The Ex-Wife of the Educated Youth is Reborn


Breakfast was ready, and the three children got up and washed up. Huihua used to get up early to help clean, but now she started to sleep in on weekends after being told by Li Xia. As a girl, she didn’t want her to be too sensible. Let yourself be lazy appropriately, don’t treat yourself like a machine. Working 365 days a year without a break is too tiring.

  ”Mom,  can we have noodle soup today. I like noodle soup the most.” Huihua especially likes the current family atmosphere. Her mother is always gentle and she can say anything in a nice way.

  ”Eat more if you like.”

  “I also like the soup made by my mother the most” The little flatterer took the chopsticks and praised his mother, then saw that it was his father who served him the rice, and then smiled happily at his father, “Thank you, Dad.”

  ”Choose it yourself, be careful of the heat.”

  The old man at the side laughed and rubbed his grandson’s head. “You’re a flatterer. Your mouth has become even sweeter since you came to the city. It’s like you were covered in honey.”

  ”Grandpa, I like you too.”

  ”Ha ha……”

  Is this child so shameless? As a mother, Li Xia wants to cover her face with her hands. In the previous life, this child seemed to be very sensitive like a little hedgehog. How come he has become a flatterer in this life? This skill of coaxing people is so good that he can deceive people to death. Who did he take after this? Fang Zhongcheng is a hypocrite and is not good at this.

  Huihua was too embarrassed to whisper to Shen Hui. The two older children complained about their younger brother’s behavior, and then laughed.

  The family had a lively breakfast, and Huihua carried her schoolbag to her teacher’s house to study. Shen Haiyang rode his bike to see her off, while Li Xia cleaned up the dishes, added water, and washed the pot.

  The old man went to the hospital to see his son, and Shen Hui took Yi Yi to play outside. Li Xia finished packing and went out, and saw Murong Danling talking to the children. She treated them all the same, and was very kind, as if she had a good relationship with her family. Then she gave each of the two children a candy, straightened up, smiled at Li Xia, turned around and rode away.

 ”Candies from mom and aunt.”

  Yiyi is a little smart guy, knowing that his mother doesn’t like that woman coming. But she is his brother’s mother, and his brother treats his mother well, so he can’t not give his brother face. Li Xia pulled the corner of her mouth and said nothing. Murong Danling changed her strategy, and everything she did was intended to anger her.

  The incidents were minor, but they pierced into her flesh like thorns. The slight pain accumulated over time would become a huge injury. When she was angry, she would quarrel with Shen Haiyang, or get angry at the “innocent” Murong Danling. No matter which of them she was angry at, her relationship with Shen Haiyang would be disturbed.

  After all, in this new life, Li Xia quickly figured out the connections. Murong Danling was interested in the property of the father and son, and if she wanted to back out, she would have to cut off the source of the trouble.

  Li Xia thought about it for a day, and the next day she started to spread the rumor. The four employees in her store were all married women, and gossip spread very quickly. Within a few days, the rumor had spread everywhere.

  ”Shen Haiyang signed an agreement. If he divorces his wife, he will leave the house with nothing, and all the property will belong to Li Xia.”

  ”Oh my god, wouldn’t that make her rich overnight?”

  ”No wonder she lives so comfortably and doesn’t disdains Shen Haiyang’s ex-wife. It turns out she has a plan in mind. Anyway, whether she gets a divorce or not, the money is in her hands, so what is there to be afraid of?”

  This time, the women looked at Li Xia with admiration, saying, “Sister, you are so awesome.” She has a very secure life and can do whatever she wants.

  The rumor soon reached Murong Danling’s ears, and she couldn’t believe it. If Shen Haiyang and his son were to leave the house empty-handed after the divorce, then what was she doing here?

  She rushed to Li Xia’s house without caring about anything else. Shen Haiyang was washing his face in the yard at that time. “Shen Haiyang, is what people say outside true?”

  Shen Haiyang raised his head and frowned: “What’s true or false?”

  ”You signed an agreement with Li Xia. If you divorce her, you will leave the house with nothing. Your money and the house will belong to her.”

  As soon as she said this, Li Xia at the kitchen door became a little nervous, silently looking at the man with expectation. As expected, Shen Haiyang no longer expected anything and nodded at Murong Danling.

  ”Yes I fid.”

  ”Are you stupid?” Murong Danling was really anxious this time and spoke to him angrily. Shen Hui also suffered an unexpected disaster and was scolded by her.

  ”You two are a pair of fools. That’s fifty thousand dollars, fifty thousand. A lifetime’s worth of money. How did it end up in the hands of this woman who has nothing to do with you?”

  Shen Haiyang wiped his face and sneered: “Aren’t you meddling too much? This is our family affair and it has nothing to do with you. Secondly, she is my wife, how can she become someone who has nothing to do with me? It is only natural that my money should go to my wife, why do you, an outsider, have the right to interfere here?”

  Shen Haiyang was so awesome, calling her my wife and you an outsider, Murong Danling was so angry that she almost passed out. She was shaking all over and couldn’t say anything. She staggered and turned around.

  Out of the yard.

  Shen Hui was stunned. He couldn’t believe it. His mother kept saying that she missed him and how hard it was to raise him. Was it all for money? He didn’t even have any money to his name, but she was still targeting him.

  Shen Haiyang came over and took the child’s hand. The little guy looked at him and then at Li Xia, then collapsed and shouted, “I will never trust her again.”

  Shen Haiyang led the child into the house, and the father and son had another deep conversation. Murong Danling, who was outside, went out in a rage and ran back to her parents’ home. She told her family about the matter, and the whole family scolded Shen Haiyang and his son for being fools. Finally, her second sister made up her mind and made a suggestion.

  ”If you ask me, there’s no need to go to such lengths. Since Shen Haiyang is so petty and holds a grudge, forget about getting back together with him. If you want money, just kidnap Shen Hui. Then you won’t have to worry about them not giving the money.”

  My God, this woman is so cruel. Murong Danling looked back at her second sister, as if she had just met her for the first time. Even if she wanted money, she couldn’t kidnap a child, right?

  ”Why are you looking at me like that? I am only saying to threatened them for money, I didn’t say I would harm your son.”

  Her two brothers slapped their thighs and agreed excitedly. “Yes, that’s a good idea.”

  ”No, no,”

  Murong Danling waved her hands and shook her head in panic. Her brothers and sisters stood up and sat in front of her, and began to bombard her one after another.


  Shen Hui was comforted by his father, but he was still a little depressed. Yiyi was very shameless and came up to share his toys and delicious food with his brother. Huihua also took a piece of drawing paper and said she wanted to draw for them to make her brother laugh. Shen Hui quickly played with his brother and felt that it was really good to have brothers and sisters.

  Shen Haiyang looked at the two little brothers in the yard and laughed silently. At this time, the importance of playmates was revealed. He turned back to look at Li Xia, who was hesitating to speak, and then asked with his eyes what you wanted to say.

  ”I acted on my own without consulting you…”

  The man gave her a thumbs up and said, “Well done. You solved the problem quickly. Otherwise, if she had kept hanging around like this, Shen Hui would have been even more shocked when he found out the truth.”

  ”In 1992, the newspaper published this news. The suspect Shen Hui accidentally stabbed his own mother to death. His mother was his only relative…”


  Li Xia told him about her rebirth. If Murong Danling continued to pester him, she was afraid that Shen Hui would repeat the same mistake. As for whether to believe it or not, that was his business. As a husband, he always protected her, and she didn’t hide it from him.

  Most importantly, she was worried about his health, and she had to tell him the truth so that he would take it seriously. He didn’t wake up in his previous life, and she had foresight in this life, but she didn’t tell him because of her concerns. If something happened to him, she would regret it and blame herself. He could put the property that people in this era thought they could never earn in a lifetime under her name, and she couldn’t let down such trust and affection.

  Shen Haiyang lost his voice after hearing this. He couldn’t accept it for a moment and didn’t know what to say. It would take him some time to accept such a mysterious thing, but Li Xia had already spoken, so fortunately she finished the story.

  ”The age and name match, which makes me suspicious. And you, the news said that his biological father died young, so I have been worried about your health.”

  Shen Haiyang nodded blankly, “Give me some time to digest it.”

  Li Xia nodded and left, leaving him alone in the room. He thought silently for a day, and at night he lay in bed and asked her some details in a low voice.

  ”Did the news say why that happened?”

  ”It seems to be referring to the legacy left by his grandfather.”

  Shen Haiyang didn’t know whether to cry or not. No matter how he thought about it, it was just like that. If there was no Li Xia in the previous life, then they would have become meat on the chopping board. If there was no Li Xia to ask his uncle for money, what would he have left after his mother left? Who took care of Shen Hui? Was the money embezzled by his uncle?

  No matter what, if his son has money, he will be a fat piece of meat and be fought over by others. If he has no money, he will be a burden and be despised by others. The child must have had a bad childhood. He is a bit stubborn to begin with, and I don’t know what kind of personality he will have when he grows up like that. If he gets an inheritance again, Murong Danling will pounce on him and coax him like she does now…

  He dared not think any further, and felt cold sweat on his back.

  There are many cases of fathers and sons, mothers and sons killing each other, and there are also many cases of people becoming enemies or even secretly harming each other because of money or family members.

  ”It says manslaughter.”

  Li Xia said softly, and Shen Haiyang nodded silently. He didn’t say anything more, it seemed that he needed time to digest this matter slowly. Li Xia turned her back to sleep, and he didn’t sleep all night. This matter was too shocking to him, he couldn’t imagine how much grievance his son had suffered in his previous life without anyone to protect him. How extreme his personality would become.

  Let’s go to Beijing to get a physical check-up. Sometimes he felt uncomfortable in his chest and thought it was just weakness after the illness, but now it seems that he has to take it seriously.

  The next day, everyone did what they had to do, and the couple kept the matter to themselves. When Huihua came back from school at noon and went into the kitchen, the little girl remembered that she had forgotten to tell her mother about her participation in the competition.

  ”The teacher asked me to represent the class in the competition and the painting must be completed before this Wednesday.”

  ”That’s a good thing. Have you decided what to draw?”

  ”The competition has a topic, and we have to draw nature.”

  ”Then do you need anything? Like paint or something, mom will buy it for you this afternoon.”

  ”No. Mom, if it’s about nature, can I draw a sorghum field or a corn field?”

  When you think of nature, you think of the countryside? Of course the countryside is natural, but if it’s a competition, wouldn’t it be better to be more beautiful? “Come on, I’ll take you to the teacher and ask for her advice.”

Hello!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me or read advance chapter the check my ko-fi <3 :-


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