The Endless Dark Game

Chapter 2 First Exploration

Translator: Zyndicate


There was a flash of light.

[Normal Spear: Iron (0/1), Wood (0/1)] [Iron Spear: Iron(0/4), Copper (0/1)] [Long Blade: Copper (0/1), Iron (0/5)]

Su Yuan checked it from top to bottom and noticed hundreds of different weapons densely listed on it.

In addition to offensive weapons, defensive armor, shields, and other items are available.

Each type of item requires a different set of materials.

This is starting to resemble a game.

He looked around the room, hoping to find some useful supplies.

But he was quickly disappointed, and while searching the entire room, he couldn’t find half of the iron.

This suddenly put an end to his plan to make a spear.

Su Yuan took another check at the game panel and then pointed to the production of daily necessities.

There was a bright flash of light.

[Normal Cotton Coat: Cotton (0/5), Rag (0/10)] [Water Purifier: Wood(0/2),Stone(0/4),gauze(0/2),Fine Sand(0/3),Black activated carbon(0/3)] [Farming Tools: Iron (0/1), Wood (0/1)]

Su Yuan sighed as he looked from top to bottom once more.

“Shouldn’t things like stones and fine sand be common?”

You should be able to find it outside in the yard, right?

He couldn’t do anything because the system didn’t show that the woman in red outside was still there, so he had to keep waiting.

Time passed slowly.

As the morning passed, he had not touched the water and steamed buns in the room.

For him, eating one less meal for breakfast has become the usual, and even if he does not eat at noon, he can still bear it.

When he is unsure if he will be able to obtain other food, he should eat as little as possible and save some.

Despite the reality that it was 1:00 p.m, the sky outside was still dark.

The forum has become much more chaotic.

“What should I do? It’s now one o’clock in the afternoon, and I’m starving but hesitant to eat. Did any of you go outside to see it?”

“Damn, is this a dream or not? Whoever wakes me up, I’ll pay him 10,000 yuan!”

“Everyone, have you noticed the electric meter in the room? Go and check the electric meter! ”

“Damn it, the electricity in the room is limited, we can’t waste electricity any longer, only 100 kWh of electricity can be spent!”

“Big Bump, I just went out to explore and found a [Golden Bell] secret book in the courtyard, am I going to start a life of enlightenment?”

“Fuck, I found a bag of wheat seeds in the dark, let’s have a look, how are these wheat?”

There was a lot happening on the forum again.

Someone discovered that the meter in the room was strange, and then someone began to upload images.

There are several golden bells, wheat seeds, daggers, bread, garments, and so on.

At first, only one or two people posted, but as time went on, more and more people posted.

Su Yuan got out of bed again and went straight to the meter.

In the meter, he noticed a few lines of writing.

Total power:100kwh
Power used:5kwh

Note: When the power runs out, your room will no longer be safe. Please upgrade the room as soon as possible to get more power.

Su Yuan took a deep breath.

The power is really limited!

He took another look at the two bottles of water and steamed buns on the table, and prepared to walk to the door again.

At this moment.

[The woman in red outside has finally left, you now have twenty minutes to go ahead and explore.]

【Remember, after going out, there is a box placed thirty meters in front of your right, bring it back, there will be a gift outside.】

[Fifty meters ahead of you on your left, there is a nest of mysterious insect eggs there, bring it back, it will also have an unexpected effect.] [Don’t go straight, there is a poisonous snake that is watching you closely.]

A line of text appeared in front of his eyes once more.

Su Yuan’s eyes flashed, and he stopped hesitating.

This text hints that all he needs to do now is test it to see if it is right or wrong.

Just as he was about to walk out, he suddenly stopped, walked to the table, drank half a bottle of mineral water, and ate a piece of steamed bun.

It’ll be a bit of strength in an emergency.

He turned on the light on his phone after eating, carefully opened the door, and looked outside.

He noticed that the area that was suppose to be the living room had turned into an endless darkness at this point. As far as the eye could see, there was a piercing cold wind sobbing like a ghost. The distant chilly hair stood up.

He was surprised.

Why is the temperature outside so cold?

He is now certain that this is not the living room he is used to, and even the floor has become a dark red color.

This appears to be someplace in the wilderness!

This is really amazing!

He turned on the flashlight and ran towards the front right.

The light from the cell phone flashlight can only reach for about half a meter in the endless black mist.

He searched for about a few minutes before finally seeing the box mentioned in the text hint.

The whole box is extremely old, made of wood, and around half a person’s height.

Su Yuan didn’t care about anything else. He bit the flashlight on his phone and quickly moved his hands to the box, dragging it into his room with great effort.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to open the box directly, but that the wooden box was completely sealed around it. It was impossible to open it with just two hands, except with a crowbar.

Fortunately, it is only 30 meters away from his room.

He finally moved the box inside his room with all of his strength.

Su Yuan didn’t stop right away, instead looking at his phone and running back to the left front.

A few minutes later, under the light of his phone, he discovered a few dark red eggs on a small isolated mound, about the size of a small fingernail, laying silently in the soil.

He carefully picked up the eggs one by one, a total of ten.

[Paralyzing Ghost Wasp’s Egg]

(A poisonous wasp that can pass through the netherworld, take it back and gently hatch it; it will become your right-hand man, and if you have runes, you can hasten its hatching.)

Two more lines of handwriting appeared.

Su Yuan was overjoyed.

Can it be hatched?

He immediately got up and ran towards his room.

[Please go back as soon as possible; the woman in red has appeared again, 10, 9, 8, 7…]

A countdown appeared directly in front of him.

Su Yuan’s chilly hair stood upside down as he dashed inside his room.

Finally, before the countdown ended, the room’s door was quickly closed.

He clearly saw a woman wearing a red dress, full of black long hair, and hollow features appear outside his room at some point, and let out a loud scream as the door was closed.

“Ah! ”

The sound is terrible, and it is about to shake people to their souls.

However, as the door closed, the loud screaming faded away.

The room’s sound isolation is quite good.

Su Yuan was breaking out in cold sweat, his heart was pounding, and he was panting heavily.

What the hell is that?

Is it spooky?

The moment just now made him feel like watching a horror movie when he was a child!

What is lurking in this endless darkness?

Didn’t you know how to die if you didn’t know anything else?

What the hell is this place!

He instantly calmed down, placed the ten dark red insect eggs in his hand in a glass cup, and turned to look directly at the big wooden box in front of him.

I don’t know what kind of gift will be in this box?


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