The Ex-Wife of the Educated Youth is Reborn


I have completed the translation of this novel. If you want to read all the chapters at once you can purchase them on my Ko-fi shop(as some of my readers were asking if i had advance chapter thing). Those who want to read it all at once can buy them.

Please Read more about it at the bottom.

Because the old man was coming back suddenly, the couple was thinking about what to do with the house. Their yard was not small, and if they exchanged the rooms, they could make room for the wing or the main room, and Li Xia was willing to give it to the old man.

  But her family was doing business in the back house, so it was a bit noisy every day. Otherwise, they moved back to the original house and gave this place to the old man? Once the street door was closed, the doors and windows of the back house were also closed, then there shouldn’t be much impact.

  The next day, Li Xia told Shen Haiyang her thoughts, but the man just smiled and said nothing.

  He looked out the window and saw that no one was paying attention, so he leaned over and kissed her.

  ”Don’t worry, I’ll think of other ways first.”

  Li Xia’s cheeks were reddened by his kiss early in the morning, and she didn’t understand what she had said to make him so happy. Anyway, she started to prepare.

  In the morning, he went to work and the children went to school. She rode her bike to the old house to tell the tenants that the lease could be terminated at any time. Upon hearing this, both families were unhappy and started to yell at her.

  ”How can you just say you don’t want to rent it? We just bought furniture and wedding supplies. If you don’t rent it to us, where are we going to live?”

  The tenants of the east room were also a young couple. At this time, the woman also said, “Yes. We rented this house because we couldn’t fit in our home. If you don’t rent it to us, where will we live? Our rent is due until October.”

  ”I will definitely let you stay here until the end of October. During this time you can find another house.”

  ”That won’t work. We live here well, and how can you just say you don’t want to rent it ?”

  ”This house is mine. I can rent it out if I want to, and I can take it back if I want to. It’s my house and I have the final say. It’s not your turn to have a say.”


  Old Lady Liu was so anxious that she had no idea what to do. What they said was reasonable. The house belonged to them, and they could take it back if they wanted. No matter how you look at it, they were right. It was not like the past, when the poorer one was right. You had to return someone else’s property unconditionally.

  ”I know it’s hard to find a house, so I informed you all so long in advance to give you time to find one. We all know each other, and I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t have any difficulties. This house may be useful to you, but there’s really nothing I can do.”

  ”Li Xia, are you having troubles for speaking like this?”

  Li Xia nodded. “If my problem is solved, you can continue to rent this house, but if it’s not solved, you have to move out when the rent expires.”

  To be clear, the two families were eager to help her solve her problem because her house had a good location. One by one, Li Xia asked, but she didn’t say anything. Everyone had the same problem, so what was the point of telling you?

  She was preparing for the house and busy with business. Then in the afternoon, the postman delivered a letter with a remittance slip. The remittance slip was from abroad and the amount on it was 50,000 US dollars.

  Li Xia didn’t open it, and waited for Shen Haiyang to come back from work before handing him the letter and the remittance slip. “It’s from your father. Let’s see what’s written inside. Why did he send so much money?”

  Shen Haiyang tore open the envelope and found the words written in pen. The specific content was that the old father first expressed his feelings to him, and talked about his helplessness and guilt towards the mother and son during the tense situation. Then he said that he wanted to return to his hometown and asked him to help buy a house.

  Shen Haiyang frowned after reading it, and Li Xia patted his shoulder to comfort him. “They won’t be back until next year, so we can still make it. I’ve already told the two families who rented the house over there, and we’ll take back the house when the rent expires. Then we’ll move back and give this place to the old man. We’ll replace the main room with new furniture, and seal the doors and windows of the back room on the courtyard side. Let’s prepare anything else.”

  Shen Haiyang looked at her and relaxed his brows. “Don’t worry, we’ll talk about this later.”

  He said so, Li Xia nodded and got up to cook. His brother looked like he didn’t want the old man to come back. He had received 50,000 US dollars from the old man before, and now he sent another 50,000 back. They had to take care of the house. Even if the old man came back to stay for only a month or even a week, the house had to be prepared.

  ”Next time they come, they will definitely have something bad to say. You don’t have to give in. Just be more aggressive with them. Don’t put yourself in a difficult position.”

  Li Xia turned around and asked, “Are you talking about your brother and his wife?”


  ”I thought you felt guilty because you got the benefit.”

  ”I have nothing to be ashamed of. He is my biological father. My last name is Shen and I am a descendant of the Shen family. According to the inheritance law, his property should be mine. If the old man doesn’t give it to me, I have nothing to say, but it’s not his turn to be dissatisfied.”

  Li Xia gave him a thumbs up and agreed with what he said. The old man’s property, he can use it however he wants and give it to whoever he wants. As a younger brother, you always say that we are after money, do you have the qualifications?

  They don’t know how much money his father has. If it’s a lot, what will happen in the future?

  She doesn’t know what kind of temper the old man has. She hopes to get along better with my father-in-law when he returns to China and settle in a city.

  If you don’t think about the future, you will have immediate worries. Seeing that there will be another elder in a few months, Li Xia couldn’t help but think about it. Judging from the couple’s style, the old man should be no ordinary person.

  Shen Haiyang cooked while thinking, and soon called the children to eat. When he went out to look for the children, he saw two who looked familiar. He asked his son and found out that they were indeed the two children of Murong Danling’s sister.

  ”They are at his grandmother’s house, which is not far from here. I often see them playing outside recently. Dad, I didn’t play with them. They were just playing together awith other kids.”

  ”Well, it’s best to keep some distance from them.”

  ”I know.”


  The two children greeted him. Shen Haiyang frowned and was about to speak, but his brother patted him on the back of the head and scolded him, “You should call him uncle shen, not uncle.”

  The younger brother touched his head and smiled at Shen Haiyang: “Hello, Uncle Shen.”


  The child called him politely, and he answered casually. Shen Haiyang took his son home. Many people watched TV in the west wing room at night. He felt a little uncomfortable and did not go over. He read quietly in the main room.

  The TV in the west wing was showing a great show, and Li Xia went into the east wing to take inventory and keep accounts. She had bought a TV but had rarely watched it, as she was busy with her own things every day. She went in, turned on the light, closed the door, and sat down on a chair beside the kang.

  The kang was so full of goods that there was no place to step, so she moved all the remaining goods to this room. She checked the goods while looking at the account book, and time passed unnoticed while she was busy with her head down.

  Suddenly, her eyes went dark and the light bulb above her head went out. She subconsciously looked up at the roof. During this period, power outages were common. She blinked her eyes and tried to adapt to the darkness as quickly as possible so that she could leave. She vaguely heard a sound coming from outside the door.

  ”Who, who’s there?”

  As she spoke, she reached out to grope for the flashlight, but the more anxious she was, the harder it was to find. After she finished shouting, there were obvious footsteps outside the door. She fumbled for the flashlight in a hurry, turned it on, stood up and walked quickly to the door to open it.

  It was also pitch black outside, but everything was normal as far as the flashlight could see. There was a lot of noise in the west wing, and the people who were watching TV had obviously not left yet. This kind of power outage is sometimes temporary, and everyone is hoping that it will come back soon.

  She looked around but couldn’t find anyone, so she went back to find the flashlight on the kang and came out again. She closed the door and locked it, then checked carefully with the flashlight.

  There was nothing wrong in the courtyard, so she went into the west wing to take a look. The people watching TV were sitting and discussing the previous plot, saying all sorts of things. When someone was accused of being argumentative, he became even more excited to refute others.

  The adults were sitting and talking excitedly, and the children were also discussing excitedly. Yi Yi said he wanted to go to the toilet, and Shen Hui got up to accompany him. There was nothing unusual about the others.

  ”Mom, there’s a power outage and you can’t work?” Shen Hui asked.

  ”Yeah.” She handed the flashlight to the child and asked casually, “What TV series did you just watch? Was it good? You were so motivated that you wanted to watch it and didn’t want to miss it for even a second and had to hold in pee ?”

  ”Huo Yuanjia, mom, do you know Huo Yuanjia? He is a great hero, so powerful.”

  ”So the ones watching don’t even go to the toilet and hold it in?”

  ”That’s it.”

  Shen Hui led Yi Yi out of the door quickly, and the two children followed them to the bathroom. HuiHua thought she was strange, and after the boys left, she gently pulled her clothes and spoke in a low voice.

  ”Mom, is there something wrong with you?”

  She took her daughter out, and the two of them talked in the dark at the door of the east wing. “Did anyone who was watching TV in the room come out? It was before the power outage.”

  The little girl recalled carefully after hearing what she said, then shook her head: “I didn’t notice it. The martial arts competition was just about to begin, and I was too busy watching TV. What’s wrong, mom? What happened?”

  ”No, I was just asking.”

  Maybe she heard it wrongly, mistaking the footsteps from somewhere else for those at my door? Maybe she was just being overly sensitive.

  The electricity that everyone was looking forward to never came, and those who were watching TV left one after another.

  She went to bed with a candle, and the moonlight gently sprinkled on the curtains through the window lattice. She could vaguely see the outline of objects in the room, and she muttered softly.

  ”Why didn’t you come out just now?”

  If there was moonlight just now, she would have been able to see the shadow, but it was pitch dark before and there was nothing. She didn’t know if she was sensitive and heard it wrong, or if someone was coveting her.

  ”What did you say?”

  ”No, I was just talking nonsense.” After saying that, she turned to him and asked casually, “Do you think that our family’s current situation will make outsiders envious and jealous?”

  Shen Haiyang nodded. “Probably. What’s wrong? What happened?”

  She told him what happened before: “Maybe I heard it wrong.”

  ”Move the TV to the bun shop, and let everyone watch it there after closing the kitchen at night. Turning on the TV early in the morning can also attract people. There are ready-made seats there for watching TV. Although it is messy, it is not in our backyard.”

  ”good idea.”

  The house door was closed, and the neighbors who were watching TV entered the back room from the door facing the street to watch TV. The tables and chairs were neatly arranged in the spacious hall, and two large thermoses of hot water were placed on the cabinet in the corner.

  ”That’s great! They even prepared hot water for us.”

  ”It’s so comfortable to sit and watch, just like in a movie theater.” The woman smiled and poured herself some water from a bowl, pointing at the tall men and saying, “Go to the back. You’re a big man but you don’t have any sense of propriety. You’re so tall, and if you stick your head forward, you’ll block the view of the people behind you.”

  The man touched his nose and stood up. Finally, she sat down in the seat before him. The prime time was about to start. People came in one after another. Soon, adults and children sat in most of the room.

  Li Xia cleared a side room and was busy with her goods at home. Shen Haiyang saw through the window and came to help. The yard was quiet. The couple was busy for more than two hours. When the TV show ended, there was no strange movement like yesterday.

  There was only one door on the side of the back room that led to the yard, and it was usually locked. The children would knock on the door and ask for it to be opened after everyone on the other side had left.

  ”Mom, I’m done watching TV.”

  Li Xia took the key to open the door, and after letting the child out, she prepared to go in and clean the house. As a result, she went in and saw that the house was tidy, and the doors and windows leading to the street were closed tightly.

  Huihua looked back at her as she went to get the broom and said, “A few aunties cleaned up before leaving. Mom, please come out, lock the door and go to sleep.”


  Li Xia smiled, shook her head and went out to lock the door again. She was too worried. Two of the people watching TV were working in her bun shop. How could they ignore the hygiene?


  That day, Fang Zhongcheng came by bike to help Murong Danling move. At the entrance of the alley, he happened to meet Shen Haiyang and his son at the house gate. The two looked at each other and wanted to say something but didn’t say it. Shen Haiyang suddenly stopped because Shen Hui stretched out his hand and pulled him tightly, saying that he was uncomfortable.

  ”Huihui, what’s wrong with you?” Shen Haiyang held his son’s hand, and Yiyi threw away his schoolbag and ran out. “Dad, you stay with my brother, I’ll go find mom.”

  Shen Hui was carried by his father to the hospital, and Li Xia came out pushing a tricycle. She took the child and put him on the tricycle, letting Shen Haiyang take care of him from behind while she rode in front, and the family hurried to the hospital.

  In the chaos, no one noticed that the two of them were there. After the family left, the onlookers started talking. They had heard that Shen Haiyang had a heart disease before, and now they began to think divergently and speculate.

  ”I heard that this disease may be hereditary. Could it be that Shen Hui has it too?”

  ”Li Xia is also suffering. She has been waiting for her husband to wake up, and the children are all well and obedient. Now her husband has this disease. What if Shen Hui inherits it? I heard that if you want to get treatment, you have to go abroad. Do you think that foreign countries are places that ordinary people like us can go?”

  ”Going abroad for treatment, how much does that cost? No wonder Li Xia works day and night to make money. I haven’t seen her rest for such a long time. She doesn’t even watch TV at night.”

  Something that didn’t exist made everyone guess. No one knew that she had received so much US dollars and how much money Li Xia’s business made. Shen Hui only had dysentery and was fine after receiving an IV in the hospital.

  Murong Danling and Fang Zhongcheng got the information from everyone and really thought that Shen Hui also inherited heart disease. They thought that the father and son were really a burden. They also said that Li Xia was blessed, but what kind of blessing was that? Whoever found this father and son would be unlucky.




!!!!! ATTENTION !!!!!

I have completed the translation of this novel. If you want to read all the chapters in one go you can purchase them on my Ko-fi shop(as some of my readers were asking if i had advance chapter thing). Those who want to read it all at once can buy them.

And for those who do not want to purchase, you all can read it for free on this site, but i wont be posting all the chapters at once. They will be posted 4-6 parts per week i.e ( 3 chapters per week )
Also I divided 1 chapter into 2 parts; that’s cause 1 chapter has more than 5k-6k words. So I divided it into 2k-3k words per part(it doesn’t disturb the original context.)
I hope you don’t mind. Thank you.

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                                                         Item 3:- digital file consisting of 12 chapters from chapter 51 to 62. (end of the book) ($2)
                Item 4:- digital file consisting of 32 chapters from chapter 31 to 62. (complete set of the  remaining chapters) ($5)

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Hello!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me or read advance chapter the check my ko-fi <3 :-


  1. War smith Dantioch says:

    Thank you for the chapter!

  2. Lica says:

    Thanks for the translation!

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