The Ex-Wife of the Educated Youth is Reborn


I have completed the translation of this novel. If you want to read all the chapters at once you can purchase them on my Ko-fi shop(as some of my readers were asking if i had advance chapter thing). Those who want to read it all at once can buy them.

Please Read more about it at the bottom.

After finding out the address, she went to the man’s house again. It was Murong Danling who opened the door to the middle room on the third floor. The woman frowned as soon as she saw her.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m looking for Fang Zhongcheng, ask him to come out.”

“Li Xia, you are both divorced, right?”

“I have something to ask him.”

“Who’s looking for me?”

Fang Zhongcheng from the house

When he came out, he was stunned for a moment when he saw her, and then his eyes were clear. He made way for her to enter the house, but Li Xia chose to talk at the door. After a few words, a neighbor opened the door and started to eat melons.

Li Xia spoke frankly about the purpose of her visit. “Can you move Yi Yi’s household registration here?”

Fang Zhongcheng looked embarrassed: “There is a policy now, but I…”

“Why, no, are you still planning to have another child?”

Fang Zhongcheng’s face turned pale at her contemptuous tone, and he didn’t know how to respond for a moment. Murong Danling on the side sneered and didn’t care at all, not feeling embarrassed at all.

“Of course we have to have a child of our own after we get married. Your son has already followed you, how can you have the nerve to ask him to transfer the child’s household registration?”

Li Xia sneered and turned to look at Fang Zhongcheng. “You said you are the child’s biological father, what do you mean?”

“I…” Fang Zhongcheng sighed again in embarrassment, “Family planning is very strict nowadays, otherwise I would definitely transfer the child.”

“So do you want this child or not? If you still recognize him as your son, then you can give him the household registration. Otherwise, what you are doing is the same as not wanting this child.”


“Forget it, don’t regret it later if you don’t want it.”

At this point, Li Xia understood. You gave up your child so completely, Fang Zhongcheng, I hope you won’t regret it in the future. Even if you regret it, I won’t give you a chance. This is what you said yourself, and so many people heard it.

She turned around and went out, going downstairs. Upstairs, Fang Zhongcheng’s face was livid, and Murong Danling was comforting him softly.

Li Xia didn’t pay attention to the movement behind her. She looked at the direction of the second floor and fiercely gave Fang Zhongcheng a middle finger. Bastard, why did I like you in the first place? She found a bear father like him for her two children. He has been a hands-off boss and has done nothing for the children since they were born.

She rode her bike home quickly, went straight into the main room, looked at Shen Haiyang, and hesitated to speak. Just as she was about to speak, Shen Haiyang spoke first.

“Transfer Yi Yi to my household registration.”

She suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at him with embarrassment. “You are almost as bad as the worms in my stomach.” In fact, he had planned to do so. Li Xia had a household registration but no work unit, so she did not meet the requirements.

After that, she asked cautiously, “Is this feasible?”

“It’s feasible. This time it’s nationwide and in large quantities, and the inspection is not strict. Some people claim that their nephews are sons and have changed their rural status to non-rural status. This is a transfer of household registration, not a registration. As long as the child originally has a household registration, proving the relationship with me, and the child is unmarried, there will be no problem. Several old comrades in our unit have transferred their wives and children here.”

“Then, if they are found to be stepfather and son, that would be fine, right?”

“You could have said it at the beginning. There’s no need to hide it. My stepson can transfer from rural to non-rural with me.”


“Don’t tell me that.” The man still looked calm. After finishing his business, he picked up the book and continued reading. “Hurry up and have dinner. Come with me to the company tomorrow to get a certificate, and go to the police station to get the household registration transfer procedures. Then you can go home to handle the procedures.”


After Li Xia finished speaking, she stood there, hesitating to speak. Shen Haiyang looked at her with doubt in his eyes. The child’s household registration can be transferred, and his future education will not be a problem. What are you still worrying about?


He asked softly, and Li Xia looked up and said, “Just say that this child is your biological child, and this time change the surname to Shen, is that ok?”

She didn’t care what the child’s surname was. In her heart, the child was her own flesh and blood no matter what his surname was. But Fang Zhongcheng, that bastard, gave up on the child so completely that she couldn’t help but change her son’s surname. She wanted him to feel what it felt like to have a child who called Shen Haiyang dad and took Shen Haiyang’s surname, and was no longer his child.

This is against the rules, Shen Haiyang knows it very well. Fang Zhongcheng can take legal action after knowing it, and there are traces to follow. But he also understands his wife’s thoughts, and this is the only chance to change Yi Yi’s surname.

“It is feasible. But if Fang Zhongcheng is not happy after knowing it, we will lose the case through legal means. If he disagrees with Yi Yi’s surname change to Shen, it will be illegal.”

“Can’t the child take the stepfather’s surname?” Why should the law protect the rights of such a biological father? He just shirks responsibility and doesn’t care about anything. What a shitty biological father. ”

“If it’s a newborn or soon-to-be-born baby, then it can be registered with the mother’s or stepfather’s surname. But Yi Yi already has a household registration, so Fang Zhongcheng must agree to change his surname. You know he won’t agree, so you want to take this opportunity to transfer Yi Yi to my biological son, so that the surname can be changed naturally. Am I understanding correctly?”

Li Xia nodded silently, looking at him a little embarrassed. “If I do this, will it affect your work?”

“No. I’m already in the second line, and such a small personal matter will not affect my work. But the company needs a marriage certificate or a marriage and birth certificate from the place of residence to issue a certificate. The difference between the time on our marriage certificate and Yi Yi’s age will give us away. So we have to lie and say that the father of the child agreed. Nowadays, the inspection is not strict, and this is not included in the requirements. Maybe we can get away with it.”

She knew that she changed Huihua’s surname to Fang Zhongcheng, but he didn’t object. Now that she changed Yiyi’s surname, he would definitely not be happy. But Li Xia wanted to change the child’s surname, she didn’t want her son to continue to have the surname Fang. He wanted the child to not take up his birth quota but still have the surname Fang and be his son, which was not so easy.

“Fang Zhongcheng…did he give you child support during this period?”


“Find a way to let others know about this and use it as evidence in court. He is irresponsible and does not fulfill his obligations. He will be at a disadvantage in terms of both the surname issue and custody. If they have another child, I don’t think Fang Zhongcheng will sue. But it is better to be prepared than not. Be fully prepared.”

“Okay.” She smiled at him, feeling overwhelmed with joy, and held his arm. He could understand her intentions as soon as she opened her mouth, and he chose to take advantage of the loophole without hesitation to help her achieve her intentions.

“Sometimes I think I don’t need to bother with him. I am very happy now. But he pushes the child out again and again, and I am still very angry.”

Shen Haiyang patted her on the shoulder and said, “I know. Humans are emotional animals. He is the biological father of the child. How could he not care at all? I feel the same way about Murong. I can’t help but tremble with anger when I think about how she would treat Huihui, even though I haven’t seen it with my own eyes. How could he treat his beloved child like this?”

“Yes, I am just angry about this. It is my bad luck that he abandoned me. I am blind. But for the attitude towards the children, I am angry. I feel sorry for the children.”

“Okay, don’t be angry. The children have us now.”

“Yeah. The three of them get along well, which really makes me happy.”

“We are a happy family.”

The couple smiled at each other. She knew that doing so might cause trouble. Fang Zhongcheng might appeal and ask for the surname to be changed back, but she couldn’t bear it. Even if it was troublesome or she had to resort to some tricks, she didn’t want the child to continue to have the surname Fang. He didn’t deserve it.

Changing the child’s surname to Li or Shen behind Fang Zhongcheng’s back doesn’t make much difference. If Fang Zhongcheng disagrees, he can apply to change it back. In this case, then change the surname to Shen. After all, the child takes the mother’s surname, and the man’s bad nature still thinks that this is his child, but if the child takes the stepfather’s surname, he will be as angry as if his property was taken away.

Be angry, I wish you would die of anger. If you don’t agree to have a child today, you will regret it later and see how you can justify yourself.

“Will this really not affect your work?”

“No. If Fang Zhongcheng doesn’t admit it in the future, we can say that he went back on his word. He can’t explain this matter even if he has three mouths.”

Because they know how to exploit loopholes, Fang Zhongcheng will most likely have to accept the loss. He can only be angry after being cheated and appeal to the law. Even if the child changes his surname to Li, he will never be named Fang again.

The unit issued a certificate, and the large-scale transfer of rural to non-rural was indeed not strictly checked as Shen Haiyang said. They said that the child’s father agreed to change the surname. Facing the clerk’s eyes, Li Xia spoke to add weight.

“They want to have another child, but he doesn’t want this one.” She said this in front of Fang Zhongcheng’s house so that others could hear her. She had witnesses.

This kind of thing happens a lot nowadays. It is not uncommon for people to remarry and have children but not be able to have more children, and want to start a new life without having previous children.

“Then we’ll open Shen Ruyi, and Fang Ruyi is his former name.”

The unit issued a certificate.

The police station issued a permit for relocation. She went to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy some candies, biscuits, etc. She originally wanted to go back by herself, but she couldn’t leave now because of her business.

She could only write to my father and ask him to help her. After receiving the letter and the things, the old man immediately asked the brigade to stamp it. There was a permit for relocation from the city, and the brigade stamped it very quickly. He took the stamped permit home to show to his wife Old Lady Li.

“Yi Yi’s household registration is also going to be moved?”

“That’s great! Now those mother and children, will all be city people from now on.”

She married an educated youth from the city, and now the mother and her two children have all moved to the city. The old lady was so happy holding her cotton-padded jacket that she could not stop smiling, and finally put her mind at ease about her daughter. With a house and a household registration, she has completely established a foothold in the city. When she went home in the evening, she whispered to the old man about it, and the topic came up.

“Since this new son-in-law has the surname Shen, does Fang Zhongcheng want neither of his two children?”

“He’s a bastard. Luckily my daughter met her now husband, otherwise she would have been screwed over by him in her life.”

“Thank goodness, thank goodness.”

The brigade stamped the official seal on the relocation permit, and the old man immediately mailed it to Li Xia. Shen Haiyang went to settle the child’s household registration first, and Li Xia asked him to change Huihua’s surname to Shen as well. A family of three children, changing their surnames to the same one would be more conducive to unity.

!!!!! ATTENTION !!!!!

I have completed the translation of this novel. If you want to read all the chapters in one go you can purchase them on my Ko-fi shop(as some of my readers were asking if i had advance chapter thing). Those who want to read it all at once can buy them.

And for those who do not want to purchase, you all can read it for free on this site, but i wont be posting all the chapters at once. They will be posted 4-6 parts per week i.e ( 3 chapters per week )
Also I divided 1 chapter into 2 parts; that’s cause 1 chapter has more than 5k-6k words. So I divided it into 2k-3k words per part(it doesn’t disturb the original context.)
I hope you don’t mind. Thank you.

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1.You can purchase them as an item at my Ko-fi page :-
2.The items are as follows :- Item 1:- digital file consisting of 10 chapters from chapter 31 to 40. ($3)
Item 2:- digital file consisting of 10 chapters from chapter 41 to 50. ($3)
Item 3:- digital file consisting of 12 chapters from chapter 51 to 62. (end of the book) ($3)

Item 4:- digital file consisting of 32 chapters from chapter 31 to 62. (complete set of the  remaining chapters) ($6)

3. These chapters are edited and are more grammatically correct than the previous ones.

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