The Endless Dark Game

Chapter 3 The Female Demon Owl

Translator: Zyndicate

Su Yuan rummaged through the room, eventually finding a fruit knife and gently sawing into the wooden box.

After about an hour of sawing, the big wooden box in front of him was finally sawed open by him, leaving a huge hole.

【Cotton +20】

【Rag +20】

【White bread +3】

【Mineral water +3】

【Iron +3】

【Copper +3】

Lines of handwriting quickly appeared before his eyes.

Su Yuan couldn’t help but flash his eyes.

There are so many items.

Especially with the white bread, there are three pieces, each as big as a small watermelon.

This will be enough for him to eat several meals.

Everything inside was automatically transferred to his package.

The [package] section in the panel is equivalent to a storage ring. All collected items can be loaded into it and obtained.

Su Yuan took a piece of white bread, ate a large bite, and then checked the cotton and rags in front of him.

By the way, these things should be able to create cotton coats, right?

He clicked directly.

[ Would you want to create a Normal Cotton Coat? 】

A box appears.



Cotton is reduced by five pieces, and rags are reduced by ten pieces.

A green military coat suddenly appeared in front of him.

Su Yuan immediately took the military coat and put it on, which was extremely well-fitting and warm.

“Now that we have iron and copper, we still need an iron to create [Iron Spear], should we trade one to try?”

[Ding!] [Would you like to decompose the broken wooden box in front of you?]

Suddenly, a system upgrade sound was heard.

Su Yuan’s expression was surprised.

Is it still possible to decompose this thing?

He clicked down immediately.


Wood +3.

A line of handwriting appeared, and the broken wooden box in front of him instantly disappeared.

Su Yuan was overjoyed again.

With wood and iron, wouldn’t he be able to create a [Normal Spear]?

But after thinking about it, he still doesn’t plan to create [Normal Spear].

He wants to make [Iron Spear], because the power of [Iron Spear] should be stronger than [Normal Spear].

“Wait, the wooden box can decompose. What about the other things in the room?”

He ventured an idea and instantly looked to the side of the large closet.

[ A normal, large closet cannot be decomposed. 】

[ Note: The items in the room are raw materials that cannot be decomposed. ]

Su Yuan suddenly realized.

It seems that he still thought too much.

It should be able to decompose only if the item he obtains is from outside.

He opened the [Trade] section again.

“Does anyone have any food? I’ll pay 30,000 yuan for one of his steamed buns!”

“Heavy demand for water, 50,000 yuan for half a bottle of mineral water!”

“Is there any need for lubricating oil? Why don’t you have a good time before you are trapped to death? “

“Two speakers for only half a bottle of water!”

“I’m hungry. Is there anyone who can help me? Three thousand yuan to buy half of the steamed buns! “

Lines of handwriting appeared.

Su Yuan looked at a steamed bun on the table and hung it directly.

“One white flour steamed bun, only one piece of iron!”

The whole trading section was a sensation, and many people started.

“Fuck, someone really came out to sell steamed buns?”

“To exchange iron? Is this big guy trying to forge weapons? “

“I have a fruit knife. Trade it for your steamed bun. Can I trade it?”

“Buddy, can you give me half of the steamed buns, and I’ll give you five thousand yuan when I go out!” ”

“Little brother, I also have steamed buns. How about I exchange my small steamed buns for your big steamed buns?”

“It’s forbidden to seduce and deal with him! ”

After all, some people haven’t eaten since last night, and it’s already the second day, plus they’re trapped in the darkness, many were scared, and everyone understands the value of steamed buns and water.

It is no exaggeration to say that if it is delayed for two days, this thing may be more expensive than gold.

Even if they don’t eat it right away, they want to get an extra portion and save it for later.

Many people immediately started to give Su Yuan a video.

Everyone’s ID is also their avatar + name.

Su Yuan quickly opened a video screen of Zhao Ruoxi.

Wow, Little Brother is so handsome. Little brother, where do you live? Are you on your own? I’m so scared here. It’s dark outside. I don’t dare go out. Little brother, do you have a girlfriend…?

A woman with a snake-like appearance appeared on the video screen right away, looking narcissistically at Su Yuan and continuing to talk.

Su Yuan asked directly.

“Do you want to trade? ”

“The woman’s face suddenly shrivelled, feeling pathetic, and she said: “Little brother, you know, people are alone. You are terrible.”


Su Yuan hung up, blocked, and ignored it.

When he saw the video calls from other people in front of him, he immediately switched to the “do not disturb” mode.

Want to trade? Send a photo first. Do not come up to the video screen. There is no time to answer!

He wrote a note directly behind the steamed buns.

Many people were angry during these discussions.

Many people began to curse him, cursing him to kill himself.

There are also people who carry out moral kidnapping, saying that he has no love and is purposely causing chaos.

Su Yuan was uninterested in this and quickly closed the trading section and opened the forum.

Relatively speaking, the people in the forum are much less hostile, and many people are sharing their experiences.

Of course, it is hard to say whether this information is correct or incorrect.

“There is no danger outside. I just went out to explore, and found half a bottle of Coke ten meters outside the door. Hahaha, I am so lucky.”

“ Damn, I walked outside and got stung by something I don’t know. A big insect landed on my face. Is there anything wrong with this? Am I going to die? “

“Ten minutes have passed, are you still alive, owner?”

“Twenty minutes have passed, are you still alive, owner?”

“Twenty-five minutes have passed, are you still alive, owner?”
[T/N The owner is the person who posted in the forum.]

“It’s over. The owner is dead. Prepare to carry the coffin.”

“One bow!”

“Everyone, be careful going out. There seems to be a ghost outside the door. I hear the sound of a child crying. He is scratching the door of my room! “

“It’s over! The window of my room cracked at some point. Will something go wrong?”

A post in the forum was constantly attracted into Su Yuan’s eyes.

A photo was attached to one of the posts.

Only to see that this is a room the same size as his, that the only window is cracked, missing a piece, and that the endless darkness can be clearly seen.

Su Yuan felt a chill in his heart.

According to the previous hints, the room is my biggest shelter.
[T/N Biggest shelter/Safe House]

Is a cracked window an indication that the room is also dangerous?

He quickly looked down at the comments.

Just see a lot of people are commenting on this topic thread, asking the owner about the follow-up.

However, the person who posted the post never responded at all.

This should serve as a warning.


A low voice suddenly came from outside Su Yuan’s window as well.

His face changed, and he hurriedly looked up.

It was endlessly dark outside the window, and he couldn’t see anything, and he didn’t know what had smashed his window just now.

He quickly walked to the window.


Another muffled sound was heard, and the window trembled slightly.

Su Yuan’s expression changed dramatically.

[Do not open the window, there is a Banshee Owl outside who is skilled at persuading people, if you open the window, you will definitely die, your window can still withstand thirty blows, after more than thirty times, the window will directly shatter].

【Note: The Banshee Owl is a clever species with one fatal flaw: it is obsessed with clean water. You can put the eggs of the paralyzing ghost wasp into one in the water to lure it to drink, and then stab it with a spear.]

Two lines of text hints appeared again in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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