The Endless Dark Game

Chapter 6 Exploring the Darkness Again

Translator: Zyndicate

Ask yourself, despite the fact that everyone is aware that the world has changed dramatically from what they used to know.

However, witnessing a walking skeleton with your own eyes is hard to avoid feeling terrified.

After all, humans always have a natural fear of ghosts.

Su Yuan’s heart was pounding as he looked at the video screen in front of him.

It seems that it is not only he who is in trouble here, but also others.

However, the skeleton encountered by the other party should not be as terrifying as the woman ghost at his door.

After all, the other party can also record video screens. However, when he encountered the woman ghost, the video screen was too late to record.

“It appears that everyone else is unable to sit quietly any longer. They are all exploring the darkness.”

He glanced at the time, 8:30 in the evening.

Su Yuan stopped wasting time, took out a piece of white bread, ate dinner fast, drank half a bottle of mineral water, and then began to read the Deadwood Technique.

Deadwood, as the name says, is cultivated in such a way that a palm force hit on top of a giant tree instantaneously turns the vibrant tree into a dead tree.

And after this technique is learned, another effect occurs.

That is, once the breath is restrained, the upper and lower parts of the body instantaneously become like deadwood, with no breath variations, and it is difficult to perceive no matter how sharp others’ spiritual sense is.

After Su Yuan figured it out, he directly cultivated it.

The night passed in the blink of an eye.

Su Yuan slept and cultivated in the middle of the night, then woke at six o’clock the next morning, unable to sleep properly.

There is no way, having suddenly encountered such a change, I feel that no one, regardless of who, can be properly adapted to a day.

Su Yuan felt the little Qi in his body and sighed slightly.

“It’s still too slow. It took one night to develop a small amount of Qi. If only I could add more.”

He suddenly reacted and opened the [Personal Information] section again.

Name: Su Yuan.

Age: 18

Room runes: none

Room security: Half Star(0/3)(Your room is not very safe, some kind of terrible destruction may happen at any time, please collect runes as soon as possible.)

Room guards: The Banshee Owl’s soul (1)

Room size: 10 square meters

Personal skills: Introduction to the Deadwood Technique (0/1)

Personal Strength: Early Dark Apprentice


Su Yuan’s face was stunned.

The [Personal Information] seems to have changed.

In the last column, the personal strength is changed to Early Dark Apprentice?

And the Deadwood Technique, how come there are numbers at the back?

[ Have you noticed the (0/1) number behind the Deadwood Technique? After absorbing a rune, your Deadwood Technique will quickly enter the next realm, which will be dozens of times faster than your own cultivation speed! ]

The text hint appears.

Su Yuan’s eyes flashed.

Can runes be used to increase one’s own strength?

If he remembered correctly, the eggs of those paralyzing ghost wasps also needed runes to hatch faster.

Also, the room requires runes to be upgraded!

But what is a rune and where do I get it?

He ate half a piece of white bread for breakfast and drank a few sips of mineral water before getting up, picking up his spear, and walking to the door, ready to explore the darkness once more.

[Note that the woman in red will leave temporarily in ten minutes, this time, you will have thirty minutes to go out and explore, and thirty minutes to make sure you return, otherwise you will die. ]

The text hint appears.

“There’s thirty minutes to explore?”

Su Yuan’s heart moved, and he immediately remembered the small wooden box he saw yesterday.

No matter what, we have to bring that small wooden box back.

He took control of the Banshee owl’s soul once again and hovered above the small wooden box, carefully observing the surrounding environment to ensure that no other changes happened.

Time passed minute by minute.

[ The woman in red has finally left, and you should begin acting as quickly as possible. Remember, after leaving, run directly to the place eighty meters behind the room, where there is a mysterious small wooden box, and take it back. ]

Su Yuan’s eyes flashed. He grabbed the iron spear, opened the door quickly, and rushed to the back.

This time it was easier for him to find the mysterious small wooden box.

Because there are not only hints, but also her visuals in the air.

This is equivalent to combining vision and hearing at the same time.

Compared to the first time he came out, he saved time by at least a few minutes.

Soon, Su Yuan found the mysterious small wooden box and was overjoyed. He immediately grabbed the mysterious small wooden box.

[ Mysterious small wooden box: There are items you need in it! ] [ Wait, are you leaving now? There is a blueprint under the small wooden box, so dig it out quickly. ]

The text hint reappears.

Su Yuan’s face was startled, and he immediately put down the small wooden box, clutching the phone in his teeth, and dug a few times with the iron spear.

Sure enough, a blueprint emerged from the dark red soil.

He was overjoyed, so he grabbed the blueprint and the small wooden box and dashed into his room.

But at this moment, he stopped again and grinned secretly.

I am really confused!

Why do I need to move these things into the room again when the [Package] is obviously there?


Both items were all transferred into the [Package] by him.

Su Yuan did not immediately return to the room, but instead prepared to continue exploring the darkness.

He still has more than 20 minutes, and as long as he is cautious, he should be able to explore a significant distance.

At least he has to figure out if there are other people around him.

Su Yuan purposefully avoided the poisonous snake’s path, holding a spear in one hand and a flashlight in the other, walking slowly and cautiously forward.

At the same time, he continued to control the Banshee owl’s soul and explore farther away.

The range that the Banshee Owl can explore is 80 meters, and these 80 meters are dotted by him. That is to say, as he moves, the Banshee Owl can also move forward.


The wind was howling, the temperature was strangely low, and a dark fog was raging.

The further he went, the darker and colder it became. If there was no banshee owl, even if there was a text hint, he would not dare to go too far.

As Su Yuan walked forward, he turned to look at his room.

In the boundless darkness, his room completely disappeared, and there was only a dim light.

If it weren’t for the perspective of the Banshee Owl, he would almost have had trouble finding his room.

“Damn, the darkness is so thick, even if there are other people around, you can’t see it.”

In addition to the darkness, the surroundings are still dark, and there is no trace of light at all.

It’s as though no one is in the same time or space.

[ Note: Don’t go any farther. There is a graveyard in front of you. There is nothing in it. You will be in danger if you continue walking. ] [ The thatched house on the right has the runes you need, but the premise is that you must defeat the “Rotten Knight” in the thatched house! ] [ With your current skills, you can’t beat the Rotten Knight yet. Go back and open your mysterious wooden box. It’s full of surprises. ]

Three lines of text hint appear.

Su Yuan stopped, his eyes flashing.

Runes inside the thatched hut?

He immediately controlled the Banshee owl’s soul to hover towards the front.

Not long after, he saw an abandoned thatched hut in the endless black fog, crumbling in the gust of wind.

Inside the thatched house, a knight wearing plate armor and rotting all over was sitting motionless.

Su Yuan felt a deep chill in his heart.

[ The woman in red is about to return. Go back quickly or you will die! ]

Text hint appears.

Su Yuan’s expression changed, and he turned around and rushed away without thinking about it.

(End of this Chapter )

[Zyndicate’s Note: Sorry for the delayed chapter. ^^ Thank you for reading! Happy Reading! ] Buy Me a Coffee at


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