The Dragon's Obsession with Water is Difficult

TDOWD | Episode 42

Episode 42

“…The young master’s guest? This young lady?”

Rachel looked back and forth between Ludwig and me with wide eyes, then soon bowed to me politely.

“I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you. Please forgive this old woman’s rudeness, miss.”

Her deep bow of apology made me feel embarrassed.

“Oh, no. It’s only natural to be surprised to see someone in a restricted area for the first time.”

“Thank you for understanding. A beautiful young lady with a kind heart too.”

“Sierra, this is my nanny who has taken care of me since I was young.”

“Please, just call me Rachel.”

After Ludwig’s mother, Lady Chalmay, passed away, Rachel had practically raised Ludwig on her own.

Her pointed glasses made her look stern, but the curiosity in her aged eyes was like that of a child’s.

Rachel showed great interest in me.

“Which family are you from? Seeing the young master with a young lady, I must be close to my time.”

“I apologize for the late introduction. I’m Sierra Drenihan. I’m from the Drenihan Duchy.”

“Oh my, the Drenihan Duchy? I still haven’t forgotten the kindness I received from Thergon Drenihan, and now I meet his descendant.”

She mentioned my grandfather with surprise.

The Guardian Sword Thergon Drenihan. He left a strong impression on people of her age, almost like a hero.

Fifty years ago, the empire faced a severe drought, with no rain for over a month.

With crops withering and the nation in distress, the young head of the Drenihan family, Thergon Drenihan, stepped forward.

Using miraculous power, he made it rain across the nation, saving the empire from the brink of disaster and becoming a hero.

Even after that, minor droughts continued to occur, but they were mitigated thanks to Thergon.

He wielded considerable influence, almost to the point of deification in the past.

“Yes, he’s my grandfather.”

“Oh my… I didn’t recognize such an important person.”

Rachel, with a bright expression, held both of my hands.

“Our young master may seem stern on the outside, but he has a warm heart. And he’s so handsome too. Undoubtedly the finest man in the empire.”


Despite Ludwig calling her name with a hand on his forehead, she continued.

“Power, wealth, appearance, ability. Our young master has it all, so you won’t regret your choice, miss.”

“Um, Rachel, I think there’s been a misunderstanding. I’m not in a relationship with Ludwig.”


Rachel adjusted her glasses and looked back and forth between the two of us at my words.

“You call each other by name and visit each other’s houses… but you aren’t in a relationship?”

When I nodded with an awkward smile, she spoke in a disappointed tone.

“Still, life is long. Hearts can change as time goes by. That’s what I’ve learned from living. Feelings you never expected can suddenly appear.”

She seemed eager to find a good match for Ludwig, who was at the prime age for marriage.

“Young master, you promised to show me your wedding before I die. You haven’t forgotten that promise to your nanny, have you?”

“Oh, I haven’t forgotten.”

Ludwig getting married?

It was a word that didn’t quite suit him.

In the original story, he had no significant desire for marriage.

He ultimately didn’t marry.

Yet, it seemed he had made a promise to Rachel, one he couldn’t keep.

“But why is there so much dust on your clothes, miss?”

Rachel said, looking at my clothes.

“Oh my, did you perhaps roll on the ground somewhere?”

“I didn’t roll on the ground, but…”

It seemed the dust from the secret passage had clung to me.

It wasn’t noticeable unless you looked closely, but it seemed to bother Rachel’s sharp eyes.

“Hold on, I’ll bring you a change of clothes. Even if it doesn’t fit perfectly, it’ll be better than dusty clothes.”

Rachel said as she turned around.

“I’ll be back quickly… Oh, oh…?”


Before I could even reach out to catch her, she suddenly collapsed.

She lost consciousness and fell to the floor.


* * *

Ludwig immediately carried Rachel to the physician.

Fortunately, there was nothing seriously wrong with her; she was diagnosed with anemia and was now lying in bed to rest.

I gently held her wrinkled hand and thought,

‘This isn’t just anemia.’

It’s the rare illness that comes with old age, ‘Kionel.’

One of its main symptoms is losing consciousness unexpectedly, regardless of time or place.

In the original story, Rachel developed this illness after going to the west for convalescence, but it seems it had already progressed.

Kionel isn’t a problem if treated with medication in its early stages.

But if it progresses for a year, the medication no longer works, making it a dangerous condition.

“Has she had episodes of suddenly collapsing like this before?”

“At least in front of me, this is the first time. But the physician mentioned there have been a few occurrences before.”

Ludwig said, his face shadowed with concern.

She must have been hiding it from him all this time.

Rachel was supposed to leave for convalescence early next year.

If the illness had already progressed, she wouldn’t be able to hide it much longer by then.

‘She knew and left anyway.’

In a condition where there was nothing more to be done, she chose not to burden Ludwig and went away for convalescence alone.

And in a quiet house by the western sea, she passed away alone…

At that moment, Ludwig’s lieutenant approached him and whispered something.

Ludwig nodded and told me he’d be back soon, then left the room.

Desar was still standing guard outside the door, and now it was just me and Rachel in the room.

I could hear her steady breathing.

Even though we had just met, she reminded me of someone.

My parents, who used to argue over who would take me, always left me outside alone.

I would sit in a corner on the sidewalk, not wanting to hear their fighting.

There was someone who approached me and extended a hand back then.

[Why are you alone?]

It was the head of the orphanage nearby.

She taught me what warmth and affection were, and Rachel reminded me so much of her.

That’s why I felt a strange sense of comfort around her.

I suddenly felt her hand move.

Rachel was waking up.

“Rachel! Are you awake?”


“Don’t try to get up. You need to rest.”

She tried to sit up, but I gently stopped her, and she lay back down.

“I’m sorry to show you such a sight. The young master finally brought a guest…”

“It’s okay. Really, don’t worry about it.”

Rachel looked at the ceiling for a moment, then turned to me and smiled.

“You know, I think I understand why the young master likes you.”

“Ludwig likes me…?”

“Maybe it’s because I’ve lived so long, but I can see it all. Whether it’s affection, friendship, or something else, the young master likes you a lot.”


Rachel’s words made me think.

‘I like Ludwig too.’

He’s a good person and often helps me.

We decided to call the affection we had for each other friendship.

“The young master lost his mother at a young age and looked terrible for a long time. Even the servants avoided him. His intense gaze back then is something I’ll never forget.”

She closed her eyes as if reminiscing about the past.

“I volunteered to be his nanny for his late mother, and over the years, I was able to break down his walls a little. I never imagined someone who could get closer to him than I did would ever appear.”

I could feel the warmth from her hand.

“Thank you for being by his side, in any sense. I can see your kind heart, miss.”

She truly cared for Ludwig.

It might have started as a duty, but over time, genuine affection had developed.

Just then, Ludwig entered the room.

“Rachel, you’re awake? I’ll go get the physician.”

“Oh, young master, you’re making a fuss. At my age, it’s normal to collapse sometimes.”

“No, Rachel. Let’s get a thorough examination.”

Holding her hand to stop her from refusing, I said,

“Anemia can be dangerous if it continues. It’s best to find out the exact cause.”


Looking into her eyes, I spoke sincerely.

“Ludwig still needs you, Rachel. Please don’t give up.”

Rachel’s eyes widened at my final words.


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