The Extra Decided to be Fake

TEDF | Episode 114

Episode 114

The tragicomedy between where the dagger went and the interaction between Lillian and Kaden crossed paths.

Naturally, the one in despair was Lillian. Theo, who had always been on her side, seemed to know that he couldn’t help her in this situation.

If there was one thing to be relieved about, it was that Theo wasn’t showing any reaction at all.

‘Is he okay for now?’

If he hadn’t fully regained his senses yet, she needed to retrieve the dagger right away.

But Lillian cautiously seized the opportunity, knowing that she might be caught if she acted rashly. And Kaden didn’t miss that moment either.

“Theodore, bring that dagger here!”

‘What’s this about…?’

Theo furrowed his brows. Lillian, who was sure that he hadn’t fully regained his senses yet, was about to run to pick up the dagger.



Lillian fell to the ground. There was nothing there, but there was definitely something grabbing her foot. Kaden had caught her foot with his sanctity.

Since Kaden was currently in a precarious situation where he couldn’t afford to risk his body, Lillian falling over for a moment wasn’t a big deal. But the problem was…


The problem was that while Lillian was down, Theo had picked up the dagger.

“Do you need this dagger, sir?”

“Yes! Bring it here now! No, wait. Seize that woman!”

At Kaden’s command, Theo’s gaze turned towards Lillian. Though Theo seemed transparent, there were occasional moments when it felt like he was completely transparent. Like now, when Theo had an expressionless face.

Looking at Theo, who wasn’t intentionally contorting his face or maliciously laughing, Lillian couldn’t help but feel a little scared, beyond just feeling unfamiliar. The reason was simple. If you couldn’t understand someone’s intentions, you couldn’t know when they might leave you.

That was also why Lillian couldn’t fully accept Theo.

Theo could clearly see what Lillian was thinking, but the reverse wasn’t true for Lillian.

That fact now crept up Lillian’s spine.


Unknowingly, Lillian took a step back. Theo silently watched Lillian and Kaden for a moment before stepping towards Lillian. Her reflex made her step back, but Lillian forced her legs to stay in place.

“Stop running away.”

Theo had gone as far as using the Platinum Chalice for her sake. If it hadn’t been for Theo, she might have died trapped in the past. But even with Theo like this, she couldn’t keep backpedaling forever.

Lillian swallowed dryly and spoke up.

“Theo, give me the dagger. I need it to leave. You used the Platinum Chalice for me to get out, didn’t you?”

“That’s right.”

Finally, Theo spoke up. But his voice was cold.

“But if you have this dagger, can you guarantee that you’ll leave without dying?”


“You’ve already tried to deceive me, haven’t you? You entered without any intention of coming back, didn’t you? But if I give you this dagger, can you guarantee that you’ll survive?”

“That, that’s…”

Lillian’s words were stuck in her throat. Theo’s words left no room for doubt. She had already crossed Theo’s line, and therefore, had nothing to say even if she lost his trust.

Moreover, according to Victoria, tremendous pain followed if someone other than a Moonlight’s daughter wielded the dagger. It could even lead to death. Once again, Lillian was gambling with her life.

Because there was no other choice.

As Lillian couldn’t bring herself to answer, Theo spoke coldly. Perhaps with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

“You’re always like this. You don’t even remember that I’m waiting for you.”

“But Theo—”

“Theodore! Hurry up and give me that dagger!”

As Lillian was about to say something, Kaden interrupted her. Theo’s indifferent gaze shifted back to Kaden. It was a moment of despair that hung over Lillian’s eyes.

‘There’s no more room for persuasion.’

For whatever reason, Theo wouldn’t help her.

It felt like the strength was draining from her legs, which had been standing firm on the ground. No, indeed, her legs seemed to lose strength. Otherwise, her body wouldn’t wobble like this.

But this time, she didn’t fall.

There was a hand holding her. Lillian blankly looked up at the owner of the hand that held her.

It couldn’t be.


“Lillian. Even if you don’t remember that I promised to wait, it’s okay.”

Theo took Lillian’s hand and placed a dagger in it.

“Just remember that you promised to live.”

The warmth of the dagger’s hilt filled her hand. As the hand that held Lillian let go, Kaden’s protests echoed.

“Theodore! What’s this, no, how—!”

“Isn’t helping a friend natural? Don’t interfere.”

The sound of Kaden’s protest and another sound that seemed to suppress him came together. Lillian no longer hesitated and tightened her grip on the dagger.

Eventually, light pierced through the void.

* * *

Surprisingly, there was no pain when she wielded the dagger.

But Lillian knew it wasn’t just good news.

‘This isn’t reality.’

Right after she wielded the dagger, it was clear what it meant to be somewhere other than reality.

‘Have I lost consciousness? Or… am I dead?’

She hoped it wasn’t the latter. For her sake, for Theo’s sake.

Of course, Lillian had prepared for the possibility of never returning.

Inside the manor of Maynard, there would be papers and diaries where Lillian had meticulously recorded everything that had happened, along with a savings box containing all of Lillian’s assets.

Perhaps Cedric would find out by morning.

‘It’s really over now.’

It didn’t mean the end of her life.

It meant the end of her life as Swan’s understudy, but somehow Lillian felt content with that. The only odd thing was that contentment didn’t bring comfort. Maybe it was just strange that comfort didn’t follow contentment.

‘I thought I would feel relieved when everything was over.’

Can’t I feel at ease even now? But… I don’t have to feel sorry for Swan anymore.

‘I’ve lived this much even without you.’

That should be enough to fulfill Agnes’s wish, Swan’s wish, shouldn’t it?

As Lillian pondered these thoughts and took a step forward, she saw a familiar face in the empty space.

“Lily, you’ve grown up so much!”


Could I really be dead? Otherwise, there’s no way Swan would be here.

As if hearing Lillian’s thoughts, Swan burst into laughter.

“You silly. Why would you be dead? This is just a dream.”


Lillian had dreamed of Swan’s dreams many times. And the common thread among them was that Lillian always appeared as a ten-year-old.

But the current Lillian was different.

“I’m not ten years old, though?”

“Of course not. Ten years old is just me.”

Something was strange. Lillian blinked slowly while looking down at my long hands.

Did Swan usually say such things in dreams? No, why was I having this dream in the first place?

Before the confusion could dissipate, Swan’s voice came through.

“Lily, aren’t you feeling better now?”


“Aren’t you feeling less tired and lonely, and not missing me?”

“Of course… I miss you.”

Lillian responded absentmindedly, suddenly realizing that she hadn’t been thinking of Swan often lately.

The current response was more out of obligation and habit than sincerity.

“I’m grateful that you haven’t forgotten me. I thought you would forget about me soon.”

“That’s nonsense. How could you think that?”

“If it’s too painful, there are times when you want to forget.”

But if it’s a memory that you can’t forget even while in pain, you’ll eventually be able to forget when you’re no longer in pain.

Swan hugged Lillian tightly.

“You can forget me now, Lily.”



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not work with dark mode