The Endless Dark Game

Chapter 9 Trading Information

Translator: Zyndicate

As the night passed, he saw that the trading section had become more chaotic.

Those who were originally in the room and did not dare to go out, basically drank up the water and ate the steamed buns in their hands.

In just one day, the number of people exchanging water and steamed buns on the trading section has increased dramatically.

Even some people who were going to exchange for copper have changed their minds and are now exchanging for water and steamed buns.

“Who has food? I’ll take it in exchange for an iron!”

“I beg you to kindly give me a piece of steamed bun. My family has more than 100 billion yuan outside, and I will give you 100 million yuan after I go out.”

“25ml of water, only exchange for one rune, private chat for those who are interested!”

“Half a steamed bun, exchange for a piece of copper, private chat if you are interested!”

“I have one copper. Trade for three steamed buns! “


The trade section posts appear one after another.

Su Yuan took a quick glance, and then opened his own shelves.

He checked the copper he had previously stored, but no one came to exchange it.

But there were many people who sent him private messages, hundreds of them.

He clicked on a few randomly.

“Senior Brother, I have three portions of wood here. Can I exchange them for your copper? “

“Senior Brother Su Yuan, do you have water? I have a kerosene lamp. Can I change half of your water? “

“Senior Brother, do you accept wheat seeds or not? I have ten wheat seeds, and I want to exchange your copper.”


From the top to the bottom, Su Yuan pondered slightly.

Now that the female ghost in red has been subdued by him, there is no need to trade the copper anymore.

But after seeing the kerosene lamp above, he suddenly had a thought.
He remembered that he still had a lot of wood, what if he put a torch outside the room?

Will this look brighter?

He looked at the wheat seeds again and shook his head gently.

What is the use of wheat seeds at this time when water resources are incredibly rare?

Who is willing to water it?

He took back the copper and then re-put it back.

[1 Copper for 1 Safflower Herb]

(“Translator Note: I changed the name of saffron grass to safflower herb”)

Many people were surprised again in the trading section.

“Crap, isn’t this big brother Su Yuan? Big Brother, you found a way to deal with the female ghosts?”

“The Senior Brother hasn’t successfully subdued the female ghost, has he?”

“Is it necessary to ask? Senior Brother is now exchanging for safflower herbs, which means he must have found a way to deal with the female ghost.”

“What are safflower herbs? Ah, can someone explain it? “

“Can you tell me, Senior Brother, what is there in the darkness outside?” How did the female ghost deal with it? ”


Su Yuan sighed slightly but continued to type a few words.

“I did subdue the female ghost. It’s quite dangerous outside. It’s important to get a rope to tie to your hand before heading out, otherwise you’ll be lost in no time. ”

After he finished typing, he ignored it, closed the trading section, and opened the forum.

When compared to other places, the forum makes it easier to receive certain news.

Of course, there are many people like him who, after receiving the benefits, don’t say anything or brag about it.

“Oooooh, why haven’t I woken up from the nightmare? It’s still dark outside. What’s going on? Are we really kidnapped by aliens?”

“Lord Shabi, it’s all this time. Can you be quiet?”

“[Red Alliance] We are recruiting people. If you are interested, please come in and have a look. I hope that the members who join the club can share secrets with each other, which will help everyone to explore in the future. If you agree, join now. Now is not the time to treasure ourselves. Only by unity can we live together.”

“The leader is a great talent. I am willing to join the alliance.”

“I am also willing to join the alliance.”

“Fuck, I caught a rat outside the room.” I didn’t expect that after killing it, I would actually get its soul. Now I finally have my first guard! “

“Me too, everyone! I discovered a big secret, as long as you kill a monster, you can have its soul!”

“What? This is how you get guards! “


Many people passed photos up and caused a stir!

For them, it was certainly an accidental discovery.

A lot of people are asking questions about the outside and want to know more details.

Su Yuan browsed them one by one.

Sure enough, a number of people have managed to get guards.

However, the guards they got were only at the [soul] level. They were like banshee owls.

They still don’t even know about the existence of the contract scrolls!

With the contract scroll, there is no need to kill. You can directly contract, so the contracted guards will undoubtedly be more powerful.

[ Ding! ]

As Su Yuan continued to browse, a response suddenly appeared in the [Transaction] section.

He clicked on it and took a look.

It’s that woman, Zhao Qing, from before again.

“I have safflower herbs for your copper!”

Women are incredibly decisive.


Su Yuan nodded his head.

[ Ding! ] [ Trading Successful ] [ You Received Safflower Herbs ]

“Wait, can you reveal how many meters you’ve explored?”

Zhao Qing opened his mouth and asked.

“There are not many meters, only a hundred meters.”

Su Yuan responded.

“A hundred meters? You’re not alone?”

Zhao Qing said in surprise.

“Of course I’m alone. What’s wrong?”

Su Yuan said.

“Unbelievable! How can you explore that far by yourself?”

Zhao Qing still couldn’t believe it.

“Luck, if there’s nothing else, I’ll hang up now.”

Su Yuan does not want to talk much.

“Wait, Su Yuan, I also have some information on my side. If you think it’s okay, how about we exchange information with each other in the future?”

Zhao Qing spoke up.

She realized that Su Yuan was not a simple person and wanted to have long-term contact with him.

“Information? What kind of information do you have? Tell me first, if you can impress me, then I am willing to cooperate with you in the future! “

Su Yuan spoke up.


Zhao Qing’s face struggled, and after a moment, she still spoke, “As far as I know, there are rooms where there is not one person, but two to three people, so can you understand?”


Su Yuan’s eyes flashed.

Two or three people in one room?

This advantage is too great, and it will undoubtedly be much easier to conquer the guards and explore the darkness!

More importantly, once they meet other people in the future, even if there is a conflict, they will have a great advantage!

“How do you know that?”

Su Yuan asked.

“Don’t ask me how I know, but I know it’s true.”

Zhao Qing said.

Su Yuan thought quickly in his heart.

“Okay, I agree to exchange information with you in the future, but you better not lie to me!”

“Don’t worry, since we have agreed to exchange information, both sides should naturally be honest with each other.”

Su Yuan nodded gently and said, “Then I have some business on my side first, so I will stop chatting for now, and exchange information in the future when I have it.”

He closed the panel directly, with something in his mind.

Two or three people to a room!

What about playing?


He stuffed the safflower herb into his mouth and chewed it, then spit it in the palm of his hand and applied it directly to the wound on his shoulder. Suddenly, a burning sensation came, and then it quickly became cool and comfortable.

It works like a charm!

He tore a T-shirt from one side and simply bandaged his wound.

“There’s a venomous snake outside. It’s time to deal with it.”

Su Yuan’s eyes flashed.

Now that he has the red evil spirit and the paralyzing ghost wasp, it is easy to deal with it.

Once the outside of the room was cleared, it was time to deal with the rotten knights.

Su Yuan picked up the iron spear, looked at the poisonous snake with the banshee owl soul, opened the door directly, and walked over.

There was no hesitation. Su Yuan released the evil spirit in red as soon as he stepped outside.

(end of this chapter)


  1. Gotta catch all the ghost pokemon loll. Interesting novel. I seldom read this genre but I’ll give it a go

  2. Moyi says:

    Quite interesting story to read
    too bad it only have few chapters now

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