The Endless Dark Game

Chapter 4: The Banshee Owl’s soul

Translator: Zyndicate

Banshee Owl!

Su Yuan was surprised.

It’s fine to have a female ghost, but are there any other creatures lurking around?

Don’t even think about it, this isn’t a simple creature.

Thankfully, the text hint provided him with a method to deal with the Banshee Owl on time.

“Mix the eggs of the paralyzing ghost wasps into the water. ”

He did so right away, cutting the first half of the mineral water bottle from the middle to make the hole bigger, making it easier for the Banshee owl to drink.

Su Yuan then took a dark red wasp egg and put it into the water.

Next, he just needs to wait.

At least until someone trades iron with himself to successfully create the iron spear.

Su Yuan can only consider this a game at this point.

Time passed by.

From time to time, a low sound may be heard from outside the window.

The Banshee owl was constantly attacking his window.

Every time the muffled sound came out, it was like a giant hammer hit Su Yuan’s heart hard, making him uneasy and nervous.

He checked the trading section in front of him, almost wondering whether the steamed buns were overpriced.
Just when he was about to add another half of a steamed bun, suddenly!

[ Ding! ] [ System Hint: There are photos to be viewed! ]

Su Yuan immediately clicked down.


A dialog box appeared, with a picture of an iron inside.

The person who shared the photos is also a girl named Zhao Qing.

“One piece of iron, and I’ll take the steamed bun.”

The girl was very quick.


Su Yuan responded with one word.

[ Ding! The transaction was successful! ] [ Iron Received +1 ]

Su Yuan was overjoyed.

Now he finally has four irons and three coppers.

He no longer hesitated and immediately cast the iron and copper.


A light flashed.

A more than one-meter long iron spear is directly in front of his eyes. The whole body is dark, but only the spear blade appears bronze, thick and thin like a steel bar.

Su Yuan grabbed the spear in his hand, which was extremely heavy, at least dozens of pounds.

Hoo hoo hoo!

He stabbed a few times with great effort, and the wind was blowing.

Su Yuan was so satisfied that he stopped directly and looked at the window again.

[ The Banshee owl is resting, it is your chance to counterattack, open the window, put the previously prepared water on the balcony, waiting for it to drink. ]

The text hint appears again.

Su Yuan’s eyes flashed, walked over, slowly opened the window, and then carefully placed the half bottle of mineral water on the balcony.

After doing so, he quickly closed the window and stepped back, staring intently at the balcony.

“Heh, heh, heh”

Suddenly, a weird scream broke out, extremely abrupt.

Then, Su Yuan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart was horrified.

An owl with a beautiful face came out of the endless darkness and settled quietly on the balcony.

Its face is charming and attractive. It is more attractive than any female celebrity on television.

The only strange thing about it is that it has an owl’s body, which makes it appear weird and frightening.

Its eyes first looked at Su Yuan, followed by a charming smile, stretching out a black claw, grabbing the half bottle of mineral water, and drinking it straight from the mouth.

Gulp! Gulp!

After a few sips, half the bottle of mineral water was consumed by it.

“Heh, heh, heh”

It gave out another weird laugh, licked its red lips, and looked at Su Yuan with a lovely smile. It was going to pounce on the window with a sweep of its wings.

But at this moment, its body suddenly froze, and its feathers stood up suddenly, as if drunk, swaying on the balcony, standing unsteady, and finally falling directly on the ground. on the balcony.

[ This will be your only chance. Don’t let it go! ]

The text hint appears again.

Su Yuan immediately picked up the iron spear, opened the window, and violently pierced one of its eyes.



The piercing and sorrowful screams echoed over the starry sky.

This Banshee Owl really wanted to pounce, but her entire body was out of control. She was immobilized and couldn’t move, so she could only let the blood flow freely from her eyes.

Its blood is immensely fishy, with an unbearably horrible smell.

Su Yuan thrust the spear into it forcefully, attempting to pierce it from its eyes to the back of its head.

However, this Banshee Owl’s defense is too formidable; Su Yuan stabbed deep, felt its brain bone like iron, and simply could not penetrate it.

He was so furious that his veins burst, and he screamed, pulled his spear, and stabbed fiercely again.

Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!

Stabbing recklessly over and over, each spear pierced the opponent’s face.

In the end, the opponent’s eyes were blinded and his face was covered in blood, which was extremely miserable.

The opponent is puffing harder and harder, becoming more and more powerful.

Su Yuan was also completely anxious, and there was a direct surge of random stabbing.

Finally, the spear pierced the opponent’s mouth, one step from the throat to the stomach.

It was only then that the Banshee owl was finally stabbed to death by it and stopped moving.

[ Close the window. The red woman is coming. Do not let her enter your room. 10, 9, 8, 7… ]

The countdown begins to appear once again.

Su Yuan’s expression changed.

Is the female ghost here again?

He quickly took out his spear, quickly drew back the body of the banshee owl, and then immediately closed the window.



The female ghost smashed the window, let out a shrill scream, flew backward like lightning, and vanished into the boundless darkness.

Su Yuan was shocked.
Can the female ghost not touch his room?
But why did this Banshee owl crash into his window?

Is it because they appear in different forms?

His expression changed, and he couldn’t figure out the reason for a while.

[ You obtained the body of a Banshee Owl! ] [ Do you want it to decompose? ]

Two lines of writing appear.


Su Yuan said.


[ You obtained the soul of the Banshee Owl! ] [ You have obtained 6 Banshee Owl Meat! ] [ You obtained two Banshee Owl Claws! ] [ You obtained two Banshee Owl Bloods! ]

Lines of writing appeared, and everything went into his package.

Su Yuan had a curious expression on her face.

So many different things?

He looked them up one by one.

[ Banshee Owl’s Soul (1/3): It can be used to guard the room, check for anything within an 80-meter radius, collect three banshee souls, and have an unexpected effect. ] [ Banshee Owl Meat: When you’re starving, the smelly and rotten meat is a rare delight. ] [ Banshee Owl Claws: It’s a great material for making daggers since it’s more durable than iron.] [ Banshee owl’s blood: It is the favorite thing of some strange creatures. If you keep it, it may have other uses later. If you are extremely thirsty, this is also a survival thing. ]

Lines of handwritten introductions appeared one after another.

Su Yuan was surprised.

Can the Banshee owl’s soul be used for patrolling?

He immediately clicked down.

At once, a mysterious and unpredictable connection formed between him and the Banshee Owl.


This Banshee Owl’s soul flew directly out of Su Yuan’s package and flew around the room.

Following the command of Su Yuan’s consciousness, the soul of this Banshee Owl flew everywhere, as if it had become one of his puppets.

“Fly out and take a look.”

With a movement of his heart, this soul flew through the wall and outside.

He’s now quite interested in what’s out there.

(end of this chapter)

[ Translator Note: Thank you for Reading! Happy Reading! ] Buy Me a Coffee at


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