The Ex-Wife of the Educated Youth is Reborn


On the way home, the couple bought a lot of vegetables and meat. Murong Danling lost her visitation rights, and the relationship with her son was legally divided. Emotionally, Shen Hui hated her behavior and rejected her from the bottom of his heart. Her influence on Shen Hui was getting weaker and weaker, which was worth celebrating.

  Stewed pork bones, braised pork with chestnuts, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, cold bean curd, pork ribs and lotus root soup, and today there was actually venison. Li Xia bought two pounds and roasted it in a frying pan, preparing to eat it with sweet and sour garlic and wrapped in vegetable leaves.

 Li Xia bought two pounds and roasted it in a frying pan, preparing to eat it with sweet and sour garlic and wrapped in vegetable leaves

(Stewed pork bones)

(braised pork with chestnuts)

(braised pork with chestnuts)

(scrambled eggs with tomatoes)

(scrambled eggs with tomatoes)

(scrambled eggs with tomatoes)

(cold bean curd)

( pork ribs and lotus root soup)

( pork ribs and lotus root soup)

  ”Mom, it’s so rich.”

  Shen Haiyang was cooking with her, and the three little ones came over when they smelled the aroma, especially Yi Yi, who was so greedy that he wanted to open the pot and eat a piece of meat right away.

  Li Xia clapped his hands and said, “It’s hot. You little troublemaker, you’ve already become fat, and you’re still thinking about eating every day.”

  Yi Yi pouted, “But the teacher said I’m cute. My friend Xiaolu doesn’t eat well, so the teacher only gives her half a bowl each time for fear that she’ll leave some leftovers. But for me, there’s plenty, and if she sees I’ve finished, she’ll serve me more. She’ll also give me more afternoon snacks, and she’ll secretly give me what Xiaolu can’t finish.”

  ”Haha,” everyone laughed. Li Xia rolled her eyes at him. In her previous life, she remembered that he seemed to have started to lose weight after he was six years old, and he never gained weight again. Now he is small, maybe just baby fat.

  ”Is the Xiaolu a boy or a girl?”

  ”It’s a girl. Mom, you really don’t care about me at all. Dad knows Xiaolu. Xiaolu likes my dad very much and told me that my dad is a good person. She also wants a dad like him.”

  Shen Hui replied: “Forget it, we already have three at home, so don’t let her come.”

  They nodded one by one, agreeing with their brother. “Yes, so I didn’t agree to her.”

  This naughty kid, it seems that if you agree to this father, he will give it to her. Shen Haiyang is really good-natured, and several children like him. He is also very knowledgeable and tells stories. Every day when he pick up Yi Yi, she hear the naughty kid talking to him. The naughty kid had never been like this with Li Xia in his previous life. He would run away as soon as he saw her holding a broom.

  After a sumptuous meal, everyone said they were full. Shen Hui loved the roasted venison the most. “Mom, the roasted meat is delicious. Can we have another meal during the Chinese New Year?”

  “As long as it’s available, we’ll eat it again next month

  “As long as it’s available, we’ll eat it again next month.”

  ”Oh yeah.”

  ”Your Aunt Xu is from Sichuan, and she makes delicious pickles. Ask her to pickle two jars of kimchi for you. It will definitely taste good when you wrap them around the barbecue.”

  ”Mom, I love that pickled ginger, tell auntie to remember to put more.”

  The girl finally made a request, and Li Xia was sure to satisfy it. “No problem, I’ll make a jar just for you.”

  ”You don’t need that much. Don’t waste too much.”

  “You can use it for cooking, so there’s no waste.”

  Aunt Xu was the neighbor that Li Xia had asked to take care of them. She was quick-tempered and cooked delicious food. Li Xia did what she said. She bought the ingredients in the afternoon and asked her to pickle two jars of kimchi.

  Cowpeas, radishes, and peppers in red and green colors are soaked in a jar, and another smaller jar contains young ginger and peppers. They taste very good when stir-fried or used as side dishes.

  Xu Xifeng put the lid on and sealed the edges with water. “This way, it will be sealed from the air and won’t go bad. You can eat it in three to five days. I’ll add some of my old pickled soup.”

  ”Okay, thank you.”

  ”Don’t be polite, we are neighbors.”

  The next day was the weekend and there was no school. Li Xia was setting up a stall outside, and the three children were bored and came out to play nearby. Shen Hui knew that his mother and uncle would not dare to hurt him, so this time there was no sequelae. He just paid attention to the safety issues that his parents mentioned, but he didn’t need to be too scared in crowded places in broad daylight.

  Li Xia was bargaining with a customer. The customer was interested in the most expensive piece of clothing she had, so she was reluctant to give in. She wanted to earn more.

  Yi Yi got bored and started reciting ancient poems, from Li Bai to Du Fu, each of which was a short five-character quatrain but he couldn’t help reciting so many poems one after another, and immediately attracted the attention of the male customer.

  ”Is this your son?”

  Li Xia nodded: “Yes, my son.”

  ”What a clever child, he can recite so many poems at such a young age. Did you teach him all of them?”

  ”No, his father taught him.”

  ”It seems your husband is very educated.”

  Li Xia looked at him in confusion, “What are you talking about?” “What does my son’s recitation of poetry have to do with you buying my clothes?” Yi Yi looked up at him and greeted him. He tilted his head and waved his little hand, looking very cute.

  ”Hello, uncle.”


  “Uncle, aren’t you going to buy my mother’s clothes?”

  ”I am considering.”

  ”If I can recite “Song of the Wine”, will you buy my mother’s clothes?”

  ”You want to recite “Song of the Wine”? Are you sure you can recite it?”

  “What if I recite it?”

  ”Then I will buy this dress without hesitation.”

  The man obviously didn’t believe that such a young child could recite a long masterpiece. Shen Hui thought to himself: Well, my brother has brought another business to my mother.

  ”Don’t you see that the water of the Yellow River comes from the sky… I’ll call my son to exchange it for good wine, so that we can share our eternal sorrow.”

  The little guy recited Li Bai’s long poem fluently without any stuttering. The man was amazed, and then he paid for the dress quickly. Before leaving, he looked at the little guy and praised Li Xia endlessly.

  ”You have to train him well. This child has an excellent memory.”

  In her previous life, Li Xia didn’t understand these things and never taught them. She only knew that her son had been at the top of the class since he started school. In this life, Shen Haiyang picked up and dropped off the children most often, and he was the one who told the children stories. She didn’t expect that he could recite such a long poem fluently at such a young age.

  After the man left, Xiao Liu gave Yiyi a thumbs up. The little guy smiled happily after being in the spotlight, and Li Xia gave him a dime.

  ”Dad actually taught you to recite such a long poem?”

  ”Dad told me about the genres of poetry and then read me this one. Seeing that I liked it, he taught me to memorize it.” Then the little guy whispered to his mother: “I memorized it for a long time. This one is more difficult than the shorter ones.”


  After closing the stall and returning home in the evening, Li Xia asked Shen Haiyang while cooking: “What is the genre of poetry?”

  ”Literary genre refers to the category of literary works. Different poetry genres have different writing methods.” Shen Haiyang turned his head and looked at her curiously: ”
Why are you asking about this?”

  ”Would you think I’m useless?”

  Fang Zhongcheng had scolded her like this in her previous life. Oh, Fang Zhongcheng seemed to have scolded her like this when she just woke up in this life. She didn’t finish junior high school in the countryside, so she didn’t understand many things.

  ”Who said that about my wife? Tell me I’ll go find him.”

  Shen Haiyang was about to take off his apron and walk out, but Li Xia quickly stopped him. “No, I’m just afraid that you’ll dislike me. I don’t know how to do anything.”

  The man knew what she meant and teased her on purpose. He reached out and hugged her: “Who said you can’t do anything? You can cook and wash clothes, and keep the house warm and tidy. You can take care of us and give us a warm home.”

  ”But it seems like other women can do this, too.”

  ”But other women are not you.”

  The subtext of this statement is: You are unique, there is no need to compare with anyone. It is you I met, and no one can replace you.

  ”And what you said is not right. Who says all women do these things? The wife of our neighbor Lao Wang plays mahjong all day long. Her mother-in-law says her house is like a pigsty. She doesn’t care about her children and she still has debts after losing money. She has had several fights with her husband because of this.”

  After saying that, he tilted his head and kissed her: “My wife is so good, no one can compare to her. It’s just that sometimes she works too hard, it would be better if she could take a proper rest.”

  These sweet words really touched her heart. She finally experienced what she had been unable to obtain in her previous life. After tasting it, she realized how sweet it was.

  In her previous life, she had chased Fang Zhongcheng, lived and died for him, and gave birth to two children for him. She had been soaked in bitter water all her life. In this life, she had a different person to live with, and the little bit of inferiority she had just felt was immediately wiped out by him.

  ”But I have read so little. What if I don’t understand what you say to me?”

  ”I have a mouth, can’t I explain it to you?” the man asked back with a smile. “I just read a few more books, it’s no big deal. If you like it, I’ll tell you about it later in the evening.”


  ”Li Xia, Haiyang, a guy in the car is here to look for you, are you home?”

  The couple’s warm embrace was broken, and they let go and walked out with a smile. Shen Haiyang held her and tucked her messy hair behind her ears, and then they walked out one after the other.

Hello!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me or read advance chapter the check my ko-fi <3 :-


  1. Lica says:

    Parabéns pela tradução!

    1. Cupcake says:

      muito obrigado

  2. War smith Dantioch says:

    Is reading more books for you euphemism?😘

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