The Dragon's Obsession with Water is Difficult

TDOWD | Episode 60

Episode 60

What is it about the power of love that drives people to such extremes?

Desar, who had so loyally served the Drenihan family, ultimately had to witness its downfall at Jenna’s hands. I wouldn’t let that happen this time, but it was still remarkable to see such genuine devotion.

‘Well, watching men blinded by love was entertaining, after all.’

The male leads who would stop at nothing for Jenna, who flirted with a decadent charm, and who fought fiercely to win her over—how delicious it all was.

‘Though the ending ruined everything.’

As I was lost in these thoughts, the carriage gradually slowed to a stop.

I took Desar’s hand as he helped me out of the carriage, and there, by the fountain, was a familiar face.

“Greetings, Your Highness Theodore.”

“Thank you for coming all this way. Shall we head inside?”

I walked with him into the Imperial Palace.


“Did you see the faces of the assassins?”

“They were wearing black masks, so I only saw their eyes. I remember that their eyes were brown,” I answered the investigator’s question, recalling the events of that night.

The sudden transportation from the terrace to the forest could be explained as a teleportation spell, but there were other peculiarities that might come up.

“It’s strange that the assassins vanished without a trace,” the investigator mused.

His comment made my heart skip a beat, but I kept my composure.

“It was terrifying. I haven’t been able to sleep properly since. I really hope you can catch them soon, Investigator,” I said, my voice trembling slightly as I added a touch of tears to my act.

Of course, those assassins had turned to black ash, but that wasn’t something I could reveal.

Seeing me on the verge of tears, the investigator quickly nodded, promising to do his best.

After a few more routine questions, the testimony session ended rather quickly.

“You must have been through a lot. Losing sleep over it, even,” Theodore remarked, noticing the remnants of tears on my face as I nodded.

“Would you prefer not to see the criminals before you leave?”

Those four were currently imprisoned in the underground dungeons.

“I’d rather not see their faces. I still have nightmares… I think it would just bring back the trauma,” I said, maintaining the facade of a delicate young lady.

It would be foolish to confront them now and risk exposing the truth about the dark magic.

As Theodore gazed down at me, his voice dropped to a soothing tone.

“Don’t worry. You’ll never have to see them again.”

Wait, does that mean they’ve been sentenced to life imprisonment?

“I hope that’s true…”

I responded softly, grateful that I wouldn’t have to face them again.

I smiled inwardly as I spoke.

“Recalling unpleasant memories during the investigation must have been difficult for you. Would you care for a short walk in the garden to clear your mind?”

A walk, huh? Considering that Theodore was handling my case, it wouldn’t hurt to spend a little time with him.

“All right, let’s do that.”

Theodore led me to a small garden behind the prince’s palace.

I liked that it was a quiet place with not many people around.

And this garden…

‘This is where I first met Theodore in the Imperial City.’

It had only been a day, but as children, we had run around this garden, playing without a care.

I wasn’t sure if Theodore brought me here intentionally or if it was just a place he visited often.

‘Some of those childhood memories are coming back now.’

Yes, under that large tree, Theodore had been lying down, having escaped his lessons, while I wandered the garden, lost and looking for my father.

[Hey, do you know where we are?]

Not realizing he was a prince, I had nudged the sleeping Theodore and asked him that.

Theodore chuckled as he looked at the same tree.

“Why are you laughing?” I asked.

“Oh, sorry. I just remembered something funny,” he said, pointing to the tree.

“I once fell asleep under that tree as a child, and someone poked me awake. Through my sleepy eyes, I saw a girl who looked like she was about to cry.”

“…I’m sorry.”

My apology only made Theodore laugh louder.

“No need to apologize. The memory of running around this garden with you until Serkhan came to find you is actually a fond one for me.”


“Looking back, that was probably the only day I truly laughed as a child.”

Theodore, the son of Empress Freya, who lived quietly and unobtrusively due to her lowly status, had always been compared to the Crown Prince. He was subjected to subtle disdain and was denied the education required for someone who might one day aspire to the throne.

In the original story, his desire for the throne might have stemmed from the lack of love and validation he experienced in his childhood.

Just as I was feeling a pang of sympathy for the villain’s tragic past, a melodious voice called out from behind us.

“Well, if it isn’t Lady Drenihan.”

Theodore and I turned to see who it was…

“Greetings, Your Highness the Crown Prince,” I said, bowing to Lucion.

He smiled warmly as he greeted me.

“What brings you to the Imperial City? And with my brother, no less.”

“I was here to provide testimony regarding the recent assassination attempt.”

“Ah, that incident… I’ve heard about it. Rest assured, the royal family will ensure those responsible are severely punished, so you have nothing to worry about.”

He then added with a hint of reproach.

“But… it seems you visit the Imperial City as my brother’s guest, rather than mine.”

His words made me inwardly wince.

Just a few days ago, I had received an invitation from the Crown Prince himself. Ever since the gladiatorial tournament, his growing interest in me had made me uncomfortable, and I had declined with polite excuses, feeling the need to keep my distance.

‘I didn’t expect to run into him like this.’

The Imperial City was vast, and yet the Crown Prince had found his way to this small garden. It felt suspiciously deliberate.

And it seemed Theodore had noticed as well.

“I wasn’t aware you frequented Daisy Garden, brother.”

“Oh, I took a wrong turn and stumbled upon it by accident. I had no idea such an unimpressive garden existed in the Imperial City.”


What was this atmosphere?

It felt like a cold wind was blowing through, even though the garden was sheltered.

I knew the two brothers didn’t get along, but to see them glaring at each other so openly…

I felt like a shrimp caught between two fighting whales.

The tense standoff only ended when Lucion’s aide whispered something urgent in his ear, prompting him to nod and turn to me.

“Next time, please do accept my invitation, Lady Drenihan. I’ll be waiting.”

No, please don’t wait. Just leave.

“Until then,”

He said with a smile before exiting Daisy Garden.

Theodore watched his brother’s retreating figure with an intensity that could have cut through steel, but he snapped back to attention when I let out a small sneeze.

He quickly softened his expression and said, “It seems we’ve been outside too long in this cold weather. Allow me to escort you back to your carriage.”

As we reached the front gate, Theodore closed the door of the carriage for me but paused to offer some advice.

“Be wary of my brother, the Crown Prince. He… your mother….”

He trailed off, as if realizing he had said too much, leaving me staring at him in confusion.

“My mother?” I asked.

But Theodore only shook his head with a faint smile.

“Never mind. I’ll explain later when things are more certain. Just remember my warning.”

With that, he closed the carriage door.

I sat back, puzzled, and glanced at Desar, who was seated across from me.

“What was he trying to say?”

It wasn’t the first time someone had hinted at secrets regarding my mother.

[If it weren’t for that incident, Sionna wouldn’t have had to leave you behind as a baby and go to the heavens.]

All the truths about my mother seemed shrouded in mystery.

What were they all hiding from me?

* * *

A week after I had placed the request with Queensbury, I found myself hastily heading to the Grand Duke’s estate.

A white dove, which Raven used as a means of communication with his clients, had come to me. Tied to its leg was a small note with a single, concise sentence:

**[The task is complete.]**

I knew exactly what that meant.

As soon as I arrived at the Grand Duke’s estate, Ludwig was there to greet me.

“Ludwig, I received a message from Raven.”

“I’ll take you to him,” he said, leading me to the drawing room.

Unlike last time, the room was not just occupied by Raven but also by two other individuals whom I had never seen before.

“You’ve arrived,” Raven said, rising from his seat to greet me.

“These are some of Queensbury’s informants. The others who aren’t here are currently keeping an eye on Robert.”

“Keeping an eye on Robert?” I asked, my heart racing.

Raven’s face brightened with a pleased expression.

“We’ve found him, my lady.”


“We’ve discovered Robert’s location.”

Finally, we had found him.



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