The Duke and Duchess' Divorce Circumstances

CHAPTER 026: Title award ceremony

On the day of the title award ceremony.

After completing all the preparations, all that was left was to finally put on the Marin’s Web.

Because her necklace itself was so gorgeous, Ray’s dress ended up fitting only her body without any modifications to her basic design.

“The master has come out.”

Wilpoff announced that Ramiel’s preparations were complete. When Ray turned around, she saw Ramiel fully decked out in a dark blue uniform.

‘Isn’t Ramiel supposed to wear Marin’s web?’

It was an appearance that made her think like this.

As Ramiel dressed up with determination, it seemed like one could get a glimpse of the shock the nobles felt when this man first appeared in society. Even she, who was by his side every day, had her mouth hanging open, so people must have been shocked when they saw him for the first time.

Ramiel walked past Ray, who had her mouth open, and placed his hand on Marin’s web armoire. At his touch, the glass of the display case disappeared, revealing an empty display case.

With familiar movements, he pushed the side of the cabinet and pressed the small button inside. Then the back side lifted up, revealing the real Marin’s web inside.

It was a cabinet designed to be opened only by Duke Ruivan. He was also able to remove and remove the necklace seam.

“Ray, come closer.”

At Ramiel’s call, Ray came out of her dazed state, closed her open mouth, and walked closer.

Ramiel casually picked up the enormous item called 180 Robe and hung it around Ray’s neck, as if he were touching a pen to sign a document.

‘It costs 180 billion robes!’

It was a piece that Ray had only looked at but had never worn for several days. It was because she didn’t take it out easily for security reasons.

She thought it would be heavy since it was made by combining jewels with jewels, but she could barely feel the weight.

“Why is it so light? Are the jewels fake?”

“That’s because it used light magic.”

Wilpoff responded to Ray’s words.

Numerous jewels, strengthening magic, and light magic. It was a strange accessory if it wasn’t expensive.

“Rael, how is it? Does it go well with the dress?”

“Yes. It suits Ray very well. I guess it’s because they’re the same color as your eyes.”

She asked lightly, thinking she wouldn’t get an answer.

She knew very well that Ramiel’s smile was just for show. She also knew that this was a line that tells people around them to listen.

Nevertheless, Ray’s heart trembled mercilessly as Ramiel spoke with a smile.

* * *

When Ruivan and his wife appeared in the banquet hall with their arms folded, the crowd became quiet as if water had been poured on them. Regardless of Ramiel’s stunning beauty, they couldn’t help but focus their gaze on the person next to him.

When you enter the famous jewelry store ‘Marge’, there was a display case in front of you, and inside it was Marin’s Spider Web. It was the symbol of the store and the first thing that caught the eyes of people who entered.

When Marin’s spider web was not visible, people wondered if it had actually been sold. She thought there was probably something that needed repairing and that it was being repaired.

Some of them, who had heard rumors about Madame Ruivan, asked Marge, a jewelry store owner and designer, about her whereabouts, but she only answered with a smile and no words, which only heightened their curiosity.

Could it be that Ruivan really bought that? Those who had said that such a thing wouldn’t happen because there was a Marin’s web on the witch’s neck, and that the woman’s bluff was disgusting, had to cover their mouths when they saw that the necklace was attached to Ray’s body and not to the glass wall with several anti-theft magics.

“Long time no see, Duke Ruivan.”

Duke Olin was the first to break the silence, coming closer and shaking hands.

“Yes. Long time no see.”

Ramiel smiled brightly and shook hands. Starting with the two people saying hello, the atmosphere relaxed and a formal conversation began here and there where they greeted each other and asked how they were doing.

Everyone pretended to be calm, but everyone was forcing themselves to stop looking at Ray’s necklace next to Ramiel.

It was the last pitiful pride of the nobles. No matter how much of a Ruivan she was, they still felt like they didn’t want to say anything flattering to that witch.

This was especially true because Duke Olin had heard from his daughter that Ray Alexis was so condescending at the tea party that it made his bones hurt.

They didn’t even like the fact that she was standing upright and not intimidated by the subject of being a woman from a rich family who was visiting the imperial family for the first time, and that she was wearing that huge necklace smoothly as if it was something she had always worn.

Above all, he was most dissatisfied with the fact that his daughter did not become Duchess Ruivan. This would have been a matter of regret and dissatisfaction for everyone.

Some even speculated that she would soon divorce after Ramiel marries a random person in order to officially receive her title. The fact that he visited her villa was just a rumor, and it was quite specific, saying that he was buying time to avoid marriage through a fake engagement until the dukedom was somewhat stable.

Considering that Ramiel had shown a lukewarm response to the story of her marriage, this was a fairly credible rumor.

It was said that the remarriage law would be revised soon, so it could be a way to aim for the time when Duke Ruivan ended his false marriage. So, they endured the awkwardness and approached him first to say hello.

“Hmm, is this alcohol?”

“It’s okay to drink. So drink in moderation.”

What was that respect? Was the Duke of Ruivandalieu speaking condescendingly to Ray Alexis, to his own wife?

“Oh, somehow. He said he felt a little offended.”

After saying this, Ray whispered something softly in Ramiel’s ear, and he smiled brightly, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. People who were hypothesizing divorce were taken aback by the appearance of a good couple.

“I will be standing in front of His Majesty the Crown Prince, so I need to drink a lot. Ramiel, put your hand on my shoulder and smile brightly while pretending to be friendly. Everyone is looking this way.”

Before Ray could finish her cute speech, Ramiel sweetly posed for her.

“I know. I wanted to show you around here.”

It was something that had been agreed upon in advance in the carriage. She had decided to stay as close to him as possible today and even hug him if necessary.

The imperial family invited Ramiel and held a banquet. At the same time as giving her the official title of Duke, she intended to create a space for the two people to be known in front of many people.

The intention was clearly visible to show the world that the Ruivan family was an imperial line just by lending a banquet hall. Therefore, the venue for the banquet was also the garden of the Prince’s Palace.

In the middle of the garden, there is a white building, ‘Beze’, named after the crown prince. After the emperor became ill, annual imperial banquets and important parties were usually held here.

“Your Royal Highness Prince Parvese and Princess Renois are here.”

At the announcement of the prince and his wife’s entrance, people put down their glasses on the table and emptied the space in the middle in front of the door.

Putting down the glass was a form of courtesy shown to the host of the banquet. It didn’t matter if the host was present from the beginning, but when he appeared later, like now, he wanted to empty his hands and applaud.

This was done when the banquet was large, and it meant thanking them for hosting a party like this. Leaving the space in front of the door empty like now was an added courtesy for the royal family.

As the large door opened to reveal the prince and his wife, the women slightly bent their knees and the men placed a hand on their chest and bowed their heads.

“Gong, is that real?”

As soon as the prince entered the banquet hall, she left everyone’s greetings behind and approached Ramiel and asked.

“Is this why you did it?”

The words they uttered before greeting or even acknowledging the people who came to the banquet out of courtesy were words that the people around me had no idea about.

What on earth were ‘this’ and ‘that’?

However, the person in question answered as if he understood right away.


“Marin’s Web, the ball you bought for your wife?”

The question that everyone else had shoved down their throats came out of the prince’s mouth.

In response to Parvese’s question, Ramiel lightly wrapped his arms around Ray’s waist.


Renua looked at Ray Alexis closely with a small expression of admiration after seeing Ramiel’s actions.

She had only recently appeared in this society, and I knew that she was the daughter of an emerging noble family with no title and no special features that made her stand out.

She knew that she had a beautiful appearance, but the rumors surrounding her didn’t seem to be very good, and for some reason the combination was interesting, and the same was true for the crown prince and his wife.

“Rael, it’s in front of Your Highness.”

Ray whispered softly into Ramiel’s ear, as if admonishing her, and slightly twisted her body as if she were embarrassed. Even with her small movements, Marin’s web shone brightly like the sea bathed in sunlight.

Ramiel, who was not very impressed with the jewel she ate from one of the mines, thought for a moment that the sparkling jewel hanging around Ray’s neck was pretty for the first time.


Her breasts fluttered as Ray took a small breath.

“I was looking for a piece of jewelry that wouldn’t be buried with my wife, and this led me to this.”

If someone else had said something like this, Ray would have said don’t be disgusting and would have waved her fist, whether in front of the Crown Prince and his wife or in front of her Emperor. But the person she was speaking to was a man with a face that made these greasy, cringe-worthy remarks sound worldlessly sweet.


A breath of disbelief came out of Parvese’s mouth. Le Noir softly burst out laughing at the naked expression of “What did I just hear?”

“Congratulations on your wedding.”

Parvese left a congratulatory message and moved to the center of the stage with Le Noir.

“The question you just asked was because of His Majesty the Crown Prince, did you sell the mine because of Marin’s web?”

Ramiel nodded her head slightly in response to Ray’s question.

How would she feel seeing someone else wearing the best necklace she had never thought of in the first place?

Of course, she gave up her necklace and instead acquired a valuable mine at a price lower than her market price. Since she was a businesswoman, she might not be impressed by this sight.

“Ray, you are not nervous and act well in front of the prince. Is it thanks to Kreha’s training?”

“Oh, I see. It looks like Sir Kreha’s training is working. I assigned you to be in charge of Poeng today, and I suddenly feel sorry.”

Ramiel laughed at the spirit of the lady who designated the knight commander as the person in charge of taking care of her dog.

“I guess it’s because the only person in Ruivan who feels at ease is Sir Kreha. Even though I know he’s the leader, he’s the only person I can ask for.”

“Are you feeling at ease?”

Ray grinned with a slightly bitter expression in response to Ramiel’s question.

“Well, what can I say. In Ruivan, after. Do you think he’s someone who treats me sincerely?”

“…I’m serious.”

That was correct. Butlers and administrators who know the truth about contract marriage serve Madame on the surface, and the others are just extreme because they are ‘Madams who are desperate for their masters.’ Ray is a quick-witted woman, so she knew this right away.

“I drank it a while ago, ugh. Maybe the alcohol content was a bit higher than I thought.”

It was a fact that Ramiel also knew, but for some reason she felt a little strange. It got on her nerves because Ray’s words about her being the only person he treated sincerely made her sound like she only trusted Kreha.

“Ah, Rael. I guess they’re going to award you a title now.”

Ray said, gently patting his arm where he had his arm crossed over hers.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes? What?”

“I heard you seem to be getting drunk.”

It was a small self-talk that could not be heard unless we were talking face to face. This was proof that Ramiel was truly interested in Ray Alexis.

Ray smiled and gently rested her head on his shoulder.

“Well, actually, I’ve been feeling a little sick since a while ago.”

Because of her corset, she couldn’t eat much, and seeing how bloated her stomach made her feel nervous, it was clear that the aperitif she had sipped was quite high in alcohol.

“I guess I was nervous because I didn’t tremble in front of the prince and did well.”

This was her first time meeting the royal family up close.

She was nervous, but the crown prince approached her in a much friendlier manner than she expected, so she didn’t even realize she was meeting a member of the royal family.

“Gong, is that real?”

Her friend’s tone and expression seemed to say, ‘Hey, did you really do that?’, so I guess I relaxed without realizing it. Rather, it felt like the force of the crown princess next to me was even more powerful.

“…hmm. That’s right. Phew. I was nervous. As expected, I’m a bit nervous about getting married in front of the crown prince and his wife.”

“Ray, are you nervous?”

“I never thought I would get married in front of the imperial family.”

“Even though it was something you thought about and did?”

“I didn’t expect to be nervous because it didn’t seem like a big deal at the time.”

If the news of the two people’s marriage became known, not only the Ruivan family but also the Leanello family would be quite surprised.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Ruivan and his wife’s marriage had been decided the night before.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on August, 10.

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