The Ex-Wife of the Educated Youth is Reborn



  ”Li Xia, don’t go too far. She’s the biological mother. What’s wrong with wanting to take care of her own child?”

  Fang Zhongcheng came to see his son. He was scolded by Li Xia before, so he came here to show his face today, and he happened to see this. He was inexplicably a hero saving the beauty, and Shen Haiyang didn’t waste any words and called the police directly. The couple didn’t bother to pay attention to him. They had the same stance. It was a waste of time to talk to them.

  Murong Danling’s relationship with Shen Hui has become so irreconcilable that he will definitely win the lawsuit to deprive her of visitation rights. Although this will not prevent her from meeting Shen Hui in public, she will no longer be able to take Shen Hui away alone without being bound by the law.

  She tried again and again to take Shen Hui away without his knowledge. If he guessed correctly, they wanted to split their forces into two groups to launch an alternative kidnapping threat.

  The group soon sat down at the police station, and Shen Hui who was held by his father and told the story. Murong Danling tried to interrupt several times, but was stopped by the police.

  ”Wait a minute, let the child finish speaking first.”

  ”Comrade police officer, I’m the one who’s injured now.” Murong Danling raised her arm, “Shouldn’t you send me to the hospital first?”

  The police officer looked at her and said, “The blood has already clotted. It’s just a minor injury. It won’t be too late to go after we finish taking the statement.”

  Another person muttered, “Really? It’s just a scratch. Don’t worry about it and it will heal on its own.”

  Murong Danling was so angry that she had no choice but to wait until the police finished listening to Shen Hui’s words and asked the child if what he said was true. She was so angry that she wanted to refute but couldn’t.

  ”So you wanted to take Shen Hui away by force, but Shen Hui didn’t want to. When you used brute force, Shen Hui accidentally scratched your arm with a knife. Is that right?”

  ”No, police comrade. The brat did it on purpose. He cut me with the knife on purpose.” She raised her bloodstained sleeves and palms. “Look, there’s so much blood. If he didn’t do it on purpose, would he have cut me three times?”

  Neighbors and passersby also came to the police station to make statements. At this time, as bystanders, they spoke up: “Bullshit. You tried to take the child away secretly one after another. The child shouted to wait for his father to come back, but you didn’t listen at all. He was scared by you and scratched you a few times.”

  ”You are such a mother, why do you have to take the child away with force? Just wait until his father comes back and tell everyone, then nothing will happen.”

  The information of all parties was collected and the police station took notes. This matter was not a big deal. After all, no one knew Murong Danling’s motives, and she was not stupid enough to tell others. The mother-son feud was just a matter of mediation. The police meant that Shen Haiyang would treat Murong Danling’s injuries and the matter would be over.

  Murong Danling shouted that this matter was not that easy, and left the police station in a rage, preparing to go to the hospital. Fang Zhongcheng was also brought in for questioning, and he rode out to see her alone and pitiful. How did the couple teach their children? It must be Li Xia, who taught the children not to recognize their own biological parents.

  ”Shall I take you there?”


  Shen Haiyang was waiting for the court to open. With this case, he had a 99% chance of winning the case. Whether or not to deprive parents of their children of their visitation rights was based on the harm and impact on the children. Apart from this, even if the other party did pay child support, it was not allowed. This case was the opportunity.

  Even though the lawsuit was filed, it is unlikely that there will be a result in a short period of time. Shen Hui was frightened and dared not sleep alone at night. Last night, Shen Haiyang accompanied him. Today, he said that he would let his younger brother accompany him.

  ”Are you really not afraid? Your brother is still young and may not be able to give you a sense of security.”

  ”It’s okay, I’m not afraid anymore.” He looked at Shen Haiyang and said, “Dad, her arm…”

  The child was frightened by the nagging, but still missed her. Shen Haiyang reached out and hugged the child, “It’s just a broken skin. It will heal quickly after cleaning and bandaging. Don’t worry.”


  Shen Haiyang sighed silently, but decided to have a deep talk with him. “Do you know why she insisted on taking you away without telling me?”

  Shen Hui shook his head: “She was definitely not missing me.”

  ”Someone saw Murong Danling’s second brother sneaking around the scene, which means she went there with her second brother.”

  His words are illogical and shen Hui is too young to guess.

  He continued, “She would take you away when no one was around, hid you somewhere. Then you suddenly disappeared, what would happen to your parents?”

  ”You’ll be worried and look for me everywhere.”

  ”If someone sends us a message at this moment, saying that you have been kidnapped, and asks us to pay them money, or they will kill you. What should we do? By the way, killing you means they will kill you if you don’t pay them money.”

  ”Ah? Will mom and dad be deceived and give them money?”

  ”A normal person would give money. No matter how important money is, it is not as important as your own children.”

  Murong Danling didn’t know that he had used all the money to buy the shop. If she succeeded this time, the couple would be very worried. They might have to call the police, but it was hard to say what would happen in the end.

  It’s not that you’re afraid of thieves stealing, but you’re afraid of thieves thinking about it. Murong Danling has visitation rights, and she has been thinking of these evil ways. This time, her rights can be completely revoked, so she gave up. When there is no loophole to exploit, she dare not challenge the law.

  Shen Hui was silent, and Shen Haiyang didn’t say anything, letting him sort it out on his own. The room was quiet for a few minutes, and the child raised his head and figured it out.

  ”She, she is my biological mother, so it is legal for her to take me away. This way they can ask you for money without worrying about being caught by the police.”

  ”Yes. So don’t be afraid. She didn’t mean to hurt you at all, and you didn’t hurt her much. Of course, I mean physically.”

  Shen Hui nodded, and his fear of being forced dissipated a lot. It was money again. She would do anything for money. Although she didn’t hurt his body, he hated her even more mentally.

  ”Then, if she comes to see me again…”

  ”Dad sued to deprive her of her visitation rights to you. If we win the lawsuit, she will lose the right to visit you freely. She can’t take you away without my knowledge. Her advantage is gone. She doesn’t dare to do it again because it is illegal and she doesn’t have the guts. So don’t be afraid of her. If you don’t like her, just ignore her.”

  ”All right.”

  After talking to the child, he left and returned to the main room. He heard Yi Yi talking to his brother behind him. The little guy’s childish words saved Shen Hui from being bored.

  Lying on the bed, Li Xia turned sideways to him and said, “Huihui is like this, we have to find a way to ease his mood, right?”

  ”I talked to him, and he knows Murong Danling doesn’t want to hurt him, so he’s not so sad or scared anymore. The case will go to court soon, and once Murong Danling’s visitation rights are completely revoked, she’ll give up.”

  ”Well, he must feel bad if his own mother does this. How about this, let’s find some time to take them out to play. Let’s go for a walk nearby and let the children run around and play in the wild.”

  There were no psychologists at that time, so parents had to help their children relieve their emotions. Shen Haiyang’s conversation had helped Shen Hui slowly get rid of the feeling of being victimized, and he realized that Murong Danling’s purpose was not to harm his life, but just for money. Now he can take the child out to play and let him relax.

  ”Okay. The day after tomorrow is the the weekend, let’s go play together.”


  Li Xia also arranged time for Xiao Liu to put out fewer goods at the stall. The family took the children to the wild on the weekend, and when they saw a wild rabbit on the road, the three children excitedly chased it.

  It was a sunny day with a gentle breeze on my face. The children’s laughter was heard in the ears. Seeing them laughing and playing happily in the wild made the adults feel relaxed. Li Xia found a flat grassy area and spread the bed sheet she brought, then sat down with Shen Haiyang. They can climb the mountain here, but Shen Haiyang has a bad heart, so they took a car to take them directly to the foot of the mountain.

  The adults sat and chatted, while the children ran around happily. At noon, they had a picnic outside. Li Xia brought bread, milk, instant noodles, and various fruits. She also cooked a pot of chicken soup and brought a bowl and spoon. She just lit a fire with a dead branch and heated it up. Everyone had a bowl of hot soup.

  ”Eat it all. You have to finish this chicken.”

  Huihua chatted with her mother: “Mom, why do we have to finish everything?”

  ” I brought it with me when I came here, so how can I bring it back with me when I go back?”

  ”Ha ha,”

  Yi Yi was chewing chicken wings and said incoherently, “Don’t worry, I’m here, we can finish it all.”

  A chicken was not too fat, and the family of five ate up all the meat and soup. In the afternoon, Shen Haiyang went fishing by the river, and Li Xia shared the food she brought with the children, hoping to go home empty-handed.

  Lying on the grass, leisurely and comfortable. “So comfortable, as free as a bird.”

  Shen Haiyang looked back at her, and they smiled without saying anything. This kind of silent feeling is actually very good, and silence is better than words, which makes people feel very peaceful.

  The children played by themselves while he fished quietly. She lay on the grass in the sun and fell asleep in the warmth. She woke up to the sound of birds singing and was covered with his coat.

  ”woke up?”

  ”Hmm. Where are the three monkey kids?”

  ”Playing with the fish over there.”

  Li Xia looked back and saw that the pot was full of water. The children were discussing whether the fish in it should be braised or stewed. Thinking that Shen Haiyang had caught a big fish, she stood up and looked over. It was just a small crucian carp. It can be stewed or braised, but she should raise it first.

  After a whole day of relaxation, Shen Hui was smiling when he returned. The gloom in his eyes disappeared, and he played with his brother. After all, he was a child, and his emotions came and went quickly. Without the fear of being hurt, and with his family by his side, all the gloom would dissipate.

  He went to school as usual on Monday, and the lawsuit was heard in a few days. The evidence provided by Shen Haiyang was very sufficient, and Murong Danling lost more than she gained this time, and was deprived of the right to visit her son.

  If she had no bad intentions, we were all in the same city and could be seen everywhere, at the school gate and at the doorstep of home, so she couldn’t have any bad thoughts.

  Murong Danling came out of the court with a cold look in her eyes and glared fiercely in the direction of her ex-husband. Her second brother wanted to talk to her, but she pushed him away, looking like she didn’t want to listen.

  ”Hey, Danling, Danling.” She turned and walked away quickly, with her second brother chasing after her.

  Shen Haiyang shook his head, hoping that his ex-wife would stop doing evil things. She would grab at anything that was profitable, and her eating habits were so ugly and despicable that it made people sick.

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