just looks worse than it is with the bandage!”


“You should still go see a doctor right away.”


“Alright, alright.”


Albert finally tore his eyes away from the innkeeper’s arm.


“So the ‘small problem’ you mentioned was this, huh?”


The innkeeper nodded.


“That’s right. Of all places, I had to injure my right arm. I don’t think I’ll be able to prepare dinner tonight because of this.” Her drooping brows conveyed her heavy worry.


The innkeeper was genuinely concerned about their meals.


Albert’s excessive tension suddenly dissipated, and he felt deflated, letting out a long sigh as he carelessly swept his bangs back.


“You should have gone to the doctor instead of worrying about that, innkeeper.”




“Aren’t we capable? Don’t worry, just go see a doctor. We’ll either buy food out or bring it back.”


However, the innkeeper’s concern did not subside.


“But with the bad weather today, many shops may have closed early.”


“We’ll figure it out.”


“Or should I pick something up on my way back from the doctor’s?”


“We’re not that helpless to burden an injured lady.”


“Haha, it’s a new feeling to be treated like a lady at this age.”


The innkeeper nodded understandingly and was about to close the door to leave when…


“Wait a moment.”


Eugenia, who had been quietly listening to the conversation, raised her hand slightly.


All eyes turned to her, and Eugenia looked at Enrique as she spoke.


“If you’ll allow it, may I borrow the kitchen?”


“The kitchen? For what purpose?”


“I’d like to prepare the meals. It may be difficult to satisfy everyone’s tastes, but I can at least provide a basic meal.”


Not having to go out was a tempting proposal. It meant the risk would be reduced that much.


Enrique and Albert exchanged a discreet glance.


Honestly, they weren’t worried about their meal, they could survive with water for a week. They had been trained like that.


The problem was Eugenia and the twins.


The children, what had they done to deserve this?


As an adult, they should ensure that they are eating their meals properly.


‘What do kids like to eat?’


Enrique was quietly pondering an unfamiliar menu when…


“That’s an excellent idea!”


The innkeeper chimed in loudly.


Eugenia smiled shyly and quietly added, “I’ll need to use some ingredients, but if the innkeeper permits, I think I can manage to make a simple meal.”


“Of course, of course! Use whatever you need! It’s all just going to go to waste if no one eats it anyway, so this is great!” 


The innkeeper gave her hearty approval.


“Then I’ll be on my way to the doctor right away. I’ll put up a ‘Closed’ sign on the way out, so feel free to use the kitchen as you please!”


As she turned to leave, she didn’t forget to give a parting word of caution to Albert and Enrique.


“Oh, and you two had better lend a hand diligently! Don’t just sit back and let the young lady do all the work!”


“Of course.”


The commotion had finally settled.


As the door closed, Sherry’s eyes sparkled as she looked up at Eugenia.


“Sister! Are we going to eat?”


Oh dear. Anyone would think they had been starving.


‘I may not have fed them abundantly, but I’ve never let them go hungry.’


But they must still be unsatisfied.


Eugenia swallowed her bitterness and nodded. Putting on a bright voice, she asked Sherry,


“Yes, let’s eat. What would you like?”


“I want…!”


The excited Sherry began rattling off her requests.


* * *


Ham-filled sandwiches, French toast soaked in milk and golden-brown butter, pancakes, and oatmeal cookies with jam.


Sherry listed the sweet dessert-like items without hesitation.


It was clear she wouldn’t be able to finish it all, but she looked so blissful just imagining it.


The girl’s expression was hazy and enraptured as if dreaming.


‘Familiar tastes can be dangerous.’


But what Sherry had mentioned were more snacks than proper meals.


Eugenia had listened with a smile at first but then glanced discreetly at Sherry.


‘It’s time to control her.’


But the child still seemed to have more she wanted to say.


“And also…!”


“Sherry, that’s enough.”


Joshua covered Sherry’s lips with his hand, cutting her off.


Eugenia silently cheered. If she had let it go on, it would have been hard to control her.


So far, Sherry had mentioned things that even commoners could easily eat.


But if she had started talking about the lavish, expensive dishes only the nobility could indulge in, their true identities could have been exposed.


‘Even if not outright exposed, it could have raised suspicions.’


If Joshua hadn’t stopped her, it would have become quite troublesome.


The boy calmly soothed his twin sibling. He seemed very experienced at it.


“Eating all that would just make your stomach burst. So pick just the one that you want the most out of what you’ve said.”


“Hmph, but…!”


“Just one.”


“Then… the pancakes.”


Sherry pouted but obediently chose just one.


However, she still seemed unsatisfied, quickly adding, “And with lots of whipped cream on top!”


Joshua affectionately ruffled Sherry’s hair, seeming pleased.


Then he turned to Eugenia.


“Will that work, Eugenia?”


“Of course. Leave it to me.”


Eugenia playfully flexed her arm, grinning.


The menu was set, and she was about to get up when Enrique talked to her.


“Then let’s go prepare.”


Eugenia was caught off guard, staring up at him blankly.


“You can stay here…”


“With an extra pair of hands, we’ll be able to get the meal ready faster.”


He gave a brief reply and immediately headed for the kitchen.


Eugenia hurriedly got up to follow him.


“Kids, wait here. I’ll come get you when it’s ready.”


The twins nodded.


Then Joshua added in a grumbling tone, “Eugenia. Um… be careful.”


“Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to be careful with the fire!”


The boy seemed to want to say something else but didn’t prolong the conversation and let Eugenia go.


Since Albert had already left, the eager Eugenia hurried downstairs.


But the two men were heading in different directions. Enrique went towards the kitchen, while Albert was putting on his coat.


“Eugenia. I’ll be stepping out for a moment. About that… identity badge matter.”


He winked meaningfully, as if to say ‘You know what I mean’.


“Alright, take care.”


Albert left the inn, saying he wouldn’t be long.


After seeing Albert off, Eugenia entered the kitchen and tentatively asked Enrique,


“Enrique, are you really going to help?”


But Enrique gave her a look as if to say ‘What’s the big deal?’ and replied while tying an apron around his waist.


“Didn’t you hear the innkeeper say to earn our keep?”


“But really, it’s fine…”


“This is fine too. So feel free to put me to work.”


Enrique rolled up his sleeves, revealing his toned, muscular forearms.




Eugenia momentarily zoned out, staring at him.


An apron and a burly man – the combination had seemed incongruous in her mind. But seeing it in reality was different.


Rather, the man’s rugged masculinity seemed to radiate a powerful presence.



Translator Note:

Next 15 chapters will be translated by RJR.

This chapter was translated by Gon. Next post will be released on July, 21.

If you like my work please support Gon on Coffee.

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