The Ex-Wife of the Educated Youth is Reborn



  Shen Haiyang woke up. In the eyes of outsiders, the Shen family finally had a leader to support the family. It was not that Li Xia could not support it, but it was a problem of recognition from others.

  The uncle knew that he would never get the tens of thousands of dollars, and the most important thing now was to repair his relationship with his nephew. When he was kicked out by his nephew, he smiled at Li Xia and called her “niece-in-law” affectionately again.

  ”Don’t be angry, niece-in-law. I’m just… Hey, you think I’m old and confused, don’t bother with me.”

  Li Xia heard what Shen Haiyang said just now, and it was really funny for a moment. The old lady had given her a wedding banquet to justify her, but these people still wanted to overthrow her and snatch these two helpless golden babies. Now that Shen Haiyang said he wanted to get the marriage certificate, these people immediately changed their faces, which shows how important it is to have a legitimate name.

  ”If you are old and confused, just go home and rest. Don’t talk nonsense to me.”

  Unexpectedly, she was so unreasonable that the uncle and aunt lost face. Their faces turned red like pig livers. Standing there in a dilemma, they looked at Shen Haiyang, hoping that he would give them some face, but the man pointed directly at the door.

  ”Please go. My wife has already seen you off. What are you waiting for?”

  Shen Haiyang’s voice was as gentle and soft as his personality, like a breeze blowing over the hills. However, this feeling was different for different people. Li Xia was overjoyed, while his uncle felt a chill on his back. He glanced at his nephew and chose to leave first.

  ”Well, then we’ll leave first and come back to see you tomorrow. Haiyang, just rest and recuperate. If you need any help, just call me.”

  The man had already walked out of the house while talking. The aunt stepped behind and turned back to Li Xia and said with a smile: “My niece-in-law , I have a lot of pickled cabbage. I will send you some tomorrow. You are busy selling buns every day and probably don’t have time to pickle vegetables. I also have Chinese mustard greens and other things. I will give them to you.”

  ”Keep it for yourself.”

  Of course, Li Xia didn’t appreciate her kindness, and she was dragged away by her uncle. The crowd watching the excitement outside the house laughed without disguising, and the two of them lowered their heads like mice crossing the street, not daring to raise them, and left the Shen family in shame.

  Everyone was laughing at the fact that all the uncle’s plans had come to nothing. God still had eyes, Shen Haiyang woke up in time, so don’t be ill-intentioned all day long.

  ”He teamed up with Shen Hui’s mother to get rid of Shen Hui. He happened to eat the Shen family’s extinction. This man is so evil. Fortunately, Old lady Shen found a wife for her son before she left, so that the family could be saved.”

  ”Of course. When Brother Haiyang got into trouble, his ex wife divorced him and left. She didn’t even come to see the child. I heard that the son has become rich, and hence she came to take him away from here.”

  ”Luckily Haiyang woke up, otherwise that woman would have succeeded. After all, they are mother and son, and the blood relationship cannot be broken. The child is also young and easy to coax. When the money is in her hand, she won’t have to worry about anything in my life.”

  ”My cousin works in the same unit as her. I heard that she recently found a partner. The two of them are looking for a house to buy. They don’t like the three- or five-room houses and want to buy a house with a big yard.”

  ”This is just already planning to spend the money even before she got it.”

  Shen Haiyang heard the noises of the onlookers’ discussions. Shen Hui stood by with a pale face and biting his lips. The man patted his shoulder and said nothing. The little guy looked at his father and tears fell. Then he raised his hand to wipe it, and silently lowered his head to get water for his father to wash.

  The little guy stood straight with a stubborn and strong expression on his face. He helped his father brush his teeth and wash his face, and helped him sit on the bed. Then he was broken by a gentle hug from his father, and burst into tears on his broad chest.

  Shen Haiyang gently patted his son’s back and let him digest the complicated emotions by himself. The child was not stupid, he was just young and simply longed for love.

  ”Okay, now that you’re done crying, remember your lesson and go to sleep.”

  ”Dad, give you the money in my name. I don’t want it anymore.”

  ”Do you know how much that is?”

  ”I don’t want it no matter how much it is. Once I have nothing, so they won’t rob me.”

  A man is innocent but he is guilty of possessing a treasure. Having too much wealth that makes people jealous without the ability to match it will bring nothing but troubles. Sometimes it will even bring danger. After all, it is not uncommon for a family to be wiped out.

  The money Shen Hui had received was left to him by his grandmother, and it was meant to be an education fund for the child after he turned 18. Now that Shen Haiyang was the child’s guardian, he had control over the money.

  He transferred his worries to his father and didn’t want to see adults doing anything for money anymore.

  Because of what happened that night, the two of them felt a little awkward that night. Li Xia didn’t mention anything about the registration, and after she took care of him and put him to bed, she also went to sleep on the small bed beside him.

  In the quiet night, she was thinking about when she could reopen her steamed bun shop. Everything else is fake, only when you have the ability can you have the choice.

  ”What are you thinking about?”

  Suddenly he asked, and she turned around and said, “I’m thinking about opening out the breakfast stall. By the way, can I use the south room of your house? I’ll pay the rent.”

  The man laughed softly in the dark night: “I’ll give it to you, no rent required. Not only the south room, but the whole yard is yours. It’s under your name now.”

  ”I’m keeping it for safekeeping.”

  ”Then I’ll give you a it you now.”

  Li Xia was so excited by these words that she sat up: “Are you serious?”

  The man looked at her with a smile: “Really.”

  “No, no,” she shook her head hurriedly, “I’m not that greedy. I just want to rent a good location to open a small shop.”

  ”That’s great. It’s an honor to earn money with your own hands. Then start working. This house is just right for you.”

  ”No, Shen Haiyang, why are you teasing me?”

  ”I am teasing you? Am I…going to get the marriage certificate tomorrow?” After saying that, seeing her staring with wide eyes without saying anything, he cleared his throat and continued, “My conditions are not bad, are they? You were happy when I was lying there, but now that I’m well, you’re not happy?”

  ”I’m a rural woman who didn’t even graduate from junior high school. If you really marry me, won’t you regret it later?”

  ”No regrets.”

  ”If I don’t get married, will I be unable to use your house?” After a while, without waiting for his answer, she continued, “Let’s get married. After we get married, I don’t have to pay rent for you. I’m getting a great deal.”

  She lay down to sleep after saying that, and made a quick decision. Shen Haiyang looked at her back and smiled secretly, liking her straightforward nature.

  The next day, before going to rehabilitation, they went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get their marriage certificate. This time, they became a legally recognized couple. They got their marriage certificate and their household registration was combined into one book. When the family members of the patients in the hospital asked her who he was, she could openly say that he was her husband.

  ”It’s not easy. It’s hard to take care of a vegetative person. You’ve managed to wake him up. It won’t take long for him to be like a normal person.”

  When Shen Haiyang heard this, he turned around and smiled at her, then said to the old lady who asked the question, “Well, my wife has worked hard, and I am blessed.”


  Little boy Shen Hui thought he could have some peace and quiet now that he had no money, but the next day he was blocked by his mother at the school gate. “Hui Hui, Hui Hui, don’t run away.”

  His mother grabbed his arm and he looked up at the sky helplessly. “All my money has been transferred to my father’s name.”

  Murong Danling was stunned for a moment, but recovered quickly. “My child, I came to see you because I missed you. Don’t keep talking about money. We are mother and son, and we are inseparable.”

  ”So what are you going to do?”

  ”Mom, will take you to the cafeteria to eat dumplings. Don’t you like the ones with leek and pork filling the most?”

  ”We have it at night. Not only dumplings, but also cooked meat, my favorite pig’s trotters, and fried pork intestines.”

  ”That woman just won’t make it.”

  ”So you eat in the cafeteria every day to survive?”

  ”How do you talk to your mother?”

  ”If you don’t like to listen, don’t come.”

  Huihua stood aside as a background. Her brother didn’t wave her away, and she hesitated whether to leave or stay. Soon Shen Hui shook off Murong Danling’s hand and took her hand. The two of them headed home.

  Murong Danling was scratching her hair in anger, looking mad. “God, are you kidding me? Why didn’t I know Shen Haiyang had a rich father? Why did he become a vegetative after an accident? Why did he wake up again?”

  ”If you make a mistake, you will not be able to catch up with the hot shit.” The one who mocked her was Zhang Qiuhua. The woman happened to pass by after getting off work and saw her appearance and could not help but come to watch the fun. “You abandoned your husband and children when they were in the most difficult time. You deserve nothing.”

  ”Huh, if I can’t get it, then how can you get it?  Little girl, why didn’t you go after him when he’s already a vegetative? It’s no use regretting it now. If you want to compete, go compete with that Li Xia.”

  This time Zhang Qiuhua also started to get mad, and the two women looked at each other with contempt and left angrily. Zhang Qiuhua, who lived in the same courtyard, learned that Shen Haiyang and Li Xia had registered as soon as she got home, and invited the neighbors to have a new banquet at home in the evening.

  She sighed, feeling like she had missed out on 100 million. Her mother asked her if she wanted to go, but she waved her hand to refuse. But she went with them at the last minute. After drinking two glasses of sorghum wine at the banquet, her cheeks turned red. She went over and grabbed Shen Haiyang who was toasting her.

  ”Brother Haiyang, do you still remember when you took me to catch cicadas when we were little? I couldn’t walk, so you carried me on your back…”

  ”What are you talking about?” Her mother quickly pulled her away to prevent Shen Haiyang from pushing her to the ground. “You want to drink even though you can’t hold your liquor. Let’s go, let’s go home.”

  ”I told you I would marry you, but you didn’t wait for me and insisted on marrying that Murong Danling. Well, she ran away as soon as you got into trouble. Now you’ve married this rural woman your mother picked for you. I know, I know, you’re a man of love and loyalty, and you wouldn’t do such a thing as burning bridges after crossing them. But there’s no need to sacrifice your whole life…”

  The old lady pulled her out, but she was still mumbling. Her voice gradually became low, and finally it seemed as if someone had covered her mouth, and there was no sound at all. Everyone hurriedly blessed the newlyweds happily, and this little episode passed quickly.

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