The Extra Guardian Missed the Right Time to Leave


“Hey, boss. I want to do this, but who is hiring?”

“Let’s see…”

At that moment, Eugenia’s consciousness, which had been deep in thought, was pulled back to reality. She hurriedly put down the wanted leaflets she had picked up. As always, she kept hers hidden underneath her, out of sight. In fact, she thought about just taking it, but she had no choice but to stop.

‘It’s probably spread elsewhere anyway.’

So she thought it would be much better to just leave it like this.

‘I have to leave here as soon as possible.’

After organizing her papers, she was about to turn around when a wanted flyer caught Eugenia’s eye. She attracts people’s attention by decorating with extravagant and large letters that are incomparable to her own.

[Wanted prize

Siegel Hallant

Gold 1,000 gold

Regardless of life or death.]

However, if you kill someone, you will be rewarded if you cut off their head. Was there anyone in the Duchy of Halland who didn’t know Siegel Halland? The same was true for Eugenia.

She muttered in a low voice that could barely be heard.

“You ran away.”

A detailed montage of herself and other criminals in contrast. That meant it was someone that must be captured. After looking at the face of a man named Siegel for a moment, she sighed and turned around.

‘The situation is also unstable… I really need to leave now.’

Anyway, it was too late to back out now. So how should she escape?

Just as she was about to turn her head towards her old, shabby inn, her steps stopped.

〈Sister will bring candy.〉

She remembered the promise she had made to Selmia earlier in the day. She knew very well that that’s not what’s important right now but…

“I don’t want to see your disappointed face.”

After laughing out loud as if she couldn’t stop him, Eugenia turned in the opposite direction.

“She saw the candy seller earlier… Are you going to go already?”

Chase started walking in the rain. And someone followed Eugenia secretly, as if stepping on her shadow.

* * *

“Damn, what kind of rain is pouring down like this?”

As the rain gradually became heavier, all the people at the employment agency left like the tide. It seems that one of the dogs didn’t leave after closing the door, but the rain had poured into the building and the floors were quite soaked. The boss, who had been sitting there thinking it would stop soon, realized that the rain was not going to stop easily and stood up in frustration. He went to the storage room, got out a mop, and closed the door. Afterwards, he was mopping up the moisture on the floor with his hands, almost as if he was scattering it rather than wiping it.


The door was heard while being opened. The boss shouted nervously without even looking back.

“Hey, close the door straight away. The raindrops are all coming inside.”

But there was no answer of any kind from the other party. Jerk, jerk. The sound of loud footsteps was getting closer. It was definitely heading towards me. At some point, the owner’s hand movements slowed down and then stopped. The sound of shoe heels had stopped, but the long shadows of the men standing behind him were stretching forward.

The boss, realizing that the visitors had business to do with me, slowly turned around. I felt quite intimidated as two tall men, one head taller than the others, were looking down at me.


The boss asked, trying to act calm. Water droplets were dripping down from the ends of the wet hoods the men were wearing.

“I want to find someone.”

The boss once again became intimidated by the low, cold voice. But he desperately pretended nothing was wrong and raised his trembling voice.

“We only specialize in background investigations. If you want to find someone, you have to go back two blocks.”

But the men did not back down at all.

“I came to look for someone who was introduced through here and came for an interview.”

“Are there just one or two people like that?”

As the boss grunted in frustration, Albery took off the hat he was wearing.

“Do you remember my face?”

The boss, who was looking at Albury’s face with his eyebrows pulled together and frowning, soon shouted.

“Ah! Someone said it was you guys! Of course I remember! I never forget a customer who pays a lot of money!”

The boss showed his kindness and friendliness to them in the hope that he might be able to collect some other brokerage fees. However, what came back was not a new request, but an unfamiliar question.

“I’m talking about the woman you sent to us this morning.”

“Oh, that girl?”

Fortunately, the boss remembered Eugenia. Albury was excited, thinking that things would be resolved easily. However, his emotions, which had been so encouraging, suddenly plummeted like an apple falling from a cliff.

“I’m sorry about this, what should I do? She is not registered with us.”

“On the list… No?”

Albery’s face frowned.

“It was my first time seeing this face. It seemed like he wasn’t from here because he was only looking for short-term work.”


The two men fell asleep at the same time. Albury looked a little more disappointed. How should I find Eugenia now? Was it really not meant to be? Hundreds of thoughts ran through my mind.

Albury jerked his head towards Enrique and scolded him in a low voice, but fiercely.

“So, it would have been better if we had stopped arguing and left a little earlier!”

“Here you blame me.”

Enrique responded as if he was dumbfounded.

“Then is it my fault?”

As the two men were arguing, the owner of the employment agency, who had been watching, sneaked in and added a word.

“By the way, that woman, I think she came and went a little while ago.”

Albury asked back, looking at the owner with wide eyes.

“Is that true?”

“Uh, huh. I didn’t really look at her because she was annoying, but she looked like that girl. She rarely has female customers, so no matter what she is wearing, her physique is noticeable. She thought you were cutting it off again like last time, so she didn’t pay any attention.”

“So? Has she found a new job?”

“No, you just looked at the bulletin board for a while and left?”

That meant that there was a high possibility that Eugenia would stop by here tomorrow as well.

“I’ll come back again.”

That was when Enrique was about to nod her head. The boss added a word.

“It hasn’t been long since I left. One, ten minutes?”

Albery and Enrique exchanged glances at the owner’s words. If I did well, I thought we could meet around here instead of waiting until tomorrow.

“Okay. Thank you for the good information.”

Enrique and Albery nodded secretly to each other, seemingly out of sight, and then answered half-heartedly to the owner. They left the employment agency without even knowing who would go first.

“Hmm, where did it go?”

There were three roads in front of the employment agency. In the middle, Gilon himself came, and did not meet Eugenia at that time. Enrique quickly gave instructions.

“You take a sharp turn to the left. I’ll go this way.”

“All right.”

The two men quickly dispersed.

* * *

“Is it okay if I give you this much?”

Eugenia said with a slightly worried tone as she accepted the heavy envelope. The sides of the envelope were quite convex. This was thanks to the candy seller putting in much more candy than he originally sold.

“I think you’re losing money.”

The candy seller laughed and waved her hand, hearing her words full of concern.

“Thanks to you, I earned a little bit. I almost couldn’t use them all, but it’s much better than throwing them away.”

Because it was covered with sugar powder, if it gets even a little bit wet, the surface becomes sticky and cannot be sold. So, it is better to give a lot of bonus like this.

“Thank you. Then I will eat well.”

“Go in carefully!”

Eugenia turned around as she was seen off by the candy seller. She immediately put her paper bag into her robe. This was because it seemed like the sugar powder would melt and become sticky if it rained.

“Anyway, I’m glad I got the candy.”

She was lucky to meet a candy seller who was just about to close his business. As she walked, thinking about this and that, her left foot fell into a puddle of water.


Eugenia hurriedly lifted her feet and dusted her off slightly.

The rain was getting thicker. Even though she was wearing a robe, it wasn’t an umbrella, so the rainwater had seeped in and she was getting wet.

“If you keep doing this, all the candy will get wet. “I have to go quickly.”

Eugenia quickened her steps. It seems that everyone realized that the rain was not going to go away easily, and the once crowded streets were empty.

“Ugh, I feel eerie for no reason.”

Eugenia cried out, her shoulders shaking for no reason, and she continued to walk diligently. But that was then.


The sound of stepping on wet ground was heard. Why? Although she can’t explain exactly why, Eugenia was wary of that sound. She did not lease this street herself. So she could walk like anyone. Her mind clearly recognizes that fact… 

Some unknown sensation was constantly alarming her.

‘That’s strange, after all.’



Translator Note:

Next 15 chapters will be translated by me hehe

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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