The Duke and Duchess' Divorce Circumstances

CHAPTER 013: A dress and a sword

“Oh my, where are we?”


It wasn’t just one of the mansion’s countless rooms, but the outside. As soon as you open the door, it’s not straight outside, but it’s a short passage where you have to walk about ten steps to get completely outside.


‘No for any reason, it was bigger and heavier than any other door.’


Yesterday, the butler explained that there were a couple of doors leading to the training hall, and this seemed to be one of them.


Beyond that was a wide open field, where several men were tangled together. It seemed like the door was left unlocked due to training.




Among those training, there was one person who definitely stood out. The only one who shines as if he has a halo, avoiding all the flying dust by himself.




He was swinging his sword at Kreha from what appeared to be the head of the training hall. The sight of the two sparring was truly spectacular, like a sword dance from an art film.


The knights were casting their gazes on the two even in the midst of their arduous training at the rare sight of the strongest swordsmen demonstrating difficult and arduous swordsmanship that was not commonly seen. However, since Ray had no knowledge of martial arts nor was a martial artist, she could not tell how many techniques were being used in the sparring between the two people in front of him. It was also her first time seeing someone actually fighting with a sword, so it didn’t feel realistic. However, when she saw the two handsome men clashing swords, she felt her eyes brighten as if she had just taken lutein.


‘Rael, ah, this is not it. It would have been better if Ramiel had also taken off his top like Kreha. Well, can’t I look closer?’


Ray moved her steps closer to the training ground. She walked out of the passageway to a nearby tree and gasped at the sight of the two people up close. Ramiel’s clothes were soaked with sweat and stuck to his body, giving off a very sexy look. On the other hand, Kreha’s upper body muscles, which had taken off his shirt, seemed to burst every time he moved.


“Sigh. Life without electronic devices was also good.”


She was really fortunate to have good eyesight. If she had been addicted to her smartphone and looked at it from the time she woke up in the morning until just before she closed her eyes in the evening like in Korea, she would not have been able to see this clearly!


‘It’s rewarding to come back.’


Back in the original world, life without electronic devices was suffocatingly uncomfortable, but she felt like she had finally discovered my own strengths.




Ray, who was blankly watching the two people sparring, suddenly looked puzzled.


“That’s weird. No matter how you look at it, it looks like Kreha is being pushed out.”


Was he being considerate with his master? Because other knights have eyes too.


‘But is sword sparring really that bloody? Even though I don’t know anything, it seems like it only ends when someone dies.’


As Ray was thinking to herself, she saw Kreha, who was on the defensive, flashing his eyes and grinning.


“That superfacialist guy, is he smiling now?”


She saw a lot of cases like that in Korea. Wasn’t that the look in the eyes of the slightly rounded, sexy female lead and the male lead when he was punishing bad guys? Why wasn’t this place in Korea at this moment?


‘It’s crazy. Golden guest, please come quickly and serialize this.’


The moment when Ray wishes for the impossible.




The sword, which broke into pieces with a sharp sound, flew towards Ray.


There was absolutely no way Ramiel would be shaken or embarrassed by a broken sword or something. This was a fact that Kreha knew better than anyone else. None of Ramiel’s associates may know this, but this was the point where Kreha felt a sense of kinship with Ramiel. The more you are on the defensive, the more you fall into madness. However, there was surprise in Ramiel’s eyes for a moment.


‘He could never be like this.’


Moreover, instead of fighting back, he stopped moving and even threw the broken sword to the floor. Kreha seemed to have forgotten his sparring and looked back, following Ramiel’s gaze, wondering what was going on. Near the tree near the entrance to the training ground, Ray blinked and froze.


‘Why did she come here?’


“It doesn’t look like you’re hurt…”


When she looked closely at Ramiel’s words, she saw that the broken sword blade stuck right in front of her feet. It was a narrow miss. If Ray had bent her body even a little or stepped forward even an inch further, the broken sword would have been lodged in her body. The knights who saw the two people suddenly stop moving also followed their gaze.


“You are Madam, right?”


The knights started to murmur at the sound of someone making a small noise, and Ray jumped over the broken sword and quickly ran towards the two people.


“Ray, what’s going on here…”


“Are you okay?”


As if cutting off Ramiel’s words wasn’t enough, she circled around him.


“Aren’t you injured somewhere?”


Ray examined every inch of Ramiel’s body with her careful gaze.


“I’m fine.”


It wasn’t until Ramiel said it was okay that Ray’s expression relaxed.


“What if you treat people so badly!”


“Yes, yes? Me?”


Kreha, who was suddenly criticized by Ray, asked, pointing at himself with his palm with a puzzled look on his face.


“Then who else is there besides you? What are you going to do if he get hurt?”


The words that poured out of Ray’s mouth shocked the two men next to her.


Kreha was embarrassed.


‘How crazy is this? Hello, your husband will never hurt anyone on this continent.’


And didn’t she see his sparring? It wasn’t he who was strangling him by pushing Kreha to death, it was Ramiel! Of course, he didn’t say these words out loud. Even though he lived a fearless life, he at least knew what to say and what not to say. This was a truth he learned when he was running a mercenary group before. The heavier his mouth, the better.


“…Is Ray okay? Ray would have been surprised.”


Ramiel asked. It was even a soft voice.


She thought he was going to growl at her for interfering with his training, but seeing him act so friendly, perhaps because there were people around them, made her applaud inwardly.


‘The knights who are far away won’t be able to hear you anyway, but you are acting perfectly!’


Even though Ramiel was the opposite of ‘kindness’, he seemed genuinely kind at this moment.


“I have good quick wits, so it’s okay.”


What kind of bullshit was that? Kreha held back the words that were about to jump out of his mouth and swallowed them.


“If you moved even one step, you would have been seriously injured.”


At Ramiel’s words, Ray began checking various parts of her body.


“Uh? It’s true. The skirt was torn.”


Ramiel was astonished after hearing Ray’s words. Her presence was so weak that he didn’t even know she was here. He had thought about it before, but she was small and weak, and no matter how hard she tried to attack him, she wouldn’t hit him at all, she was like a small animal. That woman, after seeing the sparring between him and Kreha, seemed to think that he was being pushed back just because his sword was broken. It seemed she had no knowledge or vision in this area. The woman who was truly ‘harmless’ to him was actually worried about him. As she cornered Kreha with a heartfelt look in her eyes. Ray even put Ramiel behind her, as if trying to protect him, and naturally stood about half a step ahead, as if confronting Kreha. It was a ‘protection’ that Ramiel had never experienced in his life. His mother, who gave birth to him, only stood behind her young child, and she never took the initiative to protect him.


‘Is this also one of the couple’s acting?’


However, it was a movement that flowed too naturally to be considered acting.


─Our Rael.


It’s completely different from nicknames that seem forced and extremely awkward.


“Sir, take away my dress.”




“This happened because Sir broke Rael’s sword. The cause provider must compensate.”


“What kind of nonsense is that? Ramiel was the one who pushed me to the point where the sword broke. Did he really almost die?”


The knight commander was a perk or a civilian. Ray was about to say something that would make Ramiel laugh out loud if he heard it, but her voice rang out.


“Today’s training ends like this. Disband.”


The knights looked as if they had survived the order to disperse. The training that Ramiel participated in was literally hell itself. They had been eating so terribly all day that when the training was over, they felt like their lives were at stake, as if they had just fought a war. However, due to the unexpected intrusion of his wife, all evening training was canceled.


Ray was the savior of the Louisan knights at this moment.


“Let’s go in. Ray, have you had dinner yet?”


“No, I’m planning to eat now.”


Seeing the two people leaving the training ground looking like a real married couple, the knights cheered and Kreha exclaimed in astonishment.


“Oh, that’s gross. When did they come up with nicknames?”


He shook his head.


* * *


As soon as they entered the mansion, Willpoff greeted them. It seemed like he was wandering around the mansion looking for Ray the whole time.


“Were you with your master?”


Ray nodded her head in response to the butler’s question. There were four maids behind the butler, so it was now a public appearance. Ray took a quick look at Ramiel and spoke.


“I’m going to have dinner with Rael, so please quickly prepare this person’s bath, butler.”


Willpoff flinched internally at Ray’s name and looked at Ramiel’s expression. Even though Ramiel was right next to her, Ray called him ‘Rael’. However, the person who heard those words did not seem to mind. None of surprise, embarrassment, displeasure, puzzlement, or absurdity seemed to apply.


‘Do you really mean that ridiculous title was mutually agreed upon?’


“Rael, we have plans for tomorrow. You know, right? We need to start talking about each other.”


Before the butler persistently forced him to study, Ray returned to her original goal of ‘making a schedule’. She stood with her back to Willoff across from her, looked at Ramiel’s face, and opened her mouth without making a sound.


Total. Approximately. Gold.


“Oh, that.”


“Tell me it’s tomorrow. Please, please!”


Ray begged, whispering so Willpoff couldn’t hear. It looked like Ruivan’s butler had been bullying his temporary wife quite a bit today. It was strangely amusing to see Ray, who was so courageous to Ruivan’s master, not be able to do anything to his butler.


There was something about Ray that made him smile strangely from the first time he met her. These were situations where he might laugh without knowing what it was, rather than laughing at something.


“I’m going to the dining hall first. I’ll see you there soon.”


Saying that, Ramiel disappeared into the room with the butler.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released tomorrow.

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