The Dungeon Smells Like Chicken

DSLC Chapter 2


Michael stood there, his damp hair clinging to his face, wrapped in a crisp white bathrobe. The robe was so short that it barely covered his thighs.

Sena had to make an effort not to let her gaze drift toward his legs.

“Thank you for letting me use your bathroom. But… the clothes you lent me are a bit too small,” Michael said, his face flushing with embarrassment as he held out the clothes politely.

Sena, flustered, took them from him.

“Just have something to eat first. Once you’re done, I’ll find you something else to wear.”

“It’s alright. I have my own clothes, so I could just put those on…”

“I’m afraid those weren’t wearable, so I washed them,” Sena replied.

Michael blinked in surprise. Embarrassed, Sena nudged him toward the dining table.

“They’ll be dry soon enough if we put them in the dryer. But eat before it gets cold.”

Sena placed a bowl of soup and a plate in front of Michael.

Michael stared at the dish, almost spellbound, his brown eyes sparkling.

Sena quietly chuckled to herself as she scooped some jam and sauce into a small bowl for him.

“Enjoy your meal.”

Feeling a little self-conscious under his gaze, Sena turned away and focused on making pancakes.

She mixed the batter with milk, eggs, and pancake mix, then poured it onto a heated pan. The satisfying sizzle of the batter filled the room, releasing a sweet, warm aroma.

‘I should eat some too.’

Sena swallowed hard, watching the bubbles rise to the surface of the batter.

The key to a perfect pancake was timing. As soon as the moment felt right, she flipped it, revealing a beautifully golden brown side.

Pleased with herself, she stacked the pancakes high, like a little mountain.

‘Is this a dream?’

Michael still felt disoriented. When the door opened earlier, it felt like he’d been pulled into a hallucination. Either that, or he was lying somewhere, dying.

It wouldn’t be surprising, considering he hadn’t eaten for three days, and for two of those days, he hadn’t even had water.

‘If this is a dream, it’s a really nice one.’

When the ceiling suddenly brightened and Sena appeared, for a brief moment, he thought she was some kind of monster.

She wore strange clothes he’d never seen before, had long, flowing black hair, and her face was too innocent and beautiful to belong in a dungeon.

She reminded him of a succubus—one that lured men to their deaths. But when he saw her falling, his body had moved on its own. If it had been a trap, he surely would have lost his head.

‘But it wasn’t.’

Sena had saved his life.

She offered him a glass of water—an intricately crafted, crystal-clear glass.

“Drink slowly.”

Michael tried to follow her instructions.

The water was unbelievably sweet and refreshing, like the purest spring water from deep in the mountains.

Sena refilled his glass again and again, showing no hesitation in sharing this precious water. It felt like life was returning to his body.

“Go ahead and wash up first. Then you can eat.”

She led him to a room adorned with spotless white tiles.

Though it was a bit small, the fully tiled walls were a first for him. Usually, only a lord’s dining hall would have tiled floors. But the most astonishing feature was the full-length mirror covering one wall.

Michael found himself gazing at it in awe, his own reflection staring back at him with a dumbfounded expression. The mirror was massive, without a single distortion.

It was surely a treasure, but Sena didn’t boast about it. She simply showed him how to use the bathroom.

“When you turn this, the water comes out,” she explained, lifting a sleek, silver spout. Clear water gushed out immediately, and Michael instinctively stepped back in shock.

She patiently showed him how to adjust the water temperature and how to wash his face and hands. She even taught him how to brush his teeth.

Michael quickly learned how to use a toothbrush, and Sena, looking a little sheepish, applied some pink toothpaste to it for him.

“This is actually for kids… It’s all my younger sibling can use.”

Michael couldn’t understand why she looked so apologetic. The pink cream, which she called “strawberry toothpaste,” was incredibly sweet and smooth. It took effort not to swallow the foam.

Next came the shower. At first, he flinched when the snake-like hose sprayed water, but soon he got the hang of it, as the knobs worked similarly to what he was used to.

Sena didn’t scold him for getting confused between shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. She simply lined them up in order on the floor and handed him a towel and fresh clothes.

“Don’t worry about using too much water or towels. Just let me know if you need help, and don’t hesitate to call me. Don’t be embarrassed.”

“…Yes,” Michael answered, a beat late, still amazed by the softness of the towel. After reminding him again to call if needed, Sena left.

Alone, Michael turned the water on and off, feeling the warm stream cascade between his fingers. It felt like he was in heaven.

‘Maybe she is an angel.’

A smile crept onto his face without him even realizing it.

Sena was the most unusual woman he’d ever met.

Her refined manners and articulate speech showed she had been raised in a strict, well-educated household. She must have come from a prestigious family.

Yet, she didn’t have the timid shyness typical of noblewomen. Sena looked him straight in the eyes without a hint of hesitation and taught him things without any awkwardness. If he made a mistake, she’d likely correct him without delay.

There was a natural confidence in her that made it seem like this was just who she was—brave and intelligent.

‘Incredibly naive, though.’

Mercenaries, like Michael, often dealt with rough and dangerous people. Being too kind could lead to disaster.

Though grateful for her kindness, Michael couldn’t help but worry about Sena.

‘I have to repay her somehow.’

Someone as good-hearted as her was bound to attract trouble.

Michael decided that before he left, he would make sure to settle any issues she might have. That was the mercenary’s way of showing gratitude.

‘Is she really an angel?’

That thought crossed his mind again as he saw the perfectly set table.

In the short time he was bathing, Sena had prepared a feast and even managed to do the laundry. All by herself.

Michael was starting to believe she wasn’t quite human.

The fragrant scent of the food pulled him from his thoughts. With trembling hands, he picked up a spoon.

He couldn’t tell what the golden-yellow soup was made of, but as soon as he tasted it, his eyes widened.

It was unbelievably smooth and sweet. It felt like his tongue was melting. His stomach growled, demanding more.

By the time he came to his senses, the bowl was already empty.

Still craving more, he looked at the plate. Everything looked so delicious he didn’t know where to start.

So, he simply reached for whatever was closest. The eggs were rich and savory, the plump sausages and bacon had a wonderfully crisp texture, and the creamy white sauce melted in his mouth like snow.

The bread, though, was the real surprise. Michael had never tasted anything so soft and crisp before, even the crust was delicious. It was so good that he ate it all without even thinking to spread any jam on it.

“Aren’t you going to use the fork?”

Michael snapped out of his food trance when he heard Sena’s voice. She smiled at his bewildered expression and placed a fork in his hand.

“This is a fork. You use it to pick up the food.”

Awkwardly, Michael tried to figure out how to use it, hesitating.

Meanwhile, Sena set a plate piled high with round pancakes in front of him. Butter, melting from the heat, slowly dripped down the stack.

“Let me pour some syrup.”

With a smile as radiant as an angel’s, she tipped a small bottle, letting the golden liquid drizzle over the pancakes. The sweet aroma made his mouth water.

“Looks delicious,” she said, her voice light with excitement, as she brought her own plate to the table and sat across from him. Her plate had just one pancake on it.

After slathering it with butter and syrup, she cut a neat piece with her fork and took a bite. Her face lit up with happiness.

Michael found himself staring at her, entranced. Noticing his gaze, Sena tilted her head curiously.

“Try it. It’s really good.”

Snapping back to reality, Michael mimicked her movements. The pancake was so soft that even his clumsy fork skills easily cut through it. He carefully speared a piece and brought it to his mouth.

It tasted like heaven. The fluffy, sweet pancake melted on his tongue and vanished without a trace.

Without realizing it, Michael had closed his eyes, overwhelmed with emotion.

“It’s delicious,” he said with quiet amazement.

“I’m glad.”

Sena smiled back at him. He wanted to say more but felt too shy, so he lowered his head and continued eating quietly.

‘Good thing I made the pancakes,’ Sena thought, watching Michael’s plate empty in record time.

He ate with such enthusiasm. Every time she glanced over, another portion had disappeared.

‘Someone who eats well must be a good person.’

She was especially pleased that he didn’t make annoying slurping sounds like her ex-boyfriend. And his reactions were adorable—his face brightened, and his posture straightened as he focused on each bite. It was

like watching a child in a candy store.

Unable to resist, Sena smiled to herself.

As the meal went on, a comfortable silence settled between them. Michael was fully engrossed in his food, while Sena occasionally glanced his way, pleased to see him enjoying every bite.

When he finally finished the pancakes, Michael sat back in his chair, looking both satisfied and a bit embarrassed by how much he had eaten.

“Thank you… That was the best meal I’ve ever had,” he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Sena smiled warmly. “I’m glad you liked it. You really needed a good meal.”

Michael rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks slightly flushed. He wasn’t used to receiving such kindness. “I feel like I owe you so much already…”

“You don’t owe me anything,” Sena replied gently. “You needed help, and I was happy to give it. That’s what people should do for each other.”

Michael looked at her, struck by the simplicity and sincerity of her words. It had been a long time since anyone had shown him such genuine care without expecting something in return. He found himself wondering what kind of life she led, that she could speak with such warmth and certainty.

“Still,” Michael said, after a moment of hesitation, “I’d like to repay you somehow. I can’t just take your hospitality without giving something back.”

Sena shook her head, amused by his persistence. “You don’t need to worry about that now. Just focus on getting better. Once your clothes are dry, you can be on your way if that’s what you want. But there’s no rush.”

Michael’s eyes softened at her words. “You’re really unlike anyone I’ve ever met.”

Sena tilted her head, curious. “Is that a good thing?”

He smiled, the first real smile he had given her since they met. “It is.”

There was a pause as they held each other’s gaze, something unspoken passing between them. Sena cleared her throat and stood up, breaking the moment.

“I’ll check on your clothes,” she said, walking toward the laundry room.

Michael watched her go, feeling a mix of emotions he couldn’t quite name. He wasn’t used to this—being taken care of, feeling safe. It made him wonder how long he had been without this kind of simple, human connection.

As Sena moved out of sight, he glanced around the small, cozy apartment. The simplicity of it surprised him. Despite the modern conveniences she had, there was nothing flashy or extravagant about her living space. It was clean, orderly, and comfortable—just like Sena herself.

His gaze landed on a small photo frame on a shelf near the window. From where he sat, he could make out a younger Sena, her hair tied up in a ponytail, standing next to a boy who looked to be about her age. Both of them were smiling, the kind of carefree, radiant smiles that only belonged to people who had no worries in the world.

‘Her brother, maybe?’ Michael thought, feeling a pang of curiosity.

He didn’t know much about her life—who she lived with, where she came from, or how she ended up in this place. But something told him there was more to her story than met the eye.

Sena returned a few moments later, carrying his clothes, now fresh and dry. She handed them to him with a smile.

“They’re all set. You can change whenever you’re ready.”

Michael accepted the clothes gratefully. “Thank you… for everything.”

Sena waved off his thanks with a light laugh. “You’ve said that enough times already. Just focus on taking care of yourself.”

Michael stood up, holding the neatly folded clothes in his hands. He hesitated for a moment, then looked at her seriously.

“I’ll be leaving soon,” he said softly, “but I want you to know that I won’t forget this.”

Sena met his gaze, her smile softening. “You don’t need to say goodbye yet. But when you do, just remember—you’re always welcome here.”

The air between them felt charged with something unspoken as Michael turned to head back to the bathroom to change. Sena watched him disappear behind the door, a thoughtful expression crossing her face.

As she gathered the dishes from the table, her mind wandered. She had no idea what kind of life Michael led, but it was clear to her that it had been a difficult one. The scars on his body, the exhaustion in his eyes—those weren’t the marks of an ordinary man. Whatever he had gone through had shaped him into someone who seemed burdened with more than he was willing to share.

Yet, despite that, there was a gentleness to him—a softness that he likely didn’t even realize he had. Sena found herself wondering if he had always been like this, or if life had hardened him in ways he couldn’t control.

She shook her head, pushing those thoughts away. It wasn’t her place to pry into his past, no matter how curious she was.

As she finished cleaning up, Sena heard the door to the bathroom creak open. Michael emerged, now dressed in his own clothes, looking more like the rugged, capable man he was before.

But there was something different about him now—a quiet sense of ease that hadn’t been there when he first arrived. It was as if the warmth of her home, the food, and the care she had shown him had softened the edges of whatever burden he carried.

“I should go now,” Michael said, his voice low.

Sena turned to face him, a pang of something bittersweet tugging at her heart. She didn’t want him to leave, but she knew he had his own path to follow.

“Take care of yourself,” she said softly, walking him to the door.

Michael paused at the threshold, looking back at her. “I’ll repay you someday, Sena. I promise.”

Sena smiled, shaking her head. “Just stay safe. That’s all the repayment I need.”

With one last, lingering glance, Michael nodded and stepped out into the world beyond, the door closing softly behind him.

Sena stood there for a moment, her hand resting on the doorknob, feeling the quiet emptiness settle around her.

For some reason, she had a feeling that this wouldn’t be the last time she saw him.



  1. spooky says:

    Omg I love this. Thank you for the great translation! 🫶

    1. Noor says:

      awwwww❤ thanks for raising my spirits….

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