The Ex-Wife of the Educated Youth is Reborn


Coming out of the hospital, Shen Haiyang felt relaxed. He held his son’s hand and the two looked at each other and smiled. He didn’t think his own illness was a big deal, but it would be troublesome if it was passed on to his child. If he had known that he carried such a gene, he might have chosen not to have children. Li Xia took a deep breath and talked about her original plan.

“Originally, we planned that you would take the children back after everything was over, and I had to go to the south. Now that things are like this, how about I send you back to the city first?”

“Do you really think I’m made of paper?”

The doctor said that it would be fine if we just needed to be careful. Li Xia smiled and said, “Then let’s stick to the original plan. I’ll go buy the tickets and we’ll go our separate ways tomorrow.”

His illness was not an emergency as long as he paid attention to it. He also had emergency medicine with him. He should be fine if he told the children to be good. He wanted to go with her to buy tickets, but Li Xia strongly asked him to go back to the guesthouse first.

“If I can’t buy it for you, I’ll find another way. Otherwise, you’ll owe me a favor and you’ll have to pay it back in the future.”

It was very difficult to buy tickets for this section. She queued at the train station for an entire afternoon before finally buying a sleeper berth for the day after tomorrow. She bought two tickets for them and a seat ticket for herself to Guangzhou.

Increasing income and reducing expenditure, they must find ways to make money and save money. Their illnesses were minor, so the responsibility of saving money fell on her. There were two main things. The sleeper berth to Guangzhou would take five days to get, and she couldn’t wait.

After dinner, Shen Haiyang went out, and she told the children in the house. “Be obedient on the road, don’t run around and make Dad worry. He has a bad heart, especially don’t get him angry. If you see that he doesn’t look right, remind him to take medicine. Have you remembered everything?”

The three little ones nodded obediently, she also gave special instructions to yiyi. “Follow your sister closely on the way, Huihua, take good care of your brother. Keep a close eye on him and make sure he is not kidnapped. If you are kidnapped to the deep mountains and forests, you will never see us again in this life, do you understand?”

The little one was lively and curious, so she could only give him a few more instructions and took out three dimes, one for each of them. Money should be spent where it counts and life should be spent where it counts. If you let the children be tempted by others for a snack, it would be a big loss.

“Don’t eat water or food given by strangers. If you want to eat something, buy it yourself. Don’t talk too much to strangers. Once you get in the car, you three will have fun by yourselves. Do you remember that?”


The little guys happily put away the money, and they had already thought about what to buy when they got home. As for the journey, their mother bought them a lot of delicious food, so they didn’t want to eat anything.

The next day, her train was more than an hour earlier than theirs. After Shen Haiyang knew that she had bought a seat ticket, he insisted on making a phone call. Then he used his connections to exchange the seat ticket for a sleeper. He had to find a way to repay the debt of favor. It was too tiring to sit on a hard seat for such a long journey. He didn’t stop his wife from starting her own business, but he would do whatever he could for her within his ability.

“Be careful on the road, drink plenty of water and don’t get angry.”

“Okay I will.”

The train started to move with a clang. Li Xia climbed onto her berth and lay down comfortably. But she was still very alert. There were several thousand yuan in her bag. If she lost it, all her hard work for more than half a year would go to waste. She would be heartbroken.

The clothes, shoes and socks she wore today were neither new nor old, neither flashy nor embarrassing. She was the kind that would be hard to find in a crowd of embarrassment. The bag of money was tied to her abdomen, making her look like a pregnant woman.

As the light outside the window dimmed, the lights in the carriage came on. Many people started to prepare for dinner, and she took out the pancakes she brought from her bag. She ate slowly, one mouthful at a time, with the water she got on the train. She was so simple that she was not noticeable in the crowd, and no one paid much attention to her.

At that time, trains had not yet been accelerated, and it took several days to travel thousands of kilometers. She arrived at her destination safely because she was wearing simple clothes and carrying a bag, and she didn’t talk much to people.

In the second half of the journey, the toilets on the train were packed with people and there was no way to get in, so as soon as we got off the train, we hurried to find the toilet. She carried her small bag with her and tied it around her waist, and her loose clothes covered her tightly.

Taking advantage of her own advantages, she carried a large amount of money and asked around along the way to take the bus to find wholesale factories. She came to the forefront of the times, and it was indeed different from the mainland. The prosperity began to emerge, factories and shops were everywhere, and information was exchanged in various dialects in the morning teahouse. When she didn’t understand, she would speak and gesture.

She found a newly opened clothing factory, and the factory salesroom was already crowded with people. The styles were new and the prices were low, so people who wanted to do business were crowding in the salesroom.

“Tomorrow, the sale will officially begin tomorrow. Everyone, prepare your cash and come early tomorrow.”

The factory manager shouted at the top of his lungs that the samples from this factory were well made and had the latest styles, so the most people gathered at the door. Everyone was driven out but was reluctant to leave, so they squatted or stood near the sales department.

Li Xia also found a corner to sit down. She had finished the dry food in her bag. It was too hot on the train and she couldn’t change her clothes. She lowered her head and smelled the stench of sweat.

Seeing that it was almost noon, she took a break and found a canteen. There was already a shop opened by Hong Kong people here, and the sign at the door read Hong Kong-style wonton noodles.

She went in and had a bowl of noodles. It was the first time she had noodles and wontons. The taste was really good. After eating, she went out and found a public toilet. The water temperature was not cold at noon. She washed her hair under the tap, wiped her body with a towel and changed clothes. She also washed the clothes she took off, and after returning to the factory, she found a tree branch to hang on and dry them quickly.

As night fell, some people chose to go to the guesthouse, and there were still many people scattered at the door. Li Xia stayed nearby with her bag, taking a nap in the corner leaning against the bag of clothes, making do with it at night.

The next day, everyone started queuing up before daybreak. Li Xia was nearby and had been paying attention, so she lined up very close to the front. They thought the store would open and everyone would go in one by one, but when they heard some movement inside, the line started to get chaotic.

When the door was about to open, everyone started to squeeze forward. She couldn’t help but sigh.

Fortunately, she had foresight. She was at the front of the queue, and with her years of experience, she managed to squeeze in and enter the store.

“Don’t all squeeze in, the first ten people come.”

Sure enough, the person in charge started to drive people away, and Li Xia happened to be among the ten people. The first batch paid one by one and chose from more than a dozen styles. Li Xia had already seen the pattern, workmanship, fabrics, styles, etc. of this store before, so she paid 8,500 yuan directly and took the receipt to choose the style and number she liked.

After selecting the goods, she went to the warehouse next door to get them. She could not carry 8,500 yuan worth of goods by herself. The factory provided her with large sacks, and she went outside to find a tricycle that was specially used to transport goods. She took them to the train station and bought a ticket to return that day.

This time, there was a lot of cargo, so she could only check it in with the train. She didn’t buy a sleeper on the return trip, so she took a hard seat back to the provincial capital. On the way, she helped the crew clean up and successfully occupied the floor under a three-person bench. She mopped it clean, spread out some clothes and slept there at night.

Although this place doesn’t smell good and there’s a risk of children getting wet if they sit there, you can lie down and stretch your legs so you don’t have to hold it in for a long time and get edema in your lower limbs. She didn’t have any children, so she quickly grabbed a seat first.

A woman who was also taking a long-distance bus took up a seat between two people when there were few people on the bus at the beginning, and curled up to sleep on it. She looked disdainful when she saw Li Xia cleaning under the chair. But when the seats were almost full in the evening, she could only sit back and lean against the chair, while Li Xia lying flat next to her made her envious.

“I wish I had taken a seat under the chair earlier.” After mumbling to herself, she squatted down and patted Li Xia’s legs. “Hey, is the ground really cold?”

Li Xia leaned over to face her. “Not cold.”



The woman tried it with her hands and feet, and it was indeed not cold. But there was a big box under her seat, so she couldn’t lie down like Li Xia. She regretted it so much that she couldn’t fall asleep because her hands and feet were tired. Every time she saw Li Xia, she envied her.

Li Xia heard this from people who traveled far away in her previous life, and she took the opportunity to put it into practice this time. The result was very good. She slept comfortably under the chair all night, and she also exchanged all the money she had with her for cargo consignment. She didn’t worry about losing money, and she slept soundly.

“Not bad, it saves money and is comfortable.”

She muttered to herself as she went to find the place responsible for shipping the goods. Thinking that there were too many things for her to carry alone, she immediately went out and went home first. Today was Wednesday, and Shen Haiyang was probably not there.

“Mom, why are you back?”


The three children were playing in the alley, and when they saw her, they ran towards her. She said she would be gone for about ten days, but she returned in less than a week. Seeing the expectant eyes of the little ones, she suddenly remembered that she had been busy buying goods and forgot to bring anything for the children.

“Things went smoothly, so Mom came back early. I didn’t have time to buy anything for you, so I’ll give you 50 cents each. Go buy whatever you want to eat.”

The children didn’t argue. It was only 50 cents, so their mother was absolutely generous. After putting the money in her trouser pocket, Li Xia went into the yard to ride her tricycle.

“Huihua and Huihui, you two come with me to the train station to pick up the goods. Yiyi, you just stay at home and be good.” It was noon and everyone in the breakfast shop had gone home from work. She needed someone to help watch over the things, and the two children were perfect for it.

“Mom, I want to go too.”

“Okay, be good and don’t run around. Just follow your brother and sister closely. If you run around, mom will beat you.”

“I know.”

She took her three children to the railway station to pick up goods, and the consignment center moved out several large bags of her things. The two children helped her carry them together, she carried one end and the two children carried one end, and one sat in front of the tricycle outside to watch over the things.

After putting down the bag, she took a deep breath and wiped the sweat off her forehead. The two children were also panting heavily from exhaustion. The clothes were still very heavy. The bag didn’t look too big, but it was definitely not light.

“Come on, let’s go in and continue. When you’re done, mom will treat you to ice cream, jelly, and canned food.”


Hello!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me or read advance chapter the check my ko-fi <3 :-


  1. War smith Dantioch says:

    Reading about how she’s traveling is exhausting – talk about an iron lady!

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